1,736 research outputs found

    Research on Event Extraction Model Based on Semantic Features of Chinese Words

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    Event Extraction (EE) is an important task in Natural Language Understanding (NLU). As the complexity of Chinese structure, Chinese EE is more difficult than English EE. According to the characteristics of Chinese, this paper designed a Semantic-GRU (Sem-GRU) model, which integrates Chinese word context semantics, Chinese word glyph semantics and Chinese word structure semantics. And this paper uses the model for Chinese Event Trigger Extraction (ETE) task. The experiment is compared in two tasks: ETE and Named Entity Recognition (NER). In ETE, the paper uses ACE 2005 Chinese event dataset to compare the existing research, the effect reaches 75.8 %. In NER, the paper uses MSRA dataset, which reaches 90.3 %, better than other models

    Controllable music performance synthesis via hierarchical modelling

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    L’expression musicale requiert le contrôle sur quelles notes sont jouées ainsi que comment elles se jouent. Les synthétiseurs audios conventionnels offrent des contrôles expressifs détaillés, cependant au détriment du réalisme. La synthèse neuronale en boîte noire des audios et les échantillonneurs concaténatifs sont capables de produire un son réaliste, pourtant, nous avons peu de mécanismes de contrôle. Dans ce travail, nous introduisons MIDI-DDSP, un modèle hiérarchique des instruments musicaux qui permet tant la synthèse neuronale réaliste des audios que le contrôle sophistiqué de la part des utilisateurs. À partir des paramètres interprétables de synthèse provenant du traitement différentiable des signaux numériques (Differentiable Digital Signal Processing, DDSP), nous inférons les notes musicales et la propriété de haut niveau de leur performance expressive (telles que le timbre, le vibrato, l’intensité et l’articulation). Ceci donne naissance à une hiérarchie de trois niveaux (notes, performance, synthèse) qui laisse aux individus la possibilité d’intervenir à chaque niveau, ou d’utiliser la distribution préalable entraînée (notes étant donné performance, synthèse étant donné performance) pour une assistance créative. À l’aide des expériences quantitatives et des tests d’écoute, nous démontrons que cette hiérarchie permet de reconstruire des audios de haute fidélité, de prédire avec précision les attributs de performance d’une séquence de notes, mais aussi de manipuler indépendamment les attributs étant donné la performance. Comme il s’agit d’un système complet, la hiérarchie peut aussi générer des audios réalistes à partir d’une nouvelle séquence de notes. En utilisant une hiérarchie interprétable avec de multiples niveaux de granularité, MIDI-DDSP ouvre la porte aux outils auxiliaires qui renforce la capacité des individus à travers une grande variété d’expérience musicale.Musical expression requires control of both what notes are played, and how they are performed. Conventional audio synthesizers provide detailed expressive controls, but at the cost of realism. Black-box neural audio synthesis and concatenative samplers can produce realistic audio, but have few mechanisms for control. In this work, we introduce MIDI-DDSP a hierarchical model of musical instruments that enables both realistic neural audio synthesis and detailed user control. Starting from interpretable Differentiable Digital Signal Processing (DDSP) synthesis parameters, we infer musical notes and high-level properties of their expressive performance (such as timbre, vibrato, dynamics, and articulation). This creates a 3-level hierarchy (notes, performance, synthesis) that affords individuals the option to intervene at each level, or utilize trained priors (performance given notes, synthesis given performance) for creative assistance. Through quantitative experiments and listening tests, we demonstrate that this hierarchy can reconstruct high-fidelity audio, accurately predict performance attributes for a note sequence, independently manipulate the attributes of a given performance, and as a complete system, generate realistic audio from a novel note sequence. By utilizing an interpretable hierarchy, with multiple levels of granularity, MIDI-DDSP opens the door to assistive tools to empower individuals across a diverse range of musical experience

    Core Building Blocks: Next Gen Geo Spatial GPT Application

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    This paper proposes MapGPT which is a novel approach that integrates the capabilities of language models, specifically large language models (LLMs), with spatial data processing techniques. This paper introduces MapGPT, which aims to bridge the gap between natural language understanding and spatial data analysis by highlighting the relevant core building blocks. By combining the strengths of LLMs and geospatial analysis, MapGPT enables more accurate and contextually aware responses to location-based queries. The proposed methodology highlights building LLMs on spatial and textual data, utilizing tokenization and vector representations specific to spatial information. The paper also explores the challenges associated with generating spatial vector representations. Furthermore, the study discusses the potential of computational capabilities within MapGPT, allowing users to perform geospatial computations and obtain visualized outputs. Overall, this research paper presents the building blocks and methodology of MapGPT, highlighting its potential to enhance spatial data understanding and generation in natural language processing applications

    Data analytics 2016: proceedings of the fifth international conference on data analytics

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