339 research outputs found

    De-ossifying the Internet Transport Layer : A Survey and Future Perspectives

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions and comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A Review on Provisioning Quality of Service of Wireless Telemedicine for E-Health Services

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    In general, on-line medical consultation reduces time required for medical consultation induces improvement in the quality and efficiency of healthcare services. All major types of current e-health applications such as ECG, X-ray, video, diagnosis images and other common applications have been included in the scope of the study. In addition, the provision of Quality of Service (QoS) for the application of specific healthcare services in e-health, the scheme of priority for e-health services and the support of QoS in wireless networks and techniques or methods for IEEE 802.11 to guarantee the provision of QoS has also been assessed. In e-health, medical services in remote locations such as rural healthcare centers, ambulances, ships as well as home healthcare services can be supported through the applications of e-health services such as medical databases, electronic health records and the routing of text, audio, video and images. Given this, an adaptive resource allocation for a wireless network with multiple service types and multiple priorities have been proposed. For the provision of an acceptable QoS level to users of e-health services, prioritization is an important criterion in a multi-traffic network. The requirement for QoS provisioning in wireless broadband medical networks have paved the pathway for bandwidth requirements and the real-time or live transmission of medical applications. From the study, good performance of the proposed scheme has been validated by the results obtained. The proposed wireless network is capable of handling medical applications for both normal and life-threatening conditions as characterized by the level of emergencies. In addition, the bandwidth allocation and admission control algorithm for IEEE 802.16- based design specifically for wireless telemedicine/e-health services have also been presented in the study. It has been concluded that under busy traffic conditions, the proposed architecture can used as a feasible and reliable infrastructure network for telemedicine

    Contribution to the publish/subscribe communication model for the development of ubiquitous services in wireless sensor networks

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    Advances in wireless technologies and the rapid development of integrated electronics have made wireless sensor networks (WSN) one of the key technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT). Thanks to the ability of these networks to measure the physical phenomena of their environment, process and communicate this information using wireless technologies, they have excelled in the development of applications that respond or adapt to the context of a user, as is the case of ubiquitous environments such as smart cities, industrial automation, e-health among others. In addition, the IoT has opened the possibility that intelligent objects or devices are also capable of exchanging status information, conditions and capacity in order to interact with each other, in the same way that human beings have done through systems based on presence. These systems require information of an event in real time to react in a timely manner to the conditions or context of the user or device. These applications open new challenges in the management of WSN resources, since these networks operate in environments that are generally prone to packet loss and consist of generally small nodes with limited resources in memory, processing, bandwidth and power. The main objective of this thesis is the development of several mechanisms that allow the adaptation of the Publish/Subscribe protocols to the characteristics and limitations of the WSN for the provision of ubiquitous services in the context of the IoT. In addition, QoS support is supplied through mechanisms that provide reliability and timeliness in the delivery of packets and data aggregation techniques are applied to be efficient in the power consumption and the WSN bandwidth. Our research proposes an architecture to provide a presence service for WSN based on a Publish/ Subscribe model distributed and focused on mechanisms such as the aggregation of data and the publication of messages on demand to achieve energy efficiency and bandwidth. All these mechanisms have been applied in the design of a system called PASH aimed at home control based on the concept of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL). The reliability provided by Publish/Subscribe protocols in WSN is of great importance in the design of applications that require receiving a message to react on time or in real time to an event. Initially, we focused our study on increasing the proportion of packet delivery (PDR) in the destination node through the improvement of reliability mechanisms. We evaluated the reliability mechanism of the MQTT-SN protocol and several proposed mechanisms of the CoAP protocol. From this evaluation, we propose a new and simple adaptive retransmission mechanism to respond to packet loss in the most appropriate way. Finally, we consider that applications such as: e-health, critical infrastructure control and monitoring, among others, must meet different QoS requirements, such as reliability and timeliness for each type of message received. In addition, data aggregation techniques play an important role in WSN to reduce power consumption and bandwidth. In this thesis, we propose a mechanism that provides the application with three different levels of QoS: we provide an improvement of our previous relay mechanism for reliability, we include the data aggregation in our reliability mechanism and we provide a timeliness mechanism in the delivery of packets.Els avenços en les tecnologies sense fils i al ràpid desenvolupament de l'electrònica integrada, ha convertit les xarxes de sensors sense fils (WSN) en una de les tecnologies claus de l'Internet de les Coses (Iot). Gràcies a la capacitat que tenen aquestes xarxes de mesurar els fenòmens físics del seu entorn, processar i comunicar aquesta informació utilitzant tecnologies sense fils, s'han destacat en el desenvolupament d'aplicacions que responguin o s'adaptin al context d'un usuari, com és el cas dels entorns ubics com a ciutats intel·ligents, automatització industrial, salut electrònica entre d'altres. A més, el IOT ha obert la possibilitat que els objectes o dispositius intel·ligents també siguin capaços d'intercanviar informació d'estat, condicions i capacitat per tal d'interactuar entre si, de la mateixa manera que els éssers humans ho han fet a través de sistemes basats en presència. Aquests sistemes requereixen informació d'un esdeveniment en temps real per reaccionar de manera oportuna a les condicions o al context de l'usuari o dispositiu. Aquestes aplicacions obren nous desafiaments en l'administració dels recursos de WSN, ja que aquestes xarxes operen en entorns que generalment són propensos a la pèrdua de paquets i consten de nodes generalment petits amb recursos limitats en memòria, processament, ample de banda i alimentació. El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament de diversos mecanismes que permetin l'adequació dels protocols d'Publish / Subscribe a les característiques i limitacions de la WSN per a la provisió de serveis ubics en el context de la IOT. A més, es brinda suport de QoS a través de mecanismes que proporcionen fiabilitat i puntualitat en el lliurament de paquets i s'apliquen tècniques d'agregació de dades per a ser eficients en el consum d'energia i l'ample de banda de la WSN. La nostra investigació proposa una arquitectura per a proporcionar un servei de presència per WSN basat en un model de Publish / Subscribe distribuït i centrat en mecanismes com ara l'agregació de dades i la publicació de missatges en demanda per aconseguir eficiència en l'energia i l'ample de banda . Tots aquests mecanismes han estat aplicats en el disseny d'un sistema anomenat Pash dirigit al control de la llar basat en el concepte de Vida Assistida (AAL). La fiabilitat proporcionada pels protocols de Publish / Subscribe WSN és de gran importància en el disseny d'aplicacions que requereixen rebre un missatge per reaccionar a temps o en temps real davant un esdeveniment. Inicialment enfoquem el nostre estudi en augmentar la proporció de lliurament de paquets (PDR) en el node de destinació a través de la millora dels mecanismes de fiabilitat. Avaluem el mecanisme de fiabilitat del protocol MQTT-SN i diversos mecanismes proposats del protocol COAP. A partir d'aquesta avaluació, proposem un nou i senzill mecanisme de retransmissió adaptable per respondre a la pèrdua de paquets de la manera més adequada. Finalment, considerem que les aplicacions com: salut electrònica, control d'infraestructura crítica i monitoratge, entre d'altres, han de complir diferents requisits de QoS, com la fiabilitat i la puntualitat per a cada tipus de missatge rebut. A més, les tècniques d'agregació de dades tenen un paper important en WSN per reduir el consum d'energia i l'ample de banda. En aquesta tesi, proposem un mecanisme que proporciona a la aplicació tres nivells de QoS diferents: proporcionem una millora del nostre mecanisme de retransmissió anterior per a la fiabilitat, incloem l'agregació de dades en el nostre mecanisme de fiabilitat i proporcionem un mecanisme de puntualitat en el lliurament de paquets.Postprint (published version

    Contribution to the publish/subscribe communication model for the development of ubiquitous services in wireless sensor networks

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    Advances in wireless technologies and the rapid development of integrated electronics have made wireless sensor networks (WSN) one of the key technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT). Thanks to the ability of these networks to measure the physical phenomena of their environment, process and communicate this information using wireless technologies, they have excelled in the development of applications that respond or adapt to the context of a user, as is the case of ubiquitous environments such as smart cities, industrial automation, e-health among others. In addition, the IoT has opened the possibility that intelligent objects or devices are also capable of exchanging status information, conditions and capacity in order to interact with each other, in the same way that human beings have done through systems based on presence. These systems require information of an event in real time to react in a timely manner to the conditions or context of the user or device. These applications open new challenges in the management of WSN resources, since these networks operate in environments that are generally prone to packet loss and consist of generally small nodes with limited resources in memory, processing, bandwidth and power. The main objective of this thesis is the development of several mechanisms that allow the adaptation of the Publish/Subscribe protocols to the characteristics and limitations of the WSN for the provision of ubiquitous services in the context of the IoT. In addition, QoS support is supplied through mechanisms that provide reliability and timeliness in the delivery of packets and data aggregation techniques are applied to be efficient in the power consumption and the WSN bandwidth. Our research proposes an architecture to provide a presence service for WSN based on a Publish/ Subscribe model distributed and focused on mechanisms such as the aggregation of data and the publication of messages on demand to achieve energy efficiency and bandwidth. All these mechanisms have been applied in the design of a system called PASH aimed at home control based on the concept of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL). The reliability provided by Publish/Subscribe protocols in WSN is of great importance in the design of applications that require receiving a message to react on time or in real time to an event. Initially, we focused our study on increasing the proportion of packet delivery (PDR) in the destination node through the improvement of reliability mechanisms. We evaluated the reliability mechanism of the MQTT-SN protocol and several proposed mechanisms of the CoAP protocol. From this evaluation, we propose a new and simple adaptive retransmission mechanism to respond to packet loss in the most appropriate way. Finally, we consider that applications such as: e-health, critical infrastructure control and monitoring, among others, must meet different QoS requirements, such as reliability and timeliness for each type of message received. In addition, data aggregation techniques play an important role in WSN to reduce power consumption and bandwidth. In this thesis, we propose a mechanism that provides the application with three different levels of QoS: we provide an improvement of our previous relay mechanism for reliability, we include the data aggregation in our reliability mechanism and we provide a timeliness mechanism in the delivery of packets.Els avenços en les tecnologies sense fils i al ràpid desenvolupament de l'electrònica integrada, ha convertit les xarxes de sensors sense fils (WSN) en una de les tecnologies claus de l'Internet de les Coses (Iot). Gràcies a la capacitat que tenen aquestes xarxes de mesurar els fenòmens físics del seu entorn, processar i comunicar aquesta informació utilitzant tecnologies sense fils, s'han destacat en el desenvolupament d'aplicacions que responguin o s'adaptin al context d'un usuari, com és el cas dels entorns ubics com a ciutats intel·ligents, automatització industrial, salut electrònica entre d'altres. A més, el IOT ha obert la possibilitat que els objectes o dispositius intel·ligents també siguin capaços d'intercanviar informació d'estat, condicions i capacitat per tal d'interactuar entre si, de la mateixa manera que els éssers humans ho han fet a través de sistemes basats en presència. Aquests sistemes requereixen informació d'un esdeveniment en temps real per reaccionar de manera oportuna a les condicions o al context de l'usuari o dispositiu. Aquestes aplicacions obren nous desafiaments en l'administració dels recursos de WSN, ja que aquestes xarxes operen en entorns que generalment són propensos a la pèrdua de paquets i consten de nodes generalment petits amb recursos limitats en memòria, processament, ample de banda i alimentació. El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament de diversos mecanismes que permetin l'adequació dels protocols d'Publish / Subscribe a les característiques i limitacions de la WSN per a la provisió de serveis ubics en el context de la IOT. A més, es brinda suport de QoS a través de mecanismes que proporcionen fiabilitat i puntualitat en el lliurament de paquets i s'apliquen tècniques d'agregació de dades per a ser eficients en el consum d'energia i l'ample de banda de la WSN. La nostra investigació proposa una arquitectura per a proporcionar un servei de presència per WSN basat en un model de Publish / Subscribe distribuït i centrat en mecanismes com ara l'agregació de dades i la publicació de missatges en demanda per aconseguir eficiència en l'energia i l'ample de banda . Tots aquests mecanismes han estat aplicats en el disseny d'un sistema anomenat Pash dirigit al control de la llar basat en el concepte de Vida Assistida (AAL). La fiabilitat proporcionada pels protocols de Publish / Subscribe WSN és de gran importància en el disseny d'aplicacions que requereixen rebre un missatge per reaccionar a temps o en temps real davant un esdeveniment. Inicialment enfoquem el nostre estudi en augmentar la proporció de lliurament de paquets (PDR) en el node de destinació a través de la millora dels mecanismes de fiabilitat. Avaluem el mecanisme de fiabilitat del protocol MQTT-SN i diversos mecanismes proposats del protocol COAP. A partir d'aquesta avaluació, proposem un nou i senzill mecanisme de retransmissió adaptable per respondre a la pèrdua de paquets de la manera més adequada. Finalment, considerem que les aplicacions com: salut electrònica, control d'infraestructura crítica i monitoratge, entre d'altres, han de complir diferents requisits de QoS, com la fiabilitat i la puntualitat per a cada tipus de missatge rebut. A més, les tècniques d'agregació de dades tenen un paper important en WSN per reduir el consum d'energia i l'ample de banda. En aquesta tesi, proposem un mecanisme que proporciona a la aplicació tres nivells de QoS diferents: proporcionem una millora del nostre mecanisme de retransmissió anterior per a la fiabilitat, incloem l'agregació de dades en el nostre mecanisme de fiabilitat i proporcionem un mecanisme de puntualitat en el lliurament de paquets.Postprint (published version

    Réseaux de capteurs ubiquitous dans l'environnement NGN

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    Ubiquités Sensor Network (USN) is a conceptual network built over existing physical networks. It makes use of sensed data and provides knowledge services to anyone, anywhere and at anytime, and where the information is generated by using context awareness. Smart wearable devices and USNs are emerging rapidly providing many reliable services facilitating people life. Those very useful small end terminals and devices require a global communication substrate to provide a comprehensive global end user service. In 2010, the ITU-T provided the requirements to support USN applications and services in the Next Génération Network (NGN) environment to exploit the advantages of the core network. One of the main promising markets for the USN application and services is the e-Health. It provides continuous patients’ monitoring and enables a great improvement in medical services. On the other hand, Vehicular Ad-Hoc NETwork (VANET) is an emerging technology, which provides intelligent communication between mobile vehicles. Integrating VANET with USN has a great potential to improve road safety and traffic efficiency. Most VANET applications are applied in real time and they are sensitive to delay, especially those related to safety and health. In this work, we propose to use IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) as a service controller sub-layer in the USN environment providing a global substrate for a comprehensive end-to-end service. Moreover, we propose to integrate VANETs with USN for more rich applications and facilities, which will ease the life of humans. We started studying the challenges on the road to achieve this goalUbiquitous Sensor Network (USN) est un réseau conceptuel construit sur des réseaux physiques existantes. Il se sert des données détectées et fournit des services de connaissances à quiconque, n'importe où et à tout moment, et où l'information est générée en utilisant la sensibilité au contexte. Dispositifs et USN portables intelligents émergent rapidement en offrant de nombreux services fiables facilitant la vie des gens. Ces petits terminaux et terminaux très utiles besoin d'un substrat de communication globale pour fournir un service complet de l'utilisateur final global. En 2010, ITU -T a fourni les exigences pour supporter des applications et services USN dans le Next Generation Network (NGN) de l'environnement d'exploiter les avantages du réseau de base. L'un des principaux marchés prometteurs pour l'application et les services USN est la e- santé. Il fournit le suivi des patients en continu et permet une grande amélioration dans les services médicaux. D'autre part, des Véhicules Ad-hoc NETwork (VANET) est une technologie émergente qui permet une communication intelligente entre les véhicules mobiles. Intégrer VANET avec USN a un grand potentiel pour améliorer la sécurité routière et la fluidité du trafic. La plupart des applications VANET sont appliqués en temps réel et ils sont sensibles à retarder, en particulier ceux liés à la sécurité et à la santé. Dans ce travail, nous proposons d'utiliser l'IP Multimédia Subsystem (IMS) comme une sous- couche de contrôle de service dans l'environnement USN fournir un substrat mondiale pour un service complet de bout en bout. De plus, nous vous proposons d'intégrer VANETs avec USN pour des applications et des installations riches plus, ce qui facilitera la vie des humains. Nous avons commencé à étudier les défis sur la route pour atteindre cet objecti

    Cloud Based IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Architecture to Integrate Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) and IMS

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    RÉSUMÉ Les réseaux Ad Hoc véhiculaires (VANET) représentent une technologie spéciale, dans la catégorie des réseaux ad hoc sans fils. Ils visent la sécurité routière, une plus grande efficacité et une meilleure organisation au sein des systèmes de transport. Ils favorisent l’avènement de nouvelles applications relatives à l’ingénierie, la gestion de trafic, la dissémination d’informations d’urgence pour éviter les situations critiques, le confort et le divertissement, ainsi que plusieurs autres «applications utilisateur». Le sous-système multimédia IP (IP Multimedia Subsystem, IMS), a été standardisé par le projet «Third Generation Partnership Project» (3GPP) pour les réseaux hétérogènes avec un support de la qualité de service. Cette plateforme a été proposée dans le but d’offrir aux utilisateurs finaux des services multimédia tels que la voix, les données et la vidéo, la facturation ainsi que l’intégration des services tout-IP. Avec l’avènement de IMS, il est désirable d’offrir aux utilisateurs des réseaux véhiculaires (VANET), un accès aux services de ce sous-système. Cependant, les caractéristiques de ces réseaux posent des difficultés majeures pour le contrôle des performances des services IMS. Par ailleurs, le «réseau cœur » de IMS présente aussi des limitations telles que le contrôle centralisé, la faible efficacité et une faible évolutivité au niveau des équipements du réseau cœur en comparaison aux infrastructures de réseau utilisant le Cloud Computing. Le Cloud Computing est un nouveau paradigme des technologies de l’information, offrant des ressources extensibles dynamiquement, souvent au moyen de machines virtuelles et accessibles en tant que services sur Internet. La migration de l’IMS au sein du Cloud peut permettre d’améliorer les performances de l’infrastructure IMS. Ce projet propose une architecture novatrice d’intégration des réseaux VANET, IMS et le Cloud Computing.----------ABSTRACT Vehicular Ad Hoc network (VANET) is a special technology in wireless ad hoc networks. It can be used to provide road safety, efficiency and traffic organization in transportation system. Thus, new applications arise in several fields such as traffic engineering, traffic management, dissemination of emergency information in order to avoid critical situations, comfort, entertainment and other user applications. IP multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is a subsystem, standardized with Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The IMS supports heterogeneous networking with Quality-of-Service (QoS) policy. The goal of this platform is to integrate All-IP services and to provide final user with multimedia services such as voice, data and video with appropriate billing mechanisms. With the advent of the IP Multimedia Subsystem, it is desirable to provide VANET end-users with IMS services. However, characteristics of VANET cause major challenges to control the performance of IMS services. On the other hand, the traditional IMS core network faces a set of problems such as centralized control, low efficiency and poor scalability of core equipment, compared with the IT environment using Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing is an emerging paradigm in the field of information technology. In this new paradigm, dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as services over the Internet. The migration of IMS to cloud can improve its performance. This project proposes an innovative architecture in order to integrate VANET, IMS and Cloud Computing

    Provisioning Quality of Service of Wireless Telemedicine for E-Health Services: A Review

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    In general, on-line medical consultation reduces time required for medical consultation and induces improvement in the quality and efficiency of healthcare services. The scope of study includes several key features of present day e-health applications such as X-ray, ECG, video, diagnosis images and other common applications. Moreover, the provision of Quality of Service (QoS) in terms of specific medical care services in e-health, the priority set for e-health services and the support of QoS in wireless networks and techniques or methods aimed at IEEE 802.11 to secure the provision of QoS has been assessed as well. In e-health, medical services in remote places which include rustic healthcare centres, ships, ambulances and home healthcare services can be supported through the applications of e-health services such as medical databases, electronic health data and the transferring of text, video, sound and images. Given this, a proposal has been made for a multiple service wireless networking with multiple sets of priorities. In relation to the terms of an acceptable QoS level by the customers of e-health services, prioritization is an important criterion in a multi-traffic network. The requirement for QoS in medical networking of wireless broadband has paved the way for bandwidth prerequisites and the live transmission or real-time medical applications. The proposed wireless network is capable of handling medical applications for both normal and life-threatening conditions as characterized by the level of emergencies. In addition, the allocation of bandwidth and the system that controls admittance designed based on IEEE 802.16 especially for e-health services or wireless telemedicine will be discussed in this study. It has been concluded that under busy traffic conditions, the proposed architecture can used as a feasible and reliable infrastructure network for telemedicine
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