292 research outputs found

    Fatigue levels among Family Health Strategy professionals in the Brazilian countryside

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    Introduction: This research addresses fatigue within the team of nursing professionals of the Family Health Strategy (FHS). Objectives: To describe the fatigue levels of FHS nursing professionals. Identify the presence of fatigue among nursing professionals. Method: The research has a descriptive-analytical, quantitative character. Questionnaires were applied to a sample of 112 professionals at basic family health units in the city of Uberlândia, Brasil. Simple and applied statistics were used in order to collect the data. Results: The study showed that the sample had a greater predominance of females, aged between 30 and 49 years, with a greater number of nurses and who have only one job. It was identified with the DUFS questionnaire that 20, 8% say that they always need extra energy to handle their daily tasks and that 36.9% of professionals have had the need to rest more. Thus, this research shows the presence of fatigue in 70.8% of professionals. Conclusion: Evaluating the projections of fatigue on the body, this research shows self-reported signs that are already present signs, which can be recognized as symptoms and that translate signs of compromise, at some level, of the well-being of the workers in question, certainly reflecting on daily life, which may also compromise the health of these workers and their performance

    How do knowledge workers cope with their everyday job

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    Knowledge work, which forms a large part of modern economy, often involves collaboration. In order not to overemphasise either the transactional or the communicative aspect of collaboration, attitudes and technologies may have to change. Data from a survey show how knowledge workers manage their time and tasks using straightforward office technologies. Enhanced context awareness could help both the communication initiator and the communication target. This is a matter of behaviour and a chance for technology

    Resigned robots and aspiring artisans: a conceptualisation of the IT service support worker

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    In the last two decades the IT service support worker has emerged to be a worker-type of considerable socio-economic importance. Such workers are symbolic of the trends towards the importance of information/knowledge and information technology within modern economic/political systems. Such systems, heavily influenced by governmental bodies and business organisations, have aggrandised the use of rationalising customer-centric management techniques. And yet such symbolic workers are largely hidden and unacknowledged as a specific type of worker in the business literature. This thesis represents an attempt to conceptualise the IT service support worker as a worker-type, inducing a conceptual model that identifies three aspects to the worker: information systems worker; knowledge worker and service worker and considers them from each of these perspectives. This qualitative research draws on a rich mix of observational and interview data collected across five UK organisations to produce a narrative that suggests that, for different IT service support workers, those different aspects tend to be variably emphasised within their team roles. The study additionally offers a theoretical conclusion that IT service support workers might reasonably be divided into different classes depending upon not only the design of their team role but also their individual career orientations and the nature of the knowledge they actually use in their work. Four such classes are identified as being of particular significance and these are evocatively named: Resigned Robots ; Constrained Careerists ; Establishment Experts and Aspiring Artisans . Whilst being outside of the scope of this study, it is suggested that this novel typology might also be useful for classifying other worker groupings. The study is intended to be useful for the enhancement of IT service management practice and makes several contributions in this regard. These include the need for managers to recognise the importance of experientially-acquired knowledge for efficiency in IT service support work and a suggestion that managers might tailor HRM practices for different classes of worker


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    The COVID-19 pandemic forced workplaces to social distance, and millions of workers began telecommuting or working from home (Kniffin et al., 2021). Becker (2002) stated, “How well companies manage their human capital is a crucial factor in their success (p. 8).” The pandemic has profoundly affected human capital (Ballotpedia, 2021; Collings et al., 2021; Jesuthasan et al., 2020; Kniffin et al., 2021). This study examined the relationship between social isolation, telecommuting intensity levels, autonomy, and job satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researcher attempted to answer the research question and objectives by conducting a quantitative correlation study using a survey design. The study resulted in four findings. The study confirmed that the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting employees’ home, work, and social lives. Social isolation increases as job satisfaction decrease. The survey examined participants’ responses to face-to-face activities and meetings, and informal interactions negatively impacted overall social isolation scoring. Telecommuting intensity levels do not influence job satisfaction—finally, autonomy associates with job satisfaction and telecommuting intensity levels. The results and findings emphasize addressing social isolations and autonomy to prevent decreased job satisfaction, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the ongoing pandemic, telecommuting will remain around, and more programs adapted. Telecommuting intensity increases as autonomy increases; hence it is a possible indirect need for further research and companies to explore opportunities to establish policies and procedures to manage and execute employee wellness programs (Miller, 2020; Odom, 2021; Ranola, 2021; The Conference Board, 2021)

    Cyberloafing While Working From Home: Exploring the Conceptualisation, Drivers and Implications

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    Abstract The world has changed massively after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreaks. The situation has made a significant impact on how people work all over the world. Mandatory working from home is one kind of remote work that has become an everyday norm. In this paper, we provide an integrated cyberloafing conceptual framework based on qualitative research to identify the different aspects to better understand contemporary cyberloafing drivers and outcomes in the context of working from home. This master thesis describes cyberloafing in working from home as a multidimensional concept with external incentives and internal impulses as its drivers. We analysed 480 response statements derived from 48 participants in open-ended essays with employees from various sectors in the United Kingdom and the United States using the Gioia content analysis method. Based on our analyses, we conceptualise important aspects of cyberloafing behaviour in work from home settings. The essential element driving cyberloafing behaviour in working from home is the work tasks factors, followed by the working environment factors and monitoring and restriction factors. Psychological reasons and instant gratifications are identified as internal impulses in this study. In addition, the study proposes personal and professional implications that have both potentially negative and positive impacts. Finally, the master thesis discusses theoretical and practical implications and future research directions. Oppsummering Verden har endret seg kraftig etter utbruddet av Covid-19 pandemien. Spesielt gjelder dette hvordan mennesker over hele verden arbeider. Bruken av hjemmekontor er ikke lenger et fjernt begrep, men derimot normen for veldig mange arbeidstakere. I denne masteroppgaven, vil vi legge frem et integrert cyberloafing rammeverk basert på en kvalitativ undersøkelse. Dette for å bedre identifisere forskjellige aspekter ved cyberloafing, slik som pådrivere og utfall i konteksten av hjemmekontor. Denne oppgaven beskriver cyberloafing i konteksten av hjemmekontor som et multidimensjonelt konsept med eksterne insentiver og interne impulser som sentrale drivere for økt cyberloafing-aktivitet blant ansatte. Oppgaven analyserer 480 åpne svars-besvarelser fra 48 respondenter fra ansatte i et bredt spekter av sektorer i Storbrittania og USA. Gioa metoden blir brukttil åanalyserebesvarelsene. Basertpåvåreresultaterkonseptualisererviviktigeaspekterav cyberloafing-aktivitet. Essensielle drivere av cyberloafing er faktorer som: arbeidsoppgaver, arbeidsmiljø og overvåkning & begrensninger. Psykologiske årsaker og umiddelbar tilfredsstillelse, blir identifisert som sentrale interne impulser. I tillegg, vil oppgaven foreslå personlige og profesjonelle utfall av cyberloafing som vil ha både negative og positive og konsekvenser for både arbeider og arbeidsgiver. Avslutningsvis, vil denne masteroppgaven diskutere potensielle teoretiske og praktiske konsekvenser av resultatene lagt frem i denne oppgaven for både arbeidere og arbeidsgivere. Oppgaven avsluttes ved å legge frem forslag for fremtidige forskningsretninger

    Cyberloafing While Working From Home: Exploring the Conceptualisation, Drivers and Implications

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    Abstract The world has changed massively after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreaks. The situation has made a significant impact on how people work all over the world. Mandatory working from home is one kind of remote work that has become an everyday norm. In this paper, we provide an integrated cyberloafing conceptual framework based on qualitative research to identify the different aspects to better understand contemporary cyberloafing drivers and outcomes in the context of working from home. This master thesis describes cyberloafing in working from home as a multidimensional concept with external incentives and internal impulses as its drivers. We analysed 480 response statements derived from 48 participants in open-ended essays with employees from various sectors in the United Kingdom and the United States using the Gioia content analysis method. Based on our analyses, we conceptualise important aspects of cyberloafing behaviour in work from home settings. The essential element driving cyberloafing behaviour in working from home is the work tasks factors, followed by the working environment factors and monitoring and restriction factors. Psychological reasons and instant gratifications are identified as internal impulses in this study. In addition, the study proposes personal and professional implications that have both potentially negative and positive impacts. Finally, the master thesis discusses theoretical and practical implications and future research directions. Oppsummering Verden har endret seg kraftig etter utbruddet av Covid-19 pandemien. Spesielt gjelder dette hvordan mennesker over hele verden arbeider. Bruken av hjemmekontor er ikke lenger et fjernt begrep, men derimot normen for veldig mange arbeidstakere. I denne masteroppgaven, vil vi legge frem et integrert cyberloafing rammeverk basert på en kvalitativ undersøkelse. Dette for å bedre identifisere forskjellige aspekter ved cyberloafing, slik som pådrivere og utfall i konteksten av hjemmekontor. Denne oppgaven beskriver cyberloafing i konteksten av hjemmekontor som et multidimensjonelt konsept med eksterne insentiver og interne impulser som sentrale drivere for økt cyberloafing-aktivitet blant ansatte. Oppgaven analyserer 480 åpne svars-besvarelser fra 48 respondenter fra ansatte i et bredt spekter av sektorer i Storbrittania og USA. Gioa metoden blir brukt til å analysere besvarelsene. Basert på våre resultater konseptualiserer vi viktige aspekter av cyberloafing-aktivitet. Essensielle drivere av cyberloafing er faktorer som: arbeidsoppgaver, arbeidsmiljø og overvåkning & begrensninger. Psykologiske årsaker og umiddelbar tilfredsstillelse, blir identifisert som sentrale interne impulser. I tillegg, vil oppgaven foreslå personlige og profesjonelle utfall av cyberloafing som vil ha både negative og positive og konsekvenser for både arbeider og arbeidsgiver. Avslutningsvis, vil denne masteroppgaven diskutere potensielle teoretiske og praktiske konsekvenser av resultatene lagt frem i denne oppgaven for både arbeidere og arbeidsgivere. Oppgaven avsluttes ved å legge frem forslag for fremtidige forskningsretninger

    Cultural Aspects of Telecommuting: Does individualism affect telecommuting outcomes?

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    Objectives The main objective of this study was to find out if there is a significant correlation between individualism and collectivism and telecommuting outcomes. It does this by finding the most prominent telecommuting outcomes in the literature review and then comparing them to individualists and collectivists in a survey. Summary The text is divided into six main sections (Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings & Analysis, Discussion, and Conclusion). Throughout these sections telecommuting, specifically its outcomes, and culture, specifically individualism and collectivism, are analyzed through secondary data. Additionally, primary data gathered through a survey is examined to see if the objectives and hypothesis of this thesis are supported. Conclusions The objective was achieved and, thus, the hypothesis was not supported. Individualism and collectivism of a person does not predict the telecommuting outcomes that a person experiences. However, age did correlate with some telecommuting outcomes and gender did play a role in their significance. Also, some telecommuting outcomes correlated significantly with each other

    Situated Information and Communication Moralities : An Investigation into the Personal Use of the Internet in the Office Workplace

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    Cette thèse remet en question la perception négative, dominante dans la littérature et largement répandue dans les organisations, de l'utilisation personnelle d'Internet au travail. Une étude de cas a été réalisée auprès d’environ 80 d’employés et superviseurs dans un bureau d’un département du gouvernement canadien. La thèse confirme que, non seulement ces employés de bureau transgressaient-ils régulièrement des règles explicites conçus pour cadrer l’utilisation des technologies d’information et de communication (TIC), ces comportements étaient largement tolérés au sein du département. L’analyse des pratiques et interactions quotidiennes a révélé une relation entre des gestionnaires et leur personnel basée sur une confiance réciproque, mais pas absolue. Il ressort une moralité située fondée sur la promotion du professionnalisme et le maintien de la productivité. Le relâchement de contraintes organisationnelles autour de l’utilisation de l’Internet à des fins personnelles est utilisé comme outil de gestion par les superviseurs et cette flexibilité accrue est bien accueillie par les employés pour des raisons à la fois pragmatiques et psychologiques. Une sondage, des entretiens approfondis avec un certain nombre d’employés et gestionnaires et l’observation participante ont révélé un désir de paraître professionnel malgré les activités non liées au travail; une perception généralisée de l’utilisation d'Internet comme compensation informelle pour temps et effort; et un sens partagé de confiance entre des salariés et leurs superviseurs, ce qui favorise la satisfaction au travail et productivité. Avec ces observations, on offre des éléments de réponse pour expliquer comment les employés de bureau négocient ce qui est acceptable en termes de leur utilisation d’Internet non liée au travail, et comment les gestionnaires justifient leur application subjective des règles à ce sujet. Finalement, la recherche montre que l'utilisation personnelle d’Internet au travail peut rapporter des bénéfices et ne devrait donc pas toujours être vu comme du "cyber-loafing" ou du "time banditry" comme la littérature l’a principalement représentée depuis que l’Internet est arrivé massivement sur les lieux du travail. La forme et la faisabilité de restrictions organisationnelles sur ces pratiques devront faire objet de réflexion dans le contexte de brouillage accru de frontières entre le travail et la vie personnelle des employés de bureau du 21e siècle.This case-study investigation challenges the negative perception by organizations and researchers towards the personal use of the Internet in the workplace. While confirming that office employees in the field site were breaking explicit rules governing the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), this thesis provides evidence of informal relations between managers and their staff built on a tacit toleration of rule-violation. Their daily practices and interactions revealed a relationship that was shown to satisfy the conditions of a situated morality in promoting desired occupational identities and relaxing organizational constraints. Survey results, interview responses and observations of about 80 office workers and supervisors in a Canadian government department uncovered a desire to appear professional in spite of the non-work-related activity; Internet use as an informal compensation for time and effort; and a shared sense of trust to foster job satisfaction and productivity. Through these findings, answers are offered to explain how office workers negotiate what is acceptable in terms of non-work-related Internet use, and how supervisors justify their subjective enforcement of rules. Lastly, the research showed that personal Internet use in the workplace can yield positive outcomes and should not always be seen as “cyber-loafing” or “time banditry” as the literature has predominantly portrayed it since the Internet age entered the workplace. Lastly, this thesis raises questions as to the value of employee monitoring and organizational restrictions amid the increasing blurring of work and personal lives of 21st Century office workers

    Strategic information systems planning and information technology roadmapping: case study of a small primary forest products manufacturer in northern British Columbia

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    No abstract available.The original print copy of this thesis may be available here: http://wizard.unbc.ca/record=b130242
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