146 research outputs found

    Redes autónomas e inteligentes para la monitorización de variables ambientales

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    El entendimiento de nuestro entorno, ya sea urbano o natural, es un tema de constante interés en la sociedad, tanto por razones de mejora de calidad de vida como preservación ecológica. En las últimas décadas, la tecnología ha sido la principal aliada para lograr este objetivo, siendo uno de los principales contribuyentes las redes de sensores inalámbricos, o WSN por sus siglas en inglés. No obstante, sigue existiendo una fuerte necesidad de monitorización en distintas temáticas, además que los avances tecnológicos recientes permiten profundizar en el conocimiento en algunas áreas de estudio. En este sentido, este trabajo pretende evaluar la tecnología de WSN reciente con el fin de diseñar y desarrollar sistemas que aporten soluciones a problemáticas reales. Por consiguiente, con el conocimiento obtenido a partir de lo anterior, se busca también contribuir a las WSN en un sentido científico literario. Dicho lo anterior, la presente tesis realiza aportaciones en dos campos: el tecnológico y el metodológico. Desde una perspectiva técnica, se presenta la implementación de un sistema autónomo para monitorización en viviendas y un sistema de monitorización no supervisado para zonas ecológicas marinas protegidas. El primero busca cubrir una necesidad de estimación del consumo energético-térmico de los sistemas de calefacción, con el cual poder gestionar de mejor manera este recurso. Para ello se desarrolló el prototipo de un nodo sensor WiFi de bajo consumo energético, capaz de sustentar su demanda de potencia con una etapa de energy harvesting termoeléctrico. Se utilizó este enfoque para poder ofrecer una solución intuitiva con poca interacción por parte de los usuarios. Con respecto al segundo, se pretende proveer una alternativa a los sistemas de monitorización de líneas costeras, donde se busca realizar análisis de corrientes marinas superficiales y variables físicas del entorno. Para este desarrollo fue necesario que el sistema pudiese ser desplegado de la manera más sencilla posible, minimizando el impacto en el entorno dada su clasificación como parque nacional protegido. Por estos motivos se diseñó, desarrolló e implementó una red de boyas de deriva asistida por dron, donde las primeras actuaban como nodos sensores y el dron ejercía como recolector de datos remoto, utilizando un protocolo de comunicaciones inalámbrico basado en la modulación LoRa.En tema de aportaciones metodológicas, se realizó una recopilación literaria de métricas para el análisis, selección y diseño de una WSN, con el afán de definir el impacto que estas presentan en dicha labor. Esto a su vez propició el desarrollo de una propuesta de metodología aplicable a nuevas implementaciones o sistemas activos con posibles mejoras. La metodología se realizó con el objetivo de proveer una serie de directrices claras al momento de diseñar una WSN, buscando también cubrir los aspectos más relevantes de estas mismas, es decir, la parte de hardware, red y requerimientos de una aplicación. Aunado a lo anterior, se ejemplifica el uso de dicha metodología, aplicada a tres escenarios tecnológicos distintos, para demostrar la relevancia de un diseño apropiado de una WSN.<br /


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    This paper examines Spruce Tree House, an alcovate site located in Mesa Verde National Park, as a model for monitoring the impacts of the natural environment on the deterioration of a unique collection of archaeological resources. At present, it is the only alcove site in the park that has been fully documented by park service archaeologists. In the past, preservation at Mesa Verde has focused on the minimal remedial stabilization of the prehistoric masonry structures. A comprehensive study of broad deterioration patterns across the alcovate sites in the park and the possible causes of these patterns has never been performed. Identifying common sources of deterioration site-wide has the potential to lead to a comprehensive maintenance plan that could slow deterioration through preventive as well as remedial actions, thereby protecting the resources and decreasing the amount of emergency rehabilitation work needed. Implementation of a monitoring program is the first step in this process, as it allows us to identify patterns and establish causality, leading eventually to non-invasive preventive and protective measures. This paper proposes that the presence of water is the main cause of deterioration at the site. A specific monitoring program has been put forth in order to verify that this is still an active problem at the site. The program includes the use of soil moisture meters, motion activated cameras and at least one weather station to record the external environmental conditions for comparison with occurrences within the alcove

    Characterising the agriculture 4.0 landscape - Emerging trends, challenges and opportunities

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    ReviewInvestment in technological research is imperative to stimulate the development of sustainable solutions for the agricultural sector. Advances in Internet of Things, sensors and sensor networks, robotics, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, etc. foster the transition towards the Agriculture 4.0 era. This fourth revolution is currently seen as a possible solution for improving agricultural growth, ensuring the future needs of the global population in a fair, resilient and sustainable way. In this context, this article aims at characterising the current Agriculture 4.0 landscape. Emerging trends were compiled using a semi-automated process by analysing relevant scientific publications published in the past ten years. Subsequently, a literature review focusing these trends was conducted, with a particular emphasis on their applications in real environments. From the results of the study, some challenges are discussed, as well as opportunities for future research. Finally, a high-level cloud-based IoT architecture is presented, serving as foundation for designing future smart agricultural systems. It is expected that this work will positively impact the research around Agriculture 4.0 systems, providing a clear characterisation of the concept along with guidelines to assist the actors in a successful transition towards the digitalisation of the sectorinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Institutional Plan FY 1995--2000

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    Raspberry Pi Technology

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    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Spacelab Level 4 Programmatic Implementation Assessment Study. Volume 2: Ground Processing requirements

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    Alternate ground processing options are summarized, including installation and test requirements for payloads, space processing, combined astronomy, and life sciences. The level 4 integration resource requirements are also reviewed for: personnel, temporary relocation, transportation, ground support equipment, and Spacelab flight hardware

    Modern Telemetry

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    Telemetry is based on knowledge of various disciplines like Electronics, Measurement, Control and Communication along with their combination. This fact leads to a need of studying and understanding of these principles before the usage of Telemetry on selected problem solving. Spending time is however many times returned in form of obtained data or knowledge which telemetry system can provide. Usage of telemetry can be found in many areas from military through biomedical to real medical applications. Modern way to create a wireless sensors remotely connected to central system with artificial intelligence provide many new, sometimes unusual ways to get a knowledge about remote objects behaviour. This book is intended to present some new up to date accesses to telemetry problems solving by use of new sensors conceptions, new wireless transfer or communication techniques, data collection or processing techniques as well as several real use case scenarios describing model examples. Most of book chapters deals with many real cases of telemetry issues which can be used as a cookbooks for your own telemetry related problems

    Use, Operation and Maintenance of Renewable Energy Systems:Experiences and Future Approaches

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    The aim of this book is to put the reader in contact with real experiences, current and future trends in the context of the use, exploitation and maintenance of renewable energy systems around the world. Today the constant increase of production plants of renewable energy is guided by important social, economical, environmental and technical considerations. The substitution of traditional methods of energy production is a challenge in the current context. New strategies of exploitation, new uses of energy and new maintenance procedures are emerging naturally as isolated actions for solving the integration of these new aspects in the current systems of energy production. This book puts together different experiences in order to be a valuable instrument of reference to take into account when a system of renewable energy production is in operation