2,444 research outputs found

    A Review: Effort Estimation Model for Scrum Projects using Supervised Learning

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    Effort estimation practice in Agile is a critical component of the methodology to help cross-functional teams to plan and prioritize their work. Agile approaches have emerged in recent years as a more adaptable means of creating software projects because they consistently produce a workable end product that is developed progressively, preventing projects from failing entirely. Agile software development enables teams to collaborate directly with clients and swiftly adjust to changing requirements. This produces a result that is distinct, gradual, and targeted. It has been noted that the present Scrum estimate approach heavily relies on historical data from previous projects and expert opinion, while existing agile estimation methods like analogy and planning poker become unpredictable in the absence of historical data and experts. User Stories are used to estimate effort in the Agile approach, which has been adopted by 60–70% of the software businesses. This study's goal is to review a variety of strategies and techniques that will be used to gauge and forecast effort. Additionally, the supervised machine learning method most suited for predictive analysis is reviewed in this paper

    Effort Estimation in Agile Software Development: A Systematic Map Study

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    Introduction − Making effort estimation as accurate and suitable for software development projects becomes a fundamental stage to favor its success, which is a difficult task, since the application of these techniques in constant changing agile development projects raises the need to evaluate different methods frequently.  Objectives− The objective of this study is to provide a state of the art on techniques of effort estimation in agile software development (ASD), performance evaluation and the drawbacks that arise in its application.  Method− A systematic mapping was developed involving the creation of research questions to provide a layout of this study, analysis of related words for the implementation of a search query to obtain related studies, application of exclusion, inclusion, and quality criteria to filter nonrelated studies and finally the organization and extraction of the necessary information from each study.   Results− 25 studies were selected; the main findings are: the most applied estimation techniques in agile contexts are: Estimation of Story Points (SP) followed by Planning Poker (PP) and Expert Judgment (EJ). The most frequent solutions supported in computational techniques such as: Naive Bayes, Regression Algorithms and Hybrid System; also, the performance evaluation measures Mean Magnitude of Relative Error (MMRE), Prediction Assessment (PRED) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) have been found to be the most commonly used. Additionally, parameters such as feasibility, experience, and the delivery of expert knowledge, as well as the constant particularity and lack of data in the process of creating models to be applied to a limited number of environments are the challenges that arise the most when estimating software in agile software development (ASD)    Conclusions− It has been found there is an increase in the number of articles that address effort estimation in agile development, however, it becomes evident the need to improve the accuracy of the estimation by using estimation  techniques supported in machine learning  that have been shown to facilitate and improve the performance of this.  Key Words − Effort Estimation; Agile Software Development; Issues and Challenges; Automatic Learning; Performance Metrics  Introducción − Realizar una estimación de esfuerzo lo más precisa y adecuada para proyectos de desarrollo de software, se ha convertido en pieza fundamental para favorecer el éxito y desarrollo de los mismos, sin embargo, aplicar este tipo de estimación en proyectos de desarrollo ágil, en donde los cambios son constantes, la convierte en una tarea muy compleja de implementar.    Objetivo− El objetivo de este estudio es proveer un estado del arte sobre técnicas de estimación de esfuerzo en desarrollo de software ágil, la evaluación de su desempeño y los inconvenientes que se presentan en su aplicación.    Metodología− Se desarrolló un mapeo sistemático que involucró la creación de preguntas de investigación con el fin de proveer una estructura a seguir, análisis de palabras relacionadas con el tema de investigación para la creación e implementación de una cadena de búsqueda para la identificación de estudios relacionados con el tema, aplicación de criterios de exclusión, inclusión y calidad a los artículos encontrados para poder descartar estudios no relevantes y finalmente la organización y extracción de la información necesaria de cada artículo.     Resultados− De los 25 estudios seleccionados; los principales hallazgos son: las técnicas de estimación más aplicadas en contextos ágiles son: Estimación por medio de Puntos de Historia (SP) seguidos de Planning Poker (PP) y Juicio de Expertos (EJ). Soluciones soportadas en técnicas computacionales como: Naive Bayes, Algoritmos de Regresión y Sistema Híbridos; también se ha encontrado que la Magnitud Media del Error Relativo (MMRE), la Evaluación de la Predicción (PRED) y Error Absoluto Medio (MAE) son las medidas de evaluación de desempeño más usadas. Adicionalmente, se ha encontrado que parámetros como la viabilidad, la experiencia y la entrega de conocimiento de expertos, así como la constante particularidad y falta de datos en el proceso de creación de modelos para aplicarse a un limitado número de entornos son los desafíos que más se presentan al momento de realizar estimación de software en el desarrollo de software ágil (ASD)    Conclusiones− Se ha encontrado que existe un aumento en la cantidad de artículos que abordan la estimación de esfuerzo en el desarrollo ágil, sin embargo, se hace evidente la necesidad de mejorar la precisión de la estimación mediante el uso de técnicas de estimación soportadas en el aprendizaje de máquina que han demostrado que facilita y mejora el desempeño de este.    

    Estimation Techniques in Agile Software Development

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    Cost estimation in agile development projects

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    One of the key measures of the resilience of a project is its ability to reach completion on time and on budget, regardless of the turbulent and uncertain environment it may operate within. Cost estimation and tracking are therefore paramount when developing a system. Cost estimation has long been a difficult task in systems development, and although much research has focused on traditional methods, little is known about estimation in the agile method arena. This is ironic given that the reduction of cost and development time is the driving force behind the emergence of the agile method paradigm. This study investigates the applicability of current estimation techniques to more agile development approaches by focusing on four case studies of agile method use across different organisations. The study revealed that estimation inaccuracy was a less frequent occurrence for these companies. The frequency with which estimates are required on agile projects, typically at the beginning of each iteration, meant that the companies found estimation easier than when traditional approaches were used. The main estimation techniques used were expert knowledge and analogy to past projects. A number of recommendations can be drawn from the research: estimation models are not a necessary component of the process; fixed price budgets can prove beneficial for both developers and customers; and experience and past project data should be documented and used to aid the estimation of subsequent projects

    Software Effort Estimation using Neuro Fuzzy Inference System: Past and Present

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    Most important reason for project failure is poor effort estimation. Software development effort estimation is needed for assigning appropriate team members for development, allocating resources for software development, binding etc. Inaccurate software estimation may lead to delay in project, over-budget or cancellation of the project. But the effort estimation models are not very efficient. In this paper, we are analyzing the new approach for estimation i.e. Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (NFIS). It is a mixture model that consolidates the components of artificial neural network with fuzzy logic for giving a better estimation

    Systematic mapping of software engineering management with an agile approach

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    El enfoque ágil ha generado una amplia variedad de estrategias para administrar con éxito diversos proyectos de software en todo el mundo. Además, podemos asegurar que los proyectos de software se han beneficiado de los métodos ágiles ya conocidos. En este sentido, este artículo busca demostrar cómo se aplica el enfoque ágil en las áreas de la gestión en la ingeniería del Software. Para ello, este estudio realiza un mapeo sistemático para identificar las principales tendencias en la gestión de la ingeniería de software con un enfoque ágil. Se han identificado un total de 1137 artículos, de los cuales 165 son relevantes para los fines de este estudio, estos indican que la entrega temprana de valor, un principio clave de la agilidad, sigue siendo la principal tendencia para el uso de métodos ágiles. Sin embargo, también existen fuertes tendencias enfocadas en puntos clave de la gestión en ingeniería de software, como optimizar la gestión de calidad, optimizar la especificación de requisitos, optimizar la gestión de riesgos y mejorar la comunicación y coordinación del equipo, estos resultados permitirán generar nuevas líneas de investigación para cada punto clave de la gestión en la ingeniería del software impactado por el enfoque ágil.The agile approach has generated a wide variety of strategies to successfully manage various software projects worldwide. In addition, we can ensure that software projects have benefited from the already known agile methods. In this sense, this article seeks to demonstrate how the agile approach is applied in Software engineering management areas. To do this, this study performs a systematic mapping to identify the main trends in software engineering management with an agile approach. A total of 1137 articles have identified, of which 165 are relevant for the purposes of this study, these indicate that early value delivery, a key principle of agility, continues to be the main trend for the use of agile methods. However, there are also strong trends focused on key points of management in software engineering, such as optimize quality management, optimize requirements specification, optimize risk management, and improve team communication and coordination, these results will allow generating new lines of research for each key point of management in software engineering impacted by the agile approach
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