97 research outputs found

    Splitting algorithm for DMT optimal cooperative MAC protocols in wireless mesh networks

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    A cooperative protocol for wireless mesh networks is proposed in this paper. The protocol implements both on-demand relaying and a selection of the best relay terminal so only one terminal is relaying the source message when cooperation is needed. Two additional features are also proposed. The best relay is selected with a splitting algorithm. This approach allows fast relay selection within less than three time-slots, on average. Moreover, a pre-selection of relay candidates is performed prior to the splitting algorithm. Only terminals that are able to improve the direct path are pre-selected. So efficient cooperation is now guaranteed. We prove that this approach is optimal in terms of diversity-multiplexing trade-off. The protocol has been designed in the context of Nakagami-mfading channels. Simulation results show that the performance of the splitting algorithm does not depend on channel statistics

    Performance Analysis of Relay Selection Schemes in Multi-Hop Decode-and-Forward Networks

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    This paper analyses the data rate achieved by various relay selection schemes in a single-user multi-hop relay network with decode-and-forward (DF) relaying. While the single-user relay selection problem is well studied in the literature, research on achievable rate maximization is limited to dual-hop networks and multi-hop networks with a single relay per hop. We fill this important gap by focusing on achievable rate maximization in multi-hop, multi-relay networks. First, we consider optimal relay selection and obtain two approximations to the achievable rate. Next, we consider three existing sub-optimal relay selection strategies namely hop-by-hop, ad-hoc and block-by-block relay selection and obtain exact expressions for the achievable rate under each of these strategies. We also extend the sliding window based relay selection to the DF relay network and derive an approximation to the achievable rate. Further, we investigate the impact of window size in sliding window based relay selection and show that a window size of three is sufficient to achieve most of the possible performance gains. Finally, we extend this analysis to a noise limited multi-user network where the number of available relay nodes is large compared to the number of users and derive approximations to the achievable sum-rate

    Komunikace na milimetrových vlnách v 5G a dalších sítích: Nové systémové modely a analýza výkonnosti

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    The dissertation investigates different network models, focusing on three important features for next generation cellular networks with respect to millimeter waves (mmWave) communications: the impact of fading and co-channel interference (CCI), energy efficiency, and spectrum efficiency. To address the first aim, the dissertation contains a study of a non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) technique in a multi-hop relay network which uses relays that harvest energy from power beacons (PB). This part derives the exact throughput expressions for NOMA and provides a performance analysis of three different NOMA schemes to determine the optimal parameters for the proposed system’s throughput. A self-learning clustering protocol (SLCP) in which a node learns its neighbor’s information is also proposed for determining the node density and the residual energy used to cluster head (CH) selection and improve energy efficiency, thereby prolonging sensor network lifetime and gaining higher throughput. Second, NOMA provides many opportunities for massive connectivity at lower latencies, but it may also cause co-channel interference by reusing frequencies. CCI and fading play a major role in deciding the quality of the received signal. The dissertation takes into account the presence of η and µ fading channels in a network using NOMA. The closed-form expressions of outage probability (OP) and throughput were derived with perfect successive interference cancellation (SIC) and imperfect SIC. The dissertation also addresses the integration of NOMA into a satellite communications network and evaluates its system performance under the effects of imperfect channel state information (CSI) and CCI. Finally, the dissertation presents a new model for a NOMA-based hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay network (HSTRN) using mmWave communications. The satellite deploys the NOMA scheme, whereas the ground relays are equipped with multiple antennas and employ the amplify and forward (AF) protocol. The rain attenuation coefficient is considered as the fading factor of the mmWave band to choose the best relay, and the widely applied hybrid shadowed-Rician and Nakagami-m channels characterize the transmission environment of HSTRN. The closed-form formulas for OP and ergodic capacity (EC) were derived to evaluate the system performance of the proposed model and then verified with Monte Carlo simulations.Dizertační práce zkoumala různé modely sítí a zaměřila se na tři důležité vlastnosti pro buňkové sítě příští generace s ohledem na mmW komunikace, kterými jsou: vliv útlumu a mezikanálového rušení (CCI), energetická účinnost a účinnost spektra. Co se týče prvního cíle, dizertace obsahuje studii techniky neortogonálního vícenásobného přístupu (NOMA) v bezdrátové multiskokové relay síti využívající získávání energie, kde relay uzly sbírají energii z energetických majáků (PB). Tato část přináší přesné výrazy propustnosti pro NOMA a analýzu výkonnosti se třemi různými schématy NOMA s cílem určit optimální parametry pro propustnost navrženého systému. Dále byl navržen samoučící se shlukovací protokol (SLCP), ve kterém se uzel učí informace o sousedech, aby určil hustotu uzlů a zbytkovou energii použitou k výběru hlavy shluku CH pro zlepšení energetické účinnosti, čímž může prodloužit životnost sensorové sítě a zvýšit propustnost. Za druhé, přístup NOMA poskytl mnoho příležitostí pro masivní připojení s nižší latencí, NOMA však může způsobovat mezikanálové rušení v důsledku opětovného využívání kmitočtů. CCI a útlum hrají klíčovou roli při rozhodování o kvalitě přijímaného signálu. V této dizertace je brána v úvahu přítomnost η a µ útlumových kanálů v síti užívající NOMA. Odvozeny jsou výrazy v uzavřené formě pro pravděpodobnost výpadku (OP) a propustnost s dokonalým postupným rušením rušení (SIC) a nedokonalým SIC. Dále se dizertace zabývá integrací přístupu NOMA do satelitní komunikační sítě a vyhodnocuje výkonnost systému při dopadech nedokonalé informace o stavu kanálu (CSI) a CCI. Závěrem disertační práce představuje nový model pro hybridní družicově-terestriální přenosovou síť (HSTRN) založenou na NOMA vícenásobném přístupu využívající mmWave komunikaci. Satelit využívá NOMA schéma, zatímco pozemní relay uzly jsou vybaveny více anténami a aplikují protokol zesilování a předávání (AF). Je zaveden srážkový koeficient, který je uvažován jako útlumový faktor mmWave pásma při výběru nejlepšího relay uzlu. Samotné přenosové prostředí HSTRN je charakterizováno pomocí hybridních Rician a Nakagami-m kanálů. Vztahy pro vyhodnocení výkonnosti systému navrženého modelu vyjadřující ergodickou kapacitu (EC) a pravděpodobnost ztrát (OP) byly odvozeny v uzavřené formě a následně ověřeny pomocí simulační numerické metody Monte Carlo.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově

    Localization Of Sensors In Presence Of Fading And Mobility

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    The objective of this dissertation is to estimate the location of a sensor through analysis of signal strengths of messages received from a collection of mobile anchors. In particular, a sensor node determines its location from distance measurements to mobile anchors of known locations. We take into account the uncertainty and fluctuation of the RSS as a result of fading and take into account the decay of the RSS which is proportional to the transmitter-receiver distance power raised to the PLE. The objective is to characterize the channel in order to derive accurate distance estimates from RSS measurements and then utilize the distance estimates in locating the sensors. To characterize the channel, two techniques are presented for the mobile anchors to periodically estimate the channel\u27s PLE and fading parameter. Both techniques estimate the PLE by solving an equation via successive approximations. The formula in the first is stated directly from MLE analysis whereas in the second is derived from a simple probability analysis. Then two distance estimates are proposed, one based on a derived formula and the other based on the MLE analysis. Then a location technique is proposed where two anchors are sufficient to uniquely locate a sensor. That is, the sensor narrows down its possible locations to two when collects RSS measurements transmitted by a mobile anchor, then uniquely determines its location when given a distance to the second anchor. Analysis shows the PLE has no effect on the accuracy of the channel characterization, the normalized error in the distance estimation is invariant to the estimated distance, and accurate location estimates can be achieved from a moderate sample of RSS measurements

    Contributions to the Performance Analysis of Intervehicular Communications Systems and Schemes

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    RÉSUMÉ Le but des systèmes de communication intervéhicule (Inter-Vehicle Communication – IVC) est d'améliorer la sécurité de conduite en utilisant des capteurs et des techniques de communication sans fil pour être en mesure de communiquer mutuellement sans aucune intervention extérieure. Avec l'utilisation de ces systèmes, les communications véhicule à véhicule (V2V) peuvent être plus efficaces dans la prévention des accidents et la décongestion de la circulation que si chaque véhicule travaillait individuellement. Une des solutions proposées pour les systèmes IVC est l’utilisation des systèmes de communication coopérative, qui en principe, augmentent l'efficacité spectrale et énergétique, la couverture du réseau, et réduit la probabilité de défaillance. La diversité d'antenne (entrées multiples sorties multiples « Multiple-Input Multiple-Output » ou MIMO) peut également être une alternative pour les systèmes IVC pour améliorer la capacité du canal et la diversité (fiabilité), mais en échange d’une complexité accrue. Toutefois, l'application de telles solutions est difficile, car les communications sans fil entre les véhicules sont soumises à d’importants effets d'évanouissements des canaux appelés (canaux sujets aux évanouissements de n*Rayleigh, « n*Rayleigh fading channels»), ce qui conduit à la dégradation des performances. Par conséquent, dans cette thèse, nous proposons une analyse de la performance globale des systèmes de transmission coopératifs et MIMO sur des canaux sujets aux évanouissements de n*Rayleigh. Cette analyse permettra d’aider les chercheurs pour la conception et la mise en œuvre de systèmes de communication V2V avec une complexité moindre. En particulier, nous étudions d'abord la performance de la sélection du relais de coopération avec les systèmes IVC, on suppose que la transmission via « Amplify-and-Forward» (AF) ou bien «Decode-and-Forward» (DF) est assurée par N relais pour transférer le message de la source à la destination. La performance du système est analysée en termes de probabilité de défaillance, la probabilité d'erreur de symbole, et la capacité moyenne du canal. Les résultats numériques démontrent que la sélection de relais réalise une diversité de l'ordre de (d≈mN/n) pour les deux types de relais, où m est un paramètre évanouissement de Rayleigh en cascade. Nous étudions ensuite la performance des systèmes IVC à sauts multiples avec et sans relais régénératifs. Dans cette étude, nous dérivons des expressions approximatives pour la probabilité de défaillance et le niveau d’évanouissement lorsque la diversité en réception basée sur le ratio maximum de combinaison (MRC) est employée. En outre, nous analysons la répartition de puissance pour le système sous-jacent afin de minimiser la probabilité globale de défaillance. Nous montrons que la performance des systèmes régénératifs est meilleure que celle des systèmes non régénératifs lorsque l’ordre de cascade n est faible, tandis qu’ils ont des performances similaires lorsque n est élevé. Ensuite, nous considérons le problème de la détection de puissance des signaux inconnus aux n* canaux de Rayleigh. Dans ce travail, de nouvelles expressions approximatives sont dérivées de la probabilité de détection moyenne avec et sans diversité en réception MRC. En outre, la performance du système est analysée lorsque la détection de spectre coopérative (CSS) est considérée sous diverses contraintes de canaux (par exemple, les canaux de communication parfaits et imparfaits). Les résultats numériques ont montré que la fiabilité de détection diminue à mesure que l'ordre n augmente et s’améliore sensiblement lorsque CSS emploie le schéma MRC. Il est démontré que CSS avec le schéma MRC maintient la probabilité de fausse alarme minimale dans les canaux d’information imparfaite plutôt que d'augmenter le nombre d'utilisateurs en coopération. Enfin, nous présentons une nouvelle approche pour l'analyse des performances des systèmes IVC sur n*canaux de Rayleigh, en utilisant n_T antennes d'émission et n_R antennes de réception pour lutter contre l'effet d’évanouissement. Dans ce contexte, nous évaluons la performance des systèmes MIMO-V2V basés sur la sélection des antennes d'émission avec un ratio maximum de combinaison (TAS/MRC) et la sélection combinant (TAS/SC). Dans cette étude, nous dérivons des expressions analytiques plus précises pour la probabilité de défaillance, la probabilité d'erreur de symbole, et l’évanouissement sur n*canaux Rayleigh. Il est montré que les deux régimes ont le même ordre de diversité maximale équivalent à (d≈mn_T n_R /n) . En outre, TAS / MRC offre un gain de performance mieux que TAS/ SC lorsque le nombre d'antennes de réception est plus que celle des antennes d’émission, mais l’amélioration de la performance est limitée lorsque n augmente.----------Abstract The purpose of intervehicular communication (IVC) systems is to enhance driving safety, in which vehicles use sensors and wireless communication techniques to talk to each other without any roadside intervention. Using these systems, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications can be more effective in avoiding accidents and traffic congestion than if each vehicle works individually. A potential solution can be implemented in this research area using cooperative communications systems which, in principle, increase spectral and power efficiency, network coverage, and reduce the outage probability. Antenna diversity (i.e., multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) systems) can also be an alternative solution for IVC systems to enhance channel capacity and diversity (reliability) but in exchange of an increased complexity. However, applying such solutions is challenging since wireless communications among vehicles is subject to harsh fading channels called ‘n*Rayleigh fading channels’, which leads to performance degradation. Therefore, in this thesis we provide a comprehensive performance analysis of cooperative transmission and MIMO systems over n*Rayleigh fading channels that help researchers for the design and implementation of V2V communication systems with lower complexity. Specifically, we first investigate the performance of cooperative IVC systems with relay selection over n*Rayleigh fading channels, assuming that both the decode-and-forward and the amplify-and-forward relaying protocols are achieved by N relays to transfer the source message to the destination. System performance is analyzed in terms of outage probability, symbol error probability, and average channel capacity. The numerical results have shown that the best relay selection approach achieves the diversity order of (d≈mN/n) where m is a cascaded Rayleigh fading parameter. Second, we investigate the performance of multihop-IVC systems with regenerative and non-regenerative relays. In this study, we derive approximate closed-form expressions for the outage probability and amount of fading when the maximum ratio combining (MRC) diversity reception is employed. Further, we analyze the power allocation for the underlying scheme in order to minimize the overall outage probability. We show that the performance of regenerative systems is better than that of non-regenerative systems when the cascading order n is low and they have similar performance when n is high. Third, we consider the problem of energy detection of unknown signals over n*Rayleigh fading channels. In this work, novel approximate expressions are derived for the average probability of detection with and without MRC diversity reception. Moreover, the system performance is analyzed when cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) is considered under various channel constraints (e.g, perfect and imperfect reporting channels). The numerical results show that the detection reliability decreases as the cascading order n increases and substantially improves when CSS employs MRC schemes. It is demonstrated that CSS with MRC scheme keeps the probability of false alarm minimal under imperfect reporting channels rather than increasing the number of cooperative users. Finally, we present a new approach for the performance analysis of IVC systems over n*Rayleigh fading channels, using n_T transmit and n_R receive antennas to combat fading influence. In this context, we evaluate the performance of MIMO-V2V systems based on the transmit antenna selection with maximum ratio combining (TAS/MRC) and selection combining (TAS/SC) schemes. In this study, we derive tight analytical expressions for the outage probability, the symbol error probability, and the amount of fading over n*Rayleigh fading channels. It is shown that both schemes have the same maximum diversity order equivalent to (d≈mn_T n_R /n). In addition, TAS/MRC offers a better performance gain than TAS/SC scheme when the number of receive antennas is more than that of transmit antennas, but the performance improvement is limited as n increases

    Contribution to quality of user experience provision over wireless networks

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    The widespread expansion of wireless networks has brought new attractive possibilities to end users. In addition to the mobility capabilities provided by unwired devices, it is worth remarking the easy configuration process that a user has to follow to gain connectivity through a wireless network. Furthermore, the increasing bandwidth provided by the IEEE 802.11 family has made possible accessing to high-demanding services such as multimedia communications. Multimedia traffic has unique characteristics that make it greatly vulnerable against network impairments, such as packet losses, delay, or jitter. Voice over IP (VoIP) communications, video-conference, video-streaming, etc., are examples of these high-demanding services that need to meet very strict requirements in order to be served with acceptable levels of quality. Accomplishing these tough requirements will become extremely important during the next years, taking into account that consumer video traffic will be the predominant traffic in the Internet during the next years. In wired systems, these requirements are achieved by using Quality of Service (QoS) techniques, such as Differentiated Services (DiffServ), traffic engineering, etc. However, employing these methodologies in wireless networks is not that simple as many other factors impact on the quality of the provided service, e.g., fading, interferences, etc. Focusing on the IEEE 802.11g standard, which is the most extended technology for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), it defines two different architecture schemes. On one hand, the infrastructure mode consists of a central point, which manages the network, assuming network controlling tasks such as IP assignment, routing, accessing security, etc. The rest of the nodes composing the network act as hosts, i.e., they send and receive traffic through the central point. On the other hand, the IEEE 802.11 ad-hoc configuration mode is less extended than the infrastructure one. Under this scheme, there is not a central point in the network, but all the nodes composing the network assume both host and router roles, which permits the quick deployment of a network without a pre-existent infrastructure. This type of networks, so called Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs), presents interesting characteristics for situations when the fast deployment of a communication system is needed, e.g., tactics networks, disaster events, or temporary networks. The benefits provided by MANETs are varied, including high mobility possibilities provided to the nodes, network coverage extension, or network reliability avoiding single points of failure. The dynamic nature of these networks makes the nodes to react to topology changes as fast as possible. Moreover, as aforementioned, the transmission of multimedia traffic entails real-time constraints, necessary to provide these services with acceptable levels of quality. For those reasons, efficient routing protocols are needed, capable of providing enough reliability to the network and with the minimum impact to the quality of the service flowing through the nodes. Regarding quality measurements, the current trend is estimating what the end user actually perceives when consuming the service. This paradigm is called Quality of user Experience (QoE) and differs from the traditional Quality of Service (QoS) approach in the human perspective given to quality estimations. In order to measure the subjective opinion that a user has about a given service, different approaches can be taken. The most accurate methodology is performing subjective tests in which a panel of human testers rates the quality of the service under evaluation. This approach returns a quality score, so-called Mean Opinion Score (MOS), for the considered service in a scale 1 - 5. This methodology presents several drawbacks such as its high expenses and the impossibility of performing tests at real time. For those reasons, several mathematical models have been presented in order to provide an estimation of the QoE (MOS) reached by different multimedia services In this thesis, the focus is on evaluating and understanding the multimedia-content transmission-process in wireless networks from a QoE perspective. To this end, firstly, the QoE paradigm is explored aiming at understanding how to evaluate the quality of a given multimedia service. Then, the influence of the impairments introduced by the wireless transmission channel on the multimedia communications is analyzed. Besides, the functioning of different WLAN schemes in order to test their suitability to support highly demanding traffic such as the multimedia transmission is evaluated. Finally, as the main contribution of this thesis, new mechanisms or strategies to improve the quality of multimedia services distributed over IEEE 802.11 networks are presented. Concretely, the distribution of multimedia services over ad-hoc networks is deeply studied. Thus, a novel opportunistic routing protocol, so-called JOKER (auto-adJustable Opportunistic acK/timEr-based Routing) is presented. This proposal permits better support to multimedia services while reducing the energy consumption in comparison with the standard ad-hoc routing protocols.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma Oficial de Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicacione

    A Comprehensive Framework for Performance Analysis of Cooperative Multi-Hop Wireless Systems over Log-Normal Fading Channels

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose a comprehensive framework for performance analysis of multi–hop multi–branch wireless communication systems over Log–Normal fading channels. The framework allows to estimate the performance of Amplify and Forward (AF) relay methods for both Channel State Information (CSI–) assisted relays, and fixed–gain relays. In particular, the contribution of this paper is twofold: i) first of all, by relying on the Gauss Quadrature Rule (GQR) representation of the Moment Generation Function (MGF) for a Log–Normal distribution, we develop accurate formulas for important performance indexes whose accuracy can be estimated a priori and just depends on GQR numerical integration errors; ii) then, in order to simplify the computational burden of the former framework for some system setups, we propose various approximations, which are based on the Improved Schwartz–Yeh (I–SY) method. We show with numerical and simulation results that the proposed approximations provide a good trade–off between accuracy and complexity for both Selection Combining (SC) and Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) cooperative diversity methods

    Distributed MIMO for wireless sensor networks

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    Over the past decade, wireless sensor networks have gained more research attention for their potential applications in healthcare, defense, environmental monitoring, etc. Due to the strict energy limitation in the sensor node, techniques used for energy saving are necessary for this kind of network. MIMO technology is proven to be an effective method of increasing the channel capacity and supporting higher data rate under a fixed power budget and bit-error-rate requirement. So, wireless sensor networks and MIMO technology are combined and investigated in this thesis. The key contributions of this thesis are detailed below. Firstly, the extended total energy consumption equations for different transmission modes in cluster-based wireless sensor networks are derived. The transmitting energy consumption and the circuit energy consumption are taken into account in both intra-cluster and inter-cluster phases respectively. Secondly, a resource allocation framework is proposed for cluster-based cooperative MIMO on consideration of circuit energy. By introducing two adjusting parameters for the transmitting energy and the time slot allocation between intra-cluster and inter-cluster phases, this framework is designed to achieve the maximum data throughput of the whole system whilst maintaining the capacity and outage probability requirement in these two phases respectively. Thirdly, on comparison of various transmission modes in wireless sensor networks, a relatively energy-efficient mode switching framework is proposed for both single-hop and multi-hop transmissions. Based on the destination and the neighboring nodes’ path-loss, the source node can decide which transmission mode, SISO or cooperative MISO, single-hop or multi-hop, should be chosen. Conditions for each mode switching are investigated. The possible existing area of the cooperative nodes and the relaying nodes can be obtained from this framework

    Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Communication Networks for the Maritime Internet of Things: Key Technologies, Opportunities, and Challenges

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    With the rapid development of marine activities, there has been an increasing number of maritime mobile terminals, as well as a growing demand for high-speed and ultra-reliable maritime communications to keep them connected. Traditionally, the maritime Internet of Things (IoT) is enabled by maritime satellites. However, satellites are seriously restricted by their high latency and relatively low data rate. As an alternative, shore & island-based base stations (BSs) can be built to extend the coverage of terrestrial networks using fourth-generation (4G), fifth-generation (5G), and beyond 5G services. Unmanned aerial vehicles can also be exploited to serve as aerial maritime BSs. Despite of all these approaches, there are still open issues for an efficient maritime communication network (MCN). For example, due to the complicated electromagnetic propagation environment, the limited geometrically available BS sites, and rigorous service demands from mission-critical applications, conventional communication and networking theories and methods should be tailored for maritime scenarios. Towards this end, we provide a survey on the demand for maritime communications, the state-of-the-art MCNs, and key technologies for enhancing transmission efficiency, extending network coverage, and provisioning maritime-specific services. Future challenges in developing an environment-aware, service-driven, and integrated satellite-air-ground MCN to be smart enough to utilize external auxiliary information, e.g., sea state and atmosphere conditions, are also discussed