41 research outputs found

    IT Supported Construction Project Management Methodology Based on Process and Product Model and Quality Management

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    Computer Integrated Construction Project Management (CPM) supported by product and process models can be seen as a future type of integration structure facilitating the solution of various management problems in the fragmented Construction Industry. The key to success is directly correlated with the comprehensive integration of currently isolated IT applications. However, despite that a number of initiatives have been developed, no fully generic models have yet to be formally standardized. This topic has been the subject of intensive research during the last decades. In this thesis a Computer Integrated CPM approach, which is supported by IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) and ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System, is proposed. The main aim is to provide integration of product, process and organizational information to help achieve the interoperability of the involved actors and tools in a concurrent environment. According to implied requirements which are represented in the ‘state of the art’ section, the fundamental concepts are presented in two parts as: (1) realization of CPM in an IT concept and (2) formalization of IFC Views for software interoperability on the example of Bidding Preparation Phase. In order to realize a generic framework using a high-level process core model named Organizational Management Process (OMP) model, different aspects have been brought together into a consistent life cycle structure. These are: (1) a set of layered processes based on ISO procedural definitions, (2) software integration requirements based on Construction Management Phases, (3) application methods of the Procurement System and (4) Organizational data. This provides for synchronizing technical products, processes, documents, and actors in their inter-relationship. The framework is hierarchically structured in three layers Phases – Processes - Product data. The developed IT Management Processes (ITMP) which are used as a baseline for the IFC Views implementation are derived from the OMP. Moreover, in order to support completeness, a mapping structure between processes and scenarios based on the Procurement Systems was constituted. The representation of OMP and ITMP is provided by using the ARIS eEPC (extended event-driven process chain) modeling method. On the basis of a generalized representation of product data, a system-wide integration model for heterogeneous client applications which supports different CPM areas can be achieved. IFC Product Data Model integrates different domains thereby enabling coordination of bidding preparations. However, there is a need to realize individual model subsets. i.e. views of the product model. In this context, adaptable views were developed based on ITMP. The defined resources’ relevancies to IFC Objects are examined by realizing central information elements. These provide a mapping structure between process resources and IFC Classes. On that basis integration of process and product models can be accomplished. In order to realize IFC Views, IFC Concepts and IFC Instance Diagrams were developed based on IFC View Definition Format. The grouping of IFC Concepts enables the implementation of the adaptable IFC Views that are required for standardized system integration. This is achieved with the help of formal specification using the Generalized Subset Definition Schema. The validation has been made based on an alphanumerical comparison. The selected 3D full-model and the developed IFC View for Product Catalog models are compared in this context. There are two consequences observed. In the first case, which also addresses Unit Price Procurement systems, the desired results were obtained by filtering the required data. However, when the results were compared for Design & Build and Lump-sum Procurement Systems (contracts), an extension need was observed in the IFC Model. The solution is provided via formalization of cost data and material analysis information by an extension of IFC Concept namely ‘IfcConstructionResource’ with new classes and with new relations. Thereby a common information model based on the data schema of the IFC standard is constituted.Das von Produkt- und Prozessmodellen unterstĂŒtzte computerintegrierte Bauprojektmanagement (CPM) kann als der zukĂŒnftige Typ der Integrationsstruktur angesehen werden, der die Lösung verschiedener Baumanagementprobleme in der fragmentierten Bauindustrie erleichtern kann. Der SchlĂŒssel zum Erfolg steht in direkter Beziehung zu einer umfassenden Integration derzeit getrennter IT-Anwendungen. Trotz zahlreich entwickelter AnsĂ€tze, die zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt wurden, sind bisher noch keine vollstĂ€ndig generischen Modelle formell standardisiert worden, obwohl dies in den letzten Jahrzehnten ein Thema intensiver Forschung war. In dieser Promotionsschrift wird eine computerintegrierte CPM-Methode, die auf Basis der IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) und dem QualitĂ€tsmanagement ISO 9001:2000 aufbaut, vorgeschlagen. Das Hauptziel besteht in der Schaffung der Integration von Produkt-, Prozess- und Organisationsinformationen, um die InteroperabilitĂ€t der beteiligten Akteure und Tools in einer parallelen Umgebung erreichen zu können. Entsprechend den Anforderungen, die im Abschnitt „Stand der Technik“ aufgefĂŒhrt sind, werden die vorgeschlagenen, grundlegenden Konzepte in zwei Bereiche aufgeteilt: (1) Umsetzung der CPM-Prozesse in ein IT-Konzept und (2) Formalisierung der IFC-Sichten fĂŒr die InteroperabilitĂ€t von Software, beispielhaft ausgefĂŒhrt fĂŒr die der Ausschreibungsphase. Um einen generischen Rahmen unter Verwendung eines hochrangigen Prozesskernmodells, das als organisatorischer Managementprozess (OMP) bezeichnet wird, zu realisieren, werden zuerst die verschiedenen Aspekte in einer konsistenten Lebenszyklenstruktur zusammengefĂŒgt. Diese sind: (1) eine Menge hierarchisch geschichteter Prozesse, erstellt auf der Grundlage der Verfahrensdefinitionen von ISO 9001, (2) die Softwareintegrationsanforderungen auf der Grundlage der Baumanagementphasen, (3) die Anwendungsmethoden des Beschaffungssystems und (4) die Organisationsdaten. Dadurch wird die Synchronisation der in Wechselbeziehung stehenden technischen Produkte, Prozesse, Dokumente und Akteure geschaffen. Das gesamte System ist hierarchisch in die drei Ebenen Phasen – Prozesse – Produktdaten strukturiert. Die entwickelten IT-Managementprozesse (ITMP), die als Grundlage fĂŒr die IFC-Implementierungssichten dienen, werden aus dem OMP hergeleitet. Der VollstĂ€ndigkeit halber, wird eine Abbildungsstruktur zwischen den Prozessen und den Szenarien, die die Beschaffungssysteme beschreiben, entwickelt. Die Darstellung der OMP und ITMP erfolgt unter Verwendung der erweiterten ereignisgesteuerten Prozessketten (eEPK) nach der ARIS-Modelliermethode. Auf der Grundlage einer verallgemeinerten Darstellung der Prozessdaten kann das systemweite Integrationsmodell fĂŒr heterogene Client-Anwendungen, das verschiedene CPM-Bereiche unterstĂŒtzt, erreicht werden. Das IFC-Produktdatenmodell integriert verschiedene DomĂ€nen und ermöglicht somit die Koordinierung der hier beispielhaft gewĂ€hlten Ausschreibungsbearbeitungen. Hierzu ist es notwendig, Teilmodelle, d. h. Sichten des Produktmodells zu erzeugen. Entsprechend wurden anpassbare Sichten auf der Grundlage von ITMP entwickelt. Die Bedeutung der in diesem Zusammenhang identifizierten Informationsprozessressourcen in Bezug auf die IFC-Objekte wurde durch die EinfĂŒhrung zentraler Informationselemente, sog. IFC Concepts, untersucht. Diese stellen eine Abbildungsstruktur zwischen den Prozessressourcen und IFC-Klassen zur VerfĂŒgung. Auf dieser Grundlage konnte die Integration von Prozess- und Produktmodellen erreicht werden. Um die IFC-Sichten zu realisieren, wurden auf der Grundlage des IFC-Sichtendefinitionsformats IFC-Konzepte und IFC-Instanzendiagramme entwickelt. Die Gruppierung in IFC-Konzepten ermöglichte die Implementierung von anpassbaren IFC-Sichten, die fĂŒr die standardisierte Systemintegration erforderlich sind. Diese wird mit Hilfe einer formellen Spezifikation unter Verwendung der verallgemeinerten Subset-Definitionsschema-Methode (GMSD) erreicht. Die Validierung erfolgte auf der Grundlage eines alphanumerischen Vergleichs, in dem ein ausgewĂ€hltes 3D-Produktmodell und die daraus entwickelte IFC-Sicht fĂŒr das Produktkatalogmodell verglichen wurden. Es ergaben sich zwei Schlussfolgerungen. Im ersten Fall, der auch das Einheitspreisbeschaffungssystem betrifft, konnten die gewĂŒnschten Ergebnisse direkt durch Filterung der erforderlichen Daten erhalten werden. Beim Vergleich der Ergebnisse sowohl fĂŒr Pauschal-, als auch fĂŒr Entwurfs- und Baubeschaffungssysteme (VertrĂ€ge) wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass fĂŒr das IFC-Modell ein Erweiterungsbedarf besteht. Eine Lösung wurde ĂŒber die Formalisierung der Kostendaten und Materialanalyseinformationen durch Erweiterung des IFC-Konzepts IfcBauRessource mit neuen Klassen und mit neuen Beziehungen erreicht. Somit erhĂ€lt man ein allgemeines Informationsmodell auf der Grundlage des Datenschemas des IFC-Standards

    Parametric building development during early design stage

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    Objectives The objectives of this project were two-fold: ‱ Assess the ease with which current architectural CAD systems supported the use ofparametric descriptions in defining building shape, engineering system performance and cost at the early stages of building design; ‱ Assess the feasibility of implementing a software decision support system that allowed designers to trade-off the characteristics and configuration of various engineering systems to move towards a “global optimum” rather than considering each system in isolation and expecting humans to weigh up all of the costs and benefits. The first stage of the project consisted of using four different CAD systems to define building shells (envelopes) with different usages. These models were then exported into a shared database using the IFC information exchange specifications. The second stage involved the implementation of small computer programs that were able to estimate relevant system parameters based on performance requirements and the constraints imposed by the other systems. These are presented in a unified user interface that extracts the appropriate building shape parameters from the shared database Note that the term parametric in this context refers to the relationships among and between ï»żall elements of the building model - not just geometric associations - which will enable the desired coordination

    Development of a BIM-based simulator for workspace management in construction

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    openNei cantieri edili, quali contesti altamente dinamici, lo spazio richiesto dalle attivitĂ  muta continuamente evidenziando la necessitĂ  di considerarlo come una risorsa limitata. Ad oggi, le aree di lavoro non sono efficacemente gestite nĂ© dalle tecniche tradizionali di pianificazione nĂ© dagli strumenti 4D piĂč avanzati. I manager del processo costruttivo sono costretti a condurre considerazioni spaziali manualmente sulla base di schizzi 2D. Tale approccio Ăš altamente dispendioso e soggetto ad errori; inoltre, come dimostrano le statistiche, Ăš una delle principali cause di infortuni e riduzione della produttivitĂ . Questa tesi di dottorato affronta il problema della gestione delle aree di lavoro, proponendo un approccio che integra la fase di pianificazione con la verifica delle interferenze, condotta da un simulatore spaziale sviluppato in un motore grafico. Tale simulatore, acquisiti il modello BIM ed il cronoprogramma, individua eventuali conflitti spaziali quale risultato di computazioni geometriche e simulazioni fisiche. La criticitĂ  dei conflitti viene stimata mediante inferenza Bayesiana al fine di escludere scenari trascurabili. Successivamente, i manager del processo costruttivo, consapevoli dei possibili conflitti spaziali futuri, modificano o confermano il cronoprogramma. Questo approccio puĂČ essere applicato per identificare i conflitti spaziali sia durante la fase di pianificazione che quella di esecuzione dei lavori. In questa tesi, il simulatore spaziale proposto Ăš stato validato con riferimento alla fase di pianificazione dei lavori di un edificio reale. I risultati hanno dimostrato la sua capacitĂ  di identificare non solo un maggior numero di conflitti, rispetto agli strumenti dello stato dell’arte, ma anche di stimare il relativo livello di criticitĂ  evitando sovrastime. In futuro, l’approccio proposto in questa tesi, adattato con minime integrazioni, potrĂ  essere applicato a runtime per aggiornare il cronoprogramma durante l’esecuzione dei lavori.In the AEC industry, construction sites are very dynamic operating environments. Activities workspace demand continuously changes across space demanding and time, stressing the need to consider the space as a limited and renewable resource. This issue has not been fully handled yet, neither by traditional scheduling techniques nor by more advanced 4D tools. For these reasons, construction management teams usually carry out manually spatial considerations based on 2D sketches. This approach, especially in big construction projects, is highly time-demanding and error-prone causing, as demonstrated by statistics, injuries, and productivity slowdown. To cover these gaps, this study proposes a workspace management framework that integrates the work scheduling phase with spatial analysis, carried out by a spatial conflict simulator developed using a serious game engine. The simulator, given the BIM model and the construction work schedule, can detect eventual spatial interferences based on geometric computations and physics simulations. The detected conflicts are then judged applying Bayesian inference to filter non-critical scenarios and avoid overestimation. Afterwards, the construction management team, made aware of likely future spatial issues, can adjust or confirm the work schedule. This approach can provide a valuable contribution in detecting spatial conflicts during both the construction planning phase and works execution. In this study, the proposed spatial conflict simulator has been validated on the planning phase of a real use case, demonstrating its capability to not only detect an increased number of spatial issues, compared to the state-of-the-art tools, but also to esteem related criticality levels and avoid overestimations. In the future, the proposed approach, adapted with minor changes, can be applied at runtime for proactively refining the work schedule during works execution.INGEGNERIA CIVILE, AMBIENTALE, EDILE E ARCHITETTURAopenMessi, Leonard

    Building information modelling for sustainability appraisal of conceptual design of steel-framed buildings

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    In the construction sector, capturing the building product in a single information model with good interoperable capabilities has been the subject of much research efforts in at least the last three decades. Contemporary advancements in Information Technology and the efforts from various research initiatives in the AEC industry are showing evidence of progress with the advent of building information modelling (BIM). BIM presents the opportunity of electronically modelling and managing the vast amount of information embedded in a building project, from its conception to end-of-life. Researchers have been looking at extensions to expand its scope. Sustainability is one such modelling extension that is in need of development. This is becoming pertinent for the structural engineer as recent design criteria have put great emphasis on the sustainability credentials in addition to the traditional criteria of structural integrity, constructability and cost. Considering the complexity of nowadays designs, there is a need to provide decision support tools to aid the assessment of sustainability credentials. Such tools would be most beneficial at the conceptual design stage so that sustainability is built into the design solution starting from its inception. This research work therefore investigates how contemporary process and data modelling techniques can be used to map and model sustainability related information to inform the structural engineer’s building design decisions at an early stage. The research reviews current design decisions support systems on sustainability and highlights existing deficiencies. It examines the role of contemporary information modelling techniques in the building design process and employs this to tackle identified gaps. The sustainability of buildings is related to life cycle and is measured using indicator-terms such as life cycle costing, ecological footprint and carbon footprint. This work takes advantage of current modelling techniques to explore how these three indicators can be combined to provide sustainability assessment of alternative design solutions. It identifies the requirements for sustainability appraisal and information modelling to develop a requisite decision-support framework vis-à-vis issues on risk, sensitivity and what-if scenarios for implementation. The implementation employed object-oriented programming and feature modelling techniques to develop a sustainability decision-support prototype. The prototype system was tested in a typical design activity and evaluated to have achieved desired implementation requirements. The research concludes that the utilized current process and data modelling techniques can be employed to model sustainability related information to inform decisions at the early stages of structural design. As demonstrated in this work, design decision support systems can be optimized to include sustainability credentials through the use of object-based process and data modelling techniques. This thesis presents a sustainability appraisal framework, associated implementation algorithms and related object mappings and representations systems that could be used to achieve such decision support optimization

    Building information modelling for sustainability appraisal of conceptual design of steel-framed buildings

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    In the construction sector, capturing the building product in a single information model with good interoperable capabilities has been the subject of much research efforts in at least the last three decades. Contemporary advancements in Information Technology and the efforts from various research initiatives in the AEC industry are showing evidence of progress with the advent of building information modelling (BIM). BIM presents the opportunity of electronically modelling and managing the vast amount of information embedded in a building project, from its conception to end-of-life. Researchers have been looking at extensions to expand its scope. Sustainability is one such modelling extension that is in need of development. This is becoming pertinent for the structural engineer as recent design criteria have put great emphasis on the sustainability credentials in addition to the traditional criteria of structural integrity, constructability and cost. Considering the complexity of nowadays designs, there is a need to provide decision support tools to aid the assessment of sustainability credentials. Such tools would be most beneficial at the conceptual design stage so that sustainability is built into the design solution starting from its inception. This research work therefore investigates how contemporary process and data modelling techniques can be used to map and model sustainability related information to inform the structural engineer’s building design decisions at an early stage. The research reviews current design decisions support systems on sustainability and highlights existing deficiencies. It examines the role of contemporary information modelling techniques in the building design process and employs this to tackle identified gaps. The sustainability of buildings is related to life cycle and is measured using indicator-terms such as life cycle costing, ecological footprint and carbon footprint. This work takes advantage of current modelling techniques to explore how these three indicators can be combined to provide sustainability assessment of alternative design solutions. It identifies the requirements for sustainability appraisal and information modelling to develop a requisite decision-support framework vis-à-vis issues on risk, sensitivity and what-if scenarios for implementation. The implementation employed object-oriented programming and feature modelling techniques to develop a sustainability decision-support prototype. The prototype system was tested in a typical design activity and evaluated to have achieved desired implementation requirements. The research concludes that the utilized current process and data modelling techniques can be employed to model sustainability related information to inform decisions at the early stages of structural design. As demonstrated in this work, design decision support systems can be optimized to include sustainability credentials through the use of object-based process and data modelling techniques. This thesis presents a sustainability appraisal framework, associated implementation algorithms and related object mappings and representations systems that could be used to achieve such decision support optimization