251 research outputs found

    Data-driven multivariate and multiscale methods for brain computer interface

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    This thesis focuses on the development of data-driven multivariate and multiscale methods for brain computer interface (BCI) systems. The electroencephalogram (EEG), the most convenient means to measure neurophysiological activity due to its noninvasive nature, is mainly considered. The nonlinearity and nonstationarity inherent in EEG and its multichannel recording nature require a new set of data-driven multivariate techniques to estimate more accurately features for enhanced BCI operation. Also, a long term goal is to enable an alternative EEG recording strategy for achieving long-term and portable monitoring. Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and local mean decomposition (LMD), fully data-driven adaptive tools, are considered to decompose the nonlinear and nonstationary EEG signal into a set of components which are highly localised in time and frequency. It is shown that the complex and multivariate extensions of EMD, which can exploit common oscillatory modes within multivariate (multichannel) data, can be used to accurately estimate and compare the amplitude and phase information among multiple sources, a key for the feature extraction of BCI system. A complex extension of local mean decomposition is also introduced and its operation is illustrated on two channel neuronal spike streams. Common spatial pattern (CSP), a standard feature extraction technique for BCI application, is also extended to complex domain using the augmented complex statistics. Depending on the circularity/noncircularity of a complex signal, one of the complex CSP algorithms can be chosen to produce the best classification performance between two different EEG classes. Using these complex and multivariate algorithms, two cognitive brain studies are investigated for more natural and intuitive design of advanced BCI systems. Firstly, a Yarbus-style auditory selective attention experiment is introduced to measure the user attention to a sound source among a mixture of sound stimuli, which is aimed at improving the usefulness of hearing instruments such as hearing aid. Secondly, emotion experiments elicited by taste and taste recall are examined to determine the pleasure and displeasure of a food for the implementation of affective computing. The separation between two emotional responses is examined using real and complex-valued common spatial pattern methods. Finally, we introduce a novel approach to brain monitoring based on EEG recordings from within the ear canal, embedded on a custom made hearing aid earplug. The new platform promises the possibility of both short- and long-term continuous use for standard brain monitoring and interfacing applications

    Automated Classification for Electrophysiological Data: Machine Learning Approaches for Disease Detection and Emotion Recognition

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    Smart healthcare is a health service system that utilizes technologies, e.g., artificial intelligence and big data, to alleviate the pressures on healthcare systems. Much recent research has focused on the automatic disease diagnosis and recognition and, typically, our research pays attention on automatic classifications for electrophysiological signals, which are measurements of the electrical activity. Specifically, for electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) data, we develop a series of algorithms for automatic cardiovascular disease (CVD) classification, emotion recognition and seizure detection. With the ECG signals obtained from wearable devices, the candidate developed novel signal processing and machine learning method for continuous monitoring of heart conditions. Compared to the traditional methods based on the devices at clinical settings, the developed method in this thesis is much more convenient to use. To identify arrhythmia patterns from the noisy ECG signals obtained through the wearable devices, CNN and LSTM are used, and a wavelet-based CNN is proposed to enhance the performance. An emotion recognition method with a single channel ECG is developed, where a novel exploitative and explorative GWO-SVM algorithm is proposed to achieve high performance emotion classification. The attractive part is that the proposed algorithm has the capability to learn the SVM hyperparameters automatically, and it can prevent the algorithm from falling into local solutions, thereby achieving better performance than existing algorithms. A novel EEG-signal based seizure detector is developed, where the EEG signals are transformed to the spectral-temporal domain, so that the dimension of the input features to the CNN can be significantly reduced, while the detector can still achieve superior detection performance

    EEMD-Based Speaker Automatic Emotional Recognition in Chinese Mandarin

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    Parkinson's disease is a recognizable clinical syndrome with a variety of causes and clinical presentations; it represents a rapidly growing neurodegenerative disorder. Since about 90 percent of Parkinson's disease sufferers have some form of early speech impairment, recent studies on tele diagnosis of Parkinson's disease have focused on the recognition of voice impairments from vowel phonations or the subjects' discourse. In this paper, we present a new approach for Parkinson's disease detection from speech sounds that are based on CNN and LSTM and uses two categories of characteristics Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and Gammatone Cepstral Coefficients (GTCC) obtained from noise-removed speech signals with comparative EMD-DWT and DWT-EMD analysis. The proposed model is divided into three stages. In the first step, noise is removed from the signals using the EMD-DWT and DWT-EMD methods. In the second step, the GTCC and MFCC are extracted from the enhanced audio signals. The classification process is carried out in the third step by feeding these features into the LSTM and CNN models, which are designed to define sequential information from the extracted features. The experiments are performed using PC-GITA and Sakar datasets and 10-fold cross validation method, the highest classification accuracy for the Sakar dataset reached 100% for both EMD-DWT-GTCC-CNN and DWT-EMD-GTCC-CNN, and for the PC-GITA dataset, the accuracy is reached 100% for EMD-DWT-GTCC-CNN and 96.55% for DWT-EMD-GTCC-CNN. The results of this study indicate that the characteristics of GTCC are more appropriate and accurate for the assessment of PD than MFCC

    Novel Fourier Quadrature Transforms and Analytic Signal Representations for Nonlinear and Non-stationary Time Series Analysis

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    The Hilbert transform (HT) and associated Gabor analytic signal (GAS) representation are well-known and widely used mathematical formulations for modeling and analysis of signals in various applications. In this study, like the HT, to obtain quadrature component of a signal, we propose the novel discrete Fourier cosine quadrature transforms (FCQTs) and discrete Fourier sine quadrature transforms (FSQTs), designated as Fourier quadrature transforms (FQTs). Using these FQTs, we propose sixteen Fourier-Singh analytic signal (FSAS) representations with following properties: (1) real part of eight FSAS representations is the original signal and imaginary part is the FCQT of the real part, (2) imaginary part of eight FSAS representations is the original signal and real part is the FSQT of the real part, (3) like the GAS, Fourier spectrum of the all FSAS representations has only positive frequencies, however unlike the GAS, the real and imaginary parts of the proposed FSAS representations are not orthogonal to each other. The Fourier decomposition method (FDM) is an adaptive data analysis approach to decompose a signal into a set of small number of Fourier intrinsic band functions which are AM-FM components. This study also proposes a new formulation of the FDM using the discrete cosine transform (DCT) with the GAS and FSAS representations, and demonstrate its efficacy for improved time-frequency-energy representation and analysis of nonlinear and non-stationary time series.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    EmoEEG - recognising people's emotions using electroencephalography

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    Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica (Sinais e Imagens Médicas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020As emoções desempenham um papel fulcral na vida humana, estando envolvidas numa extensa variedade de processos cognitivos, tais como tomada de decisão, perceção, interações sociais e inteligência. As interfaces cérebro-máquina (ICM) são sistemas que convertem os padrões de atividade cerebral de um utilizador em mensagens ou comandos para uma determinada aplicação. Os usos mais comuns desta tecnologia permitem que pessoas com deficiência motora controlem braços mecânicos, cadeiras de rodas ou escrevam. Contudo, também é possível utilizar tecnologias ICM para gerar output sem qualquer controle voluntário. A identificação de estados emocionais é um exemplo desse tipo de feedback. Por sua vez, esta tecnologia pode ter aplicações clínicas tais como a identificação e monitorização de patologias psicológicas, ou aplicações multimédia que facilitem o acesso a músicas ou filmes de acordo com o seu conteúdo afetivo. O interesse crescente em estabelecer interações emocionais entre máquinas e pessoas, levou à necessidade de encontrar métodos fidedignos de reconhecimento emocional automático. Os autorrelatos podem não ser confiáveis devido à natureza subjetiva das próprias emoções, mas também porque os participantes podem responder de acordo com o que acreditam que os outros responderiam. A fala emocional é uma maneira eficaz de deduzir o estado emocional de uma pessoa, pois muitas características da fala são independentes da semântica ou da cultura. No entanto, a precisão ainda é insuficiente quando comparada com outros métodos, como a análise de expressões faciais ou sinais fisiológicos. Embora o primeiro já tenha sido usado para identificar emoções com sucesso, ele apresenta desvantagens, tais como o fato de muitas expressões faciais serem "forçadas" e o fato de que as leituras só são possíveis quando o rosto do sujeito está dentro de um ângulo muito específico em relação à câmara. Por estes motivos, a recolha de sinais fisiológicos tem sido o método preferencial para o reconhecimento de emoções. O uso do EEG (eletroencefalograma) permite-nos monitorizar as emoções sentidas sob a forma de impulsos elétricos provenientes do cérebro, permitindo assim obter uma ICM para o reconhecimento afetivo. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a combinação de diferentes elementos para identificar estados afetivos, estimando valores de valência e ativação usando sinais de EEG. A análise realizada consistiu na criação de vários modelos de regressão para avaliar como diferentes elementos afetam a precisão na estimativa de valência e ativação. Os referidos elementos foram os métodos de aprendizagem automática, o género do indivíduo, o conceito de assimetria cerebral, os canais de elétrodos utilizados, os algoritmos de extração de características e as bandas de frequências analisadas. Com esta análise foi possível criarmos o melhor modelo possível, com a combinação de elementos que maximiza a sua precisão. Para alcançar os nossos objetivos, recorremos a duas bases de dados (AMIGOS e DEAP) contendo sinais de EEG obtidos durante experiências de desencadeamento emocional, juntamente com a autoavaliação realizada pelos respetivos participantes. Nestas experiências, os participantes visionaram excertos de vídeos de conteúdo afetivo, de modo a despoletar emoções sobre eles, e depois classificaram-nas atribuindo o nível de valência e ativação experienciado. Os sinais EEG obtidos foram divididos em epochs de 4s e de seguida procedeu-se à extração de características através de diferentes algoritmos: o primeiro, segundo e terceiro parâmetros de Hjorth; entropia espectral; energia e entropia de wavelets; energia e entropia de FMI (funções de modos empíricos) obtidas através da transformada de Hilbert-Huang. Estes métodos de processamento de sinal foram escolhidos por já terem gerado resultados bons noutros trabalhos relacionados. Todos estes métodos foram aplicados aos sinais EEG dentro das bandas de frequência alfa, beta e gama, que também produziram bons resultados de acordo com trabalhos já efetuados. Após a extração de características dos sinais EEG, procedeu-se à criação de diversos modelos de estimação da valência e ativação usando as autoavaliações dos participantes como “verdade fundamental”. O primeiro conjunto de modelos criados serviu para aferir quais os melhores métodos de aprendizagem automática a utilizar para os testes vindouros. Após escolher os dois melhores, tentámos verificar as diferenças no processamento emocional entre os sexos, realizando a estimativa em homens e mulheres separadamente. O conjunto de modelos criados a seguir visou testar o conceito da assimetria cerebral, que afirma que a valência emocional está relacionada com diferenças na atividade fisiológica entre os dois hemisférios cerebrais. Para este teste específico, foram consideradas a assimetria diferencial e racional segundo pares de elétrodos homólogos. Depois disso, foram criados modelos de estimação de valência e ativação considerando cada um dos elétrodos individualmente. Ou seja, os modelos seriam gerados com todos os métodos de extração de características, mas com os dados obtidos de um elétrodo apenas. Depois foram criados modelos que visassem comparar cada um dos algoritmos de extração de características utilizados. Os modelos gerados nesta fase incluíram os dados obtidos de todos os elétrodos, já que anteriormente se verificou que não haviam elétrodos significativamente melhores que outros. Por fim, procedeu-se à criação dos modelos com a melhor combinação de elementos possível, otimizaram-se os parâmetros dos mesmos, e procurámos também aferir a sua validação. Realizámos também um processo de classificação emocional associando cada par estimado de valores de valência e ativação ao quadrante correspondente no modelo circumplexo de afeto. Este último passo foi necessário para conseguirmos comparar o nosso trabalho com as soluções existentes, pois a grande maioria delas apenas identificam o quadrante emocional, não estimando valores para a valência e ativação. Em suma, os melhores métodos de aprendizagem automática foram RF (random forest) e KNN (k-nearest neighbours), embora a combinação dos melhores métodos de extração de características fosse diferente para os dois. KNN apresentava melhor precisão considerando todos os métodos de extração menos a entropia espectral, enquanto que RF foi mais preciso considerando apenas o primeiro parâmetro de Hjorth e a energia de wavelets. Os valores dos coeficientes de Pearson obtidos para os melhores modelos otimizados ficaram compreendidos entre 0,8 e 0,9 (sendo 1 o valor máximo). Não foram registados melhoramentos nos resultados considerando cada género individualmente, pelo que os modelos finais foram criados usando os dados de todos os participantes. É possível que a diminuição da precisão dos modelos criados para cada género seja resultado da menor quantidade de dados envolvidos no processo de treino. O conceito de assimetria cerebral só foi útil nos modelos criados usando a base de dados DEAP, especialmente para a estimação de valência usando as características extraídas segundo a banda alfa. Em geral, as nossas abordagens mostraram-se a par ou mesmo superiores a outros trabalhos, obtendo-se valores de acurácia de 86.5% para o melhor modelo de classificação gerado com a base de dados AMIGOS e 86.6% usando a base de dados DEAP.Emotion recognition is a field within affective computing that is gaining increasing relevance and strives to predict an emotional state using physiological signals. Understanding how these biological factors are expressed according to one’s emotions can enhance the humancomputer interaction (HCI). This knowledge, can then be used for clinical applications such as the identification and monitoring of psychiatric disorders. It can also be used to provide better access to multimedia content, by assigning affective tags to videos or music. The goal of this work was to create several models for estimating values of valence and arousal, using features extracted from EEG signals. The different models created were meant to compare how various elements affected the accuracy of the model created. These elements were the machine learning techniques, the gender of the individual, the brain asymmetry concept, the electrode channels, the feature extraction methods and the frequency of the brain waves analysed. The final models contained the best combination of these elements and achieved PCC values over 0.80. As a way to compare our work with previous approaches, we also implemented a classification procedure to find the correspondent quadrant in the valence and arousal space according to the circumplex model of affect. The best accuracies achieved were over 86%, which was on par or even superior to some of the works already done

    Noise removal methods on ambulatory EEG: A Survey

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    Over many decades, research is being attempted for the removal of noise in the ambulatory EEG. In this respect, an enormous number of research papers is published for identification of noise removal, It is difficult to present a detailed review of all these literature. Therefore, in this paper, an attempt has been made to review the detection and removal of an noise. More than 100 research papers have been discussed to discern the techniques for detecting and removal the ambulatory EEG. Further, the literature survey shows that the pattern recognition required to detect ambulatory method, eye open and close, varies with different conditions of EEG datasets. This is mainly due to the fact that EEG detected under different conditions has different characteristics. This is, in turn, necessitates the identification of pattern recognition technique to effectively distinguish EEG noise data from a various condition of EEG data

    Performance evaluation of the Hilbert–Huang transform for respiratory sound analysis and its application to continuous adventitious sound characterization

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    © 2016. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/The use of the Hilbert–Huang transform in the analysis of biomedical signals has increased during the past few years, but its use for respiratory sound (RS) analysis is still limited. The technique includes two steps: empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and instantaneous frequency (IF) estimation. Although the mode mixing (MM) problem of EMD has been widely discussed, this technique continues to be used in many RS analysis algorithms. In this study, we analyzed the MM effect in RS signals recorded from 30 asthmatic patients, and studied the performance of ensemble EMD (EEMD) and noise-assisted multivariate EMD (NA-MEMD) as means for preventing this effect. We propose quantitative parameters for measuring the size, reduction of MM, and residual noise level of each method. These parameters showed that EEMD is a good solution for MM, thus outperforming NA-MEMD. After testing different IF estimators, we propose Kay¿s method to calculate an EEMD-Kay-based Hilbert spectrum that offers high energy concentrations and high time and high frequency resolutions. We also propose an algorithm for the automatic characterization of continuous adventitious sounds (CAS). The tests performed showed that the proposed EEMD-Kay-based Hilbert spectrum makes it possible to determine CAS more precisely than other conventional time-frequency techniques.Postprint (author's final draft