262 research outputs found

    On Inter-referential Awareness in Collaborative Augmented Reality

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    For successful collaboration to occur, a workspace must support inter-referential awareness - or the ability for one participant to refer to a set of artifacts in the environment, and for that reference to be correctly interpreted by others. While referring to objects in our everyday environment is a straight-forward task, the non-tangible nature of digital artifacts presents us with new interaction challenges. Augmented reality (AR) is inextricably linked to the physical world, and it is natural to believe that the re-integration of physical artifacts into the workspace makes referencing tasks easier; however, we find that these environments combine the referencing challenges from several computing disciplines, which compound across scenarios. This dissertation presents our studies of this form of awareness in collaborative AR environments. It stems from our research in developing mixed reality environments for molecular modeling, where we explored spatial and multi-modal referencing techniques. To encapsulate the myriad of factors found in collaborative AR, we present a generic, theoretical framework and apply it to analyze this domain. Because referencing is a very human-centric activity, we present the results of an exploratory study which examines the behaviors of participants and how they generate references to physical and virtual content in co-located and remote scenarios; we found that participants refer to content using physical and virtual techniques, and that shared video is highly effective in disambiguating references in remote environments. By implementing user feedback from this study, a follow-up study explores how the environment can passively support referencing, where we discovered the role that virtual referencing plays during collaboration. A third study was conducted in order to better understand the effectiveness of giving and interpreting references using a virtual pointer; the results suggest the need for participants to be parallel with the arrow vector (strengthening the argument for shared viewpoints), as well as the importance of shadows in non-stereoscopic environments. Our contributions include a framework for analyzing the domain of inter-referential awareness, the development of novel referencing techniques, the presentation and analysis of our findings from multiple user studies, and a set of guidelines to help designers support this form of awareness

    Photorealistic physically based render engines: a comparative study

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    Pérez Roig, F. (2012). Photorealistic physically based render engines: a comparative study. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14797.Archivo delegad

    Visual inspiration from modern art- My reflections on symbolism, surrealism, and impressionism

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    My thesis project is a digital graphics book demonstrating my reflections on three schools of Modern Art: Symbolism, Surrealism, and Impressionism. I was inspired by the artists\u27 elegant masterpieces, so I created my own characters and scenes inspired by the three schools, and integrated them into my art world to express my aesthetic taste. It will take the viewers on a trip of the visual appreciation of Modern Art through my eyes. All the images in the book are implemented in 3D computer-generated environment and with 2D stylized hand drawings. The 3D images are the representation of my comprehension of the three art schools; the 2D images incorporate my personal artistic style. The major challenge for me was to properly demonstrate my reflections of the specific artistic genre. Thesis Project Graphics Book (total 48 pages) Acknowledgements IV Contents VI Introduction 0 Chapter 1: Symbolism 2 Chapter 2: Surrealism 10 Chapter 3: Impressionism 18 Chapter 4: Hybrid 26 About 34 Software Maya, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Acrobat URL http://www.carolinesu.com/graphicsbook/NingSuGraphicsbookISBN.pd

    Public Benefits of Undeveloped Lands on Urban Outskirts: Non-Market Valuation Studies and their Role in Land Use Plans

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    Over the past three decades, the economics profession has developed methods for estimating the public benefits of green spaces, providing an opportunity to incorporate such information into land-use planning. While federal regulations routinely require such estimates for major regulations, the extent to which they are used in local land use plans is not clear. This paper reviews the literature on public values for lands on urban outskirts, not just to survey their methods or empirical findings, but to evaluate the role they have played--or have the potential to play-- in actual land use plans. Based on interviews with authors and representatives of funding agencies and local land trusts, it appears that academic work has had a mixed reception in the policy world. Reasons for this include a lack of interest in making academic work accessible to policy makers, emphasizing revealed preference methods which are inconsistent with policy priorities related to nonuse values, and emphasis on benefit-cost analyses. Nevertheless, there are examples of success stories that illustrate how such information can play a vital role in the design of conservation policies. Working Paper 07-2

    Customizing Experiences for Mobile Virtual Reality

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    A criação manual de conteúdo para um jogo é um processo demorado e trabalhoso que requer um conjunto de habilidades diversi cado (normalmente designers, artistas e programadores) e a gestão de diferentes recursos (hardware e software especializados). Dado que o orçamento, tempo e recursos são frequentemente muito limitados, os projetos poderiam bene ciar de uma solução que permitisse poupar e investir noutros aspectos do desenvolvimento. No contexto desta tese, abordamos este desa o sugerindo a criação de pacotes especí cos para a geração de conteúdo per sonalizável, focados em aplicações de Realidade Virtual (RV) móveis. Esta abordagem divide o problema numa solução com duas facetas: em primeiro lugar, a Geração Procedural de Conteúdo, alcançada através de métodos convencionais e pela utilização inovadora de Grandes Modelos de Lin guagem (normalmente conhecidos por Large Language Models). Em segundo lugar, a Co-Criação de Conteúdo, que enfatiza o desenvolvimento colaborativo de conteúdo. Adicionalmente, dado que este trabalho se foca na compatibilidade com RV móvel, as limitações de hardware associadas a capacetes de RV autónomos (standalone VR Headsets) e formas de as ultrapassar são também abordadas. O conteúdo será gerado utilizando métodos actuais em geração procedural e facilitando a co-criação de conteúdo pelo utilizador. A utilização de ambas estas abordagens resulta em ambi entes, objectivos e conteúdo geral mais re-jogáveis com muito menos desenho. Esta abordagem está actualmente a ser aplicada no desenvolvimento de duas aplicações de RV distintas. A primeira, AViR, destina-se a oferecer apoio psicológico a indivíduos após a perda de uma gravidez. A se gunda, EmotionalVRSystem, visa medir as variações nas respostas emocionais dos participantes induzidas por alterações no ambiente, utilizando tecnologia EEG para leituras precisas

    Macro Photogrammetry & Surface Features Extraction for Paleolithic Portable Art Documentation

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    [EN] In this article, we propose a methodology for the archaeological documentation of limestone plaquettes decorated with faint paintings and fine engravings. The plaquette number 16330 is presented, belonging to the portable art collection in Cova del Parpalló (Gandía, Spain), one of the most important Paleolithic sites in the UNESCO¿s Rock Art of the Mediterranean Basin on the Iberian Peninsula. Macro photogrammetry is used to generate a 3D model and basic treatments on raster images. The resulting 3D model has a spatial resolution of tens of microns and was used to generate a digital elevation model (DEM) and orthorectified macro photographs for documenting the engravings and paintings. All stages of the workflow are detailed in-depth, specifying the data collection parameters and the configuration used in the subsequent processing with HyperCube and DStretch software. The resulting documentation is accurate, reproducible, and objective and allows the reinterpretation of the available graphic documentation started in the 1990s.This research was funded by Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2017/060) and Ministerio de la Ciencia e Innovación (HAR2017-85153-P).Cabrelles, M.; Lerma, JL.; Villaverde, V. (2020). Macro Photogrammetry & Surface Features Extraction for Paleolithic Portable Art Documentation. Applied Sciences. 10:1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10196908S11610Porter, S. T., Huber, N., Hoyer, C., & Floss, H. (2016). Portable and low-cost solutions to the imaging of Paleolithic art objects: A comparison of photogrammetry and reflectance transformation imaging. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 10, 859-863. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.07.013Cassen, S., Lescop, L., Grimaud, V., & Robin, G. (2014). Complementarity of acquisition techniques for the documentation of Neolithic engravings: lasergrammetric and photographic recording in Gavrinis passage tomb (Brittany, France). Journal of Archaeological Science, 45, 126-140. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2014.02.019López-Menchero Bendicho, V. M., Marchante Ortega, Á., Vincent, M., Cárdenas Martín-Buitrago, Á. J., & Onrubia Pintado, J. (2017). Uso combinado de la fotografía digital nocturna y de la fotogrametría en los procesos de documentación de petroglifos: el caso de Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real, España). Virtual Archaeology Review, 8(17), 64. doi:10.4995/var.2017.6820Jalandoni, A., & Kottermair, M. (2018). Rock art as microtopography. Geoarchaeology, 33(5), 579-593. doi:10.1002/gea.21677Defrasne, C. (2014). Digital image enhancement for recording rupestrian engravings: applications to an alpine rockshelter. Journal of Archaeological Science, 50, 31-38. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2014.06.010Le Quellec, J.-L., Duquesnoy, F., & Defrasne, C. (2015). Digital image enhancement with DStretch ® : Is complexity always necessary for efficiency? Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2(2-3), 55-67. doi:10.1016/j.daach.2015.01.003Evans, L., & Mourad, A.-L. (2018). DStretch® and Egyptian tomb paintings: A case study from Beni Hassan. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 18, 78-84. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.01.011Rodríguez González, E., Pastor, S. C., & Casals, J. R. (2019). Lost colours: Photogrammetry, image analysis using the DStretch plugin, and 3-D modelling of post-firing painted pottery from the south west Iberian Peninsula. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 13, e00093. doi:10.1016/j.daach.2019.e00093Domingo, I., García-Argüelles, P., Nadal, J., Fullola, J. M., Lerma, J. L., & Cabrelles, M. (2019). Humanizing European Paleolithic art: A new visual evidence of human/bird interactions at L’Hort de la Boquera site (Margalef de Montsant, Tarragona, Spain). L’Anthropologie, 123(1), 1-18. doi:10.1016/j.anthro.2019.01.001Menna, F., Nocerino, E., Morabito, D., Farella, E. M., Perini, M., & Remondino, F. (2017). AN OPEN SOURCE LOW-COST AUTOMATIC SYSTEM FOR IMAGE-BASED 3D DIGITIZATION. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-2/W8, 155-162. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-xlii-2-w8-155-2017Porter, S. T., Roussel, M., & Soressi, M. (2016). A Simple Photogrammetry Rig for the Reliable Creation of 3D Artifact Models in the Field. Advances in Archaeological Practice, 4(1), 71-86. doi:10.7183/2326-3768.4.1.71Angheluță, L. M., & Rădvan, R. (2019). MACRO PHOTOGRAMMETRY FOR THE DAMAGE ASSESSMENT OF ARTWORK PAINTED SURFACES. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-2/W15, 101-107. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-xlii-2-w15-101-2019Menna, F., Nocerino, E., Remondino, F., Dellepiane, M., Callieri, M., & Scopigno, R. (2016). 3D DIGITIZATION OF AN HERITAGE MASTERPIECE - A CRITICAL ANALYSIS ON QUALITY ASSESSMENT. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLI-B5, 675-683. doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-xli-b5-675-2016Lerma, J. L., Navarro, S., Cabrelles, M., & Seguí, A. E. (2010). Camera Calibration with Baseline Distance Constraints. The Photogrammetric Record, 25(130), 140-158. doi:10.1111/j.1477-9730.2010.00579.xDíaz-Guardamino, M., García Sanjuán, L., Wheatley, D., & Rodríguez Zamora, V. (2015). RTI and the study of engraved rock art: A re-examination of the Iberian south-western stelae of Setefilla and Almadén de la Plata 2 (Seville, Spain). Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2(2-3), 41-54. doi:10.1016/j.daach.2015.07.002Quesada, E., & Harman, J. (2019). A step further in rock art digital enhancements. DStretch on Gigapixel imaging. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 13, e00098. doi:10.1016/j.daach.2019.e0009

    Hierarchical Variance Reduction Techniques for Monte Carlo Rendering

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    Ever since the first three-dimensional computer graphics appeared half a century ago, the goal has been to model and simulate how light interacts with materials and objects to form an image. The ultimate goal is photorealistic rendering, where the created images reach a level of accuracy that makes them indistinguishable from photographs of the real world. There are many applications ñ visualization of products and architectural designs yet to be built, special effects, computer-generated films, virtual reality, and video games, to name a few. However, the problem has proven tremendously complex; the illumination at any point is described by a recursive integral to which a closed-form solution seldom exists. Instead, computer simulation and Monte Carlo methods are commonly used to statistically estimate the result. This introduces undesirable noise, or variance, and a large body of research has been devoted to finding ways to reduce the variance. I continue along this line of research, and present several novel techniques for variance reduction in Monte Carlo rendering, as well as a few related tools. The research in this dissertation focuses on using importance sampling to pick a small set of well-distributed point samples. As the primary contribution, I have developed the first methods to explicitly draw samples from the product of distant high-frequency lighting and complex reflectance functions. By sampling the product, low noise results can be achieved using a very small number of samples, which is important to minimize the rendering times. Several different hierarchical representations are explored to allow efficient product sampling. In the first publication, the key idea is to work in a compressed wavelet basis, which allows fast evaluation of the product. Many of the initial restrictions of this technique were removed in follow-up work, allowing higher-resolution uncompressed lighting and avoiding precomputation of reflectance functions. My second main contribution is to present one of the first techniques to take the triple product of lighting, visibility and reflectance into account to further reduce the variance in Monte Carlo rendering. For this purpose, control variates are combined with importance sampling to solve the problem in a novel way. A large part of the technique also focuses on analysis and approximation of the visibility function. To further refine the above techniques, several useful tools are introduced. These include a fast, low-distortion map to represent (hemi)spherical functions, a method to create high-quality quasi-random points, and an optimizing compiler for analyzing shaders using interval arithmetic. The latter automatically extracts bounds for importance sampling of arbitrary shaders, as opposed to using a priori known reflectance functions. In summary, the work presented here takes the field of computer graphics one step further towards making photorealistic rendering practical for a wide range of uses. By introducing several novel Monte Carlo methods, more sophisticated lighting and materials can be used without increasing the computation times. The research is aimed at domain-specific solutions to the rendering problem, but I believe that much of the new theory is applicable in other parts of computer graphics, as well as in other fields

    Visual Aesthetics in Digital Games: A Comparative Analysis Between Photorealism and Stylized Graphicsgraphics

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    This dissertation starts from the assumption that every digital game has some kind of visual display. Based on that, it investigates photorealistic and stylized graphics, two popular visual styles in digital games, in order to comprehend the process of creating a prototype that incorporates those styles, as well as the technological artistic challenges of implementing each style in a solo development scenario, with the goal of assisting in the practice of designing this type of content. A literature review on digital game appearance and the development of both photorealistic and stylized styles was conducted to ground the development of a prototype. The result of the prototype creation is documented, so its findings can lead to the expansion of knowledge that can be used in practice and can inform practitioners and other designers