481 research outputs found

    Combining pendulum and gyroscopic effects to step-up wave energy extraction in all degrees of freedom

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    The fight against the global threat of climate change requires, among other actions, to increase the penetration of renewable energy technologies and diversify the energy mix in order to support a resilient energy system that can reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Offshore energy is expected to drive the energy transition, with wave energy having the major role to provide a reliable baseload and reduce the need for storage; however, its techno-economic feasibility requires reduction of costs and increase of energy conversion efficiency. This paper tackles a fundamental innovation of a device’s working principle which, jointly exploiting pendulum and gyroscopic effects, steps-up the overall conversion efficiency in real operational conditions. A recent patent proposes a technological solution that conveniently combines pendulum and gyroscopic effects in order to effectively exploit motion also outside the plane, namely in the three-dimensional space and from all degrees of freedom (DoFs). This paper tackles the endeavour of the analytical formulation of the electro-mechanical conversion system dynamics, considering at first the fully-nonlinear equation of motion, obtained through a Lagrangian approach. Consequently, incremental simplifications are applied to accommodate practical application, based on the study on the relative importance of each term in the equation of motion. Furthermore, preliminary results are produced and discussed, comparing the behaviour in response to 3-DoF to 6-DoF exploitation

    Wave Tank Testing of a Pendulum Wave Energy Converter 1:12 Scale Model

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    Wave Energy is a widespread, reliable renewable energy source. The early study on Wave Energy dates back in the 70's, with a particular effort in the last and present decade to make Wave Energy Converters (WECs) more profitable and predictable. The PeWEC (Pendulum Wave Energy Converter) is a pendulum-based WEC. The research activities described in the present work aim to develop a pendulum converter for the Mediterranean Sea, where waves are shorter, thus with a higher frequency compared to the ocean waves, a characteristic well agreeing with the PeWEC frequency response. The mechanical equations of the device are developed and coupled with the hydrodynamic Cummins equation. The work deals with the design and experimental tank test of a 1:12 scale prototype. The experimental data recorded during the testing campaign are used to validate the numerical model previously described. The numerical model proved to be in good agreement with the experiments

    ISWEC toward the sea - Development, Optimization and Testing of the Device Control Architecture

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    The work performed in this thesis is part of the ISWEC project. This is a floating device devoted to the conversion of the kinetic energy owned by the sea waves. The passage between a technology readiness level (TRL) of 4 up to a TRL of 6 is covered. The existing numerical model has been revised, validated and upgraded. The experimental data used come both from previous collected data and both from the one gathered during a MARINET founded project in Hydraulics and Maritime Research Center (HMRC) in Cork, Ireland (2014). During the last year also the data coming from the full scale experiments in Pantelleria, Italy, (2015) has been processed. The design and implementation of the device Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition system has been a relevant part of the doctorate activities. Several power harvesting control strategies for the ISWEC have been investigated and their productivity for the Pantelleria installation site computed. A comparison is presented. Some preliminary results of the 2015 experimental campaign are presented and a first comparison with the data obtained with the numerical models has been carried on

    Contributions to the design of energy harvesting systems for autonomous sensors in low power marine applications

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsOceanographic sensor platforms provide biological and meteorological data to help understand changes in marine environment and help to preserve it. Lagrangian drifters are autonomous passive floating platforms used in climate research to obtain surface marine data. They are low-cost, versatile, easy-to-deploy and can cover large extensions of the ocean when deployed in group. These deployments can last for years, so one of the main design challenges is the autonomy of the drifter. Several energy harvesting (EH) sources are being explored to reduce costs in battery replacement maintenance efforts such as solar panels. Drifters must avoid the impact of the wind because this may compromise proper surface current tracking and therefore, should ideally be mostly submerged. This interferes with the feasibility of solar harvesting, so other EH sources are being explored such as the oscillatory movement of the drifter caused by ocean waves. Wave energy converters (WEC) are the devices that turn this movement into energy. The motion of the drifter can principally be described by 3 oscillatory degrees of freedom (DoF); surge, heave and pitch. The heave motion includes the buoyancy’s response of the drifter, which can be explained by a mass-spring-damping model. By including the wave’s hydrodynamic load in this model, it is converted into a nonlinear system whose frequency response includes the wave’s frequency and the natural frequencies from the linear system. A smart option to maximize the captured energy is to design the inner WEC with a natural frequency similar to that of the drifter's movement. In this thesis, a 4 DoF model is obtained. This model includes the heave, the surge and the pitch motion of the drifter in addition to the inner pendulum motion relative to the buoy. Simultaneously, different pendulum-type WECs for small-size oceanic drifters are proposed. One of these converters consists of an articulated double-pendulum arm with a proof mass that generates energy through its relative motion with the buoy. Different experimental tests are carried out, with a prototype below 10 cm in diameter and 300 g of total mass, proving the capability of harvesting hundreds of microwatts in standard sea conditions EH sources require an additional power management unit (PMU) to convert their variable output into a constant and clean source to be able to feed the sensor electronics. PMUs should also ensure that the maximum available energy is harvested with a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm. Some sources, such as WECs, require fast MPPT as its output can show relatively rapid variations. However, increasing the sampling rate may reduce the harvested energy. In this thesis, this trade-off is analyzed using the resistor-based fractional open circuit voltage-MPPT technique, which is appropriate for low-power EH sources. Several experiments carried out in marine environments demonstrate the need for increasing the sampling rate. For this purpose, the use of a commercial PMU IC with additional low-power circuitry is proposed. Three novel circuits with a sampling period of 60 ms are manufactured and experimentally evaluated with a small-scale and low-power WEC. Results show that these configurations improve the harvested energy by 26% in comparison to slow sampling rate configurations. Finally, an EH-powered oceanographic monitoring system with a custom wave measuring algorithm is designed. By using the energy collected by a small-size WEC, this system is capable of transmitting up to 22 messages per day containing data on its location and measured wave parameters.Les plataformes d’observació oceanogràfiques integren sensors que proporcionen dades físiques i biogeoquímiques de l’oceà que ajuden a entendre canvis en l’entorn marí. Un exemple d’aquestes plataformes són les boies de deriva (drifters), que són dispositius autònoms i passius utilitzats en l’àmbit de la recerca climàtica per obtenir dades in-situ de la superfície marina. Aquests instruments són de baix cost, versàtils, fàcils de desplegar i poden cobrir grans superfícies quan s’utilitzen en grup. L’autonomia és un dels principals desafiaments en el disseny de drifters. Per tal d’evitar els costos en la substitució de bateries, s’estudien diferents fonts de captació d’energia com per exemple la solar. Els drifters utilitzats per l’estudi dels corrents marins superficials han d’evitar l’impacte directe del vent ja que afecta al correcte seguiment de les corrents i, per tant, cal que estiguin majoritàriament submergides. Això compromet la viabilitat de l’energia solar, fet que requereix l’estudi d’altres fonts de captació com el propi moviment de la boia causat per les onades. Els convertidors d’energia de les onades (WEC, wave energy converters) compleixen aquesta funció. El moviment dels drifters pot explicar-se bàsicament a través de 3 graus de llibertat oscil·latoris: la translació vertical i la horitzontal i el balanceig. La translació vertical inclou la flotabilitat del dispositiu, que es pot descriure mitjançant el model massamolla- amortidor. Incloure la càrrega hidrodinàmica de l’onada en aquest model el converteix en un sistema no lineal amb una resposta freqüencial que inclou la de l’onada i les naturals del sistema lineal. Una opció per maximitzar l’energia captada és dissenyar el WEC amb una freqüència natural similar a la del moviment de la boia. En aquesta tesis es proposa un model de 4 graus de llibertat per a l’estudi del moviment del drifter. Aquest inclou els 3 graus de llibertat de la boia i el moviment del pèndul relatiu a ella. En paral·lel, es proposen diferents WEC del tipus pendular per drifters de reduïdes dimensions. Un d’aquests WEC consisteix en un doble braç articulat amb massa flotant que genera energia a través del seu moviment relatiu al drifter. S’han dut a terme diferents proves experimentals amb un prototip inferior a 10 cm de diàmetre i 300 g de massa, les quals demostren la seva capacitat de captar centenars de microwatts en condicions marines estàndard. Utilitzar fonts de captació d’energia requereix incloure una unitat gestora de potència (PMU, power management unit) per tal de convertir la seva sortida variable en una font constant i neta que alimenti l’electrònica dels sensors. Les PMU també tenen la funció d’assegurar que es recull la màxima energia mitjançant un algoritme de seguiment del punt de màxima potència. Els WEC requereixen un seguiment d’aquest punt ràpid perquè la seva sortida consta de variacions relativament ràpides. Tanmateix, augmentar la freqüència de mostreig pot reduir l’energia captada. En aquesta tesi, s'analitza a fons aquesta relació utilitzant la tècnica de seguiment de la tensió en circuit obert fraccionada basada en resistències, que és molt adequada per a fonts de baixa potència. Diversos experiments realitzats en el medi marí mostren la necessitat d'augmentar la freqüència de mostreig, així que es proposa l'ús de PMU comercials amb una electrònica addicional de baix consum. S’han fabricat tres circuits diferents amb un període de mostreig de 60 ms i s’han avaluat experimentalment en un WEC de reduïdes dimensions. Els resultats mostren que aquestes configuracions milloren l'energia recollida en un 26% en comparació a PMU amb mostreig més lent. Finalment, s’ha dissenyat un sistema autònom de monitorització marina que inclou un algoritme de mesura d'ones propi. Aquest sistema és capaç de transmetre fins a 22 missatges al diaPostprint (published version

    Towards data-driven and data-based control of wave energy systems: Classification, overview, and critical assessment

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    Currently, a significant effort in the world research panorama is focused on finding efficient solutions to a carbon-free energy supply, wave energy being one of the most promising sources of untapped renewable energy. However, wave energy is not currently economic, though control technology has been shown to significantly increase the energy capture capabilities. Usually, the synthesis of a wave energy control strategy requires the adoption of control-oriented models, which are prone to error, particularly arising from unmodelled hydrodynamics, given the complexity of the hydrodynamic interactions between the device and the ocean. In this context, data-driven and data-based control strategies provide a potential solution to some of these issues, using real-time data to gather information about the system dynamics and performance. Thus motivated, this study provides a detailed analysis of different approaches to the exploitation of data in the design of control philosophies for wave energy systems, establishing clear definitions of data-driven and data-based control in this field, together with a classification highlighting the various roles of data in the control synthesis process. In particular, we investigate intrinsic opportunities and limitations behind the use of data in the process of control synthesis, providing a comprehensive review together with critical considerations aimed at directly contributing towards the development of efficient data-driven and data-based control systems for wave energy devices

    An adaptive and energy-maximizing control of wave energy converters using extremum-seeking approach

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    In this paper, we systematically investigate the feasibility of different extremum-seeking (ES) control schemes to improve the conversion efficiency of wave energy converters (WECs). Continuous-time and model-free ES schemes based on the sliding mode, relay, least-squares gradient, self-driving, and perturbation-based methods are used to improve the mean extracted power of a heaving point absorber subject to regular and irregular waves. This objective is achieved by optimizing the resistive and reactive coefficients of the power take-off (PTO) mechanism using the ES approach. The optimization results are verified against analytical solutions and the extremum of reference-to-output maps. The numerical results demonstrate that except for the self-driving ES algorithm, the other four ES schemes reliably converge for the two-parameter optimization problem, whereas the former is more suitable for optimizing a single-parameter. The results also show that for an irregular sea state, the sliding mode and perturbation-based ES schemes have better convergence to the optimum, in comparison to other ES schemes considered here. The convergence of PTO coefficients towards the performance-optimal values are tested for widely different initial values, in order to avoid bias towards the extremum. We also demonstrate the adaptive capability of ES control by considering a case in which the ES controller adapts to the new extremum automatically amidst changes in the simulated wave conditions

    Optimization and Energy Maximizing Control Systems for Wave Energy Converters

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    The book, “Optimization and Energy Maximizing Control Systems for Wave Energy Converters”, presents eleven contributions on the latest scientific advancements of 2020-2021 in wave energy technology optimization and control, including holistic techno-economic optimization, inclusion of nonlinear effects, and real-time implementations of estimation and control algorithms

    An Iterative Refining Approach to Design the Control of Wave Energy Converters with Numerical Modeling and Scaled HIL Testing

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    The aim of this work is to show that a significant increase of the e_ciency of aWave Energy Converter (WEC) can be achieved already at an early design stage, through the choice of a turbine and control regulation, by means of an accurate Wave-to-Wire (W2W) modeling that couples the hydrodynamic response calibrated in a wave flume to a Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) test bench with sizes and rates not matching those of the system under development. Information on this procedure is relevant to save time, because the acquisition, the installation, and the setup of a test rig are not quick and easy. Moreover, power electronics and electric machines to emulate turbines and electric generators matching the real systems are not low-cost equipment. The use of HIL is important in the development of WECs also because it allows the carrying out of tests in a controlled environment, and this is again time- and money-saving if compared to tests done on a real system installed at the sea. Furthermore, W2W modeling can be applied to several Power Take-O_ (PTO) configurations to experiment di_erent control strategies. The method here proposed, concerning a specific HIL for testing power electronics and control laws for a specific WECs, may have a more general validity.This work was supported by MARINET, a European Community—Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Specific Programme, grant agreement n. 262552
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