69,531 research outputs found

    Learning preferences for large scale multi-label problems

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    Despite that the majority of machine learning approaches aim to solve binary classification problems, several real-world applications require specialized algorithms able to handle many different classes, as in the case of single-label multi-class and multi-label classification problems. The Label Ranking framework is a generalization of the above mentioned settings, which aims to map instances from the input space to a total order over the set of possible labels. However, generally these algorithms are more complex than binary ones, and their application on large-scale datasets could be untractable. The main contribution of this work is the proposal of a novel general online preference-based label ranking framework. The proposed framework is able to solve binary, multi-class, multi-label and ranking problems. A comparison with other baselines has been performed, showing effectiveness and efficiency in a real-world large-scale multi-label task

    On the Bayes-optimality of F-measure maximizers

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    The F-measure, which has originally been introduced in information retrieval, is nowadays routinely used as a performance metric for problems such as binary classification, multi-label classification, and structured output prediction. Optimizing this measure is a statistically and computationally challenging problem, since no closed-form solution exists. Adopting a decision-theoretic perspective, this article provides a formal and experimental analysis of different approaches for maximizing the F-measure. We start with a Bayes-risk analysis of related loss functions, such as Hamming loss and subset zero-one loss, showing that optimizing such losses as a surrogate of the F-measure leads to a high worst-case regret. Subsequently, we perform a similar type of analysis for F-measure maximizing algorithms, showing that such algorithms are approximate, while relying on additional assumptions regarding the statistical distribution of the binary response variables. Furthermore, we present a new algorithm which is not only computationally efficient but also Bayes-optimal, regardless of the underlying distribution. To this end, the algorithm requires only a quadratic (with respect to the number of binary responses) number of parameters of the joint distribution. We illustrate the practical performance of all analyzed methods by means of experiments with multi-label classification problems

    Large-scale Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels

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    The multi-label classification problem has generated significant interest in recent years. However, existing approaches do not adequately address two key challenges: (a) the ability to tackle problems with a large number (say millions) of labels, and (b) the ability to handle data with missing labels. In this paper, we directly address both these problems by studying the multi-label problem in a generic empirical risk minimization (ERM) framework. Our framework, despite being simple, is surprisingly able to encompass several recent label-compression based methods which can be derived as special cases of our method. To optimize the ERM problem, we develop techniques that exploit the structure of specific loss functions - such as the squared loss function - to offer efficient algorithms. We further show that our learning framework admits formal excess risk bounds even in the presence of missing labels. Our risk bounds are tight and demonstrate better generalization performance for low-rank promoting trace-norm regularization when compared to (rank insensitive) Frobenius norm regularization. Finally, we present extensive empirical results on a variety of benchmark datasets and show that our methods perform significantly better than existing label compression based methods and can scale up to very large datasets such as the Wikipedia dataset

    An Empirical Study and Analysis of Generalized Zero-Shot Learning for Object Recognition in the Wild

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    Zero-shot learning (ZSL) methods have been studied in the unrealistic setting where test data are assumed to come from unseen classes only. In this paper, we advocate studying the problem of generalized zero-shot learning (GZSL) where the test data's class memberships are unconstrained. We show empirically that naively using the classifiers constructed by ZSL approaches does not perform well in the generalized setting. Motivated by this, we propose a simple but effective calibration method that can be used to balance two conflicting forces: recognizing data from seen classes versus those from unseen ones. We develop a performance metric to characterize such a trade-off and examine the utility of this metric in evaluating various ZSL approaches. Our analysis further shows that there is a large gap between the performance of existing approaches and an upper bound established via idealized semantic embeddings, suggesting that improving class semantic embeddings is vital to GZSL.Comment: ECCV2016 camera-read
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