19 research outputs found

    A priority-based queuing model approach using destination parameters for real-time applications on IPv6 networks

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    In the early days of the Internet architecture, the most important aim is to transmit data over packet switched networks. The traditional Internet architecture used in these networks lacks quality of service. However, today, as realtime applications increase, it is needed. There are approaches to improving the quality of service using the flow label field in the Internet Protocol version 6 header. In this study, a novel algorithm that uses destination network parameters to reduce queuing and end-to-end delay is created. A round-robin-based time-aware priority queue new model is used within this algorithm. Data packets using this proposed queue are prioritized with metric values of the destination network. In order to provide end-to-end service quality, the prioritization value is used by placing it in the flow label field. For this purpose, a new approach to the use of this field is proposed. Delay, one of the most important factors affecting quality of service, is reduced with the proposed algorithm and flow label usage approach. As a result, the reduction in delay times between 22 and 39 ms resulted in various improvement rates between 16.79% and 35.13%

    Solution strategies of service fulfilment Operation Support Systems for Next Generation Networks

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    Suomalainen operatiivisten tukijärjestelmien toimittaja tarjoaa ratkaisuja palvelujen aktivointiin, verkkoresurssien hallintaan ja laskutustietojen keruuseen. Nämä ratkaisut ovat pääosin käytössä langattomissa verkoissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa arvioidaan kyseisten ratkaisujen soveltuvuutta palvelutoimitusprosessien automatisointiin tulevaisuuden verkkoympäristöissä. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat runko- ja pääsyverkkojen kiinteät teknologiat, joiden suosio saavuttaa huippunsa seuraavan 5-10 vuoden aikana. Näissä verkoissa palvelujen, kuten yritys-VPN:n tai kuluttajan laajakaistan, aktivointi vaatii monimutkaisen toimitusprosessin, jonka tueksi tarvitaan ensiluokkaista tukijärjestelmää. Teknologiakatsauksen jälkeen tutkimuksessa verrataan viitteellistä tuoteportfoliota saatavilla oleviin operatiivisten tukijärjestelmien arkkitehtuurisiin viitekehyksiin, ja analysoidaan sen soveltuvuus tulevaisuuden verkkoympäristöjen palvelutoimitusprosessin automatisointiin. Myös palvelutoimitusprosessien automatisointiin soveltuvien tukijärjestelmien markkinatilanne arvioidaan, ja tämän perusteella tutkitaan optimaalisinta sovellusstrategiaa. Lopulta voidaan päätellä, että tuoteportfoliolle parhaiten soveltuvin sovellusalue on kuluttajan laajakaistan, ja siihen liittyvien kehittyneempien IP-palveluiden palvelutoimitusprosessien automatisointi.A Finnish Operation Support Systems (OSS) vendor provides solutions for service activation, network inventory and event mediation. These solutions have mostly been deployed in mobile environments. In this thesis it will be studied how feasible it is to use similar solutions for service fulfilment in Next Generation Networks (NGN). NGN is a broad term that describes some key architectural evolutions in telecommunication core and access networks that will be deployed over the next 5 to 10 years. In these networks service, e.g. Triple Play or Virtual Private Network (VPN), activations require an extensive service fulfilment process that must be supported by first-class OSS. After introducing the NGN technologies, the research compares a reference product portfolio to available service fulfilment frameworks and evaluates the applicability. The study analyses the current state of service fulfilment OSS markets and evaluates various solution strategies. Eventually it will be concluded that the most interesting and adequate solution scenario is residential broadband, including value-added IP services

    Intelligent adaptive bandwidth provisioning for quality of service in umts core networks

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    An intelligent-agent approach for managing congestion in W-CDMA networks

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    PhDResource Management is a crucial aspect in the next generation cellular networks since the use of W-CDMA technology gives an inherent flexibility in managing the system capacity. The concept of a “Service Level Agreement” (SLA) also plays a very important role as it is the means to guarantee the quality of service provided to the customers in response to the level of service to which they have subscribed. Hence there is a need to introduce effective SLA-based policies as part of the radio resource management. This work proposes the application of intelligent agents in SLA-based control in resource management, especially when congestion occurs. The work demonstrates the ability of intelligent agents in improving and maintaining the quality of service to meet the required SLA as the congestion occurs. A particularly novel aspect of this work is the use of learning (here Case Based Reasoning) to predict the control strategies to be imposed. As the system environment changes, the most suitable policy will be implemented. When congestion occurs, the system either proposes the solution by recalling from experience (if the event is similar to what has been previously solved) or recalculates the solution from its knowledge (if the event is new). With this approach, the system performance will be monitored at all times and a suitable policy can be immediately applied as the system environment changes, resulting in maintaining the system quality of service

    Intégration et gestion de mobilité de bout en bout dans les réseaux mobiles de prochaine génération

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    Résumé - Pendant les dix dernières années, l'utilisation des systèmes de communication sans fil est devenue de plus en plus populaire tant chez les entreprises que chez les particuliers. Cette nouvelle tendance du marché est due, en grande partie, à la performance grandissante des réseaux mobiles qui concurrencent davantage les réseaux filaires en termes de bande passante, de coût et de couverture. Toutefois, cette catégorie de solutions sans fil est conçue pour des services spécifiques et utilise des technologies très variées. De plus, les usagers sont de plus en plus mobiles et requièrent des applications sensibles au délai (voix, multimédia, etc.). Dans ce nouveau contexte de mobilité, la prochaine génération des réseaux sans fil (4G) s'annonce comme l'ultime solution visant à satisfaire les exigences des usagers tout en tirant profit de la complémentarité des services offerts par les systèmes mobiles existants. Pour ce faire, la principale vocation de la future génération (4G) consiste en l'intégration et la convergence des technologies sans fil existantes et celles à venir. Cette intégration passe obligatoirement par l'utilisation du protocole IP (Internet Protocol) qui permet de cacher l'hétérogénéité des systèmes intégrés puisqu'il demeure l'unique couche commune à toutes les plateformes mobiles. Plusieurs solutions d'intégration ont été proposées dans la littérature. Celles-ci concernent des architectures d'intégration et des mécanismes de gestion de mobilité. Cependant, les approches proposées ne font pas l'unanimité et souffrent de plusieurs handicaps liés, en particulier, à l'interopérabilité et la garantie des relèves sans coupures.----------ABSTRACT During the last few years, the use of wireless systems is becoming more and more popular. This tendency can be explained by the fact that mobile technologies are gaining in performance in terms of bandwidth, coverage and cost compared to the traditional wired solutions. However, each mobile network is tailored for a specific type of services and users. Moreover, end users are expected to become more and more mobile and show an increasing interest to real-time applications. In these circumstances, the next generation of mobile networks (4G) appears to be the ultimate solution that will satisfy mobile user demands and take benefit of the existing wireless systems. Indeed, the future generation consists of integrating, in an intelligent manner, the existing/future wireless systems in a way that users can obtain their services via the best available network. This integration passes through the use of the Internet Protocol (IP) that will hide the heterogeneity pertaining to the integrated networks. To deal with this very important task, several solutions are available in the literature. The proposed approaches cover some basic topics such as interworking architecture and mobility management. Nevertheless, these proposals suffer from drawbacks relevant to the guarantee of QoS through heterogeneous technologies

    ACUTA Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    In This Issue Telecommunications/lT Leadership in Higher Education Managing for Success The Challenge of Leadership High-Bandwidth Leadership College and University lT in the Age of Discontinuity Educating the Leader Making the Outsourcing Decision lnsights into Online Learning lnitiatives lnstitutional Excellence Award Honorable Mention: Kent State University Interview President\u27s Message From the Executive Directo