655 research outputs found

    Ethical dilemmas of a clinician/researcher interviewing women who have grown up in a family where there was domestic violence

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    This article attempts to illuminate some of the ethical dilemmas of a clinician/researcher interviewing women about a sensitive topic- their experience of having witnessed domestic violence in the family they grew up in, as part of a grounded theory study. Vignettes are presented to illustrate the self-reflexive process of the researcher and how she understood the effects of the interview process on her and the participants. The authors argue that doing in-depth qualitative research interviewing is an intervention in the life of the participants, especially, but not only, when the researchers are clinically-trained. However, this clinical training may also be an important resource from which to draw from, to act ethically and understand some of the complexity of the interaction between researcher and participants.peer-reviewe

    Staying Ahead of the Digital Technological Curve Using Survey Methods

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    In the early twentieth century, surveys were an innovative and neoteric methodology. Collected in-person or by mail, researchers could ascertain the thoughts and opinions of a small sample, which could then be applied to the general population. Almost one hundred years later, the use of surveys has become pervasive in society due to digital technological advancement. However, while the digital evolution has not only altered the possibilities of how, when, and where surveys may be administered, the threats to this methodology has also evolved. While issues related to previously known errors (i.e. sampling error, non-response error, etc.) remain and have also evolved, new threats regarding confidentiality and privacy, design issues, and others, have emerged in response to this digital advancement. Novice and experienced researchers alike should be cognizant of the impact digital technologies have had on survey data collection to ensure high quality research findings. This paper explores the threats to survey methodology due to digital technological changes and discusses how novice researchers and students can mitigate these challenges. Au début du vingtième siècle, les sondages constituaient une méthodologie novatrice et moderne. Les chercheurs pouvaient, à partir d’un petit échantillon, cerner des idées et opinions recueillies en personne ou par courrier, pour ensuite les appliquer à la population générale. Près de 100 ans plus tard, grâce aux avancées de la technologie numérique, les sondages sont omniprésents dans la société. Or, l’évolution numérique a non seulement modifié les paramètres spatiotemporels et les techniques d’administration des sondages, mais aussi les risques liés à cette méthodologie. Alors que les problèmes liés aux erreurs déjà connues (erreurs d’échantillonnage, erreurs de non-réponse, etc.) demeurent et évoluent tout autant, de nouvelles menaces associées à la confidentialité et à la protection des renseignements personnels, aux questions de conception et à d’autres enjeux ont surgi en réaction à cette évolution technologique. Afin d’optimiser la qualité des résultats de recherche, les chercheuses débutantes et chevronnées devraient être au fait des retombées possibles des technologies numériques sur la collecte de données par sondage. Cet article porte sur les menaces à la méthodologie des sondages en raison des changements liés aux technologies numériques, et traite de stratégies permettant aux étudiantes et aux chercheuses débutantes d’éviter ces écueils

    What happens when we end: a psycho social exploration of therapists’ experience

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    The aim of this study is to explore therapists’ experience of endings. This takes as its cue the relative lack of existing research and theory concerning the therapist’s subjectivity in endings, and the challenges faced by the ‘therapist as a person’ in the potentially emotive time of ending. After reviewing the literature on endings in therapy, particularly on therapists’ experience, I interviewed several therapists about their experience of a significant therapeutic ending. I used a narrative, psychosocial research method to interpret possible latent meanings in the therapists’ accounts. The method employed the embodied counter transference or subjective affective imaginative responses of the researcher, using an interpretation group to triangulate subjective responses. Four case studies of therapists’ endings are presented. The interpretations emphasise the depth of therapists’ emotional investment in the endings; re enactments of therapists’ family relationships and/or personal relational patterns; and to varying degrees, the presence of therapists’ personal needs in the endings. Therapists’ anxiety about the ‘rules’ of therapy in ending is apparent. The findings show how therapists’ subjectivity in endings, based in templates of family relationships, needs to be understood as potentially powerful, complex and requiring careful work, especially in endings of therapeutic relationships which carry obvious significance, emotional investment or meaning for the therapist. Thus, the importance of awareness, integrity and the careful use of supervision is highlighted


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    Abstract MYTHOGEOGRAPHIC PERFORMANCE AND PERFORMATIVE INTERVENTIONS IN SPACES OF HERITAGE-TOURISM by PHIL SMITH This thesis offers new models for participatory and performative interventions in sites of heritage tourism through a theorized practical engagement. Drawing on both Tourism Studies and Performance Studies, the primary aim of these interventions is to reveal and provoke ways of seeing and using these sites as places of multiple meanings rather than as ones constricted and bounded by normative heritage narratives in their production and management. The experimental phase of the project discussed in the thesis includes three contrasting case studies: GeoQuest, Sardine Street, and Water Walk. These are each analysed and evaluated through my development of a ‘mythogeographic’ framework that includes the performative techniques of layering, rhizomatic interweaving, the making of 'anywheres' and the self-mythologising of the activist. The thesis charts a trajectory through praxis, from developing models for ambulatory, signage-based and ‘mis-guided’ interventions to be undertaken by performance ‘specialists’, towards a dispersal of their tactics for use by heritage tourists in general. It thus describes a related change in the balance of the research methodology from ethnographic participant observation towards practice-as-research (PaR), the latter of which both generated and enacted knowledge and understanding. This PaR took the form of various visits and forays to and across heritage sites and landscape, and also the production of a ‘toolkit’ of handbook, pocketbook, website and online short films for the dispersal of tactics and a strategy that is eventually called ‘counter-tourism’. The thesis thus includes the publications A Sardine Street box of tricks, Counter-tourism: the handbook, Counter-tourism: a pocketbook and the DVD, Tactics for counter-tourism, as well as their fully theorized critical contextualisation. These represent a PaR enquiry that attempts to creatively express my research findings from productions made in the field through a popular form of writing and presentation that is capable of inspiring general, ‘non-specialist’ tourists to make their own performance interventions in heritage sites
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