9 research outputs found

    New online Tools and Digital Environments for Translation into Emoji

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    Emojitalianobot e EmojiWorldBot sono due applicazioni online per la traduzione in e da emoji su Telegram, la popolare piattaforma di messaggistica istantanea. Emojitalianobot è il primo bot aperto e gratuito di traduzione che contiene i dizionari Emoji-Italiano ed Emoji-Inglese basati sulle descrizioni Unicode. Il bot è stato ideato per coadiuvare la traduzione di Pinocchio in emoji su Twitter da parte dei follower del blog Scritture brevi e contiene pertanto anche il glossario con tutti gli usi degli emoji nella traduzione del celebre romanzo per ragazzi. EmojiWorldBot, epigono di Emojitalianobot, è un dizionario multilingue che usa gli emoji come lingua pivot tra dozzine di lingue differenti. Attualmente le funzioni emoji-parola e parola-emoji sono disponibili per 72 lingue importate dalle tabelle Unicode e forniscono agli utenti delle semplici funzioni di ricerca per trovare le corrispondenze in emoji delle parole e viceversa per ciascuna di queste lingue. Questo contributo presenta i progetti, il background e le principali caratteristiche di queste applicazioni.Emojitalianobot and EmojiWorldBot are two new online tools and digital environments for translation into emoji on Telegram, the popular instant messaging platform. Emojitalianobot is the first open and free Emoji-Italian and Emoji-English translation bot based on Unicode descriptions. The bot was designed to support the translation of Pinocchio into emoji carried out by the followers of the "Scritture brevi" blog on Twitter and contains a glossary with all the uses of emojis in the translation of the famous Italian novel. EmojiWorldBot, an off-spring project of Emojitalianobot, is a multilingual dictionary that uses Emoji as a pivot language from dozens of different languages. Currently, the emoji-word and word-emoji functions are available for 72 languages imported from the Unicode tables and provide users with an easy search capability to map words in each of these languages to emojis, and vice versa. This paper presents the projects, the background and the main characteristics of these applications

    Increasing information accessibility on the Web: a rating system for specialized dictionaries

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    The paper illustrates the features of the WLR (Web Linguistic Resources) portal, which collects specialized online dictionaries and asses their suitability for different functions using a specifically designed rating system. The contribution aims to demonstrate how the existing tool has improved the usefulness of lexico-graphical portals and how its effectiveness can be further increased by transforming the portal into a collaborative resource.Questo contributo descrive le caratteristiche del portale WLR (Web Linguistic Resources) che raccoglie dizionari specialistici della Rete e ne stima l’utilizzabilità per diverse funzioni, avvalendosi di uno specifico sistema di valutazione. Viene quindi mostrato come questo strumento incrementi l’utilizzabilità dei portali lessicografici finora sviluppati e come la sua efficacia possa essere ulteriormente migliorata trasformandolo in risorsa collaborativa

    Emojitalianobot and EmojiWorldBot: New online tools and digital environments for translation into emoji.

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    Emojitalianobot and EmojiWorldBot are two new online tools and digital environments for translation into emoji on Telegram, the popular instant messaging platform. Emojitalianobot is the first open and free Emoji-Italian and Emoji-English translation bot based on Unicode descriptions. The bot was designed to support the translation of Pinocchio into emoji carried out by the followers of the "Scritture brevi" blog on Twitter and contains a glossary with all the uses of emojis in the translation of the famous Italian novel. EmojiWorldBot, an off-spring project of Emojitalianobot, is a multilingual dictionary that uses Emoji as a pivot language from dozens of different languages. Currently the emoji-word and word-emoji functions are available for 72 languages imported from the Unicode tables and provide users with an easy search capability to map words in each of these languages to emojis, and vice versa. This paper presents the projects, the background and the main characteristics of these applications

    CLUB Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 1

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    Il volume contiene contributi legati ad alcuni degli appuntamenti della prima edizione del CLUB - Circolo Linguistico dell'Università di Bologna. Lo spirito della collana è fedele a quello del ciclo di conferenze: presentare primariamente (seppure non esclusivamente) lavori di ricerca che possano costituire uno spunto per confronti e discussioni partecipate, allargate a non specialisti del settore. Il volume contiene sei saggi, che offrono uno spettro ampio e variegato dei temi attualmente centrali nel settore delle Scienze del Linguaggio e mettono in scena approcci e metodi di ricerca differenti

    Proceedings of the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2020

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2020). This edition of the conference is held in Bologna and organised by the University of Bologna. The CLiC-it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after six years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges