31 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Secrecy of Block Ciphered Systems by Deliberate Noise

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    This paper considers the problem of end-end security enhancement by resorting to deliberate noise injected in ciphertexts. The main goal is to generate a degraded wiretap channel in application layer over which Wyner-type secrecy encoding is invoked to deliver additional secure information. More specifically, we study secrecy enhancement of DES block cipher working in cipher feedback model (CFB) when adjustable and intentional noise is introduced into encrypted data in application layer. A verification strategy in exhaustive search step of linear attack is designed to allow Eve to mount a successful attack in the noisy environment. Thus, a controllable wiretap channel is created over multiple frames by taking advantage of errors in Eve's cryptanalysis, whose secrecy capacity is found for the case of known channel states at receivers. As a result, additional secure information can be delivered by performing Wyner type secrecy encoding over super-frames ahead of encryption, namely, our proposed secrecy encoding-then-encryption scheme. These secrecy bits could be taken as symmetric keys for upcoming frames. Numerical results indicate that a sufficiently large secrecy rate can be achieved by selective noise addition.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, journa

    Security Enhanced Symmetric Key Encryption Employing an Integer Code for the Erasure Channel

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    An instance of the framework for cryptographic security enhancement of symmetric-key encryption employing a dedicated error correction encoding is addressed. The main components of the proposal are: (i) a dedicated error correction coding and (ii) the use of a dedicated simulator of the noisy channel. The proposed error correction coding is designed for the binary erasure channel where at most one bit is erased in each codeword byte. The proposed encryption has been evaluated in the traditional scenario where we consider the advantage of an attacker to correctly decide to which of two known messages the given ciphertext corresponds. The evaluation shows that the proposed encryption provides a reduction of the considered attacker’s advantage in comparison with the initial encryption setting. The implementation complexity of the proposed encryption is considered, and it implies a suitable trade-off between increased security and increased implementation complexity

    Achievable secrecy enchancement through joint encryption and privacy amplification

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    In this dissertation we try to achieve secrecy enhancement in communications by resorting to both cryptographic and information theoretic secrecy tools and metrics. Our objective is to unify tools and measures from cryptography community with techniques and metrics from information theory community that are utilized to provide privacy and confidentiality in communication systems. For this purpose we adopt encryption techniques accompanied with privacy amplification tools in order to achieve secrecy goals that are determined based on information theoretic and cryptographic metrics. Every secrecy scheme relies on a certain advantage for legitimate users over adversaries viewed as an asymmetry in the system to deliver the required security for data transmission. In all of the proposed schemes in this dissertation, we resort to either inherently existing asymmetry in the system or proactively created advantage for legitimate users over a passive eavesdropper to further enhance secrecy of the communications. This advantage is manipulated by means of privacy amplification and encryption tools to achieve secrecy goals for the system evaluated based on information theoretic and cryptographic metrics. In our first work discussed in Chapter 2 and the third work explained in Chapter 4, we rely on a proactively established advantage for legitimate users based on eavesdropper’s lack of knowledge about a shared source of data. Unlike these works that assume an errorfree physical channel, in the second work discussed in Chapter 3 correlated erasure wiretap channel model is considered. This work relies on a passive and internally existing advantage for legitimate users that is built upon statistical and partial independence of eavesdropper’s channel errors from the errors in the main channel. We arrive at this secrecy advantage for legitimate users by exploitation of an authenticated but insecure feedback channel. From the perspective of the utilized tools, the first work discussed in Chapter 2 considers a specific scenario where secrecy enhancement of a particular block cipher called Data Encryption standard (DES) operating in cipher feedback mode (CFB) is studied. This secrecy enhancement is achieved by means of deliberate noise injection and wiretap channel encoding as a technique for privacy amplification against a resource constrained eavesdropper. Compared to the first work, the third work considers a more general framework in terms of both metrics and secrecy tools. This work studies secrecy enhancement of a general cipher based on universal hashing as a privacy amplification technique against an unbounded adversary. In this work, we have achieved the goal of exponential secrecy where information leakage to adversary, that is assessed in terms of mutual information as an information theoretic measure and Eve’s distinguishability as a cryptographic metric, decays at an exponential rate. In the second work generally encrypted data frames are transmitted through Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) protocol to generate a common random source between legitimate users that later on is transformed into information theoretically secure keys for encryption by means of privacy amplification based on universal hashing. Towards the end, future works as an extension of the accomplished research in this dissertation are outlined. Proofs of major theorems and lemmas are presented in the Appendix

    Recent Advancements on Symmetric Cryptography Techniques -A Comprehensive Case Study

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    Now a day2019;s Cryptography is one of the broad areas for researchers; because of the conventional block cipher has lost its potency due to the sophistication of modern systems that can break it by brute force. Due to its importance, several cryptography techniques and algorithms are adopted by many authors to secure the data, but still there is a scope to improve the previous approaches. For this necessity, we provide the comprehensive survey which will help the researchers to provide better techniques

    Security-centric analysis and performance investigation of IEEE 802.16 WiMAX

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    EasySMS: a protocol for end to end secure transmission of SMS

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    Nowadays, short message service (SMS) is being used in many daily life applications, including healthcare monitoring, mobile banking, mobile commerce, and so on. But when we send an SMS from one mobile phone to another, the information contained in the SMS transmit as plain text. Sometimes this information may be confidential like account numbers, passwords, license numbers, and so on, and it is a major drawback to send such information through SMS while the traditional SMS service does not provide encryption to the information before its transmission. In this paper, we propose an efficient and secure protocol called EasySMS, which provides end-to-end secure communication through SMS between end users. The working of the protocol is presented by considering two different scenarios. The analysis of the proposed protocol shows that this protocol is able to prevent various attacks, including SMS disclosure, over the air modification, replay attack, man-in-the-middle attack, and impersonation attack. The EasySMS protocol generates minimum communication and computation overheads as compared with existing SMSSec and PK-SIM protocols. On an average, the EasySMS protocol reduces 51% and 31% of the bandwidth consumption and reduces 62% and 45% of message exchanged during the authentication process in comparison to SMSSec and PK-SIM protocols respectively. Authors claim that EasySMS is the first protocol completely based on the symmetric key cryptography and retain original architecture of cellular network

    A Distributed Security Architecture for Large Scale Systems

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    This thesis describes the research leading from the conception, through development, to the practical implementation of a comprehensive security architecture for use within, and as a value-added enhancement to, the ISO Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. The Comprehensive Security System (CSS) is arranged basically as an Application Layer service but can allow any of the ISO recommended security facilities to be provided at any layer of the model. It is suitable as an 'add-on' service to existing arrangements or can be fully integrated into new applications. For large scale, distributed processing operations, a network of security management centres (SMCs) is suggested, that can help to ensure that system misuse is minimised, and that flexible operation is provided in an efficient manner. The background to the OSI standards are covered in detail, followed by an introduction to security in open systems. A survey of existing techniques in formal analysis and verification is then presented. The architecture of the CSS is described in terms of a conceptual model using agents and protocols, followed by an extension of the CSS concept to a large scale network controlled by SMCs. A new approach to formal security analysis is described which is based on two main methodologies. Firstly, every function within the system is built from layers of provably secure sequences of finite state machines, using a recursive function to monitor and constrain the system to the desired state at all times. Secondly, the correctness of the protocols generated by the sequences to exchange security information and control data between agents in a distributed environment, is analysed in terms of a modified temporal Hoare logic. This is based on ideas concerning the validity of beliefs about the global state of a system as a result of actions performed by entities within the system, including the notion of timeliness. The two fundamental problems in number theory upon which the assumptions about the security of the finite state machine model rest are described, together with a comprehensive survey of the very latest progress in this area. Having assumed that the two problems will remain computationally intractable in the foreseeable future, the method is then applied to the formal analysis of some of the components of the Comprehensive Security System. A practical implementation of the CSS has been achieved as a demonstration system for a network of IBM Personal Computers connected via an Ethernet LAN, which fully meets the aims and objectives set out in Chapter 1. This implementation is described, and finally some comments are made on the possible future of research into security aspects of distributed systems.IBM (United Kingdom) Laboratories Hursley Park, Winchester, U

    Digital Design of New Chaotic Ciphers for Ethernet Traffic

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    Durante los últimos años, ha habido un gran desarrollo en el campo de la criptografía, y muchos algoritmos de encriptado así como otras funciones criptográficas han sido propuestos.Sin embargo, a pesar de este desarrollo, hoy en día todavía existe un gran interés en crear nuevas primitivas criptográficas o mejorar las ya existentes. Algunas de las razones son las siguientes:• Primero, debido el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la comunicación, la cantidad de información que se transmite está constantemente incrementándose. En este contexto, existen numerosas aplicaciones que requieren encriptar una gran cantidad de datos en tiempo real o en un intervalo de tiempo muy reducido. Un ejemplo de ello puede ser el encriptado de videos de alta resolución en tiempo real. Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de los algoritmos de encriptado usados hoy en día no son capaces de encriptar una gran cantidad de datos a alta velocidad mientras mantienen altos estándares de seguridad.• Debido al gran aumento de la potencia de cálculo de los ordenadores, muchos algoritmos que tradicionalmente se consideraban seguros, actualmente pueden ser atacados por métodos de “fuerza bruta” en una cantidad de tiempo razonable. Por ejemplo, cuando el algoritmo de encriptado DES (Data Encryption Standard) fue lanzado por primera vez, el tamaño de la clave era sólo de 56 bits mientras que, hoy en día, el NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) recomienda que los algoritmos de encriptado simétricos tengan una clave de, al menos, 112 bits. Por otro lado, actualmente se está investigando y logrando avances significativos en el campo de la computación cuántica y se espera que, en el futuro, se desarrollen ordenadores cuánticos a gran escala. De ser así, se ha demostrado que algunos algoritmos que se usan actualmente como el RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman) podrían ser atacados con éxito.• Junto al desarrollo en el campo de la criptografía, también ha habido un gran desarrollo en el campo del criptoanálisis. Por tanto, se están encontrando nuevas vulnerabilidades y proponiendo nuevos ataques constantemente. Por consiguiente, es necesario buscar nuevos algoritmos que sean robustos frente a todos los ataques conocidos para sustituir a los algoritmos en los que se han encontrado vulnerabilidades. En este aspecto, cabe destacar que algunos algoritmos como el RSA y ElGamal están basados en la suposición de que algunos problemas como la factorización del producto de dos números primos o el cálculo de logaritmos discretos son difíciles de resolver. Sin embargo, no se ha descartado que, en el futuro, se puedan desarrollar algoritmos que resuelvan estos problemas de manera rápida (en tiempo polinomial).• Idealmente, las claves usadas para encriptar los datos deberían ser generadas de manera aleatoria para ser completamente impredecibles. Dado que las secuencias generadas por generadores pseudoaleatorios, PRNGs (Pseudo Random Number Generators) son predecibles, son potencialmente vulnerables al criptoanálisis. Por tanto, las claves suelen ser generadas usando generadores de números aleatorios verdaderos, TRNGs (True Random Number Generators). Desafortunadamente, los TRNGs normalmente generan los bits a menor velocidad que los PRNGs y, además, las secuencias generadas suelen tener peores propiedades estadísticas, lo que hace necesario que pasen por una etapa de post-procesado. El usar un TRNG de baja calidad para generar claves, puede comprometer la seguridad de todo el sistema de encriptado, como ya ha ocurrido en algunas ocasiones. Por tanto, el diseño de nuevos TRNGs con buenas propiedades estadísticas es un tema de gran interés.En resumen, es claro que existen numerosas líneas de investigación en el ámbito de la criptografía de gran importancia. Dado que el campo de la criptografía es muy amplio, esta tesis se ha centra en tres líneas de investigación: el diseño de nuevos TRNGs, el diseño de nuevos cifradores de flujo caóticos rápidos y seguros y, finalmente, la implementación de nuevos criptosistemas para comunicaciones ópticas Gigabit Ethernet a velocidades de 1 Gbps y 10 Gbps. Dichos criptosistemas han estado basados en los algoritmos caóticos propuestos, pero se han adaptado para poder realizar el encriptado en la capa física, manteniendo el formato de la codificación. De esta forma, se ha logrado que estos sistemas sean capaces no sólo de encriptar los datos sino que, además, un atacante no pueda saber si se está produciendo una comunicación o no. Los principales aspectos cubiertos en esta tesis son los siguientes:• Estudio del estado del arte, incluyendo los algoritmos de encriptado que se usan actualmente. En esta parte se analizan los principales problemas que presentan los algoritmos de encriptado standard actuales y qué soluciones han sido propuestas. Este estudio es necesario para poder diseñar nuevos algoritmos que resuelvan estos problemas.• Propuesta de nuevos TRNGs adecuados para la generación de claves. Se exploran dos diferentes posibilidades: el uso del ruido generado por un acelerómetro MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) y el ruido generado por DNOs (Digital Nonlinear Oscillators). Ambos casos se analizan en detalle realizando varios análisis estadísticos a secuencias obtenidas a distintas frecuencias de muestreo. También se propone y se implementa un algoritmo de post-procesado simple para mejorar la aleatoriedad de las secuencias generadas. Finalmente, se discute la posibilidad de usar estos TRNGs como generadores de claves. • Se proponen nuevos algoritmos de encriptado que son rápidos, seguros y que pueden implementarse usando una cantidad reducida de recursos. De entre todas las posibilidades, esta tesis se centra en los sistemas caóticos ya que, gracias a sus propiedades intrínsecas como la ergodicidad o su comportamiento similar al comportamiento aleatorio, pueden ser una buena alternativa a los sistemas de encriptado clásicos. Para superar los problemas que surgen cuando estos sistemas son digitalizados, se proponen y estudian diversas estrategias: usar un sistema de multi-encriptado, cambiar los parámetros de control de los sistemas caóticos y perturbar las órbitas caóticas.• Se implementan los algoritmos propuestos. Para ello, se usa una FPGA Virtex 7. Las distintas implementaciones son analizadas y comparadas, teniendo en cuenta diversos aspectos tales como el consumo de potencia, uso de área, velocidad de encriptado y nivel de seguridad obtenido. Uno de estos diseños, se elige para ser implementado en un ASIC (Application Specific Integrate Circuit) usando una tecnología de 0,18 um. En cualquier caso, las soluciones propuestas pueden ser también implementadas en otras plataformas y otras tecnologías.• Finalmente, los algoritmos propuestos se adaptan y aplican a comunicaciones ópticas Gigabit Ethernet. En particular, se implementan criptosistemas que realizan el encriptado al nivel de la capa física para velocidades de 1 Gbps y 10 Gbps. Para realizar el encriptado en la capa física, los algoritmos propuestos en las secciones anteriores se adaptan para que preserven el formato de la codificación, 8b/10b en el caso de 1 Gb Ethernet y 64b/10b en el caso de 10 Gb Ethernet. En ambos casos, los criptosistemas se implementan en una FPGA Virtex 7 y se diseña un set experimental, que incluye dos módulos SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) capaces de transmitir a una velocidad de hasta 10.3125 Gbps sobre una fibra multimodo de 850 nm. Con este set experimental, se comprueba que los sistemas de encriptado funcionan correctamente y de manera síncrona. Además, se comprueba que el encriptado es bueno (pasa todos los test de seguridad) y que el patrón del tráfico de datos está oculto.<br /

    Big Data Security (Volume 3)

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    After a short description of the key concepts of big data the book explores on the secrecy and security threats posed especially by cloud based data storage. It delivers conceptual frameworks and models along with case studies of recent technology