5 research outputs found

    Sozial nachhaltiges Handeln in der Online-Kommunikation und -kooperation? Langzeitliches Homeoffice - Konfliktpotenziale und LösungsansĂ€tze in digitalen Gruppen sowie fĂŒr deren Leitung

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag ist ein Forschungsbericht, der zusammen mit Studierenden im Wintersemester 2020/21 entstand: Das langzeitliche Homeoffice und die Zusammenarbeit mittels digital vermittelter Kommunikation stellt ein aktuelles VerĂ€nderungsthema fĂŒr Organisationen und Menschen dar. Was bedeutet langzeitliches Homeoffice in Vergleich zum Arbeiten in der BetriebsstĂ€tte? Was lĂ€sst sich aus der realen Welt in den digitalen Kontext mitnehmen, was geht dabei verloren? Was verĂ€ndert sich in den Organisationen, Interaktionen und Menschen durch das pandemiebedingt langzeitliche Homeoffice? Diese Fragen betreffen Studierende und Lehrende gleichermaßen, FrĂŒchte dieses geteilten Interesses finden sich in diesem Bericht

    De-Gendering informatischer Artefakte: Grundlagen einer kritisch-feministischen Technikgestaltung

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    Gender studies in computer science was only recently established at German universities. This research area is often understood as either addressing the problem of getting more women into IT professions or focussing on alleged gender differences in the design and use of IT. In contrast, the main objective of this dissertation is to identify and systemize gendering processes in products, theories, methods and assumptions of computer science (i.e. computational artifacts), in order to propose technology design methods, which aim at de-gendering these artefacts. The thesis focuses on three topics of inquiry: 1. Theoretical foundation: How can gendering and de-gendering processes of computational artifacts be theorized? 2. Practices of gendering: What are dimensions and mechanisms of gendering computational computational artifacts? 3. Methodological concepts for de-gendering: How can computational artefacts be designed, which can be characterized as de-gendered technologie

    Handbuch Barrierefreie Kommunikation

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    Barrier-free communication includes all measures to reduce obstacles to communication in various situations and fields of action. Due to disabilities, illnesses, different educational opportunities or drastic life events, people have very different needs in terms of how texts or communications must be prepared for them in order to meet their individual requirements and access prerequisites. In this handbook, the topic of accessible communication is examined in interdisciplinary breadth and critically reflected upon. Current findings, proposed solutions and desiderata from research are juxtaposed with reports from practitioners and users who provide insights into how they deal with accessible communication and highlight current and future requirements and problems. Christiane Maaß, University of Hildesheim, is Professor of Media Linguistics at the Institute for Translation Studies and Specialised Communication and Head of the Research Centre for Easy Language. Isabel Rink, University of Hildesheim, is managing director of the Research Centre for Easy Language, programme coordinator of the Master's programme in Accessible Communication and a lecturer at the Institute for Translation Studies and Specialised Communication

    Vorlesungsverzeichnis Sommersemester 2013 : Stand 10. Januar 2013

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    Dieses Dokument enthÀlt einen Auszug der im Onlineinformationssystem QIS-LSF (https://qis.server.uni-frankfurt.de) gespeicherten Daten zu den Lehrveranstaltungen des Sommersemesters 201