2,129 research outputs found

    Comparison Between Genetic Algorithm and Electromagnetism-Like Algorithm for Solving Inverse Kinematics

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    A comparison study between Electromagnetism-Like Algorithm (EM) and Genetic Algorithm (GA)has been presented in this work to solve the Inverse Kinematics (IK) of a four-link planar robot manipulator. The comparison is focused on some points for both algorithms like the accuracy of the results and the speed of convergence. Different target points have been taken to check the performance of each algorithm to solve the IK problem. The results showed that EM algorithm needs less population size and number of generations to get the true solution. There are multiple robot configurations at the goal points and both algorithms are able to find these solutions at each point. Self developed software simulator is used to display some of these solutions at each goal position

    Multilevel Thresholding for Image Segmentation Using an Improved Electromagnetism Optimization Algorithm

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    Image segmentation is considered one of the most important tasks in image processing, which has several applications in different areas such as; industry agriculture, medicine, etc. In this paper, we develop the electromagnetic optimization (EMO) algorithm based on levy function, EMO-levy, to enhance the EMO performance for determining the optimal multi-level thresholding of image segmentation. In general, EMO simulates the mechanism of attraction and repulsion between charges to develop the individuals of a population. EMO takes random samples from search space within the histogram of image, where, each sample represents each particle in EMO. The quality of each particle is assessed based on Otsu’s or Kapur objective function value. The solutions are updated using EMO operators until determine the optimal objective functions. Finally, this approach produces segmented images with optimal values for the threshold and a few number of iterations. The proposed technique is validated using different standard test images. Experimental results prove the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithm for image segmentation compared with well-known optimization methods

    Soft computing applied to optimization, computer vision and medicine

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    Artificial intelligence has permeated almost every area of life in modern society, and its significance continues to grow. As a result, in recent years, Soft Computing has emerged as a powerful set of methodologies that propose innovative and robust solutions to a variety of complex problems. Soft Computing methods, because of their broad range of application, have the potential to significantly improve human living conditions. The motivation for the present research emerged from this background and possibility. This research aims to accomplish two main objectives: On the one hand, it endeavors to bridge the gap between Soft Computing techniques and their application to intricate problems. On the other hand, it explores the hypothetical benefits of Soft Computing methodologies as novel effective tools for such problems. This thesis synthesizes the results of extensive research on Soft Computing methods and their applications to optimization, Computer Vision, and medicine. This work is composed of several individual projects, which employ classical and new optimization algorithms. The manuscript presented here intends to provide an overview of the different aspects of Soft Computing methods in order to enable the reader to reach a global understanding of the field. Therefore, this document is assembled as a monograph that summarizes the outcomes of these projects across 12 chapters. The chapters are structured so that they can be read independently. The key focus of this work is the application and design of Soft Computing approaches for solving problems in the following: Block Matching, Pattern Detection, Thresholding, Corner Detection, Template Matching, Circle Detection, Color Segmentation, Leukocyte Detection, and Breast Thermogram Analysis. One of the outcomes presented in this thesis involves the development of two evolutionary approaches for global optimization. These were tested over complex benchmark datasets and showed promising results, thus opening the debate for future applications. Moreover, the applications for Computer Vision and medicine presented in this work have highlighted the utility of different Soft Computing methodologies in the solution of problems in such subjects. A milestone in this area is the translation of the Computer Vision and medical issues into optimization problems. Additionally, this work also strives to provide tools for combating public health issues by expanding the concepts to automated detection and diagnosis aid for pathologies such as Leukemia and breast cancer. The application of Soft Computing techniques in this field has attracted great interest worldwide due to the exponential growth of these diseases. Lastly, the use of Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Networks, and Expert Systems in many everyday domestic appliances, such as washing machines, cookers, and refrigerators is now a reality. Many other industrial and commercial applications of Soft Computing have also been integrated into everyday use, and this is expected to increase within the next decade. Therefore, the research conducted here contributes an important piece for expanding these developments. The applications presented in this work are intended to serve as technological tools that can then be used in the development of new devices

    Inverse Kinematics Solution for Robot Manipulator based on Neural Network under Joint Subspace

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    Neural networks with their inherent learning ability have been widely applied to solve the robot manipulator inverse kinematics problems. However, there are still two open problems: (1) without knowing inverse kinematic expressions, these solutions have the difficulty of how to collect training sets, and (2) the gradient-based learning algorithms can cause a very slow training process, especially for a complex configuration, or a large set of training data. Unlike these traditional implementations, the proposed metho trains neural network in joint subspace which can be easily calculated with electromagnetism-like method. The kinematics equation and its inverse are one-to-one mapping within the subspace. Thus the constrained training sets can be easily collected by forward kinematics relations. For issue 2, this paper uses a novel learning algorithm called extreme learning machine (ELM) which randomly choose the input weights and analytically determines the output weights of the single hidden layer feedforward neural networks (SLFNs). In theory, this algorithm tends to provide the best generalization performance at extremely fast learning speed. The results show that the proposed approach has not only greatly reduced the computation time but also improved the precision

    Towards Intelligent Tire and Self-Powered Sensing Systems

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    Tires are the interface between a vehicle and the ground providing forces and isolation to the vehicle. For vehicle safety, stability, maintenance, and performance, it is vital to estimate or measure tire forces, inflation pressure, and contact friction coefficient. Estimation methods can predict tire forces to some extent however; they fail in harsh maneuvers and are dependent on road surface conditions for which there is no robust estimation method. Measurement devices for tire forces exist for vehicle testing but at the cost of tens of thousands of dollars. Tire pressure-monitoring sensors (TPMS) are the only sensors available in newer and higher end vehicles to provide tire pressure, but there are no sensors to measure road surface condition or tire forces for production vehicles. With the prospect of autonomous driving on roads in near future, it is paramount to make the vehicles safe on any driving and road condition. This is only possible by additional sensors to make up for the driver’s cognitive and sensory system. Measuring road condition and tire forces especially in autonomous vehicles are vital in their safety, reliability, and public confidence in automated driving. Real time measurement of road condition and tire forces in buses and trucks can significantly improve the safety of road transportation system, and in miming/construction and off-road vehicles can improve performance, tire life and reduce operational costs. In this thesis, five different types of sensors are designed, modelled, optimized and fabricated with the objective of developing an intelligent tire. In order to design these sensors,~both electromagnetic generator (EMG) and triboelectric nanogenerators (TENG) are used. In the first two initial designed sensors, with the combination of EMG and TENG into a single package, two hybridized sensors are fabricated with promising potential for self-powered sensing. The potential of developed sensors are investigated for tire-condition monitoring system (TCMS). Considering the impressive properties of TENG units of the developed hybridized devices, three different flexible nanogenerators, only based on this newly developed technology, are developed for TCMS. The design, modelling, working mechanism, fabrication procedure, and experimental results of these TENG sensors are fully presented for applications in TCMS. Among these three fabricated sensors, one of them shows an excellent capability for TCMS because of its high flexibility, stable and high electrical output,and an encapsulated structure. The high flexibility of developed TENG sensor is a very appealing feature for TCMS, which cannot be found in any available commercial sensor. The fabricated TENG sensors are used for developing an intelligent tire module to be eventually used for road testing. Several laboratory and road tests are performed to study the capability of this newly developed TENG-based sensor for tire-condition monitoring system. However the development of this sensor is in its early stage, it shows a promising potential for installation into the hostile environment of tires and measuring tire-road interacting forces. A comparative studies are provided with respect to Michigan Scientific transducer to investigate the potential of this flexible nanogenerator for TCMS. It is worth mentioning that this PhD thesis presents one of the earliest works on the application of TENG-based sensor for a real-life system. Also, the potential of commercially available thermally and mechanically durable Micro Fiber Composite (MFC) sensor is experimentally investigated for TCMS with fabricating another set of intelligent tire. Several testing scenarios are performed to examine the potential of these sensors for TCMS taking into account a simultaneous measurement from Michigan Scientific transducer. Although both flexibility and the cost of this sensor is not comparable with the fabricated TENG device, they have shown a considerable and reliable performance for online measuring of tire dynamical parameters in different testing scenarios, as they can be used for both energy harvesting and sensing application in TCMS. The extensive road testing results based on the MFC sensors provide a valuable set of data for future research in TCMS. It is experimentally shown that MFC sensor can generate up to 1.4 μW\mu W electrical power at the speed of 28 [kph][kph]. This electrical output shows the high capability of this sensor for self-powered sensing application in TCMS. Results of this thesis can be used as a framework by researchers towards self-powered sensing system for real-world applications such as intelligent tires

    Exact and non-exact procedures for solving the response time variability problem (RTVP)

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat curs 2009-2010, àmbit d’Enginyeria IndustrialCuando se ha de compartir un recurso entre demandas (de productos, clientes, tareas, etc.) competitivas que requieren una atención regular, es importante programar el derecho al acceso del recurso de alguna forma justa de manera que cada producto, cliente o tarea reciba un acceso al recurso proporcional a su demanda relativa al total de las demandas competitivas. Este tipo de problemas de secuenciación pueden ser generalizados bajo el siguiente esquema. Dados n símbolos, cada uno con demanda di (i = 1,...,n), se ha de generar una secuencia justa o regular donde cada símbolo aparezca di veces. No existe una definición universal de justicia, ya que puede haber varias métricas razonables para medirla según el problema específico considerado. En el Problema de Variabilidad en el Tiempo de Respuesta, o Response Time Variability Problem (RTVP) en inglés, la injusticia o irregularidad de una secuencia es medida como la suma, para todos los símbolos, de sus variabilidades en las distancias en que las copias de cada símbolo son secuenciados. Así, el objetivo del RTVP es encontrar la secuencia que minimice la variabilidad total. En otras palabras, el objetivo del RTVP es minimizar la variabilidad de los instantes en que los productos, clientes o trabajos reciben el recurso necesario. Este problema aparece en una amplia variedad de situaciones de la vida real; entre otras, secuenciación en líneas de modelo-mixto bajo just-in-time (JIT), en asignación de recursos en sistemas computacionales multi-hilo como sistemas operativos, servidores de red y aplicaciones mutimedia, en el mantenimiento periódico de maquinaria, en la recolección de basura, en la programación de comerciales en televisión y en el diseño de rutas para agentes comerciales con múltiples visitas a un mismo cliente. En algunos de estos problemas la regularidad no es una propiedad deseable por sí misma, si no que ayuda a minimizar costes. De hecho, cuando los costes son proporcionales al cuadrado de las distancias, el problema de minimizar costes y el RTVP son equivalentes. El RTVP es muy difícil de resolver (se ha demostrado que es NP-hard). El tamaño de las instancias del RTVP que pueden ser resueltas óptimamente con el mejor método exacto existente en la literatura tiene un límite práctico de 40 unidades. Por otro lado, los métodos no exactos propuestos en la literatura para resolver instancias mayores consisten en heurísticos simples que obtienen soluciones rápidamente, pero cuya calidad puede ser mejorada. Por tanto, los métodos de resolución existentes en la literatura son insuficientes. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es mejorar la resolución del RTVP. Este objetivo se divide en los dos siguientes subobjetivos : 1) aumentar el tamaño de las instancias del RTVP que puedan ser resueltas de forma óptima en un tiempo de computación práctico, y 2) obtener de forma eficiente soluciones lo más cercanas a las óptimas para instancias mayores. Además, la tesis tiene los dos siguientes objetivos secundarios: a) investigar el uso de metaheurísticos bajo el esquema de los hiper-heurísticos, y b) diseñar un procedimiento sistemático y automático para fijar los valores adecuados a los parámetros de los algoritmos. Se han desarrollado diversos métodos para alcanzar los objetivos anteriormente descritos. Para la resolución del RTVP se ha diseñado un método exacto basado en la técnica branch and bound y el tamaño de las instancias que pueden resolverse en un tiempo práctico se ha incrementado a 55 unidades. Para instancias mayores, se han diseñado métodos heurísticos, metaheurísticos e hiper-heurísticos, los cuales pueden obtener soluciones óptimas o casi óptimas rápidamente. Además, se ha propuesto un procedimiento sistemático y automático para tunear parámetros que aprovecha las ventajas de dos procedimientos existentes (el algoritmo Nelder & Mead y CALIBRA).When a resource must be shared between competing demands (of products, clients, jobs, etc.) that require regular attention, it is important to schedule the access right to the resource in some fair manner so that each product, client or job receives a share of the resource that is proportional to its demand relative to the total of the competing demands. These types of sequencing problems can be generalized under the following scheme. Given n symbols, each one with demand di (i = 1,...,n), a fair or regular sequence must be built in which each symbol appears di times. There is not a universal definition of fairness, as several reasonable metrics to measure it can be defined according to the specific considered problem. In the Response Time Variability Problem (RTVP), the unfairness or the irregularity of a sequence is measured by the sum, for all symbols, of their variabilities in the positions at which the copies of each symbol are sequenced. Thus, the objective of the RTVP is to find the sequence that minimises the total variability. In other words, the RTVP objective is to minimise the variability in the instants at which products, clients or jobs receive the necessary resource. This problem appears in a broad range of real-world areas. Applications include sequencing of mixed-model assembly lines under just-in-time (JIT), resource allocation in computer multi-threaded systems such as operating systems, network servers and media-based applications, periodic machine maintenance, waste collection, scheduling commercial videotapes for television and designing of salespeople's routes with multiple visits, among others. In some of these problems the regularity is not a property desirable by itself, but it helps to minimise costs. In fact, when the costs are proportional to the square of the distances, the problem of minimising costs and the RTVP are equivalent. The RTVP is very hard to be solved (it has been demonstrated that it is NP-hard). The size of the RTVP instances that can be solved optimally with the best exact method existing in the literature has a practical limit of 40 units. On the other hand, the non-exact methods proposed in the literature to solve larger instances are simple heuristics that obtains solutions quickly, but the quality of the obtained solutions can be improved. Thus, the solution methods existing in the literature are not enough to solve the RTVP. The main objective of this thesis is to improve the resolution of the RTVP. This objective is split in the two following sub-objectives: 1) to increase the size of the RTVP instances that can be solved optimally in a practical computing time; and 2) to obtain efficiently near-optimal solutions for larger instances. Moreover, the thesis has the following two secondary objectives: a) to research the use of metaheuristics under the scheme of hyper-heuristics, and b) to design a systematic, hands-off procedure to set the suitable values of the algorithm parameters. To achieve the aforementioned objectives, several procedures have been developed. To solve the RTVP an exact procedure based on the branch and bound technique has been designed and the size of the instances that can be solved in a practical time has been increased to 55 units. For larger instances, heuristic, heuristic, metaheuristic and hyper-heuristic procedures have been designed, which can obtain optimal or near-optimal solutions quickly. Moreover, a systematic, hands-off fine-tuning method that takes advantage of the two existing ones (Nelder & Mead algorithm and CALIBRA) has been proposed.Award-winningPostprint (published version
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