89 research outputs found

    Personalized persuasion to increase acceptance of automated driving

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    Behavioural Change Support Intelligent Transportation Applications

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    This workshop invites researchers and practitioners to participate in exploring behavioral change support intelligent transportation applications. We welcome submissions that explore intelligent transportation systems (ITS), which interact with travelers in order to persuade them or nudge them towards sustainable transportation behaviors and decisions. Emerging opportunities including the use of data and information generated by ITS and users' mobile devices in order to render personalized, contextualized and timely transport behavioral change interventions are in our focus. We invite submissions and ideas from domains of ITS including, but not limited to, multi-modal journey planners, advanced traveler information systems and in-vehicle systems. The expected outcome will be a deeper understanding of the challenges and future research directions with respect to behavioral change support through ITS.Comment: Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) 2017 Worksho

    Motivational techniques that aid drivers to choose unselfish routes

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    LGBTI-people in Lithuania: creating connections within and outside community

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    Esta tesis es el resultado de la combinación en estudios de comunicación, género y relacionada con los derechos humanos. Muestra las conexiones que las personas LGBTI en Lituania han establecido dentro y fuera de su comunidad, tanto online cómo offline, con el propósito de saber qué otros grupos los apoyan o cuáles establecen presión sobre ellos. La tesis está dividida en tres capítulos. El primero trata sobre el contexto histórico de las representaciones estereotípicas que existen alrededor de las personas LGBTI y cómo esto les afecta a la hora de construir su comunidad. El segundo se centra en el uso de las redes sociales por parte de las personas LGBTI en Lituania a la hora de crear su comunidad y nuevos espacios de interacción. El tercer capítulo es acerca de las actividades artísticas y eventos diseñados con el propósito de desafiar la LGBTI fobia en Lituania. Los principales métodos de búsqueda de información han sido once entrevistas, tanto a expertos en temas LGBTI en Lituania, cómo artistas y activistas; y un cuestionario que ha sido rellenado por 65 personas. En los anexos es posible consultar la guía de entrevistas, la transcripción de las entrevistas, así como el cuestionario sin rellenar.This thesis is built on the crossing of media studies, gender studies and related to ideas of the human rights. It is about the connections the LGBTI people in Lithuania have established within and outside community, online and offline, in order to know which the supporting groups are or which the groups of pressure are. The thesis is divided in three chapters. The first one is about the historical background of stereotypical representations around the LGBTI people and how it affects them in building community. The second one is centered on the use of the social media by the LGBTI people in Lithuania in creating community and new spaces of interaction. The third chapter is about artistic practices and events designed in order to challenge the LGBTI phobia in Lithuania. The main methods of researching information have been eleven interviews either to experts in LGBTI issues in Lithuania, as artists or activists; and a questionnaire filled-in by 65 people. In the annexes there are the interview guide, the interview transcriptions as well as the empty questionnaire.Albert Pérez, A. (2013). LGBTI-people in Lithuania: creating connections within and outside community. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/36057Archivo delegad

    Defeating Alzheimer's disease and other dementias: a priority for European science and society

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia, and because the primary risk factor for AD is old age, the prevalence of the disease is increasing dramatically with ageing populations worldwide. Even in high-income countries, the cost of medical care and associated societal burdens of dementia threaten to become overwhelming as more people live into old age. In view of the lack of progress in developing a cure for AD and the rapidly increasing costs of dementia, policy makers and governments have a powerful incentive to provide more resources to develop AD therapeutics. The Lancet Neurology Commission was formed with the overarching aim to provide information and expert recommendations to policy makers and political leaders about the growing problem of AD and related dementias of ageing. The past two decades have seen remarkable improvements in the quality of care for patients with AD, with a research-driven shift to more personalised and integrated team-oriented care. Epidemiological and genetic studies have identifi ed many factors that increase the risk of AD. Prevention studies have highlighted the possibility of targeting risk and protective factors to delay onset, with the promise of reducing the overall prevalence of dementia. However, no treatment is yet available to halt or reverse the underlying pathology of established AD. Indeed, an eff ective therapy for AD is perhaps the greatest unmet need facing modern medicine. Basic biomedical research has provided insights into the causes and pathogenesis of AD and other neurodegenerative diseases, but improved understanding of disease mechanisms will be needed to develop safe and eff ective disease-modifying treatments. Nonetheless, several drugs are currently in late phases of clinical development. The Commission considered a range of challenges that need to be addressed to reduce the burden of dementia, and these challenges are discussed in detail in the main sections of our report: health economics (section 1), epidemiology (section 2), prevention (section 3), genetics (section 4), biology (section 5), diagnosis (section 6), treatment (sections 7, 8), care (section 9), and ethics (section 10). In panel 1 we summarise the key fi ndings of the Commission, with recommendations about how patient care and related research—from basic to clinical— in AD and other dementias should be organised in the future. A concerted eff ort to tackle dementia is needed, with a substantial overall increase in government and private investment in the care of patients and the search for AD therapeutics. Europe is well placed to take the world lead, in partnership with international organisations, to develop new approaches to prevent or cure AD and other dementias and to provide models of compassionate care for patients. As the cost of care increases, funds must not be shunted from basic research, clinical research, and drug-discovery programmes. In fact, a substantial increase in long-term funding for multidisciplinary research programmes is absolutely essential to reduce the burden of individual suff ering and the enormous societal cost of AD. Only targeted increases in research investment will provide any hope of fi nding a cure for AD or developing strategies to delay the onset or slow the progression of the disease

    The material culture of Roman colonization: anthropological approaches to archaeological interpretations

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    This thesis will explore the agentive roles of material culture in ancient colonial encounters. It takes as a case study the Roman colonization of southern Britain, from the first century BC onwards. Using ethnographic and theoretical perspectives largely drawn from social anthropology, it seeks to demonstrate that the consumption of certain types of continental material culture by some members of communities in southern Britain, pre-disposed the local population to Roman political annexation in the later part of the first century AD. Once the Roman colonial project proper commenced, different material cultures were introduced by colonial agents to maintain domination over a subaltern population. Throughout, the entanglement of people and things represented a reciprocal continuum, in which things moved people's minds, as much as people got to grips with particular things. In addition it will be suggested that the confrontations of material culture brought about by the colonial encounters affected the colonizer as much as the colonized. The thesis will demonstrate the impact of a variety of novel material cultures by focusing in detail on a key area of southern Britain – Chichester and its immediate environs. Material culture will be examined in four major categories: Landscapes and Buildings; Exchange, Food and Drink; Coinages; Death and Burial. Chapters dealing with these categories will be preceded by an opening chapter on the nature of Roman colonialism, followed by an introductory one on the history and archaeology of southern Britain and the study area. The Conclusion will include some thoughts on the integration of anthropological approaches to archaeological interpretation. I intend that the thesis provides a contribution to the wider debate on the role of material culture in ancient colonial projects, and an example of the increasingly productive bidirectional entanglement of archaeology and anthropology

    Advertising Progress

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    Selected by Choice Magazine as an Outstanding Academic TitleOriginally published in 1998. Drawing on both documentary and pictorial evidence, Pamela Walker Laird explores the modernization of American advertising to 1920. She links its rise and transformation to changes that affected American society and business alike, including the rise of professional specialization and the communications revolution that new technologies made possible. Laird finds a fundamental shift in the kinds of people who created advertisements and their relationships to the firms that advertised. Advertising evolved from the work of informing customers (telling people what manufacturers had to sell) to creating consumers (persuading people that they needed to buy). Through this story, Laird shows how and why—in the intense competitions for both markets and cultural authority—the creators of advertisements laid claim to "progress" and used it to legitimate their places in American business and culture

    Modélisation d'une interaction système-résident contextuelle, personnalisée et adaptative pour l'assistance cognitive à la réalisation des activités de la vie quotidienne dans les maisons connectées

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    Alors que le nombre de personnes vivant avec des déficits cognitifs qui découlent d’un traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC) va en croissant, les technologies d’assistance sont de plus en plus développées pour résoudre les problèmes qu’ils induisent dans la réalisation des activités de la vie quotidienne. L’Internet des objets et l’intelligence ambiante offrent un cadre pour fournir des services d’assistance sensibles au contexte, adaptatifs, autonomes et personnalisés pour ces personnes ayant des besoins particuliers. Une revue de la littérature sur le sujet permet de constater que les systèmes existants offrent très souvent une assistance excessive, quand l’aide contient plus d’information que nécessaire ou quand elle est fournie automatiquement à chaque étape de l’activité. Cette assistance, inadaptée aux besoins et aux capacités de la personne, est contraire à certains principes de la réadaptation cognitive qui prônent la fourniture d’une assistance minimale pour encourager la personne à agir au meilleur de ses capacités. Cette thèse propose des modèles pour automatiser l’assistance cognitive sous forme de dialogue contextuel entre une personne ayant des déficits cognitifs dus au TCC et un système lui fournissant l’assistance appropriée qui l’encourage à réaliser ses activités par lui-même. Les principales contributions sont : (1) un modèle ontologique comme support de l’assistance cognitive dans les maisons connectées ; (2) un modèle d’interaction entre l’agent intelligent d’une maison connectée et une personne ayant subi un TCC, dans le cadre de l’assistance cognitive. Le modèle ontologique proposé s’appuie sur les actes de langages et les données probantes de la réadaptation cognitive afin que l’assistance reflète la pratique clinique. Il vise à fournir aux maisons intelligentes la sémantique des données nécessaires pour caractériser les situations où il y a besoin d’assistance, les messages d’assistance de gradations différentes et les réactions de la personne. Informé par le modèle ontologique, le modèle d’interaction basé sur des arbres de comportement (« behaviour trees ») permet alors à un agent intelligent de planifier dynamiquement la diffusion de messages d’assistance progressifs avec des ajustements si nécessaire, en fonction du profil et du comportement du résident de la maison connectée lors de l’accomplissement de ses activités. Une validation préliminaire montre l’applicabilité des modèles dans l’implémentation de scénarios relatifs à l’utilisation sécuritaire d’une cuisinière connectée dédiée aux personnes ayant subi un TCC