14 research outputs found

    Energy dependent mesh adaptivity of discontinuous isogeometric discrete ordinate methods with dual weighted residual error estimators

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    In this paper a hanging-node, discontinuous Galerkin, isogeometric discretisation of the multigroup, discrete ordinates () equations is presented in which each energy group has its own mesh. The equations are discretised using Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS), which allows the coarsest mesh to exactly represent the geometry for a wide range of engineering problems of interest; this would not be the case using straight-sided finite elements. Information is transferred between meshes via the construction of a supermesh. This is a non-trivial task for two arbitrary meshes, but is significantly simplified here by deriving every mesh from a common coarsest initial mesh. In order to take full advantage of this flexible discretisation, goal-based error estimators are derived for the multigroup, discrete ordinates equations with both fixed (extraneous) and fission sources, and these estimators are used to drive an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) procedure. The method is applied to a variety of test cases for both fixed and fission source problems. The error estimators are found to be extremely accurate for linear NURBS discretisations, with degraded performance for quadratic discretisations owing to a reduction in relative accuracy of the “exact” adjoint solution required to calculate the estimators. Nevertheless, the method seems to produce optimal meshes in the AMR process for both linear and quadratic discretisations, and is ≈×100 more accurate than uniform refinement for the same amount of computational effort for a 67 group deep penetration shielding problem

    Spatial adaptivity of the SAAF and Weighted Least Squares (WLS) forms of the neutron transport equation using constraint based, locally refined, isogeometric analysis (IGA) with dual weighted residual (DWR) error measures

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    This paper describes a methodology that enables NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-spline) based Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) to be locally refined. The methodology is applied to continuous Bubnov-Galerkin IGA spatial discretisations of second-order forms of the neutron transport equation. In particular this paper focuses on the self-adjoint angular flux (SAAF) and weighted least squares (WLS) equations. Local refinement is achieved by constraining degrees of freedom on interfaces between NURBS patches that have different levels of spatial refinement. In order to effectively utilise constraint based local refinement, adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) algorithms driven by a heuristic error measure or forward error indicator (FEI) and a dual weighted residual (DWR) or goal-based error measure (WEI) are derived. These utilise projection operators between different NURBS meshes to reduce the amount of computational effort required to calculate the error indicators. In order to apply the WEI to the SAAF and WLS second-order forms of the neutron transport equation the adjoint of these equations are required. The physical adjoint formulations are derived and the process of selecting source terms for the adjoint neutron transport equation in order to calculate the error in a given quantity of interest (QoI) is discussed. Several numerical verification benchmark test cases are utilised to investigate how the constraint based local refinement affects the numerical accuracy and the rate of convergence of the NURBS based IGA spatial discretisation. The nuclear reactor physics verification benchmark test cases show that both AMR algorithms are superior to uniform refinement with respect to accuracy per degree of freedom. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that for global QoI the FEI driven AMR and WEI driven AMR produce similar results. However, if local QoI are desired then WEI driven AMR algorithm is more computationally efficient and accurate per degree of freedom

    A geometry preserving, conservative, mesh-to-mesh isogeometric interpolation algorithm for spatial adaptivity of the multigroup, second-order even-parity form of the neutron transport equation

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    In this paper a method is presented for the application of energy-dependent spatial meshes applied to the multigroup, second-order, even-parity form of the neutron transport equation using Isogeometric Analysis (IGA). The computation of the inter-group regenerative source terms is based on conservative interpolation by Galerkin projection. The use of Non-Uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS) from the original computer-aided design (CAD) model allows for efficient implementation and calculation of the spatial projection operations while avoiding the complications of matching different geometric approximations faced by traditional finite element methods (FEM). The rate-of-convergence was verified using the method of manufactured solutions (MMS) and found to preserve the theoretical rates when interpolating between spatial meshes of different refinements. The scheme’s numerical efficiency was then studied using a series of two-energy group pincell test cases where a significant saving in the number of degrees-of-freedom can be found if the energy group with a complex variation in the solution is refined more than an energy group with a simpler solution function. Finally, the method was applied to a heterogeneous, seven-group reactor pincell where the spatial meshes for each energy group were adaptively selected for refinement. It was observed that by refining selected energy groups a reduction in the total number of degrees-of-freedom for the same total L2 error can be obtained

    Self-adaptive isogeometric spatial discretisations of the first and second-order forms of the neutron transport equation with dual-weighted residual error measures and diffusion acceleration

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    As implemented in a new modern-Fortran code, NURBS-based isogeometric analysis (IGA) spatial discretisations and self-adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) algorithms are developed in the application to the first-order and second-order forms of the neutron transport equation (NTE). These AMR algorithms are shown to be computationally efficient and numerically accurate when compared to standard approaches. IGA methods are very competitive and offer certain unique advantages over standard finite element methods (FEM), not least of all because the numerical analysis is performed over an exact representation of the underlying geometry, which is generally available in some computer-aided design (CAD) software description. Furthermore, mesh refinement can be performed within the analysis program at run-time, without the need to revisit any ancillary mesh generator. Two error measures are described for the IGA-based AMR algorithms, both of which can be employed in conjunction with energy-dependent meshes. The first heuristically minimises any local contributions to the global discretisation error, as per some appropriate user-prescribed norm. The second employs duality arguments to minimise important local contributions to the error as measured in some quantity of interest; this is commonly known as a dual-weighted residual (DWR) error measure and it demands the solution to both the forward (primal) and the adjoint (dual) NTE. Finally, convergent and stable diffusion acceleration and generalised minimal residual (GMRes) algorithms, compatible with the aforementioned AMR algorithms, are introduced to accelerate the convergence of the within-group self-scattering sources for scattering-dominated problems for the first and second-order forms of the NTE. A variety of verification benchmark problems are analysed to demonstrate the computational performance and efficiency of these acceleration techniques.Open Acces

    Space-time Methods for Time-dependent Partial Differential Equations

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    Modern discretizations of time-dependent PDEs consider the full problem in the space-time cylinder and aim to overcome limitations of classical approaches such as the method of lines (first discretize in space and then solve the resulting ODE) and the Rothe method (first discretize in time and then solve the PDE). A main advantage of a holistic space-time method is the direct access to space-time adaptivity and to the backward problem (required for the dual problem in optimization or error control). Moreover, this allows for parallel solution strategies simultaneously in time and space. Several space-time concepts where proposed (different conforming and nonconforming space-time finite elements, the parareal method, wavefront relaxation etc.) but this topic has become a rapidly growing field in numerical analysis and scientific computing. In this workshop the focus is the development of adaptive and flexible space-time discretization methods for solving parabolic and hyperbolic space-time partial differential equations

    Results for paper "Energy dependent mesh adaptivity of discontinuous isogeometric discrete ordinate methods with dual weighted residual error estimators"

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    <p>This spreadsheet contains the results used to generate the plots in the paper  "Energy dependent mesh adaptivity of discontinuous isogeometric discrete ordinate methods with dual weighted residual error estimators".</p

    NURBS enhanced virtual element methods for the spatial discretization of the multigroup neutron diffusion equation on curvilinear polygonal meshes

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    The Continuous Galerkin Virtual Element Method (CG-VEM) is a recent innovation in spatial discretization methods that can solve partial differential equations (PDEs) using polygonal (2D) and polyhedral (3D) meshes. Recently, a new formulation of CG-VEM was introduced which can construct VEM spaces on polygons with curvilinear edges. This paper presents the application of the curved VEM to the multigroup neutron diffusion equation and demonstrates its benefits over the conventional straight-sided VEM for a number of benchmark verification test cases with curvilinear domains. These domains were constructed using a topological data-structure developed as part of this paper, based on the doubly-connected edge list, with curves and surfaces both represented using non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS). This data-structure is used both to specify the geometry of the reactor and to represent the curvilinear polygonal mesh. We also present two separate methods of performing integrations on curvilinear polygons, one for homogeneous functions and one for non-homogeneous functions

    hp-FEM for Two-component Flows with Applications in Optofluidics

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    This thesis is concerned with the application of hp-adaptive finite element methods to a mathematical model of immiscible two-component flows. With the aim of simulating the flow processes in microfluidic optical devices based on liquid-liquid interfaces, we couple the time-dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with a level set method to describe the flow of the fluids and the evolution of the interface between them

    Contact problem modelling using the Cartesian grid Finite Element Method

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La interacción de contacto entre sólidos deformables es uno de los fenómenos más complejos en el ámbito de la mecánica computacional. La resolución de este problema requiere de algoritmos robustos para el tratamiento de no linealidades geométricas. El Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF) es uno de los más utilizados para el diseño de componentes mecánicos, incluyendo la solución de problemas de contacto. En este método el coste asociado al proceso de discretización (generación de malla) está directamente vinculado a la definición del contorno a modelar, lo cual dificulta la introducción en la simulación de superficies complejas, como las superficies NURBS, cada vez más utilizadas en el diseño de componentes. Esta tesis está basada en el "Cartesian grid Finite Element Method" (cgFEM). En esta metodología, encuadrada en la categoría de métodos "Immersed Boundary", se extiende el problema a un dominio de aproximación (cuyo mallado es sencillo de generar) que contiene al dominio de análisis completamente en su interior. Al desvincular la discretización de la definición del contorno del problema se reduce drásticamente el coste de generación de malla. Es por ello que el método cgFEM es una herramienta adecuada para la resolución de problemas en los que es necesario modificar la geometría múltiples veces, como el problema de optimización de forma o la simulación de desgaste. El método cgFEM permite también crear de manera automática y eficiente modelos de Elementos Finitos a partir de imágenes médicas. La introducción de restricciones de contacto habilitaría la posibilidad de considerar los diferentes estados de integración implante-tejido en procesos de optimización personalizada de implantes. Así, en esta tesis se desarrolla una formulación para resolver problemas de contacto 3D con el método cgFEM, considerando tanto modelos de contacto sin fricción como problemas con rozamiento de Coulomb. La ausencia de nodos en el contorno en cgFEM impide la aplicación de métodos tradicionales para imponer las restricciones de contacto, por lo que se ha desarrollado una formulación estabilizada que hace uso de un campo de tensiones recuperado para asegurar la estabilidad del método. Para una mayor precisión de la solución, se ha introducido la definición analítica de las superficies en contacto en la formulación propuesta. Además, se propone la mejora de la robustez de la metodología cgFEM en dos aspectos: el control del mal condicionamiento del problema numérico mediante un método estabilizado, y la mejora del campo de tensiones recuperado, utilizado en el proceso de estimación de error. La metodología propuesta se ha validado a través de diversos ejemplos numéricos presentados en la tesis, mostrando el gran potencial de cgFEM en este tipo de problemas.[CA] La interacció de contacte entre sòlids deformables és un dels fenòmens més complexos en l'àmbit de la mecànica computacional. La resolució d'este problema requerix d'algoritmes robustos per al tractament de no linealitats geomètriques. El Mètode dels Elements Finits (MEF) és un dels més utilitzats per al disseny de components mecànics, incloent la solució de problemes de contacte. En este mètode el cost associat al procés de discretització (generació de malla) està directament vinculat a la definició del contorn a modelar, la qual cosa dificulta la introducció en la simulació de superfícies complexes, com les superfícies NURBS, cada vegada més utilitzades en el disseny de components. Esta tesi està basada en el "Cartesian grid Finite Element Method" (cgFEM). En esta metodologia, enquadrada en la categoria de mètodes "Immersed Boundary", s'estén el problema a un domini d'aproximació (el mallat del qual és senzill de generar) que conté al domini d'anàlisi completament en el seu interior. Al desvincular la discretització de la definició del contorn del problema es reduïx dràsticament el cost de generació de malla. És per això que el mètode cgFEM és una ferramenta adequada per a la resolució de problemes en què és necessari modificar la geometria múltiples vegades, com el problema d'optimització de forma o la simulació de desgast. El mètode cgFEM permet també crear de manera automàtica i eficient models d'Elements Finits a partir d'imatges mèdiques. La introducció de restriccions de contacte habilitaria la possibilitat de considerar els diferents estats d'integració implant-teixit en processos d'optimització personalitzada d'implants. Així, en esta tesi es desenvolupa una formulació per a resoldre problemes de contacte 3D amb el mètode cgFEM, considerant tant models de contacte sense fricció com a problemes amb fregament de Coulomb. L'absència de nodes en el contorn en cgFEM impedix l'aplicació de mètodes tradicionals per a imposar les restriccions de contacte, per la qual cosa s'ha desenvolupat una formulació estabilitzada que fa ús d'un camp de tensions recuperat per a assegurar l'estabilitat del mètode. Per a una millor precisió de la solució, s'ha introduït la definició analítica de les superfícies en contacte en la formulació proposada. A més, es proposa la millora de la robustesa de la metodologia cgFEM en dos aspectes: el control del mal condicionament del problema numèric per mitjà d'un mètode estabilitzat, i la millora del camp de tensions recuperat, utilitzat en el procés d'estimació d'error. La metodologia proposada s'ha validat a través de diversos exemples numèrics presentats en la tesi, mostrant el gran potencial de cgFEM en este tipus de problemes.[EN] The contact interaction between elastic solids is one of the most complex phenomena in the computational mechanics research field. The solution of such problem requires robust algorithms to treat the geometrical non-linearities characteristic of the contact constrains. The Finite Element Method (FE) has become one of the most popular options for the mechanical components design, including the solution of contact problems. In this method the computational cost of the generation of the discretization (mesh generation) is directly related to the complexity of the analysis domain, namely its boundary. This complicates the introduction in the numerical simulations of complex surfaces (for example NURBS), which are being increasingly used in the CAD industry. This thesis is grounded on the Cartesian grid Finite Element Method (cgFEM). In this methodology, which belongs to the family of Immersed Boundary methods, the problem at hand is extended to an approximation domain which completely embeds the analysis domain, and its meshing is straightforward. The decoupling of the boundary definition and the discretization mesh results in a great reduction of the mesh generation's computational cost. Is for this reason that the cgFEM is a suitable tool for the solution of problems that require multiple geometry modifications, such as shape optimization problems or wear simulations. The cgFEM is also capable of automatically generating FE models from medical images without the intermediate step of generating CAD entities. The introduction of the contact interaction would open the possibility to consider different states of the union between implant and living tissue for the design of optimized implants, even in a patient-specific process. Hence, in this thesis a formulation for solving 3D contact problems with the cgFEM is presented, considering both frictionless and Coulomb's friction problems. The absence of nodes along the boundary in cgFEM prevents the enforcement of the contact constrains using the standard procedures. Thus, we develop a stabilized formulation that makes use of a recovered stress field, which ensures the stability of the method. The analytical definition of the contact surfaces (by means of NURBS) has been included in the proposed formulation in order to increase the accuracy of the solution. In addition, the robustness of the cgFEM methodology is increased in this thesis in two different aspects: the control of the numerical problem's ill-conditioning by means of a stabilized method, and the enhancement of the stress recovered field, which is used in the error estimation procedure. The proposed methodology has been validated through several numerical examples, showing the great potential of the cgFEM in these type of problems.Navarro Jiménez, JM. (2019). Contact problem modelling using the Cartesian grid Finite Element Method [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/124348TESISCompendi