14 research outputs found

    Studi Pengkajian Tentang Sistem High Definition Television

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    Teknologi Televisi menunjukkan perkemwangan yang sangat pesat. Hal lni terbul<t1 dengan dil<e:rnbangKannya sistem High Deiinition Television ( HDTV }, yang merupaKan teknolog1 televisi tJngl<at lanjut ( Advanced Television }. Sistem HDTV mampu menampilkan gambar dengan kualitas ga:rnbar yang lebih bail< dari sistem televisl I<onvensional. Ga:rnbar tampilan HD'l.'V tampa!< lebih tajam, jernih, jelas, dan warna lebih cemerlang, serta berkesan nyata dan alaml. Sistem HDTV dikemwangi<an oleh banyal< negara dengan karal<terlstik tertentu. Dalam tugas akhir ini dibahas teknologi HDTV secara umum. Untuk mengetahu.i karal<ter1st11< 'dan keungguJ an slstem HDTV, -maka dibahas beberapa sistem HDTV yang dikembangl<an di Amerika dan Jepang, yaitu : sistem Advanced Compatible (ACTV}, sistem Split~Luminance Split-Chrominance (SLSC}, dan sistem Multiple Sub-Nyquist sampling Encoding (MUSE}. Selanjutnya akan dibahas perbandingan dari slstem-sistem tersebut. Dalam sistem HDTV digunal<an parameter-parameter l<ualitas gambar televisi baru guna menghasllkan gambar tampi 1 an yang 1 ebi.h bail<, yai tu juml ah scanning 1 ine, intensltas warna, jarak pandang, sudut pandang, ukuran gambar, dan aspect ratio. Untuk meghilangkan gangguangangguan gambar dan eiislensi bandwidth transm11s1 diterapkan tel<niK-teKniK baru dalam pembentul<an (encodingdecoding} slnyal gambarnya. Dari Stud! yang dilakukan d1peroleh bahwa slstem HDTV dengan jumlah scanning line dua Kali sl~tem televlsl konvensional ( 1050 atau 1125 garis ). aspect ratio lebar (16:9 atau 5:3}, ukuran gambar tampllan besar,· sudut pandang 30·, dan jaraK pandang sebesar tlga I<ali tinggi layar tampilan (3H}, mampu menampilkan gambar yang setara dengan gam.bar bios.Kop yang mengguna.Kan Illm 35 Iml. Bandwidth transmisi yang digunakan berbeda-beda untuk setiap sistem. Sistem ACTV 12 1-1Hz, sistem SLSG 12 MHZ, sistem MUSE ( Hi-Vision ) 8, 1 MHz, sistem Narrow MUSE 12 MHZ, sistem NTSC Compatible MUSE - 6 (NCM-6} 6 MHZ, dan sistem NTSC Compatible MUSE - 9 (NCM-9} 9 MHZ

    High definition systems in Japan

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    The successful implementation of a strategy to produce high-definition systems within the Japanese economy will favorably affect the fundamental competitiveness of Japan relative to the rest of the world. The development of an infrastructure necessary to support high-definition products and systems in that country involves major commitments of engineering resources, plants and equipment, educational programs and funding. The results of these efforts appear to affect virtually every aspect of the Japanese industrial complex. The results of assessments of the current progress of Japan toward the development of high-definition products and systems are presented. The assessments are based on the findings of a panel of U.S. experts made up of individuals from U.S. academia and industry, and derived from a study of the Japanese literature combined with visits to the primary relevant industrial laboratories and development agencies in Japan. Specific coverage includes an evaluation of progress in R&D for high-definition television (HDTV) displays that are evolving in Japan; high-definition standards and equipment development; Japanese intentions for the use of HDTV; economic evaluation of Japan's public policy initiatives in support of high-definition systems; management analysis of Japan's strategy of leverage with respect to high-definition products and systems

    Technical workflow in TV coverage of Mountain Bike events

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    This project focuses on the technical requirements needed for the television production of a live action sport event, especifically the RedBull's Mountain Bike competitions in the Catalan cup 2010. There are three main stages: the TV production on location, the editing and the deliver of the final video to the customer. Each different stage requires several technical decisions to be made and this document provides a detailed and comprehensible steps to achieve each purpose

    HDTV transmission format conversion and migration path

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 77-79).by Lon E. Sunshine.Ph.D

    Feasibility study: Electronic media laboratory according to Industry standard

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    The goal of this Master's thesis was to find out the Metropolia media technology laboratory’s correlation to industrial electronic media production standards and environments. The laboratory environment for education and training should be following not only media technology curriculum, but also the requirements set for learning audio-visual technology, including the processes, technologies and practices involved in professional electronic production and publishing in Finland. Since the role of the laboratory is to perform as an effective learning environment, there are some understandable restrictions in technology and development, in financial and in management section that prevent it from reaching the industrial level. These limitations and differences between this environment and more sophisticated industrial model were studied in this thesis. Feasibility study, which is suitable for analyzing the technology, financial and administrative development all together, was selected as the research method. The study was intended to determine the achievable laboratory model of functional validation and also to demonstrate the proof of concept. Audiovisual production in the laboratory and the subsequent electronic digital publishing was created as an embedded model. The model takes into account the ongoing changes in the television environment and the traditional radio frequency transmission, which is now competing with other alternatives such as IP network distribution. Video editing as post production was analyzed in its current state and compared to a complete network-based-editing NAS and SAN model, which can also be implemented in cloud technologies for decentralized co-operation. This way the model was following the industry trends and future prospects. Research material was collected and acquired from written sources, industry fairs and conferences, resellers and agents as well as production companies and broadcasters. Practical implementation of electronic media publishing was simulated in the laboratory environment so that all the possible reception technologies were covered. Publishing was customized for compatibility with various devices. Noteworthy aspects in this publishing process were the post-processing, packetizing and distribution related quality management aspects their definition and management issues were also discussed in this thesis. The end result was a feasibility analysis and model, which defines the electronic publishing technology teaching bottlenecks regarding the equivalence of the technologies in laboratory environment.YAMK-insinöörityön tavoitteena oli selvittää Metropolian mediatekniikan laboratorion vastaavuus teollisessa elektronisen median tuotannossa noudatettaviin standardeihin. Laboratorion koulutusympäristönä tulee noudattaa paitsi mediatekniikan opetussuunnitelmassa audio-visuaaliselle tekniikalle oppimiselle asetettuja vaatimuksia, myös niitä prosesseja, käytäntöjä ja teknologioita joita ammattimainen elektroninen tuotanto ja julkaiseminen Suomessa toteuttaa. Oppimisympäristönä toimivan laboratorion kehittämiselle ja varustamiselle on ymmärrettävästi teknisiä, taloudellisia ja hallinnallisia rajoituksia, jotka estävät sen saavuttamasta teollista tasoa. Näiden rajojen ja kehittyneemmän teollisen mallin eroja tutkittiin. Tutkimusmenetelmäksi valittiin saavutettavuustutkimus (eng. feasebility study), joka menetelmänä soveltuu teknologian, taloudellisen tai hallinnollisen kehittämiseen analysointiin. Tutkimuksella pyrittiin määrittelemään saavutettavissa olevan laboratoriomallin toiminnallinen validointi ja toteutettavuuden osoitus (engl.proof of concept). Laboratorion audiovisuaalista tuotantoa ja sitä seuraavaa elektronista sekä digitaalista julkaisemista varten luotiin sulautettu malli. Mallissa huomioitiin televisioympäristössä meneillään oleva muutos, jossa perinteinen radiotaajuuslähettäminen on saanut vaihtoehdoksi IP- verkoilla suoritettavan jakelun. Videon editointi jälkituotantona analysointiin nykytilassa ja vertailtiin sitä täydellisen verkkoeditoinnin malleihin, jotka voivat myös toteuttaa pilviteknologioita hajautetussa tuotannollisessa yhteistyössä. Näin medialaboratorion mallinnuksessa huomioitiin toimialan ajan trendit ja tulevaisuuden näkymät. Tämä tutkimusaineisto hankittiin kirjallisten lähteiden lisäksi, alan messuilta ja konferensseista, maahantuojilta ja edustajilta sekä tuotanto- ja yleisradioyhtiöiltä. Elektronisen median julkaisemista simuloitiin laboratorioympäristössä niin, että kaikki mahdolliset vastaanottotekniikat oli otettu huomioon. Julkaiseminen räätälöitiin myös soveltuvaksi eri päätelaitteille. Julkaisemisessa huomionarvoisiksi asioiksi nousivat audiovisuaalisen sisällön jälkiprosessointiin, paketointiin ja lähettämiseen liittyvät tekniset laadunhallinnan aspektit, esimerkiksi eri videonpakkausalgoritmien soveltuvuus videosisällön jakelussa, julkaisemisen automatisoinnin mahdollistaminen ja eri julkaisualustojen tutkiminen ja määrittely Lopputuloksena saatiin aikaan soveltuvuusanalyysi ja mallinnus, jossa määriteltiin elektronisen julkaisemisen teknisen opetuksen pullonkaulat teolliseen vastaavuuteen nähden. Suurimmaksi kompastuskiveksi voidaan mainita jakelujärjestelmän operoinnin hankaluus sekä verkotetun editointijärjestelmän määrittelyn haasteellisuus

    Public service user terminus study compendium of terminus equipment

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    General descriptions and specifications are given for equipments which facilitate satellite and terrestrial communications delivery by acting as interfaces between a human, mechanical, or electrical information generator (or source) and the communication system. Manufactures and suppliers are given as well as the purchase, service, or lease costs of various products listed under the following cateories: voice/telephony/facsimile equipment; data/graphics terminals; full motion and processes video equipment; and multiple access equipment

    Affect-based indexing and retrieval of multimedia data

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    Digital multimedia systems are creating many new opportunities for rapid access to content archives. In order to explore these collections using search, the content must be annotated with significant features. An important and often overlooked aspect o f human interpretation o f multimedia data is the affective dimension. The hypothesis o f this thesis is that affective labels o f content can be extracted automatically from within multimedia data streams, and that these can then be used for content-based retrieval and browsing. A novel system is presented for extracting affective features from video content and mapping it onto a set o f keywords with predetermined emotional interpretations. These labels are then used to demonstrate affect-based retrieval on a range o f feature films. Because o f the subjective nature o f the words people use to describe emotions, an approach towards an open vocabulary query system utilizing the electronic lexical database WordNet is also presented. This gives flexibility for search queries to be extended to include keywords without predetermined emotional interpretations using a word-similarity measure. The thesis presents the framework and design for the affectbased indexing and retrieval system along with experiments, analysis, and conclusions