431 research outputs found

    Object and Reference Immutability using Java Generics

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    A compiler-checked immutability guarantee provides useful documentation, facilitates reasoning, and enables optimizations. This paper presents Immutability Generic Java (IGJ), a novel language extension that expresses immutability without changing Javas syntax by building upon Javas generics and annotation mechanisms. In IGJ, each class has one additional generic parameter that is Immutable, Mutable, or ReadOnly. IGJ guarantees both reference immutability (only mutable references can mutate an object) and object immutability (an immutable reference points to an immutable object). IGJ is the first proposal for enforcing object immutability, and its reference immutability is more expressive than previous work. IGJ also permits covariant changes of generic arguments in a type-safe manner, e.g., a readonly list of integers is a subtype of a readonly list of numbers. IGJ extends Javas type system with a few simple rules. We formalize this type system and prove it sound. Our IGJ compiler works by type-erasure and generates byte-code that can be executed on any JVM without runtime penalty

    Pluggable type-checking for custom type qualifiers in Java

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    We have created a framework for adding custom type qualifiers to the Javalanguage in a backward-compatible way. The type system designer definesthe qualifiers and creates a compiler plug-in that enforces theirsemantics. Programmers can write the type qualifiers in their programs andbe informed of errors or assured that the program is free of those errors.The system builds on existing Java tools and APIs.In order to evaluate our framework, we have written four type-checkersusing the framework: for a non-null type system that can detect andprevent null pointer errors; for an interned type system that can detectand prevent equality-checking errors; for a reference immutability typesystem, Javari, that can detect and prevent mutation errors; and for areference and object immutability type system, IGJ, that can detect andprevent even more mutation errors. We have conducted case studies usingeach checker to find real errors in existing software. These case studiesdemonstrate that the checkers and the framework are practical and useful

    Resource Usage Protocols for Iterators

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    We discuss usage protocols for iterator objects that prevent concurrent modifications of the underlying collection while iterators are in progress. We formalize these protocols in Java-like object interfaces, enriched with separation logic contracts. We present examples of iterator clients and proofs that they adhere to the iterator protocol, as well as examples of iterator implementations and proofs that they implement the iterator interface

    Programming Safety Tips: Why You Should Use Immutable Objects or How to create programs with bugs that can never be found or fixed.

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    Program safety deals with how to make programs as error free as possible. The hardest errors in a program for a programmer to find are often errors in using memory. There are two reasons for this. The first is that errors in accessing memory almost never show problems in the proximate area of the program where the error is made. The error has no apparent impact when it is made, but often causes catastrophic results to occur much later in the program, in areas of the program unrelated to memory error that caused it. The second reason memory errors are so difficult to find is that the working of memory is often poorly understood by most novice, and many professional, programmers. This makes it difficult for many programmers to even understand why an action causes the error. This article will show an example of a program error that can easily occur when memory access is poorly understood. This leads to program errors that are very easy to fix when they are found, but extremely difficult to find. The article will then explain how many memory errors can be easily avoided by following the very simple rule, “Make all object immutable unless there is a good reason to make them mutable”, and why immutable objects are an essential tool in good, safe programming practice

    Immutable data types in concurrent programming on basis of Clojure language

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    Konkurentne programmeerimine keskendub probleemidele, kus erinevaid ressursse tuleb jagada mitme lõime vahel. Kõige lihtsamal juhul võib selleks olla protsessori arvutusressurss, kuid tänapäevased mitme tuumaga protsessorid lisavad probleemile lisamõõtme, kus valdavaks probleemiks saab mälu ühine konkurentne kasutamine. Selle töö eesmärk on uurida konkurentses programmerimises esinevaid probleeme ja võimalikke lahendusi Java ja Clojure keelte näite varal pannes rõhku keeles Clojure kasutusele võetud uuendustele. Leitakse, et konkrurentne programmeerimine Javas pärib enamiku probleemidest konkurentsete programmeerimise vahendite suhteliselt madalatasemelisest lisamisest Java keelde. Enamik probleeme tuleneb ühismälu mudeli kasutuselevõtust. Kuna Javas on võimalik pöörduda ühismälu poole korrektse vastastiku välistuseta, siis võib see põhustada raskesti leitavaid tarkvara vigu. Peale selle võib Java lukkudel põhinev vastastik välistus luua raskesti leitavaid uusi probleeme. Näiteks võib programm sisaldada tupikut, kus programmi kaks lõime ootavad vastastikku võetud lukkude taga tänu ebakorrektsele lukkude võtmise järjekorrale programmis. Lukke kasutades on keeruline koostada mitmest eraldi seisvast atomaarsest operatsioonist uut ühendatud atomaarset operatsiooni. Töös leitakse, et Lispist inspireeritud funktsionaalne Java platformil põhinev programmerimiskeel Clojure pakub rohkem piiratud reeglistikku andmete jagamiseks mitme lõime vahel. Kõige olulisem on, et kõik andmete jagamised mitme lõime vahel peavad olema väljendatud tahtlikult, mis võib arvatavalt vähendada programmeerimisvigade hulka. Clojures võib andmeid jagada asünkroonselt kasutades agente või sünkroonselt, kas kasutades tarkvaralisi mälutransaktsioone või lihtsamaid atomaarseid uuendusi üksikväärtuse jagamiseks. Clojure tarkvaralised mälutransaktsioonid pakuvad lihtsa viisi mitme eraldi atomaarse operatsiooni uueks tervikuks kombineerimiseks. Clojure tarkvaralised mälutransaktsioonid võivad lisaks vähendada koodi vigu, kuna need kontrollivad programmi töö käigus, et jagatud mälu poole pöördumine toimuks transaktsiooni siseselt. Töös jõutakse järeldusele, et eelnevale vaatamata ei vabasta see programmeerijat vajalike atomaarsete operatsioonide korrektsest tuvastamisest programmi koodis. Clojure lähenemine konkurentsele programmeerimisele põhineb muutumatute muutujate kontseptsioonil. Muutumatud muutujad võimaldavad kasutada keerukaid andmestruktuure lihtsate väärtustena, mille olek ei muutu viite haldaja kontrolli väliselt. Seega on oluline, et Cloure pakuks erinevaid andmeüüpe, mis järgivaid neid printsiipe. Üks sellistest andmestruktuuridest Clojures on Persistent Vector – Clojure suvapöördusega loend. Käesolevas töös uuriti selle andmestruktuuri ehitust ja jõudlust. Kokkuvõtvalt võib öelda, et tegemist on “bitmapped” trie andmetüübiga, millel on kõrge hargnevustegur, mis võimaldab puhverdada lisamise operatsioone kogudes lisatavad elemendid esmalt nii öelda sabapuhvermällu ennem nende lisamist terviklikuna puusse. Persistent Vector andmetüübi ülesehitus võimaldab sel jagada oma sisemist struktuuri oma eelnevate versioonidega, mis teeb sellest tõhusa muutumatu andmetüübi. Mõõtmised näitavad, et võrdluses Java ArrayList andmetüübiga pakkub see sarnast jõudlust nii elementide lisamisel nimekirja lõppu kui ka nimekirja järjestikusel läbimisel. Elemendi positsiooni järgi uuendamise jõudlus on siiski kaks suurusjärku madalam. Elemendi positsiooni järgi pärimise jõudlusele ei õnnestunud anda selgepiirilist hinnangut tänu arvatavasti Java JIT kompilaatori poolt põhjustatud probleemidele ArrayList jõudluse hindamisel. Tulemused annavad siiski alust spekuleerida, et andmetüüpide Persistent Vector ja ArrayList positsiooni järgi pärimise jõudlus on sarnane positsiooni järgi uuendamise jõudlusega. Käesolevas töös analüüsiti erinevaid jõudluse paranduse ettepanekuid. Võib järeldada, et Persistent Vector nimekirja lõppu lisamise jõudlust on võimalik tõsta ligikaudu kaks korda, kui jagada selle lisamise sabapuhvermälu ühe lõime piires. Võib arvata, et piisavalt hea lisamise ja läbimise operatsioonide jõudlus võimaldaks Persistent Vector andmetüüpi kasutada mitmete praktiliste ülesannete lahendamisel. Näiteks võiks seda kasutada andmebaasist laetud nimekirjast veebilehe koostamisel vahepuhvermäluna. Korrektsete paralleeltestide koostamise keerukuse tõttu parallelljõudluse testid ei kajastu antud töös. Seega võib soovitada nende testide sooritamist edasiseks uurimisvaldkonnaks. Kokkuvõtvalt jõuti töös järeldusele, et Clojure näitab, et on võimalik muuta konkurentne programmerimine suhteliselt turvaliseks, kui loetletud disaini printsiibid on järgitud. Võib arutleda,et raskused Java konkurentses programeerimises ei vähene kuniks Java mälu kasutus ei ole kriitiliselt üle vaadatud.Concurrent programming tries to solve the problems where there is a need to share different resources between different threads. In most simplest case it is about sharing the processor time but modern multi-core processors do add a new dimension where the access to the shared memory becomes the most essential problem. It is concluded in this work that the concurrent programming in Java inherits most of its problems from the direct incorporation of the shared memory model. Because it is possible in Java to access shared memory without properly applied mutual exclusion, it can produce hard to detect software bugs. Moreover Java lock based mutual exclusion can introduce additional hard to detect problems. Most notoriously the program can contain a possible deadlock when lock acquisition is not correctly ordered. It is difficult to compose separate thread safe atomic operations into a new atomic operation using locks because an additional complex synchronization is required when combining multiple method calls. The main focus of this work is on the innovations provided by the Clojure language. It is concluded in this work that a new Lisp inspired functional language Clojure that is implemented on top of the Java platform introduces a more limited ruleset for the data sharing between different threads. Most importantly all data sharing operations must be expressed explicitly. This approach can arguably reduces the set of possible programming errors. Clojure offers two methods for the data sharing. It can be accomplished asynchronously with the agents or synchronously with either software transactional memory (STM) for operations that require updating multiple values in one atomic operations or with simpler atomic updates when only one values is shared. Clojure STM provides syntactically simple method for combining multiple separate atomic operations into new atomic operation by simply wrapping given operations into a new transaction. Clojure STM can reduce programming errors further by using runtime verification to check that no updates are performed outside of the transaction. It was concluded that regardless of the above Clojure does not free the programmer from correctly identifying set of the operations that should be executed atomically. Clojure method of the concurrent programming relies heavily on the immutable data structures. Immutability lets it regard complex data structures as simple values whose state does not change outside of the control of the reference holder. Therefore it is important for Clojure to provide rich set of different data structures that follow these principles. One of such data structures in Clojure is Persistent Vector from Clojure collections library. The internal working principles of this data type were explored. In summary it is a bit mapped trie with the high branching factor that allows possibility of the deferred additions into the end of the vector by collecting the new elements into a tail buffer before pushing them into the trie as a whole. Persistent Vector can share a bulk of its internal structure with the previous versions making it effective immutable data structure. The actual performance of the Persistent Vector was evaluated. The findings show that it can provide addition and iteration operation performance compared to the Java collections ArrayList. The update by index performs two orders of magnitude slower than analogue operation on ArrayList. The performance difference of lookup by index operation was not conclusively determined due probably JIT induced difficulty to measure ArrayList index lookups reliably. Performed measurements still allow to speculate that the performance difference of the index lookup operation between Persistent Vector and ArrayList is similar to the performance difference of the update by index operation. Few additional performance enchantments were evaluated and it was concluded that it would be possible to improve the addition operation performance around two times when additional thread confined flag is used to allow further sharing of the tail buffer between different versions. It can be argued that relatively good addition and iterating performance would allow to use Persistent Vector to solve a set of useful problems. For example the Persistent Vector can be used to load a list of the records from the database to be iterated over to build a web page based on that data. Due hardness of the proper performance testing of the parallel operations such tests were not included into this work. It can be suggested that testing the performance of sharing persistent vector between multiple threads is needed. It was concluded in summary that Clojure shows that it is possible to make concurrent programming relatively safer when a set of design principles are changed. It can be argued that difficulty of concurrent programming in Java does not improve unless its memory access principles are considerably reevaluated

    Context Sensitive Typechecking And Inference: Ownership And Immutability

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    Context sensitivity is one important feature of type systems that helps creating concise type rules and getting accurate types without being too conservative. In a context-sensitive type system, declared types can be resolved to different types according to invocation contexts, such as receiver and assignment contexts. Receiver-context sensitivity is also called viewpoint adaptation, meaning adapting declared types from the viewpoint of receivers. In receiver-context sensitivity, resolution of declared types only depends on receivers' types. In contrast, in assignment-context sensitivity, declared types are resolved based on context types to which declared types are assigned to. The Checker Framework is a poweful framework for developing pluggable type systems for Java. However, it lacks the ability of supporting receiver- and assignment-context sensitivity, which makes the development of such type systems hard. The Checker Framework Inference is a framework based on the Checker Framework to infer and insert pluggable types for unannotated programs to reduce the overhead of manually doing so. This thesis presents work that adds the two context sensitivity features into the two frameworks and how those features are reused in typechecking and inference and shared between two different type systems --- Generic Universe Type System (GUT) and Practical Immutability for Classes And Objects (PICO). GUT is an existing light-weight object ownership type system that is receiver-context sensitive. It structures the heap hierarchically to control aliasing and access between objects. GUTInfer is the corresponding inference system to infer GUT types for unannotated programs. GUT is the first type system that introduces the concept of viewpoint adaptation, which inspired us to raise the receiver-context sensitivity feature to the framework level. We adapt the old GUT and GUTInfer implementation to use the new framework-level receiver-context sensitivity feature. We also improve implicits rules of GUT to better handle corner cases. Immutability is a way to control mutation and avoid unintended side-effects. Object immutability specifies restrictions on objects, such that immutable objects' states can not be changed. It provides many benefits such as safe sharing of objects between threads without the need of synchronization, compile- and run-time optimizations, and easier reasoning about the software behaviour etc. PICO is a novel object and class immutability type system developed using the Checker Framework with the new framework-level context sensitivity features. It transitively guarentees the immutability of the objects that constitute the abstraction of the root object. It supports circular initialization of immutable objects and mutability restrictions on classes that influence all instances of that class. PICO supports creation of objects whose mutability is independent from receivers, which inspired us to add the assignment-context sensitivity feature to the framework level. PICOInfer is the inference system that infers and propagates mutability types to unannotated programs according to PICO's type rules. We experiment PICO, PICOInfer and GUTInfer on 16 real-world projects up to 71,000 lines of code in total. Our experiments indicate that the new framework-level context sensitivity features work correctly in PICO and GUT. PICO is expressive and flexible enough to be used in real-world programs. Improvements to GUT are also correct