2,170 research outputs found

    Electronic Portfolios in the Classroom: Factors Impacting Teachers’ Integration of New Technologies and New Pedagogies

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    This article presents the findings of a study on the use of an electronic portfolio (EP) in 16 elementary classrooms across Canada. Using a mixed-methods approach, data were collected to understand how teachers used EPs in their classrooms, to what extent they integrated the EP into their practice, and the factors influencing their use. Using expectancy theory, findings indicate that low implementers experienced significant technical obstacles and/or were reluctant to change their established practices, whereas high implementers reported feeling supported by their administration, experiencing growth in their teaching practice, and using more pedagogical practices that support self-regulated learning as a result of the scaffolding provided by the software


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    Teachers play a significant role in integrating technology in schools, and motivated teachers reflect higher levels of technology use in their classroom. Learning students, especially in basic schools, become a new direction of research. The problem is some education systems for improving teaching process less use technology in the classes. In this paper, we present role of technology in the classroom for a learning process. We proposed two classes one of them enriched with technology another one without technology, after teaching the same subject for both students we take a test. The result shows that Average of students GPA in classroom technology is 83.3%, but in the classroom without technology decrease to 60.4%, the result of shows the learning increased 22.9% by using technology. Besides all students enjoyed in classroom technology and most of them learned more material with technology. The result of our paper shows that the classroom technology is more efficient to learn basic school students.  Article visualizations


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    In this paper, I would like to focus on Javanese language as indigenous language in Indonesia that needs to preserve and develop especially Javanese letters and naturalness conversation. This paper also describes important areas in which technology plays a role in language and culture revitalization and explores efforts made by Indigenous communities to preserve, maintain and revitalize their Indigenous language with the help of computer technology. Why Javanese language?, The Javanese language is becoming endangered, even though it is one of the compulsory subjects taught at Javanese schools. Students become unmotivated when they learn the language at school because of boring and irrelevant teaching and learning materials. Furthermore, their closest mentors such as teachers, parents and relatives cannot provide motivating conditions to learn the Javanese language. In order to preserve the Javanese language through education at schools, ICT-Web Design is an approach proposed for Javanese language learning. The students can learn the usage of Javanese language at a proper Javanese letters, level of politeness through a natural dialogue with ICT. An approach that is not new, but which has been under-utilized and has yet to be proven useful in Indigenous communities is the integration of technology to supplement efforts in Indigenous language education, revitalization and maintenance programs. Many Indigenous communities have embraced technologies, such as audio, video, multimedia, Internet and etc as a means to revitalize their language. However, the language revitalization employs the following categories: Indigenous language preservation; documentation and material development; and building communicative community can be applied to other Indigenous languages as well

    The Effect Of Sustainable Professional Development On The Competence And Performance Of Elementary School Teachers In Learning Innovation

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    The research aims to describe the effect of Continuing Professional Development (PKB) on the competence and performance of elementary school teachers in learning innovation, and analyze how much influence PKB has on the competence and performance of elementary school teachers in carrying out learning innovations. Quantitative research method with simple random sampling technique. The population is 116 people and the sample used is 90 respondents. The resulting instruments include: PKB planning, self-development, scientific publications and innovative works with indicators following and implementing training, workshops, seminars, making innovative works and scientific publications in teacher performance. While learning innovation is measured through learning programs, classroom management, mastery of teaching materials, use of methods, media and evaluation of learning. The application of reflective actions and the results of Classroom Action Research reports on a regular basis become a benchmark for more professional teacher performance. Statistical data shows that: 1) there is a positive and significant effect of the PKB variable on teacher competence by 9.28%, 2) there is a positive and significant effect of the PKB variable on teacher performance by 4.84% and 3) there is a positive and significant influence on teacher performance. Simultaneous PKB variable on teacher competence and performance is 14.12%. Continuing Professional Development has a significant influence on teacher competence and performance which can be designed, tested and measured by the relevant agencies and has a broad impact on the innovative culture of teacher learning during the pandemic

    The Role of Teachers in the Development of ICT-Based Learning Innovations

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    Abstrak: Di era industri 4.0, para pendidik dituntut untuk bisa mengembangkan inovasi pembelajaran pada setiap pertemuan tatap muka. Hal inilah yang mendorong banyak guru sekolah dasar untuk dapat menerapkan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi dan informasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sejauh mana para pendidik mengembangkan inovasi pembelajaran yaitu melalui adanya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK). Penelitian ini merujuk pada metode fenomenologi terhadap peristiwa yang terjadi dan merujuk juga terhadap refrensi buku sebagai penguat. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan memaparkan data-data melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, serta berdasarkan referensi dari buku dan jurnal. Hasil penelitian yang dicapai adalah sebanyak 30 pengajar mampu mengembangkan inovasi pembelajaran menggunakan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi berupa zoom, google meet, terms, Edmodo, dan youtube. Penelitian ini berkontribusi bagi para pendidik dalam pengguaan aplikasi media dalam teknologi komunikasi dan informasi di era industri 4.0.Abstract: In the era of industry 4.0, educators are required to be able to develop learning innovations in every face-to-face meeting, this is what encourages many elementary school teachers to be able to apply technology and information-based learning media. The purpose of this study is to find out the extent to which educators develop learning innovations through information and communication technology (ICT). This research refers to the phenomenological method of events that occur and to book references as reinforcement. This research uses descriptive qualitative method analysis by presenting data through interviews, observations, documentation, and based on references from books and journals. The results of the research were that as many as 30 teachers were able to develop learning innovations from communication and information technology in the form of zoom, google meet, terms, Edmodo, and YouTube. This research contributes to educators in using media applications in communication and information technology in the industrial era 4.0

    Coding for Indonesian elementary school students: parents’ perceptions

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    In the digital era, coding skills have become increasingly prevalent and are now taught in schools. This paper aims to illuminate parents' perceptions of coding education for elementary school students in Indonesia. The study focuses on eight parents who enrolled their children in a coding school in Central Java, Indonesia. To gather data, open-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The collected data were subsequently analyzed thematically. The study revealed that parents held positive perceptions of coding skills for elementary school students. This positivity stemmed from their awareness of the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the anticipation of the future impact of ICT skills, trust in the institution, and their children's interest in ICT. Furthermore, parents expressed positive perceptions of their children's progress, attributing it to improved coding skills and positive attitudes. They emphasized the importance of mutual collaboration and communication between parents and schools to enhance the learning experience. In addition to offering a coding curriculum, the school provided parents with up-to-date information about ICT through seminars and regular digital content distribution. The collaboration between the school and parents extended to establishing rules regarding the use of mobile phones and PCs to prevent potential harms from excessive device usage. This suggests that the success of coding education for children necessitates effective collaboration between parents and schools


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    The focus of this study is the development of an ICT training package for novice female primary teachers in Saudi Arabia. In recent years, the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia has placed a lot of importance on increasing the use of ICT within schools. Evidence suggests however that little attention has been paid to the provision of ICT training, particularly in primary education. Furthermore, in the general research literature; whilst there is much talk about the need for training, very little evidence is provided regarding what kind of training is effective. The purpose of this study therefore was to systematically design and evaluate an ICT training package that was informed by learning theory, research evidence and user needs. The study was conducted in two phases: 1) determining the ICT training needs of novice female primary teachers in Saudi Arabia; 2) designing, piloting and evaluating a training package based on identified needs and preferences, in-service teacher training literature and common learning theories in the field. In phase one, a qualitative survey that employed a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews was conducted. There were 135 participants in the questionnaire and 20 interviewees. The survey findings of revealed a great gap in both the technical and pedagogical skills of teachers. Furthermore, the data identified some factors that either limit or motivate teachers’ use of ICT. The participants’ preferences for their future ICT training were also determined. These results were used to inform the design of a training package. Key design features of the training package included: covering both technical and pedagogical content; using a blended approach that combined face-to-face and online delivery and using iv social constructivism and experiential learning to underpin its pedagogy. Twenty-two teachers participated in the pilot training. Evaluation data collected from a range of sources suggest that the teachers responded well to the design features of the training package and that the training had some positive influence on their practice. Using the literature review and the training needs data as well as the data generated from my own study I have identified five key design criteria that I believe can be applied to designing similar training packages in the future: Ownership; Shared learning; Contextualisation; Transformational potential and Evidence-based

    Empowerment of Junior High School Digital School Teachers in Kartasura on Making E-Modules

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    The use of unlimited computing power and data makes everything borderless and digital technology towards the era of reform 5.0. The purpose of the study was to find out how teacher empowerment at SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Kartasura Special Program is in making E-modules for digital classes. This type of research is qualitative-descriptive. Research methods with documentation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis with The results showed that the empowerment of teachers in the creation and development of E-modules carried out by SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Kartasura Special Program is by providing workshops on making E-modules and using the Flip PDF Professional Application and forming a special team for ICT assisted by the curriculum section at school in coordinating the obstacles that occur in learning using E-modules for digital classes and ICT becomes an additional subject in digital classes. Efforts to empower teachers themselves are by holding discussions between subject-associated friends often held by teachers in filling out plotting, and creativity for the creation and development of E-modules so that the continuity of material from classes VII, VIII, IX

    Gender Difference in the Knowledge and Adoption of Educational Technology by Faculty: The Case of a Business School in Jamaica

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    This paper seeks to inform our understanding of the role played by gender in the process of educational technology adoption in a business school in Jamaica. Gender difference studies in educational research are becoming popular but there are few studies in this domain in higher education, especially with respect to faculty. The research examines the expertise of faculty in educational technologies, as well as their adoption and non-adoption in using these technologies in teaching and learning. The study found that males accounted for 62% of faculty exhibiting high levels of expertise in educational technologies in comparison to 38% for the females. The level of adoption for males was statistically higher than females. In addition, the main enhancer was found to be “educational technologies have the potential to enhance teaching and learning” and the main barriers, “there is no reward from administration for using educational technologies in teaching”. The study reinforces the need for further research to assist with the formulation and implementation of the national policy on using educational technologies to enhance teaching and learning in Jamaic
