133 research outputs found

    Designing for Digital Wellbeing on a Smartphone: Co-creation of Digital Nudges to Mitigate Instagram Overuse

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    The endless stream of social media newsfeeds and stories captivates users for hours on end, sometimes exceeding what users themselves consider unhealthy. However, reducing one's social media consumption has proven to be challenging. To address this issue, this study investigates how the co-creation of the digital feedback nudge can improve digital well-being without increasing privacy threats. To achieve this goal, a mixed method study is used through a two-week pre-post study design. Results demonstrate that co-creation significantly increased users' sense of agency, sense of accomplishment and perceived sense of privacy while reducing users' privacy concern. Furthermore, the feedback nudge allowed participants to significantly decrease their social media use

    Modeling Musical Mood From Audio Features, Affect and Listening Context on an In-situ Dataset

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    Musical mood is the emotion that a piece of music expresses. When musical mood is used in music recommenders (i.e., systems that recommend music a listener is likely to enjoy), salient suggestions that match a user’s expectations are made. The musical mood of a track can be modeled solely from audio features of the music; however, these models have been derived from musical data sets of a single genre and labeled in a laboratory setting. Applying these models to data sets that reflect a user’s actual listening habits may not work well, and as a result, music recommenders based on these models may fail. Using a smartphone-based experience-sampling application that we developed for the Android platform, we collected a music listening data set gathered in-situ during a user’s daily life. Analyses of our data set showed that real-life listening experiences differ from data sets previously used in modeling musical mood. Our data set is a heterogeneous set of songs, artists, and genres. The reasons for listening and the context within which listening occurs vary across individuals and for a single user. We then created the first model of musical mood using in-situ, real-life data. We showed that while audio features, song lyrics and socially-created tags can be used to successfully model musical mood with classification accuracies greater than chance, adding contextual information such as the listener’s affective state and or listening context can improve classification accuracies. We successfully classified musical arousal in a 2-class model with a classification accuracy of 67% and musical valence with an accuracy of 75%. Finally, we discuss ways in which the classification accuracies can be improved, and the applications that result from our models

    Mind Wandering in Daily Life: A National Experience Sampling Study of Intentional and Unintentional Mind Wandering Episodes Reported by Working Adults Ages 25 – 50

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    Numerous researchers have investigated thinking that drifts away from what the individual was doing, thinking that is known as mind wandering. Their inquiries were often conducted in university lab settings with student participants. To learn about mind wandering in the daily life of working adults, this experience sampling study investigated intentional and unintentional mind wandering episodes as reported by working adults, ages 25–50, living across the United States. In this age frame, work and family responsibilities have increased in complexity and overlap. Using a smartphone app, participants were randomly notified to answer experience sampling surveys six times a day for up to five days. Eight questions concerned frequency, intentionality, and the descriptive characteristics of thought type, thought content, temporality, context, context demand, and emotion. Based upon 7,947 notification responses and 4,294 reported mind wandering episodes, the research findings showed that mind wandering is a common thinking experience in working adult daily life and is differentiated by intentionality, parent status, and gender. Parents reported more frequent mind wandering and intentional mind wandering episodes than nonparents. Episode thought type was most often indicated as practical thought. Episodes were more often reported as having the content related to context although out of context mind wandering episodes were also highly reported. Context demand and emotion at the time of the notification were related to mind wandering episode frequency and were further differentiated by intentionality, parent status, and gender. Working parents reported mind wandering episodes during higher demand, particularly male parents, than nonparents. By generating new knowledge about the thinking life of working adults, this study’s results and methodology contribute to the fields of leadership and change, thought research, intrapersonal and interpersonal psychology, work and family studies, and education. Future studies focused on underlying factors related to the mind wandering of working adults and the differences between parent and nonparent mind wandering may inform our understanding of working adult mind wandering. This dissertation is available in open access at AURA, https://aura.antioch.edu/, and OhioLINK ETD Center, https://etd.ohiolink.edu

    Women, work and the menopause: releasing the potential of older professional women

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    Explores the experiences of menopause for professional women as part of a broader appreciation of health and well-being in later life. Executive summary This report presents the key findings and recommendations of a research project entitled Women, Work and the Menopause: Releasing the Potential of Older Professional Women. Menopause is a ‘silent issue’ for most organisations, and older women represent a group whose working lives, experiences and aspirations are poorly understood by employers, national governments and academic researchers alike. This is highly unfortunate given that women aged 45 years and over comprise 17% of the ageing Australian workforce, meaning that over one million working women are currently going through, or have already gone through, the menopause. The broad aim of this project was therefore to examine the occupational health and well-being of older women, with a particular emphasis on understanding women’s experiences of menopause at work. More specifically, the project set out to generate insights on five key areas: 1. Older women’s health and well-being; 2. The relationship between menopause-related symptoms and four specific work outcomes (work engagement, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, intention to quit); 3. Actual and desired levels of organisational support for women experiencing menopause; 4. Work-related and organisational factors that exacerbate or ameliorate women’s experiences of menopause in the workplace; and 5. Women’s first-hand experiences, beliefs and attitudes towards menopause at work. Data collection took place between November 2013 and March 2014 via two parallel research studies. The first study consisted of an online survey (herein referred to as WAW – Women at Work Survey) of 839 women (age range 40-75 years; average age 51.3 years) employed in academic, administrative and executive roles at three Australian universities. The second study (herein referred to as Prime – The Prime Project) involved 48 qualitative interviews with academic and administrative staff members at two Australian universities. The study identified the following key findings: All age groups reported average to good mental and physical health. While self-reported physical health deteriorated with age, mental health appeared to improve with age (60+ year olds reported better mental health than 40-49 and 50-59 year olds). Among administrative and executive staff, women aged 40-49 years reported greater intention to quit their jobs than their older colleagues (50-59 years and 60+ years old). The interview study was marked by an overwhelming sense that ‘women just get on with it’. This theme captured many inter-related aspects of women’s experiences of mid-life in general (e.g., of juggling demanding and multiple work and care-giving roles) and underlined the considerable, and often unacknowledged, resilience of older professional women. Peri-women currently experiencing the menopause most frequently experienced the following symptoms associated with menopause (in descending order of prevalence): sleep disturbance, headaches, weakness or fatigue, loss of sexual desire, anxiety, memory loss, pain in bone joints, and hot flushes. None of the measured work outcomes differed by menstrual status. However, the more frequently women reported experiencing menopause-related symptoms and the more bothersome the symptoms were, the less engaged they felt at work, less satisfied with their job, the greater their intention to quit their job and the lower their commitment to the organisation. The interview findings, however, suggested that it is difficult to attribute many symptoms simply to menopause. Symptoms can also be associated with ageing and ‘the time of life’ more generally, or the occupational impact of the working environment, such as stress (notably associated with organisational change and work intensification). Negative organisational and managerial messages about older women had a significant impact on how engaged, and how included, women felt at work. There was evidence of gendered ageism, with many women only feeling able to talk informally to other close female colleagues and friends about their menopausal experiences. Organisational sub-cultures were also found to have a significant influence on women’s experience of menopause at work, creating particular demands on women to ‘fit in’ and to manage expectations and workplace identities that assumed an ‘unproblematic body’. Work-related and organisational factors played important roles in ameliorating or exacerbating women’s experience of menopause at work. Temperature control over their immediate environment was important, as was the exacerbating impact of the increasingly sedentary nature of work that might intensify menopausal-related symptoms. However, paid employment also held positive benefits for some women, ameliorating their symptoms and providing an environment in which to develop and blossom as strong, independent and energetic employees. The flexibility of working arrangements (notably in respect of work time) was a particular characteristic that benefited (menopausal) women. Both the survey and the interviews pointed to a lack of menopause-specific support or information in their organisational settings. Many were unsure whether line managers were given training in awareness of the menopause in the workplace. While organisations should provide information, there were varying views about whether organisations should or could introduce menopause-specific policies, or whether that would only serve to marginalise or problematise older workers. While women did not want formal management or ‘intervention’ of the menopause, organisational understanding and support was deemed to be important and part of a broader message as to whether older women were welcome in the workplace or not. This report proposes a number of recommendations related to Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) and Human Resources (HR) Management, and emphasises the role of general organisational processes, policies and professional bodies in initiating change. To plan for improved working conditions for older women now, is to ensure that organisations will reap future rewards by acknowledging and investing in this reliable, loyal, committed and resilient segment of the workforce. &nbsp


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    Dalam sebuah sistem edukasi, proses belajar mengajar merupakan kegiatan utama yang dilakukan oleh siswa dan pengajar. Salah satu metode belajar mengajar yang memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi saat ini adalah e-learning. Penerapan gamifikasi pada proses e-learning dilakukan dengan beberapa alasan yang mendasar seperti untuk mempromosikan proses belajar mengajar dengan lebih baik kepada siswa. Alasan lain yang digunakan pengajar seperti untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa terhadap topik yang dibahas, terutama bagi proses belajar mengajar yang dilakukan secara daring. Penelitian ini berfokus pada sistem e-learning gamifikasi yang terdapat pada program studi Sistem Informasi UAJY untuk mengidentifikasi aspek value dari reward pada sistem tersebut bagi pengguna, yang dalam hal ini merupakan mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam tahap uji coba implementasi e-learning gamifikasi pada mata kuliah Metode Penelitian. Hasil analisa dari penelitian ini telah berhasil mengidentifikasi berbagai value dari rewards pada elemen gamifikasi yang ada pada situs kuliah gamifikasi untuk mata kuliah metode penelitian. Penelitian ini juga telah melihat pengalaman mahasiswa terkait berbagai value yang sudah diidentifikasi. Pada penelitian ini, telah berhasil menemukan 11 bentuk value dari hasil wawancara 10 mahasiswa yang menjadi pengguna dari situs kuliah gamifikasi tersebut

    Investigating the Perceptibility of Smartphone Notifications and Methods for Context-Aware Data Assessment in Experience Sampling Studies

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    Eine zentrale Aufgabe in der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion ist die Durchführung von Nutzerstudien. Diese ermöglichen einen tieferen Einblick in das Verhalten von Nutzern, dienen aber auch dazu, Labels zum Annotieren von Daten zu sammeln. Die traditionelle Methode zum Erfassen von subjektivem Feedback ist die Experience Sampling Method (ESM). Durch das Beantworten von Fragebögen stellen Probanden nicht nur Informationen über sich selbst, sondern auch über ihre Umgebung zur Verfügung. Außerdem können ihre Antworten als Label für Daten, welche zeitgleich erhoben wurden, dienen. Inzwischen sind Smartphones zur Hauptplattform zum Durchführen von ESM Studien geworden. Sie werden genutzt, um ESM-Abfragen in Form von Benachrichtigungen auszusenden, um die gesammelten Labels zu speichern und um sie den Sensordaten zuzuweisen, welche im Hintergrund gesammelt wurden. In ESM-Studien wird angestrebt, möglichst viele und qualitativ hochwertige Daten zu sammeln. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, bedarf es einer großen Menge sorgfältig beantworteter ESM-Abfragen. Die Probanden wiederum wollen in der Regel so wenig Abfragen wie möglich erhalten. Es ist notwendig, einen Kompromiss zwischen Abfragehäufigkeit und Probandenzufriedenheit zu finden. Beim Erstellen von ESM-Studien ergeben sich verschiedene Herausforderungen. Einerseits sind diese mit der ESM-App und deren Funktionalität verbunden. Andererseits stehen sie aber auch mit dem Ausliefern von ESM-Abfragen und deren Wahrnehmung durch den Nutzer im Zusammenhang. ESM-Abfragen müssen in Situationen ausgesandt werden, welche für den Studiendesigner von Interesse sind. Dies bedarf eines akkuraten Erkennungssystems, welches in die ESM-App eingebunden werden muss. Sowohl die Anzahl und Häufigkeit der Abfragen als auch die Länge des Feedback-Fragebogens sollten auf ein Minimum reduziert werden. Beides sind Herausforderungen, welche die ESM-App, welche zur Durchführung der Studie genutzt wird, adressieren muss. Um das Erstellen von ESM-Anwendungen zu erleichtern, ist es empfehlenswert, auf ein primäres Entwicklungswerkzeug zurückzugreifen. Im besten Fall ist solch ein Werkzeug einfach zu nutzen und bietet Zugriff auf eine weitreichende Menge an Sensoren, aus denen kontextuelle Informationen abgeleitet werden können - beispielsweise, um ereignisbasiert Abfragen auszusenden. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation stellen wir ESMAC vor, den ESM App Configurator. ESMAC stellt verschiedene Abfragetypen zur Verfügen, ebenso wie verschiedene Einstellungen, um die Anzahl an Abfragen pro Tag zu begrenzen (inquiry limit) oder um ein abfragefreies Zeitfenster zwischen zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Abfragen zu definieren (inter-notification time). Zudem bietet es Zugriff auf eine Vielzahl an Sensormesswerten und -Informationen.Diese Werte werden automatisch erfasst und benötigen keine Abfrage vom Nutzer, was zu einer reduzierten Fragebogenlänge führen kann. Um Informationen in Situationen zu sammeln, welche für den Studiendesigner von Interesse sind, bietet ESMAC eine Auswahl an ereignisbasierten Abfragen. Ereignisbasierte Abfragen fanden bereits in diversen ESM-Studien Anwendung. Dennoch wurde ihre Nützlichkeit bisher nicht explizit untersucht. Zwei Faktoren, welche für verschiedene Forschungsbereiche relevant sind, sind Ortswechsel und Aktivitätsänderungen des Nutzers. Diese können beispielsweise für die Erkennung der Unterbrechbarkeit eines Nutzers genutzt werden oder zum Überwachen von Zustandsänderungen bei Patienten, welche unter affektiven Störungen leiden. Am Beispiel einer Studie, welche auf die Erfassung dieser beiden Faktoren ausgerichtet ist, zeigen wir, dass ereignisbasierte Abfragen nützlich sind, vor allem wenn die ausgewählten ereignisbasierten Abfragen (hier: Ortswechsel) im Zusammenhang mit den zu erfassenden Daten stehen (hier: Feedback über die Mobilität und Aktivität des Nutzers). Die Erfassung von Datenlabels bedarf nicht nur ereignisbasierter Abfragen, sondern auch zeitnaher Antworten von den Probanden, um die Labels möglichst akkurat den gesammelten Daten zuweisen zu können. Hierzu ist es notwendig, dass die Probanden die eingehenden Abfragen rechtzeitig bemerken. Abfragen werden unter Umständen nicht wahrgenommen, weil eine zu unauffällige Benachrichtigungsmodalität gewählt wurde oder weil die ESM-Abfragen in einem überfüllten Notification Drawer des Smartphones untergehen. Die Wahrnehmbarkeit von Benachrichtigungen wird durch verschiedene kontextuelle Faktoren beeinflusst, z.B. die Position des Smartphones, den aktuellen Ort oder die (soziale) Aktivität des Nutzers. Aber auch inhaltliche Eigenschaften wie die empfundene Wichtigkeit einer Benachrichtigung können einen Einfluss haben. Als Grundlage für spätere Forschung untersuchen wir Methoden, um diese Einflussfaktoren zu erfassen. Zuerst stellen wir eine Methode zur Position-Transition-Korrektur vor, welche die Erkennung der aktuellen Smartphone-Position verbessert. Diese Methode basiert auf der Annahme, dass jeder Wechsel von einer Position zur nächsten über das Halten des Geräts in der Hand erfolgt. Als nächstes untersuchen wir verschiedene Methoden zur Ortserfassung, unter Achtung der Privatsphäre des Benutzers. Wir stellen vor, wie WLAN-Informationen und Ortstypen genutzt werden können, um den Aufenthaltsort eines Nutzers zu beschreiben und Ortswechsel zu erkennen, ohne den exakten Standort abzuspeichern. Basierend auf dem Ortstypen präsentieren wir eine Methode, um abzuschätzen, ob ein Smartphone-Nutzer in Begleitung ist. Abschließend untersuchen wir noch Smartphone-Features, welche mit der empfundenen Wichtigkeit einer Benachrichtigung in Zusammenhang stehen könnten. Nachdem wir Methoden zum Erfassen von Einflussfaktoren untersucht haben, betrachten wir Zusammenhänge zwischen der Wahrnehmung von eingehenden Benachrichtigungen und verschiedenen Benachrichtigungsmodalitäten. Diese Betrachtung erfolgt unter Berücksichtigung (a) der aktuellen Position des Smartphones und (b) des aktuellen Ortes des Smartphone-Nutzers und möglicher ortsbasierter Aktivitäten. Wir stellen eine Studie vor, welche Aufschluss darüber gibt, wie angenehm und wahrnehmbar verschiedene Benachrichtigungsmodalitäten sind - abhängig davon, wo das Smartphone vom Nutzer aufbewahrt wird. Für den aktuellen Ort und ortsbezogene Aktivitäten stellen wir passende Benachrichtigungsmodalitäten vor, über welche wir im Rahmen einer Onlineumfrage und einer Laborstudie Rückmeldung erhalten haben. Abschließend erstellen und evaluieren wir verschiedene Designs, um wichtige Benachrichtigungen - welche ESM-Abfragen einschließen - hervorzuheben, indem ihre Sichtbarkeit im Notification Drawer erhöht wird. Diese Designs basieren auf Feedback von Interviewprobanden als auch auf Erkenntnissen aus der Literatur. Wir stellen Eigenschaften von Benachrichtigungsdesigns vor, welche von Probanden einer Onlineumfrage als angenehm und nützlich empfunden wurden. Zudem empfehlen wir auch Kombinationen verschiedener Designeigenschaften. Die Beiträge dieser Dissertation können wie folgt zusammengefasst werden: - Vorstellung eines Tools, um kontextsensitive ESM-Apps zu erstellen - Bestätigung der Relevanz von ereignisbasierten Abfragen am Beispiel einer ESM-Studie mit Fokus auf Ortswechsel und Aktivitätsänderungen - Vorstellung eines Position-Transition-Korrekturmechanismus zum Verbessern der Erkennung der Smartphone-Position - Vorstellung zweier Methoden zur Ortserfassung ohne konkrete Offenlegung und Speicherung des konkreten Aufenthaltsortes - Vorstellung einer ortsbasierten Methode zum Abschätzen, ob sich ein Smartphone-Nutzer in Begleitung befindet oder nicht - Vorstellen von vier Typen von Wichtigkeit und von Smartphone-Features, welche mit der empfundenen Wichtigkeit von Benachrichtigungen in Zusammenhang stehen - Empfehlungen für die Auswahl von Benachrichtigungsmodalitäten abhängig von der (a) Smartphone-Position als auch (b) des aktuellen Ortes und möglicher ortsbasierter Aktivitäten - Empfehlungen für Designanpassungen von Smartphone-Benachrichtigungen, um solche von höherer Wichtigkeit hervorzuhebe

    The good, the bad and the ugly: a relação entre o uso das redes sociais e o desempenho numa tarefa de controlo de resposta

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    Given the current literature debate on whether or not Problematic Use of Social Media can be considered a behavioral addiction, the present study had the purpose to examine the differences between different levels of Social Media Addiction (no risk, at-risk and addicted) in inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility, in an Emotional Go/No-Go Task. Emotional stimuli included Social Media (SM) cues, and neutral stimuli were Traffic Signs (TS). The paradigm involved two main tasks: SM Go, where participants developed a response to SM stimuli and ignored TF cues and a TS Go, where the contrary response occurred. Order of conditions was randomized. Attentional bias and inhibitory control were inferred from the interaction level of addiction x Go-Condition, and cognitive flexibility by the interaction level of addiction x Order of the Go-Conditions. Results showed the presence of an attentional bias towards SM cues in SM Go-Condition in the at-risk and addicted groups, but only in SM Go-Condition. The addicted group also showed a significantly better discriminative ability in SM Go-Condition than the at-risk group, but only among those who started the paradigm with SM Go-Condition. A lower decision bias was equally seen in the addicted group in comparison to the no-risk group. With the growing use of SM, this study has some implications. These results suggest that individuals with low-medium SM addiction symptoms severity may just not be interested in controlling their SM use patterns, instead of having real deficits in inhibiting their behaviorDado o atual debate em relação a se o Uso Problemático das Redes Sociais consiste ou não numa adição comportamental, o presente estudo teve como objetivo examinar as diferenças no controlo inibitório e flexibilidade cognitiva entre grupos de diferentes níveis de severidade de adição às redes sociais (sem risco, em risco, dependente), numa tarefa Go/No-Go Emocional. Os estímulos emocionais incluíram estímulos relacionados com as Redes Sociais (RS), e os estímulos neutros constituíram Sinais de Trânsito (ST). O paradigma envolveu duas tarefas principais: Condição RS-Go, onde os participantes responderam a estímulos das RS e ignoraram os ST; e a Condição ST-Go, onde desenvolveram a resposta contrária. A ordem das condições foi aleatorizada. O viés cognitivo e o controlo inibitório foram inferidos através da interação nível de adição às RS x Condição-Go, e a flexibilidade cognitiva pela interação nível de adição às RS x Ordem das Condições. Resultados principais indicaram a presença de um viés atencional em direção a estímulos das RS na Condição RS-Go no grupo em-risco e dependente das RS. O grupo dependente apresentou significativamente também uma melhor capacidade discriminativa na Condição RS-Go em comparação ao grupo em risco, mas apenas entre aqueles que começaram o paradigma com a Condição RS-Go. O grupo dependente revelou igualmente um viés decisional significativamente mais baixo na condição RS-Go em comparação ao grupo sem risco. Com a crescente utilização das RS, o presente estudo apresenta algumas implicações. Os resultados sugerem que indivíduos com uma severidade baixa-moderada de sintomatologia de adição às RS podem não estar interessados em controlar os seus padrões de uso às RS, em vez de apresentarem défices reais na sua capacidade inibitória.Mestrado em Psicologia da Saúde e Reabilitação Neuropsicológic