4,205 research outputs found

    Employer branding practices amongst the most attractive employers of the IT and engineering sector in Portugal

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    Employer branding is a marketing strategy that helps employers to keep competitive in their markets. Although it is a concept used for over 30 years, its process and consequences have not yet been fully scrutinized. This study characterizes the employer branding implementation process and the employers’ perspective on it. We detailed not only how employer branding practices are applied, but also the role of Human Resources Management in the process and the used practices for employee attraction and retention. We conducted ten semi-structured, in-depth interviews amongst the Human Resources departments of the most attractive employers in the IT and Engineering sector in Portugal to gather insights about their current employer branding processes. The collected data was analyzed with the the qualitative method of thematic analysis. The research indicates that although the employer branding process is not a clearly structured process, some stages can be identified as common. For that reason, we propose a stage divided framework for the employer branding process and we also highlight each one of the identified stages. However, we concluded that there is no universal employer branding formula since different practices of employer branding are used according to several employer branding’s objectives and desired perception by the market. The results suggest that in order to achieve these outcomes employers adapt their employee value proposition. These offers have a common base, but unique additional factors, which confirm the employer’s differentiation and, as the previous literature had concluded, a stronger employer brand. On the other hand, Human Resources departments have a leading role in employer branding, however a collaboration between all the departments involved is crucial. Finally, future investigation for particular stages of the employer branding process were suggested, as well as doing separate studies for the IT and the engineering areas.Employer branding é uma estratégia de marketing que ajuda os empregadores a manteremse competitivos no mercado. Embora seja um conceito usado há mais de 30 anos, o seu processo de implementação e consequências não foram ainda completamente investigados. Assim, este estudo explora precisamente o processo de implementação do employer branding e a perspetiva que os empregadores têm dele. Detalhamos não só o modo como as práticas de employer branding são aplicadas, mas também o papel da Gestão de Recursos Humanos nesse processo e as práticas usadas para atração e retenção de colaboradores. Realizamos dez entrevistas semi-estruturadas e aprofundadas aos depertamentos de Recursos Humanos dos empregadores mais atrativos do setor de TI e de Engenharia em Portugal para reunir informações sobre os seus atuais processos de employer branding. Os dados recolhidos foram analisados com o método qualitativo de análise temática. Esta investigação revela que, embora o processo de employer branding não seja claramente estruturado, podem ser identificadas algumas etapas comuns. Por essa razão, propomos uma estrutura dividida em fases representativas do processo de employer branding, realçando cada uma dessas fases identificadas. No entanto, concluímos que não existe uma fórmula de employer branding universal, uma vez que são usadas diferentes práticas de acordo com vários objetivos e com a desejada perceção do empregador. Os resultados sugerem que, para alcançar esses objetivos, os empregadores adaptam a sua employee value proposition. Essas ofertas têm uma base comum, mas os fatores adicionais únicos confirmam a diferenciação do empregador e permitem-lhe alcançar uma employer brand mais forte, tal como a literatura já existente conclui. Por outro lado, os departamentos de RH têm um papel de liderança em employer branding; porém, a colaboração entre todos os departamentos envolvidos é crucial. Finalmente são sugeridas pesquisas futuras para certas fases do processo de employer branding assim como a elaboração de estudos separados paras as áreas de engenharia e TI.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Use of Digital Media for the Employer Brand Management in Hotels

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    Os colaboradores exercem um papel fulcral no sucesso da marca dos hotéis. Existe um número incontável de marcas de hotéis, cada uma com as suas características únicas, o que requer diferentes colaboradores para darem vida às suas promessas. Estes devem estar em sintonia com os valores e requisitos da marca do hotel de modo a poderem representá-la adequadamente durante a interação com os hóspedes. Os gestores devem comunicar corretamente as suas employer brands de modo a atrair os colaboradores desejados. As empresas enviam sinais sobre o seu posicionamento enquanto empregadoras sempre que utilizam um meio de comunicação online. Estas devem apresentar aos potencias candidatos informações claras e precisas de modo a permitir-lhes avaliar a sua afinidade com a empresa mesmo antes de se candidatarem. Assim, a hipótese de ocorrer um emparelhamento entre os colaboradores e os seus empregadores aumenta. Os gestores devem tomar especial atenção à forma como comunicam o seu posicionamento enquanto empregadores de modo a potencializar ativamente este emparelhamento. Neste estudo, explorou-se como dez das maiores redes hoteleiras do mundo utilizam os seus websites de recrutamento para apresentar o seu posicionamento enquanto empregadoras. Paralelamente, analisou-se como estas redes comunicam aos seus potenciais colaboradores, através de anúncios de trabalho, os valores da empresa e os benefícios que estas oferecem. Para tal, seguiu-se um design qualitativo e adotou-se uma abordagem abdutiva. O presente estudo demonstrou, por meio de uma template analysis, que as redes hoteleiras avaliadas gerem explicitamente as suas estratégias de employer branding com o intuito de atraírem apenas colaboradores que partilham os seus valores e objetivos. Também revelou que os hotéis que promovem um ambiente de trabalho socialmente diverso são potencialmente mais atrativos enquanto empregadores. Finalmente, apresentam-se recomendações sobre como os gestores de hotéis podem melhorar a comunicação das suas employer brands através dos meios digitais.A significant part of a hotel's brand success relies on its employees. There are many hotel brands, each with their unique characteristics, demanding employees who give life to their brand promises. To assure employees know how to represent it while interacting with guests, they must aline with company values and requirements. Managers must know how to communicate their employer brands to attract the right employees. Companies send signals about their employer positioning whenever they use online communication. Employers must offer potential candidates clear and precise information, allowing them to judge their fit within the company, even before applying for the job. By doing so, employers and employees increase their chance for a match. To actively enhance this match, managers should pay attention to how they communicate their employer positioning. This study explored how ten of the world’s largest hotel chains use their recruiting websites to present their employer positioning and communicate their values and employee value proposition on their job advertisements. A qualitative design, adopting an abductive approach, was used. Through a template analysis, this study found that these companies, while intending to attract employees who share similar values and objectives, are explicitly managing their employer branding strategies. Further, this study revealed that promoting a socially diverse work environment is a relevant aspect that helps a company attract employees. Managerial recommendations associated with how managers might improve their employer branding online communications are discussed in this paper

    Corporate Image Branding Strategies to Attract Engineering Talent

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    Aerospace and defense leaders need corporate image branding strategies to improve their attraction of engineering talent to the industry. The purpose of this single case study was to explore corporate image branding strategies leaders use at an aerospace and defense company to attract talent and increase competitive advantage. The framework for this study was the recruitment equity model. The sample population consisted of 5 marketing leaders and 5 talent acquisition leaders of an aerospace and defense company in the eastern region of the United States. The study participants had a minimum of 5 years of experience attracting engineering talent using branding strategies. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and a review of the company\u27s talent attraction plan. The data analysis process included methodological triangulation, coding, and identifying themes. Four themes emerged: having an attractive place to work, using social media to attract talent, ensuring the mission is the basis for attracting talent, and attracting untapped talent. Findings from this study might assist aerospace and defense leaders in implementing corporate image branding strategies that close the gap of talent attraction to the aerospace and defense industry. The implications for positive social change include the potential to increase innovation and reduce national security vulnerabilities by attracting talent to the aerospace and defense industry. The business leaders of aerospace and defense will keep the industry viable by attracting top engineering talent to a workforce that is responsible for eliminating the advanced threats to the nation and its allies

    The Impact of Employer Branding on Young Professionals: A Cross-Country Analysis

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    In today’s rapidly changing and ever globalising world, the need to attract and manage talent to and within organisations is crucial. The concept ‘war for talent’ was first introduced at the end of 20th century, and it has been one of the top challenges for companies ever since. As digitalisation has made it possible for information to spread rapidly, companies need to focus more carefully on their image both internally and externally from the organisation. In order to attract talent to an organisation the employer brand must reach and resonate in the potential employee. This study focuses on defining the attractiveness of an employer and determining the impact of employer branding from the employee perspective.Tämän päivän yritysten haasteena on esiintyä houkuttavana työnantajana työntekijämarkkinoilla, jossa pula osaavasta työvoimasta mahdollistaa työntekijälle valinnan työnantajien välillä. Työnantajamielikuvamarkkinointi on yksi yritysten pääkeinoista vakuuttaa potentiaaliset osaajat työpaikan houkuttavuudesta, johon vaikuttavia tekijöitä ovat esimerkiksi työpaikkakulttuuri, rahallinen korvaus työpanoksesta sekä etenemismahdollisuudet uralla. Nuoret osaajat ovat potentiaalisia työntekijöitä yrityksille monella markkina-alueella, jonka vuoksi kilpailu osaajista ei ole ainoastaan paikallista vaan myös kansainvälistä. Tämän vuoksi yritysten tulee kehittää strategisia ratkaisuja työnantajamielikuvamarkkinoinnin saralla ollakseen houkuttava vaihtoehto työntekijöiden näkökulmasta. Uusien sukupolvien astuessa työmarkkinoille vaatimukset työnantajia kohtaan ovat muutoksessa, jonka vuoksi työnantajamarkkinoinnin tulee olla yritysten kehityksen keskiössä

    The employer branding practices in the attraction and retention of employees: the case of the Portuguese hotel industry

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    Employer branding is a concept that has become progressively a vital factor for the success of organisations and has captured significant attention in recent years, it is used to appeal to potential employees and at the same while engaging an organisation's current employees. It is a current and relevant tool for organisations that want to position themselves and gain name and prominence in the market. Employer Branding benefits organisations by making them attractive, reliable, and trustworthy and, subsequently, it contributes to talent attraction and retention. Therefore, this study aims to understand how the hotel sector uses Employer Branding practices in their working style, in order to provide greater attraction and retention of employees. With the lockdown, associated with the pandemic period, the hotel industry is facing unprecedented obstacles. As one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic crisis, the survival of hotel units depends on their ability to adapt to new challenges, namely in the human resources field. This study used a qualitative methodology, where semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven human resources managers from hotel units, two were males and eight were females, with an average age of thirty-eight years, from eleven hotel units or hotel groups. Data were analysed according to thematic analysis procedures. The main results suggest that hotel units are increasingly beginning to give more importance to employees and human resource management has been making progress regarding the existing concern for employees. Furthermore, it was possible to conclude that, in the hotels under study, and in order to face the problems and challenges in their daily management, these organisations are increasingly investing in attraction and retention practices. Finally, it was also possible to understand the changes that have occurred in the hotel units, both arising from the day-to-day management and those related to the changes required by the pandemic. Therefore, we can conclude that hotels need to reposition themselves in order to redefine strategies/practices to support their employees in becoming more attractive to work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Factors of employer attractiveness for it millennial students

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    Knowledge-based organisations like the ones in the IT sector desperately need employees as a source for competitive advantage, since they constitute their biggest asset. The worldwide expansion of big technology giants like IBM or SAP opened new opportunities for IT professionals to exploit, with more and more non-tech employers investing in technology. These gold-collar professionals are often described as young and highly mobile who earn high incomes in modern offices. Since the world digitalization is much faster than universities can cope with, steady growth over the last few years has led to a big talent shortage in the sector. Therefore, companies are now engaged in a war for talent and constantly look for new ways to attract potential employees. To face this problem, the current study utilized a sample of 495 IT graduate and undergraduate students across Portuguese universities, analysing their perceptions of employer attractiveness dimensions as well as their media channel’s usability, perceived credibility and deception. Moreover, the influence of these variables in their intentions to apply for a job was also analysed. Results showed that the most valued employer attractiveness dimensions vary depending on the stage of the employer branding process. Furthermore, the fact that these students are millennials, and the fact that they are from this specific field of the study justifies their preferences. As for the media channels, the channels with higher usability are also perceived as the most credible and less likely to display deception.As organizações baseadas no conhecimento como aquelas no mercado das tecnologias de informação (TI) precisam desesperadamente de colaboradores como fonte de vantagem competitiva, sendo que estes constituem os seus maiores ativos. A expansão mundial de gigantes tecnológicos como a IBM ou a SAP abriu novas oportunidades para os profissionais das TI explorarem, com cada vez mais empregadores não tecnológicos a investir em tecnologia. Estes profissionais são normalmente caracterizados por serem jovens voláteis com grandes salários e a trabalhar em escritórios modernos. Considerando que a digitalização do mundo é muito mais rápida do que aquilo que as universidades conseguem sustentar, o crescimento constante do setor ao longo dos últimos anos levou a uma grande escassez de talento. Assim sendo, estas organizações iniciam agora uma guerra de talento e procuram constantemente novas formas de atrair potenciais colaboradores. Para fazer face a esta situação, este estudo utilizou uma amostra de 495 estudantes das TI de várias universidades portuguesas, analisando as suas perceções acerca das dimensões de atratividade do empregador, assim como da usabilidade, credibilidade e probabilidade de comportamentos fraudulentos nos canais de divulgação. Os resultados mostram que as dimensões de atratividade mais valorizadas por estes estudantes variam dependendo da fase do processo de employer branding das empresas. Para além disso, as características geracionais e específicas desta área justificam as suas preferências. Relativamente aos canais de divulgação, os canais com maior usabilidade são também os canais percecionados como mais credíveis e com menos probabilidade de comportamentos fraudulentos

    Definition and application of an external employer branding strategy framework: Associação Académica de Coimbra – O.A.F.

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    Today, companies are fighting for the best talent in the market, recognizing their workforce as a competitive advantage. However, talent is scarce and organizations need to find ways to attract, develop and retain their employees. Employer Branding is the concept behind this idea and is the key strategy for companies to succeed in this “war of talent”. This project aims to define an Employer Branding strategy, focused on the external dimension, applied to Associação Académica de Coimbra – Organismo Autónomo de Futebol, which is struggling financially. It emerges from the current situation of the organization and from some internal changes already in progress, and it focus not only on specific recommendations but mainly on the development of a full strategic framework to adopt. To solve this challenge, an internal analysis was carried out through meetings, discussion sessions, surveys, interviews, and job experience, complemented with the outside perspective of professionals and with literature, both on Employer Branding and Strategic Planning. The results are summarized in two main points: (1) the construction of a strategic framework; and (2) on its application to the club’s reality. It allowed to define the fundamentals of Académica and set the long-term vision and goals it wants to achieve with this strategy. Thereafter, they were translated in specific initiatives and in measurement indicators, being fully detailed on their concept, timeline, logistics, investment required and expected return. This strategy for Académica was set in full alignment with its needs and reality, covering simple and pragmatic initiatives, guaranteeing its feasibility.Atualmente, as empresas lutam pelo melhor talento no mercado, reconhecendo nos colaboradores uma possível vantagem competitiva. No entanto, o talento é escasso e as organizações precisam de encontrar formas de atrair, desenvolver e reter os seus colaboradores. O Employer Branding é o conceito por trás desta ideia e é a estratégia certa para as organizações que pretendem ter sucesso nesta "guerra de talento". Este projeto visa definir uma estratégia de Employer Branding externo, aplicada à Associação Académica de Coimbra - Organismo Autónomo de Futebol, que se encontra em dificuldades financeiras. O projeto surge da situação atual da organização e de mudanças internas já a decorrer, tendo o seu foco não só em recomendações específicas, mas também no desenvolvimento de uma estratégia a implementar. Para solucionar este desafio, foi efetuada uma análise interna através de reuniões, questionários, entrevistas e experiência profissional, complementada com literatura e uma perspetiva externa de profissionais, tanto sobre Employer Branding como sobre Planeamento Estratégico. Os resultados podem ser resumidos em dois pontos principais: (1) a construção de um plano estratégico; e (2) a sua aplicação à realidade da Académica. Este processo permitiu definir os pilares do clube e estabelecer a visão e objetivos a longo prazo a alcançar com esta estratégia. Foram posteriormente traduzidos em ações específicas e em indicadores de avaliação, sendo detalhados no seu conceito, tempo, logística, investimento e retorno esperado. Esta estratégia foi estabelecida em total alinhamento com as necessidades e realidade do clube, abrangendo iniciativas simples e pragmáticas, que garantam a sua viabilidade

    Perceptions of employer branding dimensions and its effects on employee’s intention to stay

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    What makes an organisation attractive? What elements define it? The current challenge for organisations is to understand which features can promote a positive perception among employees and potential employees. Employer branding is increasingly getting attention among practitioners. Although the concept converges on attracting and retaining talent, there are few studies regarding employees' perception on employer branding. In this sense, the aim of this dissertation is to analyse which perceived employer branding dimensions have influence in Portuguese employee’s retention, in the Information and Communication Technologies sector. The methodology adopted was the quantitative approach through the application of an online questionnaire. The two main variables of the study were related to employer branding and employee retention. Thus, two instruments were used to analyse it: Employer Branding Measurement Scale developed by Tanwar and Prasad (2017), and part of the proposal in Bussin and Mouton (2019) research. Findings revealed that the dimensions of employer branding have influence on employee retention. These results contribute to the existent literature on employer branding and its effects on talent retention, as well as assist organisations to acknowledge what elements should be considered when developing its employer brand