2,202 research outputs found

    A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Material-Connection Disclosures: Endorsers, Instagram, and the Federal Trade Commission’s Endorsement Guides

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    With the spread of social-media advertising, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has made many attempts to regulate the burgeoning field. However, the complexity of social media makes it difficult to regulate without violating the First Amendment. This difficulty is especially true for Instagram, a social-media platform where pictures—a form of speech protected by the First Amendment—are the primary focal point. This Note argues that the FTC’s material-connection disclosure requirement potentially violates the First Amendment as it applies to Instagram advertisements. Instead of focusing on audience perception when determining whether an endorser must include a material-connection disclosure, the FTC should instead consider the poster’s intent in sharing an Instagram post to prevent any chilling of speech or violations of posters’ First Amendment rights

    The Influence of Social Media Celebrity Endorsement on Beer and Wine Purchase Behaviour

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJWBR-10-2022-0037[Abstract] Purpose: This study examines whether and how social media celebrity endorsement influences consumers’ beer and wine purchase behavior and what are the characteristics of the celebrities that exert greater influence. Methodology: Based on the source credibility, source attractiveness theoretical models, and on the match-up theory a model of consumer purchase behaviour was proposed. Then, this model is empirically analysed through multiple group Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Findings: Findings indicate that celebrity’s recommendations exert a different influence pattern on consumer purchase behaviour depending on the product category: congruence is the most relevant variable in beer endorsement; while expertise is the most influencing factor in wine celebrity recommendations. Value: This study extends the literature on celebrity endorsement providing an empirical examination of the social media celebrity characteristics that influence consumer purchase behaviour of beer and wine

    Food Aestheticsm: How Images of Food Communicate Economic and Social Value

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    This study was a qualitative study. It combined semiotic theory to analyze the data. This article focuses on how images of food in Instagram represent economic and social values. In addition, this study reveals how photography has message and connotative meaning. This study shows that the use of aesthetic components in food photography aims to promote food product embraced by foodies in Instagram. The image of food can be a communicative language which shows economic value where all the photo embed marketing strategies. The color of food, the property used when photograph the food, somehow, attract followers to consume the food (appetizing the viewers.). Moreover, the kind of food they choose and where to dine out can communicate the social status where they belong

    The Mediating Role of Customer Trust on the Relationships of Celebrity Endorsement and E-WOM to Instagram Purchase Intention

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    This study aims to reanalyze and reconfirm the relationships of celebrity endorsements and E-WOM on consumer purchasing intentions and examine the indirect influence of celebrity endorsements and e-WOM and trust as the mediation of purchase intentions. This study is the first in Indonesia to analyze the above mediating relationships. The data are from 100 Instagram users responding to online questionnaires and analyzed with PLS-SEM. The results showed that celebrity endorsement and e-WOM positively influence consumer confidence and purchasing intentions by mediating trust variables. This research highlights the role of influence in creating positive buzzes to the promoted sales

    Evaluating children exposure to digital marketing of unhealthy foods in Portugal with World Health Organization Framework CLICK

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    ABSTRACT - Introduction: Exposing children and adolescents to marketing of unhealthy food and beverages impacts their eating preferences and behaviour, affecting their body weight. Hence, the World Health Organization recommends restricting and monitoring such marketing. This study aims to provide insights on the exposure of Portuguese children to digital marketing of HFSS foods and beverages from different sources. Methods: Three steps of the World Health Organization Framework – CLICK – were applied. This consisted of a review of published-available data for Portugal, a content analysis of YouTube videos from two popular influencers among Portuguese children and a pilot-study with 11 children testing a software that identifies paid-for digital marketing aimed at children. Results: Of the 68 YouTube videos analysed, 60% of these included food and beverage cues, of which 70% were classified as less healthy. Ready-made and convenience foods (23.1%) were the most frequent featured products. In the pilot study, the participants were exposed to 162 ads on YouTube (n=9) and 670 ads on Instagram (n=6 children). 1.9% of the YouTube ads and 3.6% of the Instagram ads promoted HFSS foods and beverages. Conclusion: This study tested novel methodologies, providing insights on the current situation in Portugal where children are being exposed to HFSS food from paid-for advertising. Additionally, and given the growing body of evidence on the impact from influencer food marketing on children’s eating behaviour, this exploratory study provided important insights on the digital content which children are being exposed to. More research is undoubtedly needed in this area.RESUMO - Introdução: A exposição das crianças ao marketing digital de alimentos e bebidas nĂŁo saudĂĄveis influencia as suas preferĂȘncias, comportamentos e o seu peso corporal, sendo uma recomendação da Organização Mundial da SaĂșde a restrição e monitorização desta exposição. Este estudo pretende explorar a exposição das crianças portuguesas ao marketing digital de alimentos e bebidas com elevado teor de gordura, açĂșcar e sal (“HFSS”). MĂ©todos: Foram implementadas trĂȘs etapas da Framework da Organização Mundial da SaĂșde Europa – CLICK, atravĂ©s da realização de uma revisĂŁo de estudos publicados, uma anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo a vĂ­deos de YouTube de dois influenciadores, populares entre as crianças portugueses, e um projeto piloto, com 11 crianças, para testar um software que identifica publicidade paga. Resultados: Dos 68 vĂ­deos do YouTube analisados, 60% incluĂ­ram referĂȘncias a alimentos e bebidas, dos quais 70% foram classificados como menos saudĂĄveis. As refeiçÔes prĂ©-preparadas e de conveniĂȘncia (23,1%) foram os produtos mais frequentes. No estudo piloto, os participantes foram expostos a 162 anĂșncios no YouTube (n=9 crianças) e a 670 anĂșncios no Instagram (n=6 crianças), tendo 1,9% dos anĂșncios do YouTube e 3,5% dos anĂșncios do Instagram promovido alimentos e bebidas “HFSS”. ConclusĂŁo: Este estudo testou metodologias inovadoras, permitindo obter uma indicação da situação atual em Portugal, na qual as crianças estĂŁo a ser expostas a publicidade paga de alimentos “HFSS”. Adicionalmente, e considerando a crescente evidĂȘncia do impacto do marketing alimentar promovido por influenciadores no comportamento alimentar das crianças, este estudo contribuiu para uma melhor compreensĂŁo do conteĂșdo desta exposição. É, inquestionavelmente, necessĂĄria mais investigação nesta ĂĄrea

    Pengaruh Persepsi Pelanggan dan Visual Complexity pada Food Photography terhadap Niat Pembelian di Masa Pandemi COVID-19

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    Sejak pandemi Covid-19, banyak pemilik usaha yang beralih dari penjualan offline menjadi penjualan online, terutama untuk bisnis food and beverages (FnB). Platform yang sering digunakan untuk para online food shop adalah Instagram. Namun, tidak sedikit pemilik usaha yang tidak mengerti cara menghasilkan foto dengan memperhatikan visual complexity dan kini para fotografer mulai menawarkan bantuan mereka, terutama di bidang food photography. namun hingga saat ini belum banyak penelitian yang meneliti tentang visual complexity dan apakah persepsi pelanggan berpengaruh terhadap niat pembelian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti apakah persepsi pelanggan dan visual complexity pada online food shop yang menggunakan jasa food photography berpengaruh terhadap niat pembelian pelanggan. Penelitian ini menggunakan survey online yang melibatkan 163 responden yang tersebar di kota Surabaya, Jakarta, Bandung dan Yogyakarta. Data dari penelitian ini diuji menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dan menemukan bahwa persepsi terhadap desain, persepsi terhadap keandalan dan visual complexity berpengaruh positif terhadap pembelian. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah dapat mengidentifikasi perilaku konsumen di platform media sosial lainnya dan meneliti kota lainnya di Indonesia

    Social Media influencers in Travels and Tourism

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThe use of Social Media in travel contexts has risen on the past years and is now an important strategic tool regarding tourism development of travel destination. This research aims to examine the impact of social media platforms and the specific effect of influencer presence for destination promotion and the perception. To understand this, this research evaluates the impact of micro and macro influencers on the perception and destination dimensions. The findings suggest that destination perception varies due to the type of influencer chosen for a campaign. When using a micro influencer, physical attractiveness seems to be the most relevant topic to explore, while using macro influencers dimensions such as congruence and trustworthiness are more relevant for the perception outcome. The findings have important implications for travel destinations research and practice

    Content Creator versus Brand Advertiser? The Effect of Inserting Advertisements in Videos on Influencers Engagement

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    Influencer advertising has become an indispensable component of online marketing due to the exponential growth of social influencers and their influence. Whereas the effectiveness of using influencer endorsements is well studied from the brand or company perspective, how the commercial endorsements affect influencers themselves is an important yet unrevealed question. We empirically examine the instantaneous (measured using live comment sentiment) and longer-term (measured using video feedback and follower number change) influence of inserting advertisements in videos on influencers’ reputation. We further investigate how this effect can be moderated when influencers demonstrate stronger endorsement by showing their faces during advertisements. Our result suggests that inserting advertisements have a negative impact on both instantaneous and longer-term viewer engagement; advertisements with influencers’ face showing moderate the negative effect of advertisements on viewers’ instantaneous response, while the different impact between advertisements with/out influencers showing their faces is not significant in the longer term


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    TikTok merupakan salah satu media sosial yang layak dipertimbangkan untuk diimplementasikan sebagai alat untuk pemasaran. Di Indonesia spesifiknya, sudah ada lebih dari 22 juta pengguna TikTok. Untuk membantu meningkatkan efektivitas pemasaran melalui TikTok, perlu ada studi empiris tentang faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi interaksi konten pada TikTok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kompleksitas visual dan tipe konten terhadap interaksi konten (jumlah suka, komentar, dan bagikan) pada TikTok. Total data sebanyak 647 unggahan dikumpulkan dari 7 akun bisnis yang memasarkan produknya pada TikTok untuk konsumen di Indonesia. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode analisis konten yang dikomputasi menggunakan regresi binomial negatif pada SPSS. Hasil analisis membuktikan bahwa kompleksitas visual tinggi berpengaruh negatif terhadap jumlah bagikan. Variabel Respon ke Komentar berpengaruh positif terhadap jumlah suka; variabel Produk, Respon ke Komentar, dan Review berpengaruh positif terhadap jumlah komentar; variabel Produk dan Review berpengaruh positif terhadap jumlah bagikan. Temuan riset juga menunjukkan bahwa variabel Respon ke Komentar dan Humor berpengaruh negatif terhadap jumlah bagikan. Penelitian ini dapat memperkaya literatur pemasaran media sosial sekaligus menjadi acuan bagi bisnis untuk membuat konten mereka viral di TikTok yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kinerja bisnis

    Examining the Role of Semantic Similarity in Online Restaurant Review Evaluations

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    Both language and image are critical for the grasp of information embedded in online reviews. While a large quantity of research has focused on the role of textual features and visual features separately, the specific role of similarity between textual and visual information in online review evaluations (e.g., review usefulness and review enjoyment) remains unaddressed. Thus, drawing on dual coding theory, this study attempts to investigate the impacts of textual and visual features on review evaluations by employing the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling and Google Vision API’s web detection techniques in the context of online restaurant review (ORR). Moreover, the moderating role of semantic similarity is examined in the relationships between textual/visual features and ORR evaluations. It is believed that this study could provide implications on information comprehension, draw consumer interest, and provide suggestions for restaurant managers to tune levels of review evaluation in a proper manner
