775 research outputs found

    Vibroacoustic processes of grinding fibrous semi-finished products in the knife refiners

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    Vibroacoustic processes during refining in knife refiners are investigated. When the rotor blades move relative to the stator knives, pressure pulses occur that act on the fibrous semi-finished product, causing it to refine, and on the rotor and stator, causing them to vibrate. A technique has been developed for calculating the sliding speed of the rotor knives on the stator knives. The sliding speed of the knives depends on the headset pattern and the rotor speed and can reach the speed of sound in the metal. The necessity of taking into account the Doppler effect during vibration diagnostics and controlling the functioning of mills is shown. The error in calculating headset frequencies without taking into account the above effect can reach more than 40%, taking into account up to 8%. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Study of longitudinal vibrations of stab knife refiners

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    The subject of research is the longitudinal vibrations of stab knife refiners. A model of the fibrous layer between the rotor and stator is developed. It is shown that it is advisable to use the Maxwell-Thomson model for liquid friction of the rotor and stator, and the Hooke elastic model for boundary friction. The formula for determining the dynamic stiffness of the fibrous layer is obtained. Dynamic and mathematical models of the refiner in the longitudinal direction are developed. The mathematical model is a system of linear differential equations with periodically varying coefficients (Mathieu-Hill equations). A method for calculating the amplitude of oscillations of the refiner rotor and stator is developed. According to this technique, Andritz 54-60-1c stab refiner was designed. Oscillation parameters of the refiner rotor and stator are determined theoretically and experimentally. The stator oscillation amplitude is 1.6-2.3 times smaller than the rotor oscillation one. In case of boundary friction, the amplitude of oscillations of the stator and rotor increases by 2-3 times in comparison with liquid friction. The oscillation amplitude of the rotor and stator in the longitudinal direction is comparable with the gap between these elements. Therefore, it is recommended while designing refiners, to develop methods and means of vibration protection, and during operation, to prevent boundary friction between headsets. The developed calculation procedure can be used in other industries, for example, mining and metallurgy. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Vibration processes in the knife refining machines

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    An object of research is a vibration of the stator of the knife refining machines and its interrelation with the factors which influences the course of refining among them are technical condition of a plate and change of characteristics of the ground material. The diagnostic model of process of refining is developed and positively approved. The new method of determination of degree of wear of the refining plate of refiners is offered. The new method of management of functioning of the knife refining machines is developed. It is shown that management of work on this indirect indicator is not worse, than the management based on the earlier known diagnostic signs of refiners functioning. The developed method of management is indispensible for the refiners with stepwise regulation of a gap, in a disk-conic refiners and in a dual refiners. Realization of this method under production conditions showed stable characteristics of a gain in degree of refining of a semi-finished fibrous product and decrease in specific power consumption during refining. The developed methods can be used in other branches of industry, for example, mining and metallurgy. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Control strategies for refiners Part I: Soft sensors for CD-refiner control

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    Internal variables in (C)TMP-refining processes (e. g. temperature, consistency, fiber residence time, backward flowing steam and forces acting upon the chips and pulp) are defined as physical states obtained in different parts of the refining zones. In short, they differ from the traditional external variables (e. g. dilution water feed rate and specific energy) which are not obtained from measurements or physical models of the process in the refining zone. The internal variables are the backbone of physical models and are used in this paper as soft sensors for advanced process control. Besides the shape of the temperature profile, the position of the maximum temperature and the shape of the consistency profiles inside the refining zones are important to control as they are directly linked to the development of different pulp and handsheet properties. To illustrate the capability when using combined modeling and control strategies, the concept is applied on a full scale CD82 refiner. This means both temperature and consistency control in the flat zone and the conical zone, together with an overall estimator for fiber development. Finally, in this paper it is shown that the production can be increased significantly without changing the refiner motor load nor violating the pulp property specification

    Vibration diagnostics of plates of knife refiners

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    The subject of the research is the diagnosis of the technical condition of the plate of knife refiners. The technical diagnosis of a knife plate consists of determining the stability of the inter-knife gap and the degree of the plate wear. The paper explores the dynamic effects of a plate on a fibrous material. It is shown that the main source of high-frequency vibration of the stator is pressure pulses that occur when the rotor and stator knives cross. The influence of the rotor speed and the number and angle of intersection of the plate knives on the nature of the stator vibration spectrum is studied. It is concluded that the intensity of the effect of the plate on the fibrous material increases from the centre to the periphery. A formula is proposed for determining plate frequencies taking into account the Doppler effect. The vibration diagnostics of the rotor beats is based on the resonance-demodulation method. Estimating the depth of the amplitude modulation of vibrational acceleration of the stator at the maximum plate frequency with harmonics of the working frequency, it is possible to judge the amount of beating of the rotor plate. A device was developed for vibration diagnostics of the beats of a rotor plate of a disk mill. The developed methods and tools can be used in other industries, for example, in mining and metallurgy. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Control strategies for refiners Part II: Consistency control in twin-disc refining zones using temperature profile information

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    Consistency profiles in the refining zones of twin-disc refiners have always been cumbersome to estimate with good accuracy. To overcome such challenges, this paper shows that it is vital to measure temperature profiles between the refining discs to estimate uneven chip/pulp feed distribution. It is also shown that the plate clearance, measured by plate gap measurement devices, is changed dramatically when changing the amount of dilution water to the refining zones asymmetrically. At the same time, the inlet temperature will change as well while the maximum temperature is rather stable. This makes the maximum temperature a good candidate for use when estimating the split of the pulp mass flow rates to the refining zones. This also opens for a new consistency control concept for each refining zone. The findings in this paper have been validated in a commercial TMP production line with two serially linked twin-disc refiners, and it is shown that the pulp and handsheet property variations, in terms of mean fiber length and tensile index, between the refining zones can be reduced considerably when running the refiners with similar consistency in each refining zone

    On the modeling of pulp properties in CTMP processes

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    The goal of this paper is to model the pulp properties fiber length, shives width and freeness. This will be done utilizing specific energy, flat zone inlet consistency and the internal variables, consistencies and fiber residence times estimated from refining zone soft sensors. The models are designed using more than 3600 hours of data from a RGP82CD refiner. The pulp properties are sampled using a measurement device positioned after the latency chest. Such measurements are noisy and irregularly sampled which opens for a number of challenges to overcome in modeling procedures. In this paper it is shown that the models for shives width and fiber length are capable of predicting most of the major dynamics. However, for freeness no reliable linear models can be derived. When estimating fiber length, the specific energy together with flat zone inlet consistency, fiber residence times and the consistency in the conical zone were the dominant inputs. For shives width it was found that a similar set of inputs resulted in the best models, except that the consistencies during normal process conditions did not significantly influence shives width. Furthermore, fiber residence times were shown to have considerably more pronounced impact on fiber length compared with shives width estimates

    Modeling of tensile index using uncertain data sets

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    The objective of this investigation is to analyze and model tensile index. Two approaches are used, one based on training and validation data, while the other novel approach tests models using all possible combinations of data points. This approach is focused on small data sets which have here been obtained from nineteen pulp samples at different refining conditions in a full-scale TMP production line with a CD-76 refiner as a primary stage. From each pulp sample twenty handsheet strips for tensile index measurements were performed. Initially, specific energy and the external variables (dilution water feed rates and plate gaps) are used as predictors in a modeling approach based on an adjusted R 2 {R^{2}} approach. Thereafter, the resulting models are compared with a combination of specific energy and internal variables (primarily consistencies) obtained from temperature measurements inside the refining zones using a soft sensor concept. It is found that specific energy and internal variables as predictors outperform the external variables when estimating tensile index

    On the modeling of tensile index from larger data sets

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    The objective of this study is to analyze and foresee potential outliers in pulp and handsheet properties for larger data sets. The method is divided into two parts comprising a generalized Extreme Studentized Deviate (ESD) procedure for laboratory data followed by an analysis of the findings using a multivariable model based on internal variables (i. e. process variables like consistency and fiber residence time inside the refiner) as predictors. The process data used in this has been obtained from CD-82 refiners and from a laboratory test program perspective, the test series were extensive. In the procedure more than 290 samples were analyzed to get a stable outlier detection. Note, this set was obtained from pulp at one specific operating condition. When comparing such "secured data sets" with process data it is shown that an extended procedure must be performed to get data sets which cover different operating points. Here 100 pulp samples at different process conditions were analyzed. It is shown that only about 60 percent of all tensile index measurements were accepted in the procedure which indicates the need to oversample when performing extensive trials to get reliable pulp and handsheet properties in TMP and CTMP processes

    Reliability of plate of knife refiners

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    The subject of the researches is reliability of plate of knife refiners. Mathematical model of reliability connecting technical resource of plate with the major factors influencing reliability is offered. Influence of regime, operational, efficiency and protective factors is considered. Recommendations about increase in reliability of plate are developed. Offered technique of reliability research can be used in other machines, for example, in centrifugal pumps. © 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd