604 research outputs found

    Recent developments in the econometrics of program evaluation

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    Many empirical questions in economics and other social sciences depend on causal effects of programs or policies. In the last two decades much research has been done on the econometric and statistical analysis of the effects of such programs or treatments. This recent theoretical literature has built on, and combined features of, earlier work in both the statistics and econometrics literatures. It has by now reached a level of maturity that makes it an important tool in many areas of empirical research in economics, including labor economics, public finance, development economics, industrial organization and other areas of empirical micro-economics. In this review we discuss some of the recent developments. We focus primarily on practical issues for empirical researchers, as well as provide a historical overview of the area and give references to more technical research.

    Time Series Modelling

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    The analysis and modeling of time series is of the utmost importance in various fields of application. This Special Issue is a collection of articles on a wide range of topics, covering stochastic models for time series as well as methods for their analysis, univariate and multivariate time series, real-valued and discrete-valued time series, applications of time series methods to forecasting and statistical process control, and software implementations of methods and models for time series. The proposed approaches and concepts are thoroughly discussed and illustrated with several real-world data examples

    Convergence and Rates for Fixed-Interval Multiple-Track Smoothing Using kk-Means Type Optimization

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    We address the task of estimating multiple trajectories from unlabeled data. This problem arises in many settings, one could think of the construction of maps of transport networks from passive observation of travellers, or the reconstruction of the behaviour of uncooperative vehicles from external observations, for example. There are two coupled problems. The first is a data association problem: how to map data points onto individual trajectories. The second is, given a solution to the data association problem, to estimate those trajectories. We construct estimators as a solution to a regularized variational problem (to which approximate solutions can be obtained via the simple, efficient and widespread kk-means method) and show that, as the number of data points, nn, increases, these estimators exhibit stable behaviour. More precisely, we show that they converge in an appropriate Sobolev space in probability and with rate n1/2n^{-1/2}

    Change-point Problem and Regression: An Annotated Bibliography

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    The problems of identifying changes at unknown times and of estimating the location of changes in stochastic processes are referred to as the change-point problem or, in the Eastern literature, as disorder . The change-point problem, first introduced in the quality control context, has since developed into a fundamental problem in the areas of statistical control theory, stationarity of a stochastic process, estimation of the current position of a time series, testing and estimation of change in the patterns of a regression model, and most recently in the comparison and matching of DNA sequences in microarray data analysis. Numerous methodological approaches have been implemented in examining change-point models. Maximum-likelihood estimation, Bayesian estimation, isotonic regression, piecewise regression, quasi-likelihood and non-parametric regression are among the methods which have been applied to resolving challenges in change-point problems. Grid-searching approaches have also been used to examine the change-point problem. Statistical analysis of change-point problems depends on the method of data collection. If the data collection is ongoing until some random time, then the appropriate statistical procedure is called sequential. If, however, a large finite set of data is collected with the purpose of determining if at least one change-point occurred, then this may be referred to as non-sequential. Not surprisingly, both the former and the latter have a rich literature with much of the earlier work focusing on sequential methods inspired by applications in quality control for industrial processes. In the regression literature, the change-point model is also referred to as two- or multiple-phase regression, switching regression, segmented regression, two-stage least squares (Shaban, 1980), or broken-line regression. The area of the change-point problem has been the subject of intensive research in the past half-century. The subject has evolved considerably and found applications in many different areas. It seems rather impossible to summarize all of the research carried out over the past 50 years on the change-point problem. We have therefore confined ourselves to those articles on change-point problems which pertain to regression. The important branch of sequential procedures in change-point problems has been left out entirely. We refer the readers to the seminal review papers by Lai (1995, 2001). The so called structural change models, which occupy a considerable portion of the research in the area of change-point, particularly among econometricians, have not been fully considered. We refer the reader to Perron (2005) for an updated review in this area. Articles on change-point in time series are considered only if the methodologies presented in the paper pertain to regression analysis

    Copulae: On the Crossroads of Mathematics and Economics

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    The central focus of the workshop was on copula theory as well as applications to multivariate stochastic modelling. The programme was intrinsically interdisciplinary and represented areas with much recent progress. The workshop included talks and dynamic discussions on construction, estimation and various applications of copulas to finance, insurance, hydrology, medicine, risk management and related fields