105 research outputs found

    Highlight microdisparity for improved gloss depiction

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    Science of Facial Attractiveness

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    Varieties of Attractiveness and their Brain Responses

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    Depth, shading, and stylization in stereoscopic cinematography

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    Due to the constantly increasing focus of the entertainment industry on stereoscopic imaging, techniques and tools that enable precise control over the depth impression and help to overcome limitations of the current stereoscopic hardware are gaining in importance. In this dissertation, we address selected problems encountered during stereoscopic content production, with a particular focus on stereoscopic cinema. First, we consider abrupt changes of depth, such as those induced by cuts in films. We derive a model predicting the time the visual system needs to adapt to such changes and propose how to employ this model for film cut optimization. Second, we tackle the issue of discrepancies between the two views of a stereoscopic image due to view-dependent shading of glossy materials. The suggested solution eliminates discomfort caused by non-matching specular highlights while preserving the perception of gloss. Last, we deal with the problem of filmgrainmanagement in stereoscopic productions and propose a new method for film grain application that reconciles visual comfort with the idea of medium-scene separation.Aufgrund der stĂ€ndig steigenden Beachtung der stereoskopische Abbildung durch die Unterhaltungsindustrie, gewinnen Techniken und Werkzeuge an Bedeutung, die eine prĂ€zise Steuerung der Tiefenwahrnehmung ermöglichen und EinschrĂ€nkungen der gegenwĂ€rtigen stereoskopischen GerĂ€te ĂŒberwinden. In dieser Dissertation adressieren wir ausgewĂ€hlte Probleme, die wĂ€hrend der Erzeugung von stereoskopischen Inhalten auftreten, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf der stereoskopischen Kinematographie. Zuerst betrachten wir abrupte TiefenĂ€nderungen, wie sie durch Filmschnitte hervergerufen werden. Wir leiten ein Modell her, das die Zeit vorhersagt, die fĂŒr das menschliche Sehsystem notwendig ist, um sich an solche Änderungen der Tiefe zu adaptieren, und schlagen vor wie dieses Modell fĂŒr Schnittoptimierung angewendet werden kann. Danach gehen wir das Problem der Unstimmigkeiten zwischen den zwei Ansichten eines stereoskopischen Bildes, infolge der sichtabhĂ€ngigen Schattierung von glĂ€nzenden Materialien, an. Die vorgeschlagene Lösung eliminiert das visuelle Unbehagen, welches von nicht zusammenpassenden Glanzlichtern verursacht wird, indessen bewahrt sie die Glanzwahrnehmung. Zuletzt behandeln wir das Problem des Filmkornsmanagements in stereoskopischen Produktionen und schlagen eine neue Methode fĂŒr das HinzufĂŒgen vom Filmkorn vor, die die visuelle Behaglichkeit mit der Idee der Medium-Szenen-Trennung in Einklang bringt

    Motion of glossy objects does not promote separation of lighting and surface colour

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    The surface properties of an object, such as texture, glossiness or colour, provide important cues to its identity. However, the actual visual stimulus received by the eye is determined by both the properties of the object and the illumination. We tested whether operational colour constancy for glossy objects (the ability to distinguish changes in spectral reflectance of the object, from changes in the spectrum of the illumination) was affected by rotational motion of either the object or the light source. The different chromatic and geometric properties of the specular and diffuse reflections provide the basis for this discrimination, and we systematically varied specularity to control the available information. Observers viewed animations of isolated objects undergoing either lighting or surface-based spectral transformations accompanied by motion. By varying the axis of rotation, and surface patterning or geometry, we manipulated: (i) motion-related information about the scene, (ii) relative motion between the surface patterning and the specular reflection of the lighting, and (iii) image disruption caused by this motion. Despite large individual differences in performance with static stimuli, motion manipulations neither improved nor degraded performance. As motion significantly disrupts frameby-frame low-level image statistics, we infer that operational constancy depends on a high-level scene interpretation, which is maintained in all condition

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Remote Visual Observation of Real Places Through Virtual Reality Headsets

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    Virtual Reality has always represented a fascinating yet powerful opportunity that has attracted studies and technology developments, especially since the latest release on the market of powerful high-resolution and wide field-of-view VR headsets. While the great potential of such VR systems is common and accepted knowledge, issues remain related to how to design systems and setups capable of fully exploiting the latest hardware advances. The aim of the proposed research is to study and understand how to increase the perceived level of realism and sense of presence when remotely observing real places through VR headset displays. Hence, to produce a set of guidelines that give directions to system designers about how to optimize the display-camera setup to enhance performance, focusing on remote visual observation of real places. The outcome of this investigation represents unique knowledge that is believed to be very beneficial for better VR headset designs towards improved remote observation systems. To achieve the proposed goal, this thesis presents a thorough investigation of existing literature and previous researches, which is carried out systematically to identify the most important factors ruling realism, depth perception, comfort, and sense of presence in VR headset observation. Once identified, these factors are further discussed and assessed through a series of experiments and usability studies, based on a predefined set of research questions. More specifically, the role of familiarity with the observed place, the role of the environment characteristics shown to the viewer, and the role of the display used for the remote observation of the virtual environment are further investigated. To gain more insights, two usability studies are proposed with the aim of defining guidelines and best practices. The main outcomes from the two studies demonstrate that test users can experience an enhanced realistic observation when natural features, higher resolution displays, natural illumination, and high image contrast are used in Mobile VR. In terms of comfort, simple scene layouts and relaxing environments are considered ideal to reduce visual fatigue and eye strain. Furthermore, sense of presence increases when observed environments induce strong emotions, and depth perception improves in VR when several monocular cues such as lights and shadows are combined with binocular depth cues. Based on these results, this investigation then presents a focused evaluation on the outcomes and introduces an innovative eye-adapted High Dynamic Range (HDR) approach, which the author believes to be of great improvement in the context of remote observation when combined with eye-tracked VR headsets. Within this purpose, a third user study is proposed to compare static HDR and eye-adapted HDR observation in VR, to assess that the latter can improve realism, depth perception, sense of presence, and in certain cases even comfort. Results from this last study confirmed the author expectations, proving that eye-adapted HDR and eye tracking should be used to achieve best visual performances for remote observation in modern VR systems

    Contrast and lustre:a model that accounts for eleven different forms of contrast discrimination in binocular vision

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    Our goal here is a more complete understanding of how information about luminance contrast is encoded and used by the binocular visual system. In two-interval forced-choice experiments we assessed observers' ability to discriminate changes in contrast that could be an increase or decrease of contrast in one or both eyes, or an increase in one eye coupled with a decrease in the other (termed IncDec). The base or pedestal contrasts were either in-phase or out-of-phase in the two eyes. The opposed changes in the IncDec condition did not cancel each other out, implying that along with binocular summation, information is also available from mechanisms that do not sum the two eyes' inputs. These might be monocular mechanisms. With a binocular pedestal, monocular increments of contrast were much easier to see than monocular decrements. These findings suggest that there are separate binocular (B) and monocular (L,R) channels, but only the largest of the three responses, max(L,B,R), is available to perception and decision. Results from contrast discrimination and contrast matching tasks were described very accurately by this model. Stimuli, data, and model responses can all be visualized in a common binocular contrast space, allowing a more direct comparison between models and data. Some results with out-of-phase pedestals were not accounted for by the max model of contrast coding, but were well explained by an extended model in which gratings of opposite polarity create the sensation of lustre. Observers can discriminate changes in lustre alongside changes in contrast

    Areal differences in depth cue integration between monkey and human.

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    Electrophysiological evidence suggested primarily the involvement of the middle temporal (MT) area in depth cue integration in macaques, as opposed to human imaging data pinpointing area V3B/kinetic occipital area (V3B/KO). To clarify this conundrum, we decoded monkey functional MRI (fMRI) responses evoked by stimuli signaling near or far depths defined by binocular disparity, relative motion, and their combination, and we compared results with those from an identical experiment previously performed in humans. Responses in macaque area MT are more discriminable when two cues concurrently signal depth, and information provided by one cue is diagnostic of depth indicated by the other. This suggests that monkey area MT computes fusion of disparity and motion depth signals, exactly as shown for human area V3B/KO. Hence, these data reconcile previously reported discrepancies between depth processing in human and monkey by showing the involvement of the dorsal stream in depth cue integration using the same technique, despite the engagement of different regions

    Image statistics for material perception

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    For estimation of material properties, inverse optics is generally too difficult to solve. Human material perception seems to rely on image features that are correlated with the material property under natural viewing environments. The critical features often take the form of image statistics, because many material properties can be characterized by how they optically modulate the natural image statistics. For instance, a critical image statistic for surface wetness perception is enhanced color saturations, while that for subresolution fineness perception is reduced luminance contrasts. There are optical reasons these image features vary in correlation with physical material properties, as well as psychophysical evidence that human material perception does respond to the features. That the shape (skewness) of the luminance histogram strongly affects surface material (gloss) perception, while not surface shape perception, suggests that material and shape perceptions may rely on independent image features — material (surface reflectance) perception relies on the magnitude of luminance gradient, while shape perception relies on the order of luminance gradient. I also discuss the merit and demerit of image statistics in relation to mid-level perceptual features, and deep neural network features
