916 research outputs found

    The Possibilities of Classification of Emotional States Based on User Behavioral Characteristics

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    The classification of user's emotions based on their behavioral characteristic, namely their keyboard typing and mouse usage pattern is an effective and non-invasive way of gathering user's data without imposing any limitations on their ability to perform tasks. To gather data for the classifier we used an application, the Emotnizer, which we had developed for this purpose. The output of the classification is categorized into 4 emotional categories from Russel's complex circular model - happiness, anger, sadness and the state of relaxation. The sample of the reference database consisted of 50 students. Multiple regression analyses gave us a model, that allowed us to predict the valence and arousal of the subject based on the input from the keyboard and mouse. Upon re-testing with another test group of 50 students and processing the data we found out our Emotnizer program can classify emotional states with an average success rate of 82.31%

    Intuitive interaction: Steps towards an integral understanding of the user experience in interaction design

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    A critical review of traditional practices and methodologies demonstrates an underplaying of firstly the role of emotions and secondly aspects of exploration in interaction behaviour in favour of a goal orientated focus in the user experience (UX). Consequently, the UX is a commodity that can be designed, measured, and predicted. An integral understanding of the UX attempts to overcome the rationalistic and instrumental mindset of traditional Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) on several levels. Firstly, the thesis seeks to complement a functional view of interaction with a qualitative one that considers the complexity of emotions. Emotions are at the heart of engagement and connect action irreversibly to the moment it occurs; they are intettwined with cognition, and decision making. Furthermore, they introduce the vague and ambiguous aspects of experience and open it up to potentiality of creation. Secondly, the thesis examines the relationship between purposive and non-purposive user behaviour such as exploration, play and discovery. The integral position proposed here stresses the procedurally relational nature and complexity of interaction experience. This requires revisiting and augmenting key themes of HCI practice such as interactivity and intuitive design. Intuition is investigated as an early and unconscious form of learning, and unstructured browsing discussed as random interaction mechanisms as forms of implicit learning. Interactivity here is the space for user's actions, contributions and creativity, not only in the design process but also during interaction as co-authors of their experiences. Finally, I envisage integral forms of usability methods to embrace the vague and the ambiguous, in order to enrich HCI's vocabulary and design potential. Key readings that inform this position cut across contemporary philosophy, media and interaction studies and professional HCI literature. On a practical level, a series of experimental interaction designs for web-browsing aim to augment the user's experience, and create space for user's intuition

    Proceedings of the Sixth Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium.

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    Proceedings of theSixth Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium.Aarhus, Denmark, November 15, 200

    Software Usability

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    This volume delivers a collection of high-quality contributions to help broaden developers’ and non-developers’ minds alike when it comes to considering software usability. It presents novel research and experiences and disseminates new ideas accessible to people who might not be software makers but who are undoubtedly software users

    SID 04, Social Intelligence Design:Proceedings Third Workshop on Social Intelligence Design

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    An Empathy-Based Sandbox Approach to Bridge Attitudes, Goals, Knowledge, and Behaviors in the Privacy Paradox

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    The "privacy paradox" describes the discrepancy between users' privacy attitudes and their actual behaviors. Mitigating this discrepancy requires solutions that account for both system opaqueness and users' hesitations in testing different privacy settings due to fears of unintended data exposure. We introduce an empathy-based approach that allows users to experience how privacy behaviors may alter system outcomes in a risk-free sandbox environment from the perspective of artificially generated personas. To generate realistic personas, we introduce a novel pipeline that augments the outputs of large language models using few-shot learning, contextualization, and chain of thoughts. Our empirical studies demonstrated the adequate quality of generated personas and highlighted the changes in privacy-related applications (e.g., online advertising) caused by different personas. Furthermore, users demonstrated cognitive and emotional empathy towards the personas when interacting with our sandbox. We offered design implications for downstream applications in improving user privacy literacy and promoting behavior changes

    Design and semantics of form and movement (DeSForM 2006)

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    Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM) grew from applied research exploring emerging design methods and practices to support new generation product and interface design. The products and interfaces are concerned with: the context of ubiquitous computing and ambient technologies and the need for greater empathy in the pre-programmed behaviour of the ‘machines’ that populate our lives. Such explorative research in the CfDR has been led by Young, supported by Kyffin, Visiting Professor from Philips Design and sponsored by Philips Design over a period of four years (research funding £87k). DeSForM1 was the first of a series of three conferences that enable the presentation and debate of international work within this field: • 1st European conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM1), Baltic, Gateshead, 2005, Feijs L., Kyffin S. & Young R.A. eds. • 2nd European conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM2), Evoluon, Eindhoven, 2006, Feijs L., Kyffin S. & Young R.A. eds. • 3rd European conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM3), New Design School Building, Newcastle, 2007, Feijs L., Kyffin S. & Young R.A. eds. Philips sponsorship of practice-based enquiry led to research by three teams of research students over three years and on-going sponsorship of research through the Northumbria University Design and Innovation Laboratory (nuDIL). Young has been invited on the steering panel of the UK Thinking Digital Conference concerning the latest developments in digital and media technologies. Informed by this research is the work of PhD student Yukie Nakano who examines new technologies in relation to eco-design textiles

    Thinking about thinking aloud : an investigation of think-aloud methods in usability testing

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    In website design and engineering, the term “usability” describes how easy a website or interface is to use. As the Internet continues to grow exponentially, with millions of websites vying for users’ attention, usability has become a critical factor determining whether a website will survive or fail. If websites are not sufficiently usable, users will simply abandon them in favour of alternatives that better cater to their needs. It is therefore crucial that designers employ effective evaluation methods in order to assess usability and improve user interface design. One of the most widely used methods of evaluating the usability of websites is the Thinking Aloud protocol, wherein users are encouraged to verbalise their experiences, thoughts, actions, and feelings whilst interacting with the design. This provides direct insight into the cognitive processes employed by users—knowledge which can then inform strategies to improve usability. However, despite the common usage of Thinking Aloud protocol in the field, the specific think-aloud procedures employed vary widely among usability professionals. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the utility and validity of the different variations of think-aloud usability testing methods. To this end, three empirical studies were conducted, using library websites, to compare the practical benefits of the various methods. The studies measured five points of comparison: overall task performance, the experiences of the test participants, the quantity and quality of usability problems discovered, the costs of employing the method in question, and the relationship between sample size and the number of problems detected. Study One examined three classic think-aloud methods: concurrent think-aloud, retrospective think-aloud, and a hybrid method. The results revealed that the concurrent method outperformed both the retrospective method and the hybrid method in facilitating successful usability testing. It detected higher numbers of usability problems than the retrospective method, and produced output comparable to that of the hybrid method. The method received average to positive ratings from its users, and no reactivity (a potential issue wherein the act of verbalising the cognitive process alters that process) was observed. In addition, this method required much less time on the evaluator’s part than did the other two methods, which involved double the testing and analysis time. Lastly, in terms of the relationship between the sample size and the number of problems discovered, the concurrent and the hybrid methods showed similar patterns, and both outperformed the retrospective method in this regard. Study Two compared the performance of the classic concurrent think-aloud method with two variations on this method in which the evaluator plays a more active role—namely, the active intervention method and the speech-communication method. The results showed that these three methods enabled the identification of a similar number of usability problems and types, and showed similar patterns with regard to the relationship between the sample size and the number of problems discovered. However, the active intervention method was found to cause some reactivity, modifying participants’ interactions with the interface, and negatively affecting their feelings towards the evaluator. The active intervention method also required much greater investment than did the other two methods, both in terms of evaluators' time, and, it was estimated, in financial terms. Study Three compared the classic concurrent think-aloud method with the co-participation method, wherein a pair of participants work together to perform their tasks, and verbalise their processes as they interact with the interface and with one another. This study found no difference between the methods in terms of task performance. However, the co-participation method was evaluated more positively by users in comparison with the classic method. It led to the detection of more minor usability problems, and performed better in terms of the relationship between the sample size and the number of problems detected. The co-participation method was, however, found to require a greater investment of time on the part of the evaluato
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