18,263 research outputs found

    Emotional Tendency Identification for Micro-blog Topics Based on Multiple Characteristics

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    Interneti vÔimalused ja ohud: noorte online-praktikate mÔju nende subjektiivsele heaolule

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Teismelised on ĂŒhed kĂ”ige aktiivsemad internetikasutajad ja internet moodustab loomuliku osa nende igapĂ€evaelust. Kuna internet on siiski suhteliselt uus meedium, mille kasutust ei raamista vĂ€ga kindlad normid, kuid mille noored on vĂ€ga kiirelt ja aktiivselt omaks vĂ”tnud, Ă€rgitab see kĂŒsima, millist mĂ”ju internetikasutus noortele avaldab – kas positiivset vĂ”i negatiivset. Heaolu kontseptsioonist lĂ€htudes on doktoritöös vaatluse all nii internetikasutuse positiivsed kui ka negatiivsed kĂŒljed ning nende mĂ”ju noorte elukvaliteedile. Viimane aspekt on eriti oluline, kuna teismeiga on ĂŒks olulisemaid arenguperioode. Doktoritöös olid vaatluse all noorte online-praktikad – ĂŒhelt poolt blogimine kui positiivne ja teiselt poolt ĂŒlemÀÀrane internetikasutus kui problemaatiline praktika – ning see, kuidas ja missugustel tingimustel need suurendavad vĂ”i vĂ€hendavad noore heaolu. Nii meediumi valikut kui kasutust kujundavad laiemad kontekstuaalsed tegurid nagu vanus, sugu ja sotsiaalne keskkond (nĂ€iteks suhted pere ja eakaaslastega) ning ĂŒhiskondlikud tingimused (kultuuriline tasand), milles inimene elab, aga ka meediumi enda vĂ”i selle rakenduste omadused. Seega vĂ”ib jĂ€reldada, et just kontekst loob ja mÀÀrab internetikasutuse vĂ”imalikud positiivsed vĂ”i negatiivsed tulemid. Internetikasutusel vĂ”ivad olla erinevad tagajĂ€rjed. NĂ€iteks avaldavad noored blogides enamasti tĂ”ele vastavat sisu, millega nad kujundavad enda identiteeti ja hoiavad sotsiaalseid suhteid, vĂ”i mis pakub vĂ”imalust pĂ€lvida tunnustust eakaaslaste hulgas. Samas jagavad noored blogis enda kohta intiimset infot, millel vĂ”ivad olla negatiivsed tagajĂ€rjed. ÜlemÀÀrane internetikasutus on seotud nii psĂŒhholoogiliste probleemide, internetis veedetava aja kui ka noore digitaalsete oskustega ja sellega, mida ta online-keskkonnas teeb. ÜlemÀÀrane internetikasutus vĂ”ib olla ĂŒhelt poolt toimetulekustrateegia, saamaks ĂŒle negatiivsetest emotsioonidest, kuna just noortele ekspertkasutajatele pakub internet mitmesuguseid vĂ”imalusi meelelahutuseks ja tujutĂ”stmiseks. Teiselt poolt vĂ”ib see toimetulekumehhanism avaldada pikemas perspektiivis noore heaolule negatiivset mĂ”ju.Teenagers have become the most prominent users of the Internet as they effortlessly incorporate the medium into their everyday lives. Due to the newness of the medium, only partially settled norms surrounding usage, and intensity with which the online space was adopted by the youth, much attention has been paid to dwell upon whether the usage of the Internet by the young people brings along positive or negative outcomes. The concept of well-being is used in the thesis to simultaneously look both at the positive and negative aspects of Internet use and to ask how these phenomena are related to young people’s quality of life. The latter question is especially important as adolescence is the formative period in young people’s development. The thesis looked at online practices – blogging as a positive side, and excessive Internet use as a problematic one – and how and in what condition they increase or decrease the well-being of the young. The findings suggest that both media choice and usage, as well as the well-being of the young Internet users, are framed by larger contextual factors – age and gender of the user; social environment (e.g. family and peer influence) and societal (cultural level) conditions individuals live in; and the structural characteristics of the medium or its applications. Hence, the thesis suggests that it is the context which creates and defines the positivity and negativity of certain outcomes of Internet usage. For instance, adolescent bloggers primarily stay truthful to their offline selves in their blogs, and hence the practice could be seen as a mechanism for maintaining one’s identity and social contacts, but also as an opportunity to seek prestige and competence among the peer group. At the same time, revealing intimate details about one’s life in a blog can also lead to possible negative consequences. Excessive Internet use among the young is related to psychological distress and the time spent online but also to one’s digital skills and the activities one engages in online. Hence, on the one hand, excessive Internet use may be a coping strategy, especially for more expert young users of the medium, as it offers a wide range of opportunities for mood management and entertainment; on the other hand, it may have negative outcomes on one’s well-being in the long run

    Sentiment Analysis in Social Streams

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    In this chapter we review and discuss the state of the art on sentiment analysis in social streams –such as web forums, micro-blogging systems, and so- cial networks–, aiming to clarify how user opinions, affective states, and intended emotional effects are extracted from user generated content, how they are modeled, and how they could be finally exploited. We explain why sentiment analysis tasks are more difficult for social streams than for other textual sources, and entail going beyond classic text-based opinion mining techniques. We show, for example, that social streams may use vocabularies and expressions that exist outside the main- stream of standard, formal languages, and may reflect complex dynamics in the opinions and sentiments expressed by individuals and communities

    Micro-blog marketing of luxury consumption: the role of envy in purchase intention

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    Micro-blogs, or short blogs, are a social media channel commonly used by fashion brands, and luxury brands are no exception. Luxury firms are utilizing micro-blogs and bloggers to promote their products and connect with their customers. This new trend has led to increasing interest in studying how micro-blogs can be utilized effectively within luxury marketing. In this study, the emotions consumers experience as a result of micro-blogs were regarded as key for effective management for luxury fashion brands. In particular, envy, an emotion often associated with interpersonal comparisons, was examined because it relates to both luxury consumption and social media. To understand consumer behaviors triggered by luxury brand micro-blogs, three main questions were examined in two experimental studies: 1) Why and how do micro-blogs encourage consumer purchases? 2) Does envy mediate between micro-blog contents and purchase intention, specifically for luxury brands? 3) What specific characteristics of micro-blogs are related to consumer envy and purchase intention? To address these questions, study 1 investigated the influence of blog presentations on envy and purchase intention, and study 2 examined the impact of congruence to blogger race and featured brand image. A total of 16 hypotheses were developed for studies 1 and 2 based on social identity theory, signaling theory, self-congruity theory, and social comparison theory, among other relevant concepts. In study 1, social identity theory (Sirgy, 1982) suggested that people tend to identify with a group of people and compare themselves with others who are similar to themselves, which may lead to envy. Thus, in micro-blog posts, people should feel more envious when they see a group of people as opposed to a single person (H1). Spence’s (1973) signaling theory suggests that people are more likely to be influenced by lifestyle centric micro-blog posts rather than product centric posts because it signals a luxurious lifestyle, evoking greater envy among blog audiences (H2). Further, the combination of a group of people with a lifestyle centric background in micro-blogs should elicit the most envy because it combines the elements to present to the audience a complete story (H3). In study 2, self-congruity theory (Sirgy, 1982) and social comparison theory (Festinger, 1954) suggest that envy would be elicited to a greater extent when the blog audience’s race is highly congruent with that of the blogger’s because people tend to identify with a product or an image that is similar to their own. When individuals recognize their similarities with others, they may be inclined to compare themselves with the other group and consequently feel envious due to upward comparison (H6). Similarly, when audiences view a product on a micro-blog post, they should feel more envious when the featured brand image is highly congruent to their own self-image (H7). Further, the combination effect of both race and brand image congruencies was hypothesized to elicit the most envy as it combines both factors (H8). In both studies 1 and 2, envy was hypothesized to positively influence purchase intention (H4a, H4b, and H4c for Study 1 and H9a, H9b, and H9c for Study 2) and mediate all manipulation variables (excluding combination content) and purchase intention (H5a and H5b for Study 1 and H10a and H10b for Study 3). Responses from a total of 592 female ages 18 years and older were collected through MTurk, and approximately 300 of these responses were assigned to each study. All images contained a Louis Vuitton handbag and were in the format of an Instagram post because both are broadly known by social media audiences. An ANOVA was used to test the differences in envy elicited from the manipulated variables. A series of regression analyses were used to test for mediating effects. Findings of study 1 revealed that micro-blogs featuring groups and combination content (group of people and lifestyle centric background) elicited envy the way we anticipated (H1 and H3). In people content, envy had a partial mediating effect leading to purchase intention (H5a). In study 2, a high level of racial congruence between respondents and bloggers elicited envy (H6) and envy served as a partial mediator for congruence levels in blogger race (H10a). Regardless of sources of envy, all elicited envy in studies 1 and 2 positively influenced purchase intention (H4a, H4b, H4c, H9a, H9b, and H9c). These findings suggest that micro-blog presentations and blogger characteristics are important factors influencing envy and purchase intention. Envy was indeed shown to be an important factor in micro-blog marketing strategies. However, envy did not appear to be the only influencer of purchase intention. The study also revealed that micro-blog content was a crucial factor in determining purchase intention. Furthermore, congruence in blogger race had a more significant effect than congruence in brand image. Future studies should further explore blogger characteristics in micro-blogs. Collectively, luxury brands should be creative in designing their micro-blog posts to cater to their target market. To do so, this study suggests the following: conduct a story-based way of communicating in micro-blog posts, hire bloggers who are racially similar to the target market, explore other blogger characteristics, and investigate other blog presentation elements. This study addresses the gap in research regarding the role of emotions in relation to luxury brand micro-blogs. Using experimental data, this paper discusses the theoretical contributions, real-world implications, and study limitations and further suggests possibilities for future studies

    Sentiment Analysis in Social Streams

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    In this chapter, we review and discuss the state of the art on sentiment analysis in social streams—such as web forums, microblogging systems, and social networks, aiming to clarify how user opinions, affective states, and intended emo tional effects are extracted from user generated content, how they are modeled, and howthey could be finally exploited.We explainwhy sentiment analysistasks aremore difficult for social streams than for other textual sources, and entail going beyond classic text-based opinion mining techniques. We show, for example, that social streams may use vocabularies and expressions that exist outside the mainstream of standard, formal languages, and may reflect complex dynamics in the opinions and sentiments expressed by individuals and communities

    Tracing Public Opinion Propagation and Emotional Evolution Based on Public Emergencies in Social Networks

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    Social network has become the main communication platform for public emergencies, and it has also made the public opinion influence spread more widely. How to effectively obtain public opinions from it to guide the healthy development of the society is an important issue that the government and other functional departments are concerned about. However, the interaction and evolution mechanism between the subject and the environment in the public opinion propagation is complicated, and the public and media attention and reaction to the incident are closely linked with the progress of the incident disposal. And public mining corpus has some shortcomings in the distribution of emotional classification. Only the timely update of artificial rules and emotional dictionary resources, it can handle new text data well. In fact, from the perspective of public opinion propagation, this paper built the network matrix between Internet users through the forwarding relationship, and used the social network analysis method and the emotion mining analysis technology to study the interaction and evolution mechanism between the subject and the environment in the public opinion propagation, and it studied the role of users in the emotional propagation of social networks. This paper proposed a sentiment analysis method on the micro-blog platform, which expanded the emotional dictionary and took sentence and emoticon and sentence patterns into account, which improved the accuracy of positive and negative classifications and emotional polarity analysis of the micro-blog
