72 research outputs found

    A Process Framework for Managing Quality of Service in Private Cloud

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    As information systems leaders tap into the global market of cloud computing-based services, they struggle to maintain consistent application performance due to lack of a process framework for managing quality of service (QoS) in the cloud. Guided by the disruptive innovation theory, the purpose of this case study was to identify a process framework for meeting the QoS requirements of private cloud service users. Private cloud implementation was explored by selecting an organization in California through purposeful sampling. Information was gathered by interviewing 23 information technology (IT) professionals, a mix of frontline engineers, managers, and leaders involved in the implementation of private cloud. Another source of data was documents such as standard operating procedures, policies, and guidelines related to private cloud implementation. Interview transcripts and documents were coded and sequentially analyzed. Three prominent themes emerged from the analysis of data: (a) end user expectations, (b) application architecture, and (c) trending analysis. The findings of this study may help IT leaders in effectively managing QoS in cloud infrastructure and deliver reliable application performance that may help in increasing customer population and profitability of organizations. This study may contribute to positive social change as information systems managers and workers can learn and apply the process framework for delivering stable and reliable cloud-hosted computer applications

    Planning and Optimization During the Life-Cycle of Service Level Agreements for Cloud Computing

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    Ein Service Level Agreement (SLA) ist ein elektronischer Vertrag zwischen dem Kunden und dem Anbieter eines Services. Die beteiligten Partner kl aren ihre Erwartungen und Verp ichtungen in Bezug auf den Dienst und dessen Qualit at. SLAs werden bereits f ur die Beschreibung von Cloud-Computing-Diensten eingesetzt. Der Diensteanbieter stellt sicher, dass die Dienstqualit at erf ullt wird und mit den Anforderungen des Kunden bis zum Ende der vereinbarten Laufzeit ubereinstimmt. Die Durchf uhrung der SLAs erfordert einen erheblichen Aufwand, um Autonomie, Wirtschaftlichkeit und E zienz zu erreichen. Der gegenw artige Stand der Technik im SLA-Management begegnet Herausforderungen wie SLA-Darstellung f ur Cloud- Dienste, gesch aftsbezogene SLA-Optimierungen, Dienste-Outsourcing und Ressourcenmanagement. Diese Gebiete scha en zentrale und aktuelle Forschungsthemen. Das Management von SLAs in unterschiedlichen Phasen w ahrend ihrer Laufzeit erfordert eine daf ur entwickelte Methodik. Dadurch wird die Realisierung von Cloud SLAManagement vereinfacht. Ich pr asentiere ein breit gef achertes Modell im SLA-Laufzeitmanagement, das die genannten Herausforderungen adressiert. Diese Herangehensweise erm oglicht eine automatische Dienstemodellierung, sowie Aushandlung, Bereitstellung und Monitoring von SLAs. W ahrend der Erstellungsphase skizziere ich, wie die Modellierungsstrukturen verbessert und vereinfacht werden k onnen. Ein weiteres Ziel von meinem Ansatz ist die Minimierung von Implementierungs- und Outsourcingkosten zugunsten von Wettbewerbsf ahigkeit. In der SLA-Monitoringphase entwickle ich Strategien f ur die Auswahl und Zuweisung von virtuellen Cloud Ressourcen in Migrationsphasen. Anschlie end pr ufe ich mittels Monitoring eine gr o ere Zusammenstellung von SLAs, ob die vereinbarten Fehlertoleranzen eingehalten werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zu einem Entwurf der GWDG und deren wissenschaftlichen Communities. Die Forschung, die zu dieser Doktorarbeit gef uhrt hat, wurde als Teil von dem SLA@SOI EU/FP7 integriertem Projekt durchgef uhrt (contract No. 216556)


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    The use of cloud computing is expanding, and it is becoming the driver for innovation in all companies to serve their customers around the world. A big attention was drawn to the huge energy that was consumed within those datacentres recently neglecting the energy consumption in the rest of the cloud components. Therefore, the energy consumption should be reduced to minimize performance losses, achieve the target battery lifetime, satisfy performance requirements, minimize power consumption, minimize the CO2 emissions, maximize the profit, and maximize resource utilization. Reducing power consumption in the cloud computing datacentres can be achieved by many ways such as managing or utilizing the resources, controlling redundancy, relocating datacentres, improvement of applications or dynamic voltage and frequency scaling. One of the most efficient ways to reduce power is to use a scheduling technique that will find the best task execution order based on the users demands and with the minimum execution time and cloud resources. It is quite a challenge in cloud environment to design an effective and an efficient task scheduling technique which is done based on the user requirements. The scheduling process is not an easy task because within the datacentre there is dissimilar hardware with different capacities and, to improve the resource utilization, an efficient scheduling algorithm must be applied on the incoming tasks to achieve efficient computing resource allocating and power optimization. The scheduler must maintain the balance between the Quality of Service and fairness among the jobs so that the efficiency may be increased. The aim of this project is to propose a novel method for optimizing energy usage in cloud computing environments that satisfy the Quality of Service (QoS) and the regulations of the Service Level Agreement (SLA). Applying a power- and resource-optimised scheduling algorithm will assist to control and improve the process of mapping between the datacentre servers and the incoming tasks and achieve the optimal deployment of the data centre resources to achieve good computing efficiency, network load minimization and reducing the energy consumption in the datacentre. This thesis explores cloud computing energy aware datacentre structures with diverse scheduling heuristics and propose a novel job scheduling technique with sharing and live migration based on file locality (SLM) aiming to maximize efficiency and save power consumed in the datacentre due to bandwidth usage utilization, minimizing the processing time and the system total make span. The propose SLM energy efficient scheduling strategy have four basic algorithms: 1) Job Classifier, 2) SLM job scheduler, 3) Dual fold VM virtualization and 4) VM threshold margins and consolidation. The SLM job classifier worked on categorising the incoming set of user requests to the datacentre in to two different queues based on these requests type and the source file needed to process them. The processing time of each job fluctuate based on the job type and the number of instructions for each job. The second algorithm, which is the SLM scheduler algorithm, dispatch jobs from both queues according to job arrival time and control the allocation process to the most appropriate and available VM based on job similarity according to a predefined synchronized job characteristic table (SJC). The SLM scheduler uses a replicated host’s infrastructure to save the wasted idle hosts energy by maximizing the basic host’s utilization as long as the system can deal with workflow while setting replicated hosts on off mode. The third SLM algorithm, the dual fold VM algorithm, divide the active VMs in to a top and low level slots to allocate similar jobs concurrently which maximize the host utilization at high workload and reduce the total make span. The VM threshold margins and consolidation algorithm set an upper and lower threshold margin as a trigger for VMs consolidation and load balancing process among running VMs, and deploy a continuous provisioning of overload and underutilize VMs detection scheme to maintain and control the system workload balance. The consolidation and load balancing is achieved by performing a series of dynamic live migrations which provides auto-scaling for the servers with in the datacentres. This thesis begins with cloud computing overview then preview the conceptual cloud resources management strategies with classification of scheduling heuristics. Following this, a Competitive analysis of energy efficient scheduling algorithms and related work is presented. The novel SLM algorithm is proposed and evaluated using the CloudSim toolkit under number of scenarios, then the result compared to Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO) and Ant Colony Algorithm (ACO) shows a significant improvement in the energy usage readings levels and total make span time which is the total time needed to finish processing all the tasks

    Cross-layer multi-cloud real-time application QoS monitoring and benchmarking as-a-service framework

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    Cloud computing provides on-demand access to affordable hardware (e.g., multi-core CPUs, GPUs, disks, and networking equipment) and software (e.g., databases, application servers and data processing frameworks) platforms with features such as elasticity, pay-per-use, low upfront investment and low time to market. This has led to the proliferation of business criti-cal applications that leverage various cloud platforms. Such applications hosted on sin-gle/multiple cloud platforms have diverse characteristics requiring extensive monitoring and benchmarking mechanisms to ensure run-time Quality of Service (QoS) (e.g., latency and throughput). The process of monitoring and benchmarking cloud applications is as yet a criti-cal issue to be further studied and addressed. Current monitoring and benchmarking approaches do not provide a holistic view of per-formance QoS for distributed applications cross cloud layers on multi-cloud environments. Furthermore, current monitoring frameworks are limited to monitoring tasks and do not in-corporate benchmarking abilities. In other words, there is no unified framework that com-bines monitoring and benchmarking functionalities. To gain the ability of both monitoring and benchmarking all under one framework will empower the cloud user to gain more in-depth control and awareness of cloud services. The Thesis identifies and discusses the major research dimensions and design issues relat-ed to developing techniques that can monitor and benchmark an application’s components cross-layers on multi-clouds. Furthermore, the thesis discusses to what extent such research dimensions and design issues are handled by current academic research papers as well as by the existing commercial monitoring tools. Moreover, the Thesis addresses an important research challenge of how to undertake cross-layer cloud monitoring and benchmarking in multi-cloud environments to provide es-sential information for effective cloud applications QoS management. It proposes, develops, implements and validates CLAMBS: Cross-Layer Multi-Cloud Application Monitoring and Benchmarking, as-a-Service Framework. The core contributions made by this thesis are the development of the CLAMBS framework and underlying monitoring and benchmarking tech-niques which are capable of: i) performing QoS monitoring of application components (e.g. ii database, web server, application server, etc.) that may be deployed across multiple cloud platforms (e.g. Amazon EC2, and Microsoft Azure); and ii) giving visibility into the QoS of in-dividual application components, which is not supported by current monitoring and bench-marking frameworks. Experiments are conducted on real-world multi-cloud platforms to em-pirically evaluate the framework and the results validate that CLAMBS can effectively monitor and benchmark applications running cross-layers on multi-clouds. The thesis presents implementation and evaluation details of the proposed CLAMBS framework. It demonstrates the feasibility and scalability of the proposed framework in real-world environments by implementing a proof-of-concept prototype on multi-cloud platforms. Finally, it presents a model for analysing the communication overheads introduced by various components (e.g. agents and manager) of CLAMBS in multi cloud environments
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