19 research outputs found

    Empirical Examination of the Role of Three Sets of Innovation Attributes for Determining Adoption of IRCTC Mobile Ticketing Service

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    The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited’s (IRCTC) mobile ticketing was recently introduced in India. In this study of its adoption, three competing attribute-sets are compared. This study aims to reveal the attribute-set best predicting its adoption. The research model was empirically tested and validated using SPSS. Four attributes from the Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) theory, four from the PCI theory, and four from Tornatzky and Klein’s meta-analysis significantly affected behavioral intentions. Only complexity failed to influence use intentions, and behavioral intention and riskiness significantly impacted adoption

    Intenção de Comportamento em Adotar a Aplicação IRCTC para o Serviço de Reserva de Bilhetes Ferroviários: um estudo de caso com consumidores de Goa (Índia)

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    Last decade witnessed an increase in usage of internet which led to increase in smartphone usage with various applications developed for making the life of people easy, resulting in dynamic change in the lifestyle of people. One such dynamic change taken place in India is in the area of transport, especially rail travel application started by Indian Railways, namely, Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) portal. Present paper tries to identify the reason why people consider the IRCTC application as the most reliable application. Model was proposed by adopting the factors from Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) along with an addition of perceived trust as an influencing factor. Data from 193 usable questionnaires was collected from Goa and were tested against the research model. Result indicated that habit, hedonic motivation, performance expectancy, and perceived trust were the main predictors of behavior intention to adopt and use IRCTC application. The proposed model was able to explain 65% variance on behavior intention. It was also found that income moderates the relationship between facilitating condition and behaviour intention. The study also provides valuable insight for the management to improve the IRCTC application in order to motivate customers to adopt and continuously use the services of this application. Keywords: IRCTC Application; UTAUT2; Behaviour Intention; Technology Adoption; Indian Railways.La última década ha sido testigo de un aumento en el uso de Internet que ha llevado a un aumento en el uso de los teléfonos inteligentes con varias aplicaciones desarrolladas para facilitar la vida de las personas, lo que resulta en un cambio dinámico en el estilo de vida de las personas. Uno de estos cambios dinámicos que ha tenido lugar en la India es en el ámbito del transporte, especialmente la aplicación de viajes en tren iniciada por los Ferrocarriles Indios, a saber, el portal de la Corporación de Hostelería y Turismo de los Ferrocarriles Indios (CHTFI) Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC)]. El presente trabajo trata de identificar la razón por la que la gente considera la aplicación IRCTC como la más fiable. Se propuso un modelo adoptando los factores de la Teoría Unificada de Aceptación y Uso de la Tecnología (UTAUT2) [Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2)] junto con la adición de la confianza percibida como factor influyente. Se recogieron datos de 193 cuestionarios utilizables en Goa y se contrastaron con el modelo de investigación. Los resultados indicaron que el hábito, la motivación hedónica, la expectativa de rendimiento y la confianza percibida fueron los principales predictores de la intención de comportamiento para adoptar y utilizar la aplicación IRCTC. El modelo propuesto fue capaz de explicar el 65% de la varianza de la intención de comportamiento. También se encontró que los ingresos moderan la relación entre la condición facilitadora y la intención de comportamiento. El estudio también proporciona información valiosa para que la dirección mejore la aplicación de IRCTC con el fin de motivar a los clientes a adoptar y utilizar continuamente los servicios de esta aplicación. Palabras clave: Aplicación IRCTC; UTAUT2; Intención de comportamiento; Adopción de tecnología; Corporación de Hostelería y Turismo de los Ferrocarriles Indios.A última década testemunhou um aumento no uso da Internet que levou ao aumento do uso de smartphones com várias aplicações desenvolvidas para facilitar a vida das pessoas, resultando em mudanças dinâmicas no estilo de vida das pessoas. Uma dessas mudanças dinâmicas ocorridas na Índia é na área de transporte, especialmente na aplicação de viagens ferroviárias iniciada pela Indian Railways, ou seja, o portal da Companhia Indiana de Transportes Ferroviários, Turismo e Restauração (CITFTR) [Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC)]. O presente documento tenta identificar a razão pela qual as pessoas consideram a aplicação IRCTC como a aplicação mais confiável. O modelo foi proposto adotando os fatores da Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso de Tecnologia (TUAUT) [Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2)] juntamente com um acréscimo de confiança percebida como um fator influenciador. Os dados de 193 questionários utilizáveis foram coletados de Goa e foram testados em relação ao modelo de pesquisa. O resultado indicou que o hábito, a motivação hedônica, a expectativa de desempenho e a confiança percebida foram os principais preditores da intenção de adotar e usar a aplicação IRCTC. O modelo proposto foi capaz de explicar 65% de variação na intenção de comportamento. Também foi constatado que a renda modera a relação entre a condição facilitadora e a intenção de comportamento. O estudo também fornece uma visão valiosa para a administração melhorar a aplicação do IRCTC a fim de motivar os clientes a adotar e usar continuamente os serviços desta aplicação. Palavras-chave: Aplicação IRCTC; UTAUT2; Intenção de Comportamento; Adoção de Tecnologia; Companhia Indiana de Transportes Ferroviários, Turismo e Restauração

    Engagement towards mobile-ticketing applications: How do North African mobile users build their engagement through perceived service quality?

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    Purpose: the aim of this study is to examine the determinants of perceived quality of mobile-ticketing and its impact on the engagement of mobile users towards applications of companies in the tertiary sector. Design/methodology/approach: an exploratory qualitative study is conducted among end-users of mobile-ticketing applications. Data includes 21 semi-structured interviews with end-users exclusively from service provider platforms. Findings: this study delimits the determinants of perceived quality for a mobile-ticketing service and their role in the engagement building process towards the Application brand. It shows that engagement is conditioned by the quality of service and satisfaction in a mobile-ticketing context. Originality: this article extends the theory on perceived service quality by integrating different determinants specific to mobile-ticketing. It is one of the first specialized researches in a mobile service domain and that studies a specific branch of mobile marketing, while the majority of studies address electronic service quality

    Sustainable consumption from the consumer's perspective:Antecedents of solar innovation adoption

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    Rising focus on solar power and better world environment have set ambitious plans in motion on the amount of solar power generation, worldwide, for the coming years. In the interest of socially responsible use of energy, both developed and developing countries are exploring their potential of going green. However, low solar adoption rates are a cause of pressing concern for some of these countries. This study investigates consumer intentions to adopt solar innovations, with particular empirical interest in the adoption of solar equipment by Indian households. We use a cross-sectional field survey approach to gather relevant data from four most populous cities in India. Structural equation modelling and logistic regression are employed to deduce results by analyzing data from 320 respondents. Building on characteristics from diffusion of innovation theory, this study finds that relative advantage and compatibility strongly influence consumer intentions, and such behavioral intentions have a positive and significant effect on the adoption of solar equipment

    A proposed model for Process Mining Adoption: Using a Mixed-Methods Approach

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    Driven by digital transformation, Process Mining represents one of the biggest analytical trends in the Software-as-a-Service technology market, providing companies with transparency of their processes in place. As such, there has been little research about what are the factors that influence the decision of companies to adopt Process Mining in their organization. Hence, this study aims on developing a comprehensive research model that sheds light on the most decisive Process Mining adoption drivers among European firms. A Mixed-Method design was applied to ensure a tailored IT adoption model for Process Mining. Based on a qualitative pre-study with expert interviews as well as a thorough literature review about the IT adoption theories of TOE, DOI as well as OIPT we derived the most essential antecedents of Process Mining adoption and proposed to our knowledge the first Process Mining adoption research model on firm-level

    Déterminants de l’intention d’usage du mobile Ticketing pour le Mobinaute marocain: analyse par modèle d’acceptation technologique

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    Ces deux dernières années et avec les conditions sanitaires actuelles, nous assistons à une accélération des achats sur internet avec la monté de l’usage des applications mobiles et des smartphones comme objet connecté dont le taux de croissance au Maroc et au titre de l’année 2020 a atteint 4,31% et un taux de pénétration de 131,14% (Source: Leseco.ma). Les self-services commercialisés sur des plateformes mobiles connaissent particulièrement un changement dans le comportement des mobinautes qui s’intéressent davantage à l’acquisition de tickets via leurs différents appareils mobiles, d’où l’importance d’investiguer les antécédents de l’acceptation du mobile Ticketing comme innovation d’usage et les déterminants de l’intention d’usage de cette activité par les mobinautes marocains. En se basant sur les résultats d’une recherche empirique quantitative sur un échantillon de 318 répondants précédée par une consultation profonde de la littérature, l’importance de ce travail consiste en la construction d’une panoplie d’échelles dérivées d’un modèle conceptuel dont la fiabilité et validité, aussi bien élémentaire qu’holistique, ont été statistiquement vérifiés. &nbsp

    Examining adoption of mobile internet in Saudi Arabia: Extending TAM with perceived enjoyment, innovativeness and trust

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    YesMobile internet represents a breakthrough technology that has derived much attention from mobile organizations and services providers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).1 However, the level of acceptance of mobile internet in the KSA is still below the level of ambition. This is in addition to the fact that there is a considerable need to discover the main factors shaping Saudi customers' intention and adoption of such a mobile system. For this reason, this study is conducted in the hope of providing further understanding about the adoption of mobile internet in the KSA. The extension version of Technology Acceptance Model TAM2 with perceived enjoyment was adopted as a theoretical foundation of the current study model. This was expanded by considering two additional factors: innovativeness and trust. The main empirical data collected through questionnaires was analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM).3 Perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, trust, and innovativeness are statistically supported to have a significant impact on the Saudi customer intention to adopt mobile internet. Further discussion regarding the main contribution as well as research limitations and future directions are presented at the end of this paper