241 research outputs found

    Toric cohomological rigidity of simple convex polytopes

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    A simple convex polytope PP is \emph{cohomologically rigid} if its combinatorial structure is determined by the cohomology ring of a quasitoric manifold over PP. Not every PP has this property, but some important polytopes such as simplices or cubes are known to be cohomologically rigid. In this article we investigate the cohomological rigidity of polytopes and establish it for several new classes of polytopes including products of simplices. Cohomological rigidity of PP is related to the \emph{bigraded Betti numbers} of its \emph{Stanley--Reisner ring}, another important invariants coming from combinatorial commutative algebra.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables; revised versio

    Buchstaber numbers and classical invariants of simplicial complexes

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    Buchstaber invariant is a numerical characteristic of a simplicial complex, arising from torus actions on moment-angle complexes. In the paper we study the relation between Buchstaber invariants and classical invariants of simplicial complexes such as bigraded Betti numbers and chromatic invariants. The following two statements are proved. (1) There exists a simplicial complex U with different real and ordinary Buchstaber invariants. (2) There exist two simplicial complexes with equal bigraded Betti numbers and chromatic numbers, but different Buchstaber invariants. To prove the first theorem we define Buchstaber number as a generalized chromatic invariant. This approach allows to guess the required example. The task then reduces to a finite enumeration of possibilities which was done using GAP computational system. To prove the second statement we use properties of Taylor resolutions of face rings.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Moment-angle complexes from simplicial posets

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    We extend the construction of moment-angle complexes to simplicial posets by associating a certain T^m-space Z_S to an arbitrary simplicial poset S on m vertices. Face rings Z[S] of simplicial posets generalise those of simplicial complexes, and give rise to new classes of Gorenstein and Cohen--Macaulay rings. Our primary motivation is to study the face rings Z[S] by topological methods. The space Z_S has many important topological properties of the original moment-angle complex Z_K associated to a simplicial complex K. In particular, we prove that the integral cohomology algebra of Z_S is isomorphic to the Tor-algebra of the face ring Z[S]. This leads directly to a generalisation of Hochster's theorem, expressing the algebraic Betti numbers of the ring Z[S] in terms of the homology of full subposets in S. Finally, we estimate the total amount of homology of Z_S from below by proving the toral rank conjecture for the moment-angle complexes Z_S.Comment: 17 pages, 2 pictures; v2 revised, v3 minor correction
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