5 research outputs found

    Mitigating the Signaling Resources Expended in 5G Location Management Procedures at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies

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    The signaling resources expended and the power consumed by User Equipments (UEs) in the Location Management (LM) procedures are expected to be higher in Fifth Generation (5G) than in legacy wireless communications networks. To mitigate this challenge, this work proposes a hybrid scheme that mitigates the signaling resources expended in paging and RAN-based Notification Area Update (RNAU) procedures in 5G. The approach utilizes a hybrid scheme that embeds a UE Identifier (UEID) partitioning scheme that directional pages UEs into a gNB-based UE Mobility Tracking (UEMT) scheme. The approach configures a gNB in an RRC_Inactive state to beam sweep a UEs last registered cell area before directionally paging the UE. The approach proposed in this work is implemented on a modified network architecture to reduce the signaling resources expended on both paging and RNAU of UEs at higher frequencies which is an enabling factor for mmWave systems. Simulation results of the total accumu- lated cost of paging showed a 65.13 % and 8.69 % reduction in signaling resources expended against the conventional approach and the existing gNB-based UEMT approach, respectively. Additionally, the total accumulated resources expended in both procedures over 24 hours showed that the modified gNB-based UEMT scheme outperformed the conventional scheme and the gNB-based UEMT scheme by 90.96 % and 38.36 %, respectively

    Mobile 5G millimeter-wave multi-antenna systems

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    In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of Universitat Polit猫cnica de Catalunya's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink.Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsMassive antenna architectures and millimeter-wave bands appear on the horizon as the enabling technologies of future broadband wireless links, promising unprecedented spectral efficiency and data rates. In the recently launched fifth generation of mobile communications, millimetric bands are already introduced but their widespread deployment still presents several feasibility issues. In particular, high-mobility environments represent the most challenging scenario when dealing with directive patterns, which are essential for the adequate reception of signals at those bands. Vehicular communications are expected to exploit the full potential of future generations due to the massive number of connected users and stringent requirements in terms of reliability, latency, and throughput while moving at high speeds. This thesis proposes two solutions to completely take advantage of multi-antenna systems in those cases: beamwidth adaptation of cellular stations when tracking vehicular users based on positioning and Doppler information and a tailored radiation diagram from a panel-based system of antennas mounted on the vehicle. Apart from cellular base stations and vehicles, a third entity that cannot be forgotten in future mobile communications are pedestrians. Past generations were developed around the figure of human users and, now, they must still be able to seamlessly connect with any other user of the network and exploit the new capabilities promised by 5G. The use of millimeter-waves is already been considered by handset manufacturers but the impact of the user (and the interaction with the phone) is drastically changed. The last part of this thesis is devoted to the study of human user dynamics and how they influence the achievable coverage with different distributed antenna systems on the phone.Les arquitectures massives d'antenes i les bandes mil路lim猫triques apareixen a l'horitz贸 com les tecnologies que impulsaran els futurs enlla莽os sense fils amb gran ample de banda i prometen una efici猫ncia espectral i velocitat de transmissi贸 sense precedents. A la recent cinquena generaci贸 de comunicacions m貌bils, les bandes mil路lim猫triques ja en s贸n una part constitutiva per貌 el seu desplegament encara presenta certes dificultats. En concret, els entorns d'alta mobilitat representen el major repte quan es fan servir diagrames de radiaci贸 directius, els quals s贸n essencials per una correcta recepci贸 del senyal en aquestes bandes. S'espera que les comunicacions vehiculars delimitin les capacitats de les xarxes en futures generacions degut al gran nombre d'usuaris simultanis i els requeriments estrictes en termes de fiabilitat, retard i flux de dades mentre es mouen a grans velocitats. Aquesta tesi proposa dues solucions per tal d'explotar al m脿xim els sistemes de m煤ltiples antenes en tals casos: un ample de feix adaptatiu de les estacions bases quan estiguin fent el seguiment d'un vehicle usuari basat en informaci贸 de la posici贸 i el Doppler i el disseny d'un diagrama de radiaci贸 adequat al costat del vehicle basat en una estructura de m煤ltiples panells muntats a l'estructura del mateix. A m茅s de les estacions base i els vehicles, un tercer element que no pot ser obviat en aquests escenaris s贸n els vianants. Les generacions anteriors van ser desenvolupades al voltant de la figura d'usuaris humans i ara han de seguir tenint la capacitat de connexi贸 ininterrumpuda amb la resta d'usuaris i explotar les capacitats de 5G. L'煤s de frequ猫ncies mil路lim猫triques tamb茅 es t茅 en compte en la fabricaci贸 de tel猫fons m貌bils per貌 l'impacte de l'usuari 茅s completament diferent. La 煤ltima part de la tesis tracta l'estudi de les din脿miques de l'usuari hum脿 i com influeixen en la cobertura amb diferent sistemes distribu茂ts d'antenes.Postprint (published version