3,862 research outputs found

    A sociotechnical perspective of the Operator 4.0 factory: A literature review and future directions

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    In this study, I illustrate the sociotechnical perspective of the Operator 4.0 factory, where advanced Industry 4.0 technologies – such as robots, the internet of things, virtual reality are deployed to collaborate with operators and help them to their activities within manufacturing organisations. There is a lack of studies exploring how Operator 4.0 factory operates through the interplay between technologies and workers. I address this gap by conducting a systematic literature review employing the sociotechnical theory. This theory sees an organisation as a work system, composed of social and technical systems and helps understand how the work system operates. Thus, I portray the novel role of Operator 4.0, the enabling technologies of the Operator 4.0 factory and the challenged to implement them, and the instrumental and workforce benefits. The results show that studies are focused on both systems meaning that operator 4.0 plays a crucial role in this factory in conjunction with Industry 4.0 technologies. Organisations adopting such production systems experience instrumental benefits related to a more efficient production process and better workforce conditions. I conclude by proposing some future research avenues

    Industry 4.0 and the human factor : A systems framework and analysis methodology for successful development

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    The fourth industrial revolution we currently witness changes the role of humans in operations systems. Although automation and assistance technologies are becoming more prevalent in production and logistics, there is consensus that humans will remain an essential part of operations systems. Nevertheless, human factors are still underrepresented in this research stream resulting in an important research and application gap. This article first exposes this gap by presenting the results of a focused content analysis of earlier research on Industry 4.0. To contribute to closing this gap, it then develops a conceptual framework that integrates several key concepts from the human factors engineering discipline that are important in the context of Industry 4.0 and that should thus be considered in future research in this area. The framework can be used in research and development to systematically consider human factors in Industry 4.0 designs and implementations. This enables the analysis of changing demands for humans in Industry 4.0 environments and contributes towards a successful digital transformation that avoid the pitfalls of innovation performed without attention to human factors. The paper concludes with highlighting future research directions on human factors in Industry 4.0 as well as managerial implications for successful applications in practice

    The cognitive operator 4.0

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    While previous Industrial Revolutions have increasingly seen the human as a cog in the system, each step reducing the cognitive content of work, Industry 4.0 contrarily views the human as a knowledge worker putting increased focus on cognitive skills and specialised craftsmanship. The opportunities that technological advancement provide are in abundance and to be able to fully take advantage of them, understanding how humans interact with increasingly complex technology is crucial. The Operator 4.0, a framework of eight plausible scenarios attempting to highlight what Industry 4.0 entails for the human worker, takes advantage of extended reality technology; having real-time access to large amounts of data and information; being physically enhanced using powered exoskeletons or through collaboration with automation; and finally real-time monitoring of operator status and health as well as the possibility to collaborate socially with other agents in the Industrial Internet of Things, Services, and People. Some of these will impose larger cognitive challenges than others and this paper presents and discusses parts of the Operator 4.0 projections that will have implications on cognitive work

    MensSana: Design of a mental well-being self-report interface for shop floor workers

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    A ascensão da Indústria 4.0 trouxe consigo novas tecnologias e oportunidades que estão a mudar a natureza do trabalho, especialmente em ambientes de chão de fábrica. No entanto, essas mudanças também trouxeram novos desafios para os trabalhadores, incluindo desafios na sua saúde mental. Estes trabalhadores, em particular, enfrentam no seu trabalho estressores físicos e mentais que podem afetar seu bem-estar geral, apesar dos esforços da Indústria 4.0. O conceito de Operador 4.0 na Indústria 4.0 introduz muitos operadores, como o Operador Saudável, que enfatiza a centralidade no ser humano e visa melhorar a eficiência e o bem-estar do trabalhador por meio de tecnologias avançadas e análise de dados. Esta tese propõe o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta protótipo, co-criada e validada no contexto da Indústria 4.0 para medir métricas do trabalhador e do local de trabalho, criando uma imagem holística do trabalhador, sua competência e bem-estar, alinhado ao conceito de um trabalhador "mais saudável" de Romero et al. Essas informações são devolvidas ao trabalhador e apresentadas de maneira legível e compreensível para identificar tendências e informar decisões futuras relacionadas ao trabalho e bem-estar.The rise of Industry 4.0 has brought about new technologies and opportunities that are changing the nature of work, particularly in factory floor settings. However, these changes have also brought about new challenges for workers, including mental health issues. Shop floor workers, in particular, face physical and mental stressors in their work that can impact their overall well-being, despite Industry 4.0 efforts. The Operator 4.0 concept in Industry 4.0 introduces a lot of operators like the Healthy Operator that emphasises human-centricity and aims to improve worker efficiency and well-being through advanced technologies and data analytics. This thesis proposes the development of a prototype tool co-created and validated in the context of Industry 4.0 to measure metrics from the worker and the workplace, creating a holistic picture of the worker, their competence and well-being in line with Romero's et al. concept of a "healthier" worker. This information is returned to the worker and presented in a readable and understandable manner to identify trends and inform future decisions concerning their work and well-being

    Value-oriented and ethical technology engineering in Industry 5.0: a human-centric perspective for the design of the Factory of the Future

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    Manufacturing and industry practices are undergoing an unprecedented revolution as a consequence of the convergence of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud computing, virtual and augmented reality, among others. This fourth industrial revolution is similarly changing the practices and capabilities of operators in their industrial environments. This paper introduces and explores the notion of the Operator 4.0 as well as how this novel way of conceptualizing the human operator necessarily implicates human values in the technologies that constitute it. The design approach known as value sensitive design (VSD) is used to explore how these Operator 4.0 technologies can be designed for human values. Expert elicitation surveys were used to determine the values of industry stakeholders and examples of how the VSD methodology can be adopted by engineers in order to design for these values is illustrated. The results provide preliminary adoption strategies that industrial teams can take to Operator 4.0 technology for human values

    Advances in Production Management Systems: Issues, Trends, and Vision Towards 2030

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    Since its inception in 1978, the IFIP Working Group (WG) 5.7 on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS) has played an active role in the fields of production and production management. The Working Group has focused on the conception, development, strategies, frameworks, architectures, processes, methods, and tools needed for the advancement of both fields. The associated standards created by the IFIP WG5.7 have always been impacted by the latest developments of scientific rigour, academic research, and industrial practices. The most recent of those developments involves the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is having remarkable (r)evolutionary and disruptive changes in both the fields and the standards. These changes are triggered by the fusion of advanced operational and informational technologies, innovative operating and business models, as well as social and environmental pressures for more sustainable production systems. This chapter reviews past, current, and future issues and trends to establish a coherent vision and research agenda for the IFIP WG5.7 and its international community. The chapter covers a wide range of production aspects and resources required to design, engineer, and manage the next generation of sustainable and smart production systems.acceptedVersio

    Human-Centred Dissemination of Data, Information and Knowledge in Industry 4.0

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    The manufacturing industry faces immense challenges for maintaining and increasing their productivity and flexibility. In this context, it is important for companies to ensure that their employees have the relevant data, information and knowledge necessary to make well-informed decisions. Due to recent development with Industry 4.0 enabling technologies that create new possibilities, the amount of available data, information and knowledge increase rapidly, but the insights into how to utilize it to its full potential are still lacking. In this paper, a human-centred perspective has been applied, aiming at improving how to cognitively support humans at work with new Industry 4.0 enabling technologies. Heavy emphasis is placed on people’s requirements and preferences of data, information and knowledge for enhancing their performance and satisfaction at work. This paper examines the relationship between existing literature on dissemination of data, information and knowledge within the manufacturing industry with state-of-the-art research on Industry 4.0. The outcome of the research recognizes the increased importance of utilizing data, information and knowledge for people at work, facilitated by exploiting the new possibilities from Industry 4.0. To accomplish this, it is concluded that there exists an urgency to design: both a holistic framework for identifying and accommodating individuals’ needs and expectations of relevant data, information and knowledge; and demonstrators and concepts to simplify the implementation of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies that support the aforementioned dissemination of data, information and knowledge

    Production Innovation and Effective Dissemination of Information for Operator 4.0

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    The manufacturing industry is becoming increasingly more complex as the paradigm of mass-production moves, via mass-customization, towards personalized production and Industry 4.0. This increased complexity in the production system also makes everyday work for shop-floor operators more complex. To take advantage of this complexity, shop-floor operators need to be properly supported in order to perform their important work. The shop-floor operators in this future complex manufacturing industry, the Operator 4.0, need to be supported with the implementation of new cognitive automation solutions. These automation solutions, together with the innovativeness of new processes and organizations will increase the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. This paper discusses three different aspects of production innovation in the context of the needs and preferences of information for Operator 4.0. Conclusively, product innovations can be applied in the manufacturing processes, and thus becoming process innovations, but the implementation of such innovations require organizational innovations

    A journey towards Industry 4.0 : the supporting role of socio-technical systems

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    Companies seek to improve their competitiveness and productivity through innovation in processes, products, and equipment. This innovation can be achieved via technologies that bring greater quality, flexibility, efficiency, control, and monitoring to their production. In this sense, the concept of a more intelligent, automated, and digital industry gained interest and culminated in Industry 4.0. Many companies view this industry evolution as capable of delivering immediate improvements and lowering production costs. However, only crediting the technology with gains in productivity, quality, and flexibility has brought frustrations, complexity, and reduced production in company processes. This is due to, among other things, the way Industry 4.0 technologies are understood, implemented, communicated, and used. Literature and empirical studies have shown that companies still lack the technological, cultural, and process maturity necessaries to obtain substantial gains with Industry 4.0, especially small and medium-sized companies. Focusing on this technology implementation process, this thesis aims to investigate how the socio-technical theory can bring improvements and gains in relation to the environment in which technologies such as IoT, big data, analytics, collaborative robots, and 3D printing are implemented. For that, this thesis aims to identify how the socio-technical aspects impact the implementation of Industry 4.0 and its contribution to improving the results with its implementation. The results demonstrate that socio-technical aspects are associated with higher levels of Industry 4.0 implementation as they serve as the basis for technologies to operate in a more organized environment, with workers trained and engaged in their use and with a clear and delimited strategy. Strategic aspects are the most impacting aspects of Industry 4.0 implementation and should be considered fundamental for companies adopting its technologies. The qualitative results highlight such importance and demonstrate how companies have made such a transition both through Industry 4.0 ecosystems, as well as seeking capabilities and knowledge through suppliers, consultancies, associations, and startups. Still, the results showed the importance of collecting, storing, and having the ability to use data for continuous improvement. Well-established lean maturity and the definition of a strategic and technological roadmap that guides the technology implementation process were also essential for the company to focus on a broader context of technologies to the detriment of ad-hoc implementations. Finally, the results also showed that although aspects of strategic definition bring important gains for implementing Industry 4.0, improvements related to workers, such as engagement, qualification, and training, can also bring productivity improvements. In this way, this thesis brings theoretical and empirical gains to a field of growing interest for the industry that demands high investments, impacting not only workers but various organizational, social, and technical aspects of the company. The results discussed here provide empirical evidence of the importance of a socio-technical vision based on more organized processes, a well-defined strategy, and trained, engaged, and participative workers in the transition to Industry 4.0, in contrast to the technocentric vision generally adopted by companies.Empresas buscam melhorar sua competitividade e produtividade através de inovações em processos, produtos e equipamentos. Tais inovações podem ser feitas através de tecnologias que tragam maior qualidade, flexibilidade, eficiência, controle e monitoramento a sua produção. Nesse sentido, o conceito de uma indústria mais inteligente, automatizada e digital ganhou força e culminou no que se denomina de Indústria 4.0. Muitas empresas visualizam essa evolução da indústria como capaz de entregar melhorias imediatas e diminuir custos de produção. No entanto, creditar somente à tecnologia ganhos de produtividade, qualidade e flexibilidade tem trazido frustrações, diminuição na produção e complexidade aos processos das empresas. Isso se deve, entre outras coisas, à forma como as tecnologias da Indústria 4.0 são entendidas, implementadas, comunicadas e usadas. Estudos empíricos têm demonstrado que as empresas ainda não possuem maturidade tecnológica, cultural e de processos para obter ganhos substanciais com a Indústria 4.0. Com foco nesse processo de implementação de tecnologia, esta tese visa estudar como a abordagem sistêmica e holística proposta pela teoria socio-técnica pode trazer melhorias e ganhos em relação ao ambiente em que as tecnologias como IoT, big data, analytics, robôs colaborativos e impressão 3D são implementadas. Para isso, essa tese tem como objetivo geral identificar como os aspectos socio-técnicos impactam a implementação da Indústria 4.0 e sua contribuição para melhorar os resultados com a sua implementação. Os resultados demonstram que os aspectos socio-técnicos estão associados a níveis mais altos de Indústria 4.0 uma vez que servem de base para que as tecnologias possam operar em um ambiente preparado, com trabalhadores treinados e engajados em seu uso e com uma estratégia clara e delimitada. Os aspectos estratégicos são os que mais impactam no nível de adoção de Indústria 4.0 e são fundamentais para a adoção das tecnologias. Os resultados qualitativos ressaltam tal necessidade e demonstram como as empresas têm feito tal transição tanto através de treinamentos, parcerias com startups e organizações governamentais, assim como buscando capabilidades e conhecimento através de fornecedores, universidades e consultorias. Ainda, os resultados evidenciaram a importância de coletar, armazenaram e possuir capacidade de utilizar dados para melhorias contínuas. Maturidade lean bem estabelecida e a definição de um roadmap estratégico e tecnológico que guie o processo de implementação das tecnologias também foi demonstrado como essencial para que a empresa foque num contexto mais amplo de tecnologias em detrimento de implementações pontuais e usos ad hoc. Finalmente, os resultados também demonstraram que apesar de aspectos de definição estratégica trazerem ganhos importantes para a implementação de Indústria 4.0, melhorias relacionadas a trabalhadores, como engajamento, qualificação e treinamento também são capazes de trazer melhorias na produtividade. Dessa forma, essa tese traz ganhos teóricos para um campo crescente e de interesse da indústria e que demandam investimentos altos, impactando não somente os trabalhadores, mas diversos aspectos organizacionais, sociais e técnicos da empresa. Os resultados discutidos aqui trazem evidências empíricas da importância de uma visão socio-técnica pautada em processos mais organizados, estratégia bem definida e trabalhadores treinados, engajados e participativos na transição para a Indústria 4.0 em contraste a visão tecnocentrista geralmente adotada pelas empresas
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