87 research outputs found

    Holistic three-dimensional cellular mapping of mammalian organs by tissue clearing technologies

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    A Modular and Open-Source Framework for Virtual Reality Visualisation and Interaction in Bioimaging

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    Life science today involves computational analysis of a large amount and variety of data, such as volumetric data acquired by state-of-the-art microscopes, or mesh data from analysis of such data or simulations. The advent of new imaging technologies, such as lightsheet microscopy, has resulted in the users being confronted with an ever-growing amount of data, with even terabytes of imaging data created within a day. With the possibility of gentler and more high-performance imaging, the spatiotemporal complexity of the model systems or processes of interest is increasing as well. Visualisation is often the first step in making sense of this data, and a crucial part of building and debugging analysis pipelines. It is therefore important that visualisations can be quickly prototyped, as well as developed or embedded into full applications. In order to better judge spatiotemporal relationships, immersive hardware, such as Virtual or Augmented Reality (VR/AR) headsets and associated controllers are becoming invaluable tools. In this work we present scenery, a modular and extensible visualisation framework for the Java VM that can handle mesh and large volumetric data, containing multiple views, timepoints, and color channels. scenery is free and open-source software, works on all major platforms, and uses the Vulkan or OpenGL rendering APIs. We introduce scenery's main features, and discuss its use with VR/AR hardware and in distributed rendering. In addition to the visualisation framework, we present a series of case studies, where scenery can provide tangible benefit in developmental and systems biology: With Bionic Tracking, we demonstrate a new technique for tracking cells in 4D volumetric datasets via tracking eye gaze in a virtual reality headset, with the potential to speed up manual tracking tasks by an order of magnitude. We further introduce ideas to move towards virtual reality-based laser ablation and perform a user study in order to gain insight into performance, acceptance and issues when performing ablation tasks with virtual reality hardware in fast developing specimen. To tame the amount of data originating from state-of-the-art volumetric microscopes, we present ideas how to render the highly-efficient Adaptive Particle Representation, and finally, we present sciview, an ImageJ2/Fiji plugin making the features of scenery available to a wider audience.:Abstract Foreword and Acknowledgements Overview and Contributions Part 1 - Introduction 1 Fluorescence Microscopy 2 Introduction to Visual Processing 3 A Short Introduction to Cross Reality 4 Eye Tracking and Gaze-based Interaction Part 2 - VR and AR for System Biology 5 scenery — VR/AR for Systems Biology 6 Rendering 7 Input Handling and Integration of External Hardware 8 Distributed Rendering 9 Miscellaneous Subsystems 10 Future Development Directions Part III - Case Studies C A S E S T U D I E S 11 Bionic Tracking: Using Eye Tracking for Cell Tracking 12 Towards Interactive Virtual Reality Laser Ablation 13 Rendering the Adaptive Particle Representation 14 sciview — Integrating scenery into ImageJ2 & Fiji Part IV - Conclusion 15 Conclusions and Outlook Backmatter & Appendices A Questionnaire for VR Ablation User Study B Full Correlations in VR Ablation Questionnaire C Questionnaire for Bionic Tracking User Study List of Tables List of Figures Bibliography Selbstständigkeitserklärun

    DISCO whole body clearing and imaging to study systemic changes in neuronal pathologies

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    Cellular and extracellular aspects of posterior eye microstructure and biomechanics

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    A quarter of the entire human population is affected by vision disorders, with extensive efforts directed towards developing new and improved treatments. The peripapillary sclera (PPS) has a large influence on the forces exerted on the optic nerve under fluctuating intraocular pressure (IOP), implying a role in the mechanics of glaucoma. To better comprehend these processes, physiologically relevant data were collected on both the scleral extracellular matrix (ECM) and cell cytoskeletal components. The cytoskeletal architecture was reconstructed using a novel approach for generating geometrically accurate models for finite element (FE) analysis. Wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) was used to map the scleral collagen orientation and distribution in humans and 11 mammalian species. The bovine sclera was selected as a suitable animal model, with further clarity on the ECM depth profile provided by second harmonic generation microscopy. To accomplish this analysis, a bespoke MATLAB script was developed and implemented. Cultured bovine scleral fibroblasts were subjected to simulated IOP, with the organisation of major cytoskeletal elements visualised using immuno-confocal microscopy and quantified using several image analysis packages. Finally, the collected stacks of images were reconstructed to 3D isosurfaces. WAXS revealed alterations in the PPS collagen architecture in highly myopic human eyes, as well as that the bovine PPS closely resembles that of humans. Applied strain caused reorganisation to the scleral fibroblast cytoskeleton, specifically to the F-actin stress fibres. The reconstructed surfaces allowed for greater accuracy in comparison to current models, with further possibilities for simplification and optimisation. Scleral ECM structural analysis confirms the bovine eye as an appropriate human analogue for biomechanical studies. Mechanical loading of scleral fibroblasts leads to alterations in cytoskeletal microstructure, with a tendency for the rearrangements to revert with time. The collected cell and ECM physiological data will be used to create integrated FE models of the eye

    Methods for Automated Neuron Image Analysis

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    Knowledge of neuronal cell morphology is essential for performing specialized analyses in the endeavor to understand neuron behavior and unravel the underlying principles of brain function. Neurons can be captured with a high level of detail using modern microscopes, but many neuroscientific studies require a more explicit and accessible representation than offered by the resulting images, underscoring the need for digital reconstruction of neuronal morphology from the images into a tree-like graph structure. This thesis proposes new computational methods for automated detection and reconstruction of neurons from fluorescence microscopy images. Specifically, the successive chapters describe and evaluate original solutions to problems such as the detection of landmarks (critical points) of the neuronal tree, complete tracing and reconstruction of the tree, and the detection of regions containing neurons in high-content screens

    On Improving Generalization of CNN-Based Image Classification with Delineation Maps Using the CORF Push-Pull Inhibition Operator

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    Deployed image classification pipelines are typically dependent on the images captured in real-world environments. This means that images might be affected by different sources of perturbations (e.g. sensor noise in low-light environments). The main challenge arises by the fact that image quality directly impacts the reliability and consistency of classification tasks. This challenge has, hence, attracted wide interest within the computer vision communities. We propose a transformation step that attempts to enhance the generalization ability of CNN models in the presence of unseen noise in the test set. Concretely, the delineation maps of given images are determined using the CORF push-pull inhibition operator. Such an operation transforms an input image into a space that is more robust to noise before being processed by a CNN. We evaluated our approach on the Fashion MNIST data set with an AlexNet model. It turned out that the proposed CORF-augmented pipeline achieved comparable results on noise-free images to those of a conventional AlexNet classification model without CORF delineation maps, but it consistently achieved significantly superior performance on test images perturbed with different levels of Gaussian and uniform noise

    Planification de l’ablation radiofréquence des arythmies cardiaques en combinant modélisation et apprentissage automatique

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    Cardiac arrhythmias are heart rhythm disruptions which can lead to sudden cardiac death. They require a deeper understanding for appropriate treatment planning. In this thesis, we integrate personalized structural and functional data into a 3D tetrahedral mesh of the biventricular myocardium. Next, the Mitchell-Schaeffer (MS) simplified biophysical model is used to study the spatial heterogeneity of electrophysiological (EP) tissue properties and their role in arrhythmogenesis. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) with the elimination of local abnormal ventricular activities (LAVA) has recently arisen as a potentially curative treatment for ventricular tachycardia but the EP studies required to locate LAVA are lengthy and invasive. LAVA are commonly found within the heterogeneous scar, which can be imaged non-invasively with 3D delayed enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DE-MRI). We evaluate the use of advanced image features in a random forest machine learning framework to identify areas of LAVA-inducing tissue. Furthermore, we detail the dataset’s inherent error sources and their formal integration in the training process. Finally, we construct MRI-based structural patient-specific heart models and couple them with the MS model. We model a recording catheter using a dipole approach and generate distinct normal and LAVA-like electrograms at locations where they have been found in clinics. This enriches our predictions of the locations of LAVA-inducing tissue obtained through image-based learning. Confidence maps can be generated and analyzed prior to RFA to guide the intervention. These contributions have led to promising results and proofs of concepts.Les arythmies sont des perturbations du rythme cardiaque qui peuvent entrainer la mort subite et requièrent une meilleure compréhension pour planifier leur traitement. Dans cette thèse, nous intégrons des données structurelles et fonctionnelles à un maillage 3D tétraédrique biventriculaire. Le modèle biophysique simplifié de Mitchell-Schaeffer (MS) est utilisé pour étudier l’hétérogénéité des propriétés électrophysiologiques (EP) du tissu et leur rôle sur l’arythmogénèse. L’ablation par radiofréquence (ARF) en éliminant les activités ventriculaires anormales locales (LAVA) est un traitement potentiellement curatif pour la tachycardie ventriculaire, mais les études EP requises pour localiser les LAVA sont longues et invasives. Les LAVA se trouvent autour de cicatrices hétérogènes qui peuvent être imagées de façon non-invasive par IRM à rehaussement tardif. Nous utilisons des caractéristiques d’image dans un contexte d’apprentissage automatique avec des forêts aléatoires pour identifier des aires de tissu qui induisent des LAVA. Nous détaillons les sources d’erreur inhérentes aux données et leur intégration dans le processus d’apprentissage. Finalement, nous couplons le modèle MS avec des géométries du coeur spécifiques aux patients et nous modélisons le cathéter avec une approche par un dipôle pour générer des électrogrammes normaux et des LAVA aux endroits où ils ont été localisés en clinique. Cela améliore la prédiction de localisation du tissu induisant des LAVA obtenue par apprentissage sur l’image. Des cartes de confiance sont générées et peuvent être utilisées avant une ARF pour guider l’intervention. Les contributions de cette thèse ont conduit à des résultats et des preuves de concepts prometteurs