316 research outputs found

    Statistical and graphical tool for network cost analysis and support for CAPEX allocation

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    In the telecommunications field, there is a selection of relevant information referred as key performance indicators due to the fact that they provide the chance to visualize the network communications performance. This data’s disadvantage is that they can be confined in massive data sets in which it is complex to elucidate at a glance the performance of the different parts of a communications system. This project performs an analysis and a graphic representation of these relevant performance indicators, which allows studying the mobile and fixed networks of a telecommunications company. In specific, the implementation of this tool is displayed by using all traffic data and network costs from different operations and countries of Telefónica footprint. This implementation gives the opportunity to check that the data analysis is done in an accurate way. In order to obtain these graphic illustrations of network costs and traffic carried over all networks, both historical and predictions, diverse methodologies are applied to key performance indicators in order to acquire its calculus and estimation. Afterwards, based on the information obtained with these procedures, we can give support in order to make decisions of investment allocations in the company’s networks. Finally, this tool has been performed with R programming language as well as for the calculation of the different data as to the development of the web application to represent this data in a graphic way with the Shiny package. Telefónica’s data has been modified in order to assure its confidentiality.Este trabajo consiste en el desarrollo de una herramienta en el lenguaje R para realizar un análisis estadístico y una representación gráfica de los costes de red históricos en los que se ha incurrido, así como del tráfico cursado en estas redes, tanto en fijas como en móviles. Además, la herramienta permitirá dar soporte a la decisión de asignación de inversiones mediante la proyección de los tráficos futuros de cada red en función de diversos parámetros de entrada. Todo ello se podrá ver reflejado gráficamente mediante una aplicación web generada en R. Para el desarrollo de la herramienta, se van a utilizar datos de costes y tráficos de red de las distintas operaciones/países del grupo Telefónica.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Low-Cost Broadband Connections: A Key Factor for SME Virtual Organizations

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    In an open global market, SMEs are facing new challenges while trying to compete with large worldwide corporations. The forming of innovative alliances, known as virtual organizations (VO), is one of the most interesting proposals to achieve competitiveness and exploit strategic advantages. However, besides the obvious positive potential of innovative actions like VOs, there are several drawbacks, especially when SMEs are involved in such projects. VOs have very high needs for IT and communications; in fact they rely so much on them that the forming of a VO is only possible with the development of an extensive information and communication infrastructure. A lot of innovating management, re-forming and re-structuring is involved in joining several independent companies into a new virtual schema and several cultural, economical and legislative problems must also be overcome. In this paper we focus on the technological needs, and in particular, the need for an organization-wide data sharing and communication network. The high cost involved with the investments necessary in IT and communications technology make the effort harder for SMEs, even if it was to be assumed that they could manage the other important aspects of forming a VO. Along with the cost of computer equipment and specialized software, networking cost has until recently been a particularly prohibiting factor for SMEs even on the most advanced business sectors. A new term, the “virtual organization technology threshold†is introduced, defined as the minimum of IT and communication technologies necessary to form a “true†virtual organization, in its pure and functional form described and widely adopted by the scientific community. The investments needed for IT and communications to form a VO are analyzed and compared to the related investments of conventional SMEs in EU. The evolution in the cost, focused around the networking tools, is then examined to extract useful information about the feasibility of such specialized investments compared to the overall investment and turnovers of typical SMEs. We then argue that a recent development, the price drop and wide spread of broadband connections can act as a “key factor†that could make the difference in lowering the “threshold†and increasing the possibilities for SMEs to compete successfully by utilizing technological advantages and innovations that have until now considered to be more suitable for larger enterprises.

    Performance Enhancement in Copper Twisted Pair Cable Communications

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    The thesis focuses on the area of copper twisted pair based wireline communications. As one of the most widely deployed communication media, the copper twisted pair cable plays an important role in the communication network cabling infrastructure. This thesis looks to exploit diversity to improve twisted pair channels for data communications in two common application areas, namely Ethernet over Twisted Paris and digital subscriber line over twisted pair based telephone network. The first part of the thesis addresses new approaches to next generation Ethernet over twisted pair cable. The coming challenge for Ethernet over twisted pair cable is to realise a higher data rate beyond the 25/40GBASE-T standard, in relatively short reach scenarios. The straight-forward approaches, such as improving cable quality and extending frequency bandwidth, are unlikely to provide significant improvement in terms of data rate. However, other system diversities, such as spectrum utilization are yet to be fully exploited, so as to meet the desired data rate performance. The current balanced transmission over the structured twisted pair cable and its parallel single-in-single-out channel model is revisited and formulated as a full-duplex multiple-in-multiple-out (MIMO) channel model. With a common ground (provided by the cable shield), the balanced transmission is converted into unbalanced transmission, by replacing the differential-mode excitation with single-ended excitation. In this way, MIMO adoption may offer spectrum utilization advantages due to the doubled number of the channels. The S-parameters of the proposed MIMO channel model is obtained through the full wave electromagnetic simulation of a short CAT7A cable. The channel models are constructed from the resulting S-parameters, also the corresponding theoretical capacity is evaluated by exploiting different diversity scenarios. With higher spectrum efficiency, the orthogonal-frequency-division-multiplexing (OFDM) modulation can significantly improve the theoretical capacity compared with single-carrier modulation, where the channel frequency selectivity is aided. The MIMO can further enhance the capacity by minimising the impact of the crosstalk. When the crosstalk is properly handled under the unbalanced transmission, this thesis shows that the theoretical capacity of the EoTP cable can reach nearly 200GBit/s. In order to further extend the bandwidth capability of twisted pair cables, Phantom Mode transmission is studied, aiming at creating more channels under balanced transmission operation. The second part of the thesis focuses on the research of advanced scheduling algorithms for VDSL2 QoS enhancement. For VDSL2 broadband access networks, multi-user optimisation techniques have been developed, so as to improve the basic data rate performance. Spectrum balancing improves the network performance by optimising users transmit power spectra as the resource allocation, to mitigate the impact from the crosstalk. Aiming at enhancing the performance for the upstream VDSL2 service, where the users QoS demand is not known by all other users, a set of autonomous spectrum balancing algorithms is proposed. These optimise users transmit power spectra locally with only direct channel state information. To prevent selfish behaviour, the concept of a virtual user is introduced to represent the impact on both crosstalk interference and queueing status of other users. Moreover, novel algorithms are developed to determine the parameters and the weight of the virtual user. Another type of resource allocation in the VDSL2 network is crosstalk cancellation by centralised signal coordination. The history of the data queue is considered as a time series, on which different smooth filter characteristics are investigated in order to investigate further performance improvement. The use of filter techniques accounts for both the instantaneous queue length and also the previous data to determine the most efficient dynamic resource allocation. With the help of this smoothed dynamic resource allocation, the network will benefit from both reduced signalling communication and improved delay performance.The proposed algorithms are verified by numerical experiments

    Cost effective DSL solutions for the developing countries.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2004.Developing countries in Africa present a graphic picture of the digital divide. High costs associated with serving rural customers are the major cause of uneven distribution of services. Rural areas are characterised by a high rate of unemployment and a poor level of education. This results in a scenario where most of the residents are unable to utilize IT resources. Some people in these areas are not informed about the availability and importance of these technologies in the market. Those who are academically fit for accessing these technologies often cannot afford them. Some of the areas still have no existing telecommunications infrastructure. High deployment costs associated with broadband services makes it even more challenging to deploy such services in this environment. In Africa approximately 80% of the population is living in rural areas, which alone creates a demand for the coverage of rural regions. Leaving such a large number of residents not connected, means poor medical care, students cannot participate in distance learning programs which means poor quality of education, poor performance in businesses, poor farming and crippling delivery of government services. DSL technologies were originally designed to suit suburban to urban conditions. In this research it is shown that broadband services can be delivered to rural people by applying DSL technologies, using the existing telecommunications infrastructure. This will mean significant savings, as it does not need core network investments. DSL increases network capacity to a network, which is no longer limited to voice. With this technology a number different high bandwidth applications are delivered to the homes, schools, hospitals, telecentres and small businesses. The cost effectiveness of these technologies for several reach and rural traffic environment is investigated. This is done by investigating several promising DSL solutions in terms of diverse geography, demographics and other cost dictating parameters

    FFT and FIR Filter implementations for the DSL MODEMS

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    Broad band digital communication that operates over a standard copper wires. It requires the DSL modems which splits the transmissions into 2 frequency bands. The lower frequencies for voice and the higher frequencies for digital data (internet) in order to transmit the data to larger distances through a copper cable we need modulation techniques. Generally in this DSL modems modulation used is QAM technique. The output of the QAM is complex data this complex data we cannot transfer directly through a copper cable because the data should be in time domain or otherwise the phase of the data which is in frequency domain can be lost, in copper cable so this data should be converted in time domain by using IDFT technique. As IDFT requires more number of complex multiplications and more number of complex additions in comparison to IFFT so to reduce the additions and multiplications IFFT technique is used. At the receiver side we can retrieve the same data by using FFT technique. In this section the implemented FFT architecture is fully efficient and this architecture will require less area. And before we have to transmit through the copper line we have to do interpolation or decimation by using the Filtering operation. The implemented poly phase architecture for the filtering is fully efficient, symmetrical and it requires less number of multipliers

    Contribution to energy consumption modelling and forecast in next generation access networks

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    La contribución del sector de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TICs) al consumo de energía a nivel global se ha visto incrementada considerablemente en la última década al mismo tiempo que su relevancia dentro de la economía global. Se prevé que esta tendencia continúe debido al uso cada vez más intensivo de estas tecnologías. Una de las principales causas es el tráfico de datos de banda ancha generado por el uso de las redes de telecomunicaciones. De hecho como respuesta a esta demanda de recursos por parte de los usuarios, de la industria de las telecomunicaciones está iniciando el despliegue de las redes de nueva generación. En cualquier caso, el consumo de energía es un factor generalmente ausente del debate sobre el despliegue de estas tecnologías, a pesar de la posible repercusión que pueda llegar a tener en los costes y la sostenibilidad de estos proyectos. A lo largo de este trabajo se desarrollan modelos para evaluar el consumo energético de las redes de acceso de nueva generación (NGAN). Estos servirán tanto para llevar a cabo cálculos en un escenario global estático, como en cualquiera otro que determine la potencial evolución de la red de acceso a lo largo de su despliegue. Estos modelos combinan tres factores: la penetración prospectiva de cada una de las tecnologías de banda ancha analizadas, el tráfico generado por usuario y su futura evolución, y el perfil de consumo de energía de cada uno de los dispositivos de red desplegados. Tras evaluar los resultados derivados de la aplicación de los modelos en el caso demográfico específico de España, se obtienen conclusiones acerca de las diferencias tecnológicas en cuanto al consumo energético, sus implicaciones económicas, y la sensibilidad de los cálculos atendiendo a posibles modificaciones en los valores de referencia de diferentes parámetros de diseño. Se destaca por tanto el efecto en el consumo energético de los desarrollos tecnológicos, tecno-económicos, y de las decisiones en el ámbito regulatorio. Aunque como se ha dicho, se ha ejemplificado el cálculo para un caso particular, tanto los modelos como las conclusiones extraídas se pueden extrapolar a otros países similares

    Broadband facts, fiction and urban myths

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