603 research outputs found

    Ranteesta mitattavat tunteet tietokoneen ja ihmisen vuorovaikutuksessa

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    The role of emotion in human-computer interaction (HCI) has seen an increase in interest during the last decades. Technological advancements have made studying them much more viable for example because of the availability of affordable and accurate wrist-based sensors. However, this subfield of HCI still lacks theory and it has many unsolved engineering problems, especially considering naturalistic and automated emotion recognition. This thesis provides an overview of wrist- based emotion recognition in human-computer interaction by tying in the views and theoretical background of emotion from philosophy, psychology, neuroscience and economics. The thesis also includes an experimental set-up in naturalistic settings. The experiment uses an Empatica E4 device that can be worn on the wrist and which can be used to measure electrodermal activity (EDA) and heartrate variability (HRV). Both EDA and HRV are known biomarkers for various emotional reactions, such as emotional arousal or mental stress. The study explores the possibilities of EDA and HRV to measure emotional arousal and valence. Furthermore, the correlations between psychological surveys and emotional biosignal markers are explored. We used the Affect Intensity Measure (AIM) -survey, which measures the intensity of experienced and shown emotion, and Rational- Experiential Inventory (REI) -survey, which measures an individual preferred style of information processing. Five custom experiments and a data analysis method with custom analyzer code were designed for this thesis. Our findings suggest that EDA is a good marker for arousal, but that HRV is a problematic measure. Furthermore, we found evidence that there would be correlations between psychological traits and biosignals. However, there were limitations within our experiments. In conclusions, we provide suggestions for futher research and a new theoretical framework that could be used to understand emotions better in HCI.Kiinnostus tunteiden merkityksestä ihmisen ja tietokoneen vuorovaikutuksessa on kasvanut. Teknologian kehityksen myötä tunteisiin liittyviä biosignaaleja voidaan mitata hyvinkin huomaamattomasti esimerkiksi rannetietokoneilla. Alan teoria on kuitenkin vähäistä ja erityisesti naturalistiseen ja automatisoituun tunteiden tunnistamiseen liittyy monia ratkaisemattomia teknologisia ongelmia. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on tarjota lukijalleen kattava teoreettinen näkemys monilta tieteen aloilta, jotka tutkivat tunteita. Työ yhdistää tunteisiin liittyvää teoriaa filosofiasta, psykologiasta, neurotieteestä sekä ihmistietokonevuorovaikutuksen tutkimuksesta rakentaakseen yhtenäisen teoreettisen viitekehyksen ongelman ymmärtämiseksi. Työhön kuuluu myös kokeellinen osuus, jossa mitataan tunteita oikeassa ympäristössä. Kokeessa käytetään Empatica E4-rannetietokonetta, jolla voidaan mitata ihon sähkönjohtavuutta (EDA) ja sydämen sykevälivaihtelua (HRV). Sekä EDA että HRV ovat molemmat tunnettuja biosignaaleja erilaisissa tunnetiloissa. Kokeen tarkoitus on tutkia EDA:n ja HRV:n kykyä mitata tunteellista virittäytyneisyyttä ja tunnearvoa. Tämän lisäksi koe tutkii erilaisten psykologisten kyselylomakkeiden korrelaatioita mitattujen biosignaalejen välillä. Kokeessa käytetään Affect Intensity Measure (AIM) -kyselykaavaketta, joka mittaa koettujen ja näytettyjen tunteiden vahvuutta, sekä Rational Experiential Inventory (REI) -kyselykaavaketta, joka mittaa yksilön suosimaa sisäisen tiedonkäsittelyn menetelmää. Koetta varten kehitettiin viisi koeasetelmaa ja metodi, jolla voitiin analysoida mitattua dataa. Tulokset vahvistavat käsityksen, että EDA on hyvä virittäytyneisyyden mittari, mutta HRV:n käytössä löydettiin vain ongelmia. Tuloksissa on myös todisteita psykologisten luonteenpiirteiden ja biosignaalien korrelaatiolle. Lopussa annamme suosituksia seuraaville tutkimuksille ja esittelemme kehittämämme uuden teoreettisen viitekehyksen, jolla tunteita voisi ymmärtää paremmin ihmisen ja tietokoneen vuorovaikutuksessa

    About the nature of Kansei information, from abstract to concrete

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    Designer’s expertise refers to the scientific fields of emotional design and kansei information. This paper aims to answer to a scientific major issue which is, how to formalize designer’s knowledge, rules, skills into kansei information systems. Kansei can be considered as a psycho-physiologic, perceptive, cognitive and affective process through a particular experience. Kansei oriented methods include various approaches which deal with semantics and emotions, and show the correlation with some design properties. Kansei words may include semantic, sensory, emotional descriptors, and also objects names and product attributes. Kansei levels of information can be seen on an axis going from abstract to concrete dimensions. Sociological value is the most abstract information positioned on this axis. Previous studies demonstrate the values the people aspire to drive their emotional reactions in front of particular semantics. This means that the value dimension should be considered in kansei studies. Through a chain of value-function-product attributes it is possible to enrich design generation and design evaluation processes. This paper describes some knowledge structures and formalisms we established according to this chain, which can be further used for implementing computer aided design tools dedicated to early design. These structures open to new formalisms which enable to integrate design information in a non-hierarchical way. The foreseen algorithmic implementation may be based on the association of ontologies and bag-of-words.AN

    Research Publication 2011

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    Research Publication of Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences provides a window into our operations from the point of view of research activities. Through this collection of articles split into different themes we present our projects and the university’s multi-disciplined knowledge and expertise of the staff

    The Influence of Psychographic Beliefs on Website Usability Requirements

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    Designing websites that are responsive to customer needs is a critical prerequisite for the success of online services. To date, much research has focused on understanding which design requirements can be successfully applied to a website’s design. However, there has been limited research examining why some requirements may have more or less importance to customers. In addition to demographic characteristics, we propose that psychographic characteristics influence usability-related requirements. To develop our research model and hypotheses, we draw from usability literature and research in consumer behavior concerned with customers’ prevailing beliefs about technology. Conceptualizing customer beliefs should not only help distinguish between positive and negative processes but also help further investigate their consequences. To explore the relationship between customer characteristics (i.e., gender and technology beliefs) and usability requirements, we use a usability procedure based on the Microsoft Usability Guidelines (MUG). MUG identifies multiple design requirements that are expected to increase the usability of sites. We present the results of our study involving 215 participants. Overall, our results suggest that negative beliefs may play a larger role in influencing usability requirements than positive beliefs. And, the results suggest that prior Web experience moderates the relationship between beliefs and requirements

    The Pathology of Relational Aesthetics and the Anomaly of Adaptive Behavior of Transformation in Nuruddin Farah’s Crossbones (2011)

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    The postmodernist material cause of the schema of Crossbones implies an innovative method and a meta-cognition realm within postcolonial system of proposition and metadata, involves a new approach of intellection in the perspective relational values and relational frame theory stand as a dimensionality of understanding and a generative and transformative reality. Through an object program and a normative functionalism, Farah installs a psycho-functionalist perspective in the run to transcend the realm of ethnocentrism and relegio-politico social theory concerning the domain of formal conception and perception of relationalism. This persistence relates to an alternative understanding, a modality and property differentiation concerning the relational aesthetic and the status quo of the Be-ing, and a transformative reform about human intellect prerequisites and requests. in this dynamic of social practice and evidence-based practice, the relational aesthetic theory within Farah evolves his docufiction, define a method of linguistic performance and a relational expression that focuses on a conceivable representation of truth and experience


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