1,915 research outputs found

    ISOE-Newsletter / Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung. 2011, 3

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    Relaunch von isoe.de ++ Förderschwerpunkt SÖF geht in zweite Phase ++ Das ISOE ist im Frankfurter Nachhaltig - keitsforum ++ Projektabschluss: 3,7 Prozent Stromeinsparung durch Feedback ++ „Autos unter Strom“ er schienen ++ Daimler setzt Empfehlungen zu Elektromobilität um ++ Workshop zu transdisziplinärer Biodiver si tätsforschung in Brüssel ++ Stakeholder-Workshops im Projekt „Limnische Systeme der Zukunft“ ++ Postwachstums-Veranstaltung mit Angelika Zahrnt ++ SUSCO-Konferenz ++ Umweltsoziologen-Kongress in Frankfurt ++ Mit dem Spaziergangs - forscher durch die Stadt ++ Termine ++ Publikatione

    Zukunftsstudie : Elektromobilität Schweiz 2030

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    StudieNoch fristet der Markt für Elektromobilität in der Schweiz ein Nischendasein, doch er scheint sich zunehmend zu formieren. Allerdings sind die langfristigen Unsicherheiten für die Beteiligten gross. Mit dem Ziel, langfristiges Orientierungswissen für die beteiligten Akteure zu generieren, werden in dieser Studie qualitative Szenarien für privat und privat-gewerbliche Elektromobilität in der Schweiz im Jahr 2030 erarbeitet

    Neue Geschäftsmodelle zur Ladeinfrastruktur

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    Die häufig erwähnten neuen Geschäftsmodelle im Bereich der Mobilität können im Einzelfall helfen, die unterschiedlichen Kostenstrukturen verbrennungsmotorbasierter und elektrischer Fahrzeuge sowie technologische Unsicherheiten auszugleichen oder unterschiedliche Industrien zusammenzuführen. Dabei setzen die neuen Geschäftsmodelle vor allem an einer besseren Auslastung, einer erweiterten Nutzung, Zweitverwendungsmöglichkeiten oder der Akzeptanz des Produkts an. Überträgt man diese Stoßrichtungen auf die Ladeinfrastruktur, so werden zwar private Infrastrukturen niedriger Anschlussleistungen dominieren, jedoch können vereinzelte öffentliche Ladesäulen mit einfachen Abrechnungs-systemen und informationstechnischunterstützenden Applikationen die Akzep-tanz für die Ladung und Elektromobilität im Ganzen erhöhen. --Geschäftsmodelle,Elektrofahrzeuge,morphologischer Kasten

    Paving the way to electrified road transport - Publicly funded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in vehicles in Europe

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    The electrification of road transport or electro-mobility is seen by many as a potential game-changing technology that could have a significant influence on the future cost and environmental performance of personal individual mobility as well as short distance goods transport. While there is currently a great momentum vis-Ă -vis electro-mobility, it is yet unclear, if its deployment is economically viable in the medium to long term. Electromobility, in its early phase of deployment, still faces significant hurdles that need to be overcome in order to reach a greater market presence. Further progress is needed to overcome some of these hurdles. The importance of regulatory and financial support to emerging environmentally friendly transport technologies has been stressed in multiple occasions. The aim of our study was to collect the information on all on-going or recently concluded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, which received EU or national public funding with a budget >1mln Euro, in order to assess which of the electric drive vehicles (EDV) challenges are addressed by these projects and to identify potential gaps in the research, development, and demonstration (R, D & D) landscape in Europe. The data on R, D & D projects on electric and plug-in vehicles, which receive public funding, has been collected by means of (i) on-line research, (ii) validation of an inventory of projects at member state level through national contacts and (iii) validation of specific project information through distribution of project information templates among project coordinators. The type of information which was gathered for the database included: EDV component(s) targeted for R&D, location and scope of demo projects, short project descriptions, project budget and amount of public co-funding received, funding organisation, project coordinator,number and type of partners (i.e. utilities, OEMs, services, research institutions, local authorities), start and duration of the project. The validation process permitted the identification of additional projects which were not accounted for in the original online search. Statistical elaboration of the collected data was conducted. More than 320 R, D & D projects funded by the EU and Member states are listed and analyzed. Their total budgets add up to approximately 1.9 billion Euros. Collected data allowed also the development of an interactive emobility visualization tool, called EV-Radar, which portrays in an interactive way R&D and demonstration efforts for EDVs in Europe. It can be accessed under http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ev-radar.JRC.F.6-Energy systems evaluatio

    Scenario Planning with INKA 4: Electromobility in Germany

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    Vehicles powered by electricity are the future of mobility in Germany. At the present time, electromobility is rather hesitantly implemented in Germany, particularly due to concerns regarding charging infrastructure and battery power/technology. The purpose of this research project is to forecast – by using scenario planning techniques - how electromobility will influence the way we move in Germany by 2035. The outcome are three distinct scenarios that reflect the possible shift towards E-Mobility in Germany, especially taking into consideration the charging infrastructure, different battery technology and type of electric vehicle. In order to generate scientifically significant scenarios, input factors (Descriptors) were designed in accordance with the newest research findings from literature. Additionally, special ratios between all possible manifestations of input factors were defined, compared and evaluated

    Delphi-Expertenbefragung zu Smart Cities 2035

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    Smart City wird in der Schweiz als ein integratives Zukunftskonzept für fortschrittliche (Energie-)Städte verstanden. Bisher gibt es nur eine allgemeine Definition, eine Vielzahl von persönlichen Vorstellungen und einige Pilotprojekte. Im Rahmen einer Delphi-Befragung unter Fachexperten wurde der Begriff Smart City konkretisiert und erweitert. Die Studie zeigt u.a. die ersten Schritte auf dem Weg zu einer Smart City vom Konzept hin zur Umsetzung, die wichtigsten Akteure sowie die dabei auftretenden Treiber & Barrieren auf

    Electric Vehicle Procurement Decisions in Fleets : Results of a Case Study in South-Western Germany

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    In order to increase the market share of electric vehicles (EV) in Germany, further insights on actors and structures of EV specific procurement decisions for fleets are necessary. Our analysis focuses on vehicles registered by companies/organizations as they dominate new vehicle registrations in Germany. The following question is examined empirically: Which departments influence EV procurement decisions in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), in large-scale enterprises (LSE) and in public organizations (PO) and what are the differences compared to these departments' influences on internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV) procurement decisions? Our results show that EV procurement decisions of organizations in South-West Germany are decisively influenced by upper management levels and partly by organizations' fleet management departments. In small and medium-sized enterprises sales- and public relations departments have a major influence on EV procurement decisions. These findings are important for stakeholders interested in selling EVs or in designing policies that are more effective in influencing organizations' decision making concerning future EV procurement decisions

    Greening the Car? Conflict Dynamics within the German Platform for Electric Mobility

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    The environmental crisis due to air pollution, high CO2 emissions, noise from traffic and soil ceiling requires profound changes to the car-dependent transport system. This article examines the political dynamics of German transport politics, focusing on the National Platform for Electric Mobility (NPE), a high-level political forum that aimed to accelerate the run-up of the electric mobility market in Germany. The NPE provides an interesting case to study the strategies of stakeholders in influencing policy-making and shaping alternative pathways to the car-centered transport system. The paper focusses on actor constellations and the conflicts that arise within the NPE, as well as the temporal dynamics within the electric mobility debate. The findings suggest that the NPE contributed to a narrow understanding of mobility transformation based on road transport and electric cars, but that it is better described as ecological modernization. Within this narrow framework, a fundamental conflict unfolds between strong advocates versus those slowing down the ecological modernization of the car. A third group demands at least a partial departure from the automobile-centered model but remains marginalized within the NPE. Aside from this core conflict, members of the NPE struggled over the location for battery cell production, the introduction of a purchase grant known as the environmental bonus, and the expansion of battery recharging infrastructure. These issues illustrate that discussions within the NPE relate to the political debates about the future of mobility, which have intensified in Germany in recent years. However, the case of the NPE shows that high-level stakeholder platforms are not an adequate forum to legitimately deliberate and to practically contribute to a wider and more fundamental rethink of future mobility concepts. View Full-Tex

    Konzepte für die Zukunft : eine Delphi-Umfrage zu Smart Cities liefert konkrete Ansätze

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    Der Begriff «Smart City» wird in der Schweiz als ein integratives Zukunftskonzept für fortschrittliche (Energie-)Städte verstanden. Bisher existieren nur eine allgemeine Definition, eine Vielzahl von persönlichen Vorstellungen und einige Pilotprojekte. Im Rahmen einer Delphi-Befragung unter Fachexperten – durchgeführt von der ZHAW – wurde der Begriff Smart City konkretisiert und erweitert. Die Studie zeigt unter anderem die ersten Schritte auf dem Weg zu einer Smart City auf: vom Konzept zur Umsetzung, die wichtigsten Akteure sowie die dabei auftretenden Treiber und Barrieren
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