62 research outputs found

    Chameleon: A Secure Cloud-Enabled and Queryable System with Elastic Properties

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    There are two dominant themes that have become increasingly more important in our technological society. First, the recurrent use of cloud-based solutions which provide infrastructures, computation platforms and storage as services. Secondly, the use of applicational large logs for analytics and operational monitoring in critical systems. Moreover, auditing activities, debugging of applications and inspection of events generated by errors or potential unexpected operations - including those generated as alerts by intrusion detection systems - are common situations where extensive logs must be analyzed, and easy access is required. More often than not, a part of the generated logs can be deemed as sensitive, requiring a privacy-enhancing and queryable solution. In this dissertation, our main goal is to propose a novel approach of storing encrypted critical data in an elastic and scalable cloud-based storage, focusing on handling JSONbased ciphered documents. To this end, we make use of Searchable and Homomorphic Encryption methods to allow operations on the ciphered documents. Additionally, our solution allows for the user to be near oblivious to our system’s internals, providing transparency while in use. The achieved end goal is a unified middleware system capable of providing improved system usability, privacy, and rich querying over the data. This previously mentioned objective is addressed while maintaining server-side auditable logs, allowing for searchable capabilities by the log owner or authorized users, with integrity and authenticity proofs. Our proposed solution, named Chameleon, provides rich querying facilities on ciphered data - including conjunctive keyword, ordering correlation and boolean queries - while supporting field searching and nested aggregations. The aforementioned operations allow our solution to provide data analytics upon ciphered JSON documents, using Elasticsearch as our storage and search engine.O uso recorrente de soluções baseadas em nuvem tornaram-se cada vez mais importantes na nossa sociedade. Tais soluções fornecem infraestruturas, computação e armazenamento como serviços, para alem do uso de logs volumosos de sistemas e aplicações para análise e monitoramento operacional em sistemas críticos. Atividades de auditoria, debugging de aplicações ou inspeção de eventos gerados por erros ou possíveis operações inesperadas - incluindo alertas por sistemas de detecção de intrusão - são situações comuns onde logs extensos devem ser analisados com facilidade. Frequentemente, parte dos logs gerados podem ser considerados confidenciais, exigindo uma solução que permite manter a confidencialidades dos dados durante procuras. Nesta dissertação, o principal objetivo é propor uma nova abordagem de armazenar logs críticos num armazenamento elástico e escalável baseado na cloud. A solução proposta suporta documentos JSON encriptados, fazendo uso de Searchable Encryption e métodos de criptografia homomórfica com provas de integridade e autenticação. O objetivo alcançado é um sistema de middleware unificado capaz de fornecer privacidade, integridade e autenticidade, mantendo registos auditáveis do lado do servidor e permitindo pesquisas pelo proprietário dos logs ou usuários autorizados. A solução proposta, Chameleon, visa fornecer recursos de consulta atuando em cima de dados cifrados - incluindo queries conjuntivas, de ordenação e booleanas - suportando pesquisas de campo e agregações aninhadas. As operações suportadas permitem à nossa solução suportar data analytics sobre documentos JSON cifrados, utilizando o Elasticsearch como armazenamento e motor de busca

    Privacy-Enhanced Query Processing in a Cloud-Based Encrypted DBaaS (Database as a Service)

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    In this dissertation, we researched techniques to support trustable and privacy enhanced solutions for on-line applications accessing to “always encrypted” data in remote DBaaS (data-base-as-a-service) or Cloud SQL-enabled backend solutions. Although solutions for SQL-querying of encrypted databases have been proposed in recent research, they fail in providing: (i) flexible multimodal query facilities includ ing online image searching and retrieval as extended queries to conventional SQL-based searches, (ii) searchable cryptographic constructions for image-indexing, searching and retrieving operations, (iii) reusable client-appliances for transparent integration of multi modal applications, and (iv) lack of performance and effectiveness validations for Cloud based DBaaS integrated deployments. At the same time, the study of partial homomorphic encryption and multimodal searchable encryption constructions is yet an ongoing research field. In this research direction, the need for a study and practical evaluations of such cryptographic is essential, to evaluate those cryptographic methods and techniques towards the materialization of effective solutions for practical applications. The objective of the dissertation is to design, implement and perform experimental evaluation of a security middleware solution, implementing a client/client-proxy/server appliance software architecture, to support the execution of applications requiring on line multimodal queries on “always encrypted” data maintained in outsourced cloud DBaaS backends. In this objective we include the support for SQL-based text-queries enhanced with searchable encrypted image-retrieval capabilities. We implemented a prototype of the proposed solution and we conducted an experimental benchmarking evaluation, to observe the effectiveness, latency and performance conditions in support ing those queries. The dissertation addressed the envisaged security middleware solution, as an experimental and usable solution that can be extended for future experimental testbench evaluations using different real cloud DBaaS deployments, as offered by well known cloud-providers.Nesta dissertação foram investigadas técnicas para suportar soluções com garantias de privacidade para aplicações que acedem on-line a dados que são mantidos sempre cifrados em nuvens que disponibilizam serviços de armazenamento de dados, nomeadamente soluções do tipo bases de dados interrogáveis por SQL. Embora soluções para suportar interrogações SQL em bases de dados cifradas tenham sido propostas anteriormente, estas falham em providenciar: (i) capacidade de efectuar pesquisas multimodais que possam incluir pesquisa combinada de texto e imagem com obtenção de imagens online, (ii) suporte de privacidade com base em construções criptograficas que permitam operações de indexacao, pesquisa e obtenção de imagens como dados cifrados pesquisáveis, (iii) suporte de integração para aplicações de gestão de dados em contexto multimodal, e (iv) ausência de validações experimentais com benchmarking dobre desempenho e eficiência em soluções DBaaS em que os dados sejam armazenados e manipulados na sua forma cifrada. A pesquisa de soluções de privacidade baseada em primitivas de cifras homomórficas parciais, tem sido vista como uma possível solução prática para interrogação de dados e bases de dados cifradas. No entanto, este é ainda um campo de investigação em desenvolvimento. Nesta direção de investigação, a necessidade de estudar e efectuar avaliações experimentais destas primitivas em bibliotecas de cifras homomórficas, reutilizáveis em diferentes contextos de aplicação e como solução efetiva para uso prático mais generalizado, é um aspeto essencial. O objectivo da dissertação e desenhar, implementar e efectuar avalições experimentais de uma proposta de solução middleware para suportar pesquisas multimodais em bases de dados mantidas cifradas em soluções de nuvens de armazenamento. Esta proposta visa a concepção e implementação de uma arquitectura de software client/client-proxy/server appliance para suportar execução eficiente de interrogações online sobre dados cifrados, suportando operações multimodais sobre dados mantidos protegidos em serviços de nuvens de armazenamento. Neste objectivo incluímos o suporte para interrogações estendidas de SQL, com capacidade para pesquisa e obtenção de dados cifrados que podem incluir texto e pesquisa de imagens por similaridade. Foi implementado um prototipo da solução proposta e foi efectuada uma avaliação experimental do mesmo, para observar as condições de eficiencia, latencia e desempenho do suporte dessas interrogações. Nesta avaliação incluímos a análise experimental da eficiência e impacto de diferentes construções criptográficas para pesquisas cifradas (searchable encryption) e cifras parcialmente homomórficas e que são usadas como componentes da solução proposta. A dissertaçao aborda a soluçao de seguranca projectada, como uma solução experimental que pode ser estendida e utilizavel para futuras aplcações e respetivas avaliações experimentais. Estas podem vir a adoptar soluções do tipo DBaaS, oferecidos como serviços na nuvem, por parte de diversos provedores ou fornecedores

    Secure Abstractions for Trusted Cloud Computation

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    Cloud computing is adopted by most organizations due to its characteristics, namely offering on-demand resources and services that can quickly be provisioned with minimal management effort and maintenance expenses for its users. However it still suffers from security incidents which have lead to many data security concerns and reluctance in further adherence. With the advent of these incidents, cryptographic technologies such as homomorphic and searchable encryption schemes were leveraged to provide solutions that mitigated data security concerns. The goal of this thesis is to provide a set of secure abstractions to serve as a tool for programmers to develop their own distributed applications. Furthermore, these abstractions can also be used to support trusted cloud computations in the context of NoSQL data stores. For this purpose we leveraged conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs) as they provide a mechanism to ensure data consistency when replicated that has no need for synchronization, which aligns well with the distributed and replicated nature of the cloud, and the aforementioned cryptographic technologies to comply with the security requirements. The main challenge of this thesis consisted in combining the cryptographic technologies with the CRDTs in such way that it was possible to support all of the data structures functionalities over ciphertext while striving to attain the best security and performance possible. To evaluate our abstractions we conducted an experiment to compare each secure abstraction with their non secure counterpart performance wise. Additionally, we also analysed the security level provided by each of the structures in light of the cryptographic scheme used to support it. The results of our experiment shows that our abstractions provide the intended data security with an acceptable performance overhead, showing that it has potential to be used to build solutions for trusted cloud computation

    Secure Data Communication in Autonomous V2X Systems

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    In Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication systems, vehicles as well as infrastructure devices can interact and exchange data with each other. This capability is used to implement intelligent transportation systems applications. Data confidentiality and integrity need to be preserved in unverified and untrusted environments. In this paper, we propose a solution that provides (a) role-based and attribute-based access control to encrypted data and (b) encrypted search over encrypted data. Vehicle Records contain sensitive information about the owners and vehicles in encrypted form with attached access control policies and policy enforcement engine. Our solution supports decentralized and distributed data exchange, which is essential in V2X systems, where a Central Authority is not required to enforce access control policies. Furthermore, we facilitate querying encrypted Vehicle Records through Structured Query Language (SQL) queries. Vehicle Records are stored in a database in untrusted V2X cloud environment that is prone to provide the attackers with a large attack surface. Big datasets, stored in cloud, can be used for data analysis, such as traffic pattern analysis. Our solution protects sensitive vehicle and owner information from curious or malicious information cloud administrators. Support of indexing improves performance of queries that are forwarded to relevant encrypted Vehicle Records, which are stored in the cloud. We measure the performance overhead of our security solution based on self-protecting Vehicle Records with encrypted search capabilities in V2X communication systems and analyze the effect of security over safety

    Towards Software-Defined Data Protection: GDPR Compliance at the Storage Layer is Within Reach

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    Enforcing data protection and privacy rules within large data processing applications is becoming increasingly important, especially in the light of GDPR and similar regulatory frameworks. Most modern data processing happens on top of a distributed storage layer, and securing this layer against accidental or malicious misuse is crucial to ensuring global privacy guarantees. However, the performance overhead and the additional complexity for this is often assumed to be significant -- in this work we describe a path forward that tackles both challenges. We propose "Software-Defined Data Protection" (SDP), an adoption of the "Software-Defined Storage" approach to non-performance aspects: a trusted controller translates company and application-specific policies to a set of rules deployed on the storage nodes. These, in turn, apply the rules at line-rate but do not take any decisions on their own. Such an approach decouples often changing policies from request-level enforcement and allows storage nodes to implement the latter more efficiently. Even though in-storage processing brings challenges, mainly because it can jeopardize line-rate processing, we argue that today's Smart Storage solutions can already implement the required functionality, thanks to the separation of concerns introduced by SDP. We highlight the challenges that remain, especially that of trusting the storage nodes. These need to be tackled before we can reach widespread adoption in cloud environments

    Virtual HSM: Building a Hardware-backed Dependable Cryptographic Store

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    Cloud computing is being used by almost everyone, from regular consumer to IT specialists, as it is a way to have high availability, geo-replication, and resource elasticity with pay-as-you-go charging models. Another benefit is the minimal management effort and maintenance expenses for its users. However, security is still pointed out as the main reason hindering the full adoption of cloud services. Consumers lose ownership of their data as soon as it goes to the cloud; therefore, they have to rely on cloud provider’s security assumptions and Service Level Agreements regarding privacy and integrity guarantees for their data. Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) are dedicated cryptographic processors, typically used in secure cloud applications, that are designed specifically for the protection of cryptographic keys in all steps of their life cycles. They are physical devices with tamperproof resistance, but rather expensive. There have been some attempts to virtualize HSMs. Virtual solutions can reduce its costs but without much success as performance is incomparable and security guarantees are hard to achieve in software implementations. In this dissertation, we aim at developing a virtualized HSM supported by modern attestation-based trusted hardware in commodity CPUs to ensure privacy and reliability, which are the main requirements of an HSM. High availability will also be achieved through techniques such as cloud-of-clouds replication on top of those nodes. Therefore virtual HSMs, on the cloud, backed with trusted hardware, seem increasingly promising as security, attestation, and high availability will be guaranteed by our solution, and it would be much cheaper and as reliable as having physical HSMs

    Toward Securing Cloud-Based Data Analytics:A Discussion on Current Solutions and Open Issues

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    In the last few years, organizations and business professionals have realized the value of data analytics in supporting decision-making. Where several activities are performed on on-line data by different stakeholders, such as cleansing, aggregation, analysis and visualization, cloud-based data analytics has become a favored choice for business professionals due to the elasticity, availability, scalability, and pay-as-you-go features offered by cloud computing. However, large amounts of data stored on the cloud are very sensitive (e.g., innovation, financial, legal, customers’ data), and so data privacy remains one of the top concerns for many reasons;mainly those relating to legal or competition issues. In this paper, we review the security and cryptographic mechanisms which aim to make data analytics secure in a cloud environment, and discuss current research challenges