13 research outputs found

    Advanced Sensing, Fault Diagnostics, and Structural Health Management

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    Advanced sensing, fault diagnosis, and structural health management are important parts of the maintenance strategy of modern industries. With the advancement of science and technology, modern structural and mechanical systems are becoming more and more complex. Due to the continuous nature of operation and utilization, modern systems are heavily susceptible to faults. Hence, the operational reliability and safety of the systems can be greatly enhanced by using the multifaced strategy of designing novel sensing technologies and advanced intelligent algorithms and constructing modern data acquisition systems and structural health monitoring techniques. As a result, this research domain has been receiving a significant amount of attention from researchers in recent years. Furthermore, the research findings have been successfully applied in a wide range of fields such as aerospace, manufacturing, transportation and processes

    Enhancing and Combining a Recent K-means Family of Algorithms for Better Results

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    Clustering is widely used to explore and understand large collections of data. K-means clustering method is one of the most popular approaches due to its ease of use and simplicity to implement. In this thesis, the researcher introduces Distance-based Initialization Method for K-means clustering algorithm (DIMK-means) which is developed to select carefully a set of centroids that would get high accuracy results compared to the random selection of standard K-means clustering method in choosing initial centroids, which gets low accuracy results. This initialization method is as fast and as simple as the K-means algorithm itself with almost the same low cost, which makes it attractive in practice. The researcher also Introduces Density-based Split- and -Merge K-means clustering Algorithm (DSMK-means) which is developed to address stability problems of K-means clustering, and to improve the performance of clustering when dealing with datasets that contain clusters with different complex shapes and noise or outliers. Based on a set of many experiments, this research concluded that the developed algorithms are more capable to finding high accuracy results compared with other algorithms especially as they can process datasets containing clusters with different shapes, densities, non-linearly separable, or those with outliers and noise. The researcher chose the experiments datasets from artificial and real-world examples off the UCI Machine Learning Repository

    Unsupervised learning methods for identifying and evaluating disease clusters in electronic health records

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    Introduction Clustering algorithms are a class of algorithms that can discover groups of observations in complex data and are often used to identify subtypes of heterogeneous diseases in electronic health records (EHR). Evaluating clustering experiments for biological and clinical significance is a vital but challenging task due to the lack of consensus on best practices. As a result, the translation of findings from clustering experiments to clinical practice is limited. Aim The aim of this thesis was to investigate and evaluate approaches that enable the evaluation of clustering experiments using EHR. Methods We conducted a scoping review of clustering studies in EHR to identify common evaluation approaches. We systematically investigated the performance of the identified approaches using a cohort of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) patients as an exemplar comparing four different clustering methods (K-means, Kernel K-means, Affinity Propagation and Latent Class Analysis.). Using the same population, we developed and evaluated a method (MCHAMMER) that tested whether clusterable structures exist in EHR. To develop this method we tested several cluster validation indexes and methods of generating null data to see which are the best at discovering clusters. In order to enable the robust benchmarking of evaluation approaches, we created a tool that generated synthetic EHR data that contain known cluster labels across a range of clustering scenarios. Results Across 67 EHR clustering studies, the most popular internal evaluation metric was comparing cluster results across multiple algorithms (30% of studies). We examined this approach conducting a clustering experiment on AD patients using a population of 10,065 AD patients and 21 demographic, symptom and comorbidity features. K-means found 5 clusters, Kernel K means found 2 clusters, Affinity propagation found 5 and latent class analysis found 6. K-means 4 was found to have the best clustering solution with the highest silhouette score (0.19) and was more predictive of outcomes. The five clusters found were: typical AD (n=2026), non-typical AD (n=1640), cardiovascular disease cluster (n=686), a cancer cluster (n=1710) and a cluster of mental health issues, smoking and early disease onset (n=1528), which has been found in previous research as well as in the results of other clustering methods. We created a synthetic data generation tool which allows for the generation of realistic EHR clusters that can vary in separation and number of noise variables to alter the difficulty of the clustering problem. We found that decreasing cluster separation did increase cluster difficulty significantly whereas noise variables increased cluster difficulty but not significantly. To develop the tool to assess clusters existence we tested different methods of null dataset generation and cluster validation indices, the best performing null dataset method was the min max method and the best performing indices we Calinksi Harabasz index which had an accuracy of 94%, Davies Bouldin index (97%) silhouette score ( 93%) and BWC index (90%). We further found that when clusters were identified using the Calinski Harabasz index they were more likely to have significantly different outcomes between clusters. Lastly we repeated the initial clustering experiment, comparing 10 different pre-processing methods. The three best performing methods were RBF kernel (2 clusters), MCA (4 clusters) and MCA and PCA (6 clusters). The MCA approach gave the best results highest silhouette score (0.23) and meaningful clusters, producing 4 clusters; heart and circulatory( n=1379), early onset mental health (n=1761), male cluster with memory loss (n = 1823), female with more problem (n=2244). Conclusion We have developed and tested a series of methods and tools to enable the evaluation of EHR clustering experiments. We developed and proposed a novel cluster evaluation metric and provided a tool for benchmarking evaluation approaches in synthetic but realistic EHR

    From condition-specific interactions towards the differential complexome of proteins

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    While capturing the transcriptomic state of a cell is a comparably simple effort with modern sequencing techniques, mapping protein interactomes and complexomes in a sample-specific manner is currently not feasible on a large scale. To understand crucial biological processes, however, knowledge on the physical interplay between proteins can be more interesting than just their mere expression. In this thesis, we present and demonstrate four software tools that unlock the cellular wiring in a condition-specific manner and promise a deeper understanding of what happens upon cell fate transitions. PPIXpress allows to exploit the abundance of existing expression data to generate specific interactomes, which can even consider alternative splicing events when protein isoforms can be related to the presence of causative protein domain interactions of an underlying model. As an addition to this work, we developed the convenient differential analysis tool PPICompare to determine rewiring events and their causes within the inferred interaction networks between grouped samples. Furthermore, we present a new implementation of the combinatorial protein complex prediction algorithm DACO that features a significantly reduced runtime. This improvement facilitates an application of the method for a large number of samples and the resulting sample-specific complexes can ultimately be assessed quantitatively with our novel differential protein complex analysis tool CompleXChange.Das Transkriptom einer Zelle ist mit modernen Sequenzierungstechniken vergleichsweise einfach zu erfassen. Die Ermittlung von Proteininteraktionen und -komplexen wiederum ist in großem Maßstab derzeit nicht möglich. Um wichtige biologische Prozesse zu verstehen, kann das Zusammenspiel von Proteinen jedoch erheblich interessanter sein als deren reine Expression. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir vier Software-Tools vor, die es ermöglichen solche Interaktionen zustandsbezogen zu betrachten und damit ein tieferes Verständnis darüber versprechen, was in der Zelle bei Veränderungen passiert. PPIXpress ermöglicht es vorhandene Expressionsdaten zu nutzen, um die aktiven Interaktionen in einem biologischen Kontext zu ermitteln. Wenn Proteinvarianten mit Interaktionen von Proteindomänen in Verbindung gebracht werden können, kann hierbei sogar alternatives Spleißen berücksichtigen werden. Als Ergänzung dazu haben wir das komfortable Differenzialanalyse-Tool PPICompare entwickelt, welches Veränderungen des Interaktoms und deren Ursachen zwischen gruppierten Proben bestimmen kann. Darüber hinaus stellen wir eine neue Implementierung des Proteinkomplex-Vorhersagealgorithmus DACO vor, die eine deutlich reduzierte Laufzeit aufweist. Diese Verbesserung ermöglicht die Anwendung der Methode auf eine große Anzahl von Proben. Die damit bestimmten probenspezifischen Komplexe können schließlich mit unserem neuartigen Differenzialanalyse-Tool CompleXChange quantitativ bewertet werden

    Cell Type-specific Analysis of Human Interactome and Transcriptome

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    Cells are the fundamental building block of complex tissues in higher-order organisms. These cells take different forms and shapes to perform a broad range of functions. What makes a cell uniquely eligible to perform a task, however, is not well-understood; neither is the defining characteristic that groups similar cells together to constitute a cell type. Even for known cell types, underlying pathways that mediate cell type-specific functionality are not readily available. These functions, in turn, contribute to cell type-specific susceptibility in various disorders

    Active transitivity clustering of large-scale biomedical datasets

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    Clustering is a popular computational approach for partitioning data sets into groups of objects that share common traits. Due to recent advances in wet-lab technology, the amount of available biological data grows exponentially and increasingly poses problems in terms of computational complexity for current clustering approaches. In this thesis, we introduce two novel approaches, TransClustMV and ActiveTransClust, that enable the handling of large scale datasets by reducing the amount of required information drastically by means of exploiting missing values. Furthermore, there exists a plethora of different clustering tools and standards making it very difficult for researchers to choose the correct methods for a given problem. In order to clarify this multifarious field, we developed ClustEval which streamlines the clustering process and enables practitioners conducting large-scale cluster analyses in a standardized and bias-free manner. We conclude the thesis by demonstrating the power of clustering tools and the need for the previously developed methods by conducting real-world analyses. We transferred the regulatory network of E. coli K-12 to pathogenic EHEC organisms based on evolutionary conservation therefore avoiding tedious and potentially dangerous wet-lab experiments. In another example, we identify pathogenicity specific core genomes of actinobacteria in order to identify potential drug targets.Clustering ist ein populärer Ansatz um Datensätze in Gruppen ähnlicher Objekte zu partitionieren. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund der jüngsten Fortschritte in der Labortechnik wächst die Menge der biologischen Daten exponentiell und stellt zunehmend ein Problem für heutige Clusteralgorithmen dar. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit stellen wir zwei neue Ansätze, TransClustMV und ActiveTransClust, vor die auch das Bearbeiten sehr großer Datensätze ermöglichen, indem sie den Umfang der benötigten Informationen drastisch reduzieren da fehlende Werte kompensiert werden können. Allein die schiere Vielfalt der vorhanden Cluster-Methoden und Standards stellt den Anwender darüber hinaus vor das Problem, den am besten geeigneten Algorithmus für das vorliegende Problem zu wählen. ClustEval wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, diese Unübersichtlichkeit zu beseitigen und gleichzeitig die Clusteranalyse zu vereinheitlichen und zu automatisieren um auch aufwendige Clusteranalysen zu realisieren. Abschließend demonstrieren wir die Nützlichkeit von Clustering anhand von realen Anwendungsfällen die darüber hinaus auch den Bedarf der zuvor entwickelten Methoden aufzeigen. Wir haben das genregulatorische Netzwerk von E. coli K-12 ohne langwierige und potentiell gefährliche Laborarbeit auf pathogene EHEC Stämme übertragen. In einem weiteren Beispiel bestimmen wir das pathogenitätsspeziefische „Kerngenom“ von Actinobakterien um potenzielle Angriffspunkte für Medikamente zu identifizieren

    A comparison of the CAR and DAGAR spatial random effects models with an application to diabetics rate estimation in Belgium

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    When hierarchically modelling an epidemiological phenomenon on a finite collection of sites in space, one must always take a latent spatial effect into account in order to capture the correlation structure that links the phenomenon to the territory. In this work, we compare two autoregressive spatial models that can be used for this purpose: the classical CAR model and the more recent DAGAR model. Differently from the former, the latter has a desirable property: its ρ parameter can be naturally interpreted as the average neighbor pair correlation and, in addition, this parameter can be directly estimated when the effect is modelled using a DAGAR rather than a CAR structure. As an application, we model the diabetics rate in Belgium in 2014 and show the adequacy of these models in predicting the response variable when no covariates are available

    A Statistical Approach to the Alignment of fMRI Data

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    Multi-subject functional Magnetic Resonance Image studies are critical. The anatomical and functional structure varies across subjects, so the image alignment is necessary. We define a probabilistic model to describe functional alignment. Imposing a prior distribution, as the matrix Fisher Von Mises distribution, of the orthogonal transformation parameter, the anatomical information is embedded in the estimation of the parameters, i.e., penalizing the combination of spatially distant voxels. Real applications show an improvement in the classification and interpretability of the results compared to various functional alignment methods