106 research outputs found

    Ultra-compact plasmonic modulator for optical inteconnects

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    This work aims to design a CMOS compatible, low-electrical power consumption modulator assisted by plasmons. For compactness and reduction of the electrical power consumption, electro-absorption based on the Franz-Keldysh effect in Germanium was chosen for modulation. It consists in the change of the absorption coefficient of the material near the band edge under the application of a static electric field, hence producing a direct modulation of the light intensity. The use of plasmons allows enhancing the electro-optical effect due to the high field confinement. An integrated electro-optical simulation tool was developed to design and optimize the modulator. The designed plasmonic modulator has an extinction ratio of 3.3 dB with insertion losses of 13.2 dB and electrical power consumption as low as 20 fJ/bit, i.e. the lowest electrical power consumption reported for silicon photonic modulators. In- and out-coupling to a standard silicon waveguide was also engineered by the means of an optimized Si-Ge taper, reducing the coupling losses to only 1 dB per coupler. Besides, an experimental work was carried out to try to shift the Franz-Keldysh effect, which is maximum at 1650 nm, to lower wavelength close to 1.55 {\mu}m for telecommunication applications.Comment: 235 pages, 155 figures, and 28 tables. Published version: see https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01154052, https://www.theses.fr/2014PA112353, and https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01154052. Related works: see https://doi.org/10.1364/oe.22.011236, https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.25.010070, and https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.455491. Keywords: Silicon Photonics; Plasmonics; Modulator

    ATTO: Wireless Networking at Fiber Speed

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    ATTO targets wireless networking at fiber speed: 100 Gb/s/m(2) with latencies smaller than 10 mu s. To provide this tremendous wireless capacity, ultrasmall floor-integrated cells are proposed. In this way, short-reach communication can be established, reducing the effect of interference and providing full frequency reuse in the wireless domain. Radio frequency (RF)-overfiber coherent communication and a dedicated 2-D passive optical network structure support the interconnection and selection of the cells and minimize the required transceiver electronics. To evaluate the feasibility of the proposed architecture, key principles are validated at lower frequency bands. Two main building blocks are addressed in this paper: a fully passive opto-antenna to prove that a passive remote antenna head can be realized owing to the short transmission distances. Furthermore, a low-cost RF-overfiber system is demonstrated: sigma-delta modulation drives nonlinear optical modulators, such as electroabsorption modulators and vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, using a digital transmitter while remaining compatible with the passive opto-antenna. Finally, two important properties of the ATTO floor are evaluated. The exposure of a human body model to RF fields by the antenna floor. Measurements ensure a 200-fold margin with respect to the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection basic restriction. To guarantee that multiple devices can communicate with the ATTO floor simultaneously, the interference between cells spaced 300 mm apart was evaluated

    Dispositifs électrooptique assistés plasmon en silicium

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    Bien que les propriétés optiques des métaux nanostructurés soit connues depuis de nombreuses décennies, ce n'est que dans les dernières années que ce domaine a suscité un grand intérêt. Ceci est en partie dû aux nombreux progrès des techniques de nanofabrication. Le domaine de la plasmonique est souvent présentée comme la support de la prochaine génération de dispositifs de traitement de l'information, mélageant la nanoélectronique et la photonique silicium pour obtenir des disposotifs plus performants. Les systèmes microélectroniques actuels approchant de la saturation en terme de bande passante et de consomation énergétique, la migration vers les systèmes photoniques semble inévitable. La prédiction de la réponse électromagnétique de ces composants nano-photoniques est essentiels au succès de leur intégration réaliste. Les outils numériques de simulation électromagnétiques sont le moyen par excellence de calculer précisement er de manière réaliste les propriétés optiques de composants nanophotoniques, et en particulier ceux utilisant des plasmons de surface. Ce travail de thèse rend compte de l'analyse numérique de la propagation et des caractéristiques de champ proche de composants à base de plasmons pour la photonique en technologie CMOS. Les deux principaux outils de modélisation EM utilisés à cet égard sont la méthode des éléments des moments, ainsi que la FDTD. Deux types principaux de dispositifs actifs plasmoniques actifs ont été étudiés: d'une part les modulateurs électro-optiques intégrés et d'autre part des détecteurs à base de quantum dot de Ge, le tout dans la gamme du proche infrarouge. La question cruciale d'un couplage efficace de la lumière dans un mode très confiné plasmonique a d'abord été étudiée de manière à isoler la part modale des principales contributions. Ensuite, une nouvelle structure de modulateur assisté plasmon a été proposée et une conception optique complète prenant en compte les contraintes technologiques d'une fonderie CMOS est proposée et discutée. Enfin une conception optimisée du couplage radiatif de l'absorption d'un point de Ge, en utilisant une antenne dipolaire plasmonique, est étudiée. En particulier, l'ingénierie radiative du substrat SOI permet de démontrer un effet considérable sur la performance finale du dispositif.Interest in the eld of plasmonics has been primarily driven by the need to guide and con ne light in the subwavelength scale. The past few years has witnessed a huge interest in this eld largely due to the may advances that have occured in nanofabrication techniques. The eld of plasmonics is often touted as the next generation platform that could interface nanoscale electronics and Si photonics. With current electronic systems nearing saturation, the migration to photonic systems would become inevitable. Crucial to achieving this integration is to design reliable plasmonic components within nanophotonics circuits. This however requires an accurate estimation of the electromagnetic response of these components. Numerical modeling tools are one way to gauge this response. By and large the thesis deals with numerically analysing the propagation and near eld characteristics of plasmon based components for Si photonics. The two principal EM modelling tools used in this regard are the boundary element method as well as the nite di erence time domain.Two main kind of active plasmonic active devices were investigated: integrated modulators, and free space radiation photodetectors. The critical issue of an e cient coupling of light into a very con ned guided plasmonic mode was rst investigated so as to isolate the main modal governing contributions. Next, a new structure of plasmon assisted modulator was proposed and a complete optical design taking into the technological constraints of a CMOS foundry is provided and discussed. Finally a design optimizing the radiative coupling to the absorption of a Ge dot, using a plasmonic dipolar antenna, is studied. In particular the radiative engineering of the supporting SOI substrate is shown to have a tremendousSAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Modulateur plasmonique ultra-compact pour les interconnexions optiques sur silicium

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    This work aims to design a CMOS compatible, low-electrical power consumption modulator assisted by plasmons. For compactness and reduction of the electrical power consumption, electro-absorption based on the Franz-Keldysh effect in Germanium was chosen for modulation. It consists in the change of the absorption coefficient of the material near the band edge under the application of a static electric field, hence producing a direct modulation of the light intensity. The use of plasmons allows enhancing the electro-optical effect due to the high field confinement. An integrated electro-optical simulation tool was developed to design and optimize the modulator. The designed plasmonic modulator has an extinction ratio of 3.3 dB with insertion losses of 13.2 dB and electrical power consumption as low as 20 fJ/bit, i.e. the lowest electrical power consumption reported for silicon photonic modulators. In- and out-coupling to a standard silicon waveguide was also engineered by the means of an optimized Si-Ge taper, reducing the coupling losses to only 1 dB per coupler. Besides, an experimental work was carried out to try to shift the Franz-Keldysh effect, which is maximum at 1650 nm, to lower wavelength close to 1.55 μm for telecommunication applications.Ce travail vise à concevoir un modulateur optique assisté par plamsons, compatible CMOS et à faible consommation électrique. L’électro-absorption, basée sur l’effet Franz-Keldysh dans le germanium, a été choisie comme principe de modulation pour réduire la taille du dispositif et la consommation d'énergie électrique associée. L’effet Franz-Keldysh se traduit par un changement du coefficient d'absorption du matériau près du bord de bande sous l'application d'un champ électrique statique, d'où la production d'une modulation directe de l'intensité lumineuse. L'utilisation de plasmons permet en principe d’augmenter l'effet électro-optique en raison du fort confinement du mode optique. Un outil de simulation électro-optique intégré a été développé pour concevoir et optimiser le modulateur. Le modulateur plasmonique proposé a un taux d'extinction de 3.3 dB avec des pertes d'insertion de 11.2 dB et une consommation électrique de seulement 20 fJ/bit, soit la plus faible consommation électrique décrite pour les modulateurs photoniques sur silicium. Le couplage du modulateur à un guide silicium standard en entrée et en sortie a également été optimisé par l’introduction d'un adaptateur de mode Si-Ge optimisé, réduisant les pertes de couplage à seulement 1 dB par coupleur. Par ailleurs, un travail expérimental a été effectué pour tenter de déplacer l'effet Franz-Keldysh, maximum à 1650 nm, à de plus faibles longueurs d'onde proches de 1.55 μm pour des applications aux télécommunications optiques

    Development of Photonic Devices Based on the Strained Silicon Technology

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    [ES] En la última década, la plataforma de silicio ha emergido como la plataforma por excelencia para desarrollar circuitos fotónicos integrados debido a su versatilidad, la posibilidad de miniaturización y de una producción de bajo coste y a gran escala compatible con los sistemas CMOS ("complementary metal-oxide semiconductor"). La conversión de señales eléctricas a alta velocidad en señales ópticas es una función crítica hoy en día tanto para el procesamiento de datos como en el ámbito de las telecomunicaciones. La forma más eficaz de implementar actualementeuna ,modulación electro-óptica ultra-rápida se basa en el efecto Pockels que, de hecho,se encuentra en el corazón de los moduladores comerciales basados en niobato de litio y polímeros. Sin embargo, la implementación de esta funcionalidad se ve impedida en la plataforma de silicio debido a la simetría de inversión de la red cristalina del silicio. En este contexto, el silicio deformado surgió hace más de un decenio como una solución revolucionaria para romper esa centrosimetría y, de ese modo, hacer emerger no-linealidades de segundo orden en el propio silicio. Sin embargo, y a pesar de los alentadores resultados iniciales, estudios posteriores cuestionaron el origen de las respuestas obtenidas, achacando dichos resultados principalmente al efecto de dispersión de plasma. De hecho, más tarde se puso de manifiesto la presencia de varios factores limitantes y, más recientemente, se estimó que el valor del coeficiente χ(2) debía encontrarse en torno a varios pm/V. El trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis tiene como objetivo contribuir a impulsar el campo de silicio deformado mediante la investigación y el abordaje de dichos factores limitantes para, de esta fora, conseguir un efecto Pockels eficiente. Además, las características de captura de carga libre observadas en las estructuras de silicio deformado se han explotado para desarrollar un dispositivo fotónico no volátil.[CA] En l'última dècada, la plataforma de silici ha emergit com la plataforma per excelència per a desenvolupar circuits fotònics integrats a causa de la seua versatilitat i la possibilitat de miniaturització i d'una producció de baix cost i a gran escala compatible amb els sistemes CMOS ("complementary metall-oxide semiconductor"). La conversió de senyals elèctrics a alta velocitat en senyals òptics és una funció crítica hui dia tant per al processament de dades com en l'àmbit de les telecomunicacions. La forma més eficaç d'implementar una modulació electro-òptica ultra-ràpida actualemente es basa en l'efecte *Pockels, que de fet,es troba en el cor dels moduladors comercials basats en el niobato de liti i polímers. No obstant això, la implementació d'aquesta funcionalitat es veu impedida en la plataforma de silici degut a la simetria d'inversió de la xarxa cristal·lina del silici. En aquest context, el silici deformat va sorgir fa més d'un decenni com una solució revolucionària per a trencar aqueixa centrosimetría i, d'aqueixa manera, fer emergir no-linealitats de segon ordre en el propi silici. No obstant això, malgrat els encoratjadors resultats inicials, estudis posteriors van qüestionar l'origen de la resposta obtinguda, atribuint-la principalment a aquest efecte de dispersió de plasma. De fet, més tard es va posar en relleu la presència de diversos factors limitants i, més recentment, es va estimar un valor de χ(2) en el rang de diversos pm/V. El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi té com a objectiu contribuir a impulsar el camp de silici deformat mitjançant la investigació i l'abordatge d'aquests factors limitants per a aconseguir un efecte Pockels eficient. A més, les característiques de captura de càrrega lliure observades en les estructures de silici deformat s'han explotat per a desenvolupar un dispositiu fotònic no volàtil.[EN] In the last decade, silicon has emerged as the platform of choice for developing photonic integrated circuits due to its versatility, small footprint and the possibility of a low cost, large-scale CMOS compatible production. The conversion of high-speed electrical signals into optical digital data is a critical function for modern data communication technology. The most effective way for enabling ultra-fast electro-optical modulation is currently based on the Pockels effect, which is the basis of commercial modulators based on lithium niobate and polymers. However, the implementation of such functionality is prevented in the silicon platform due to the inversion symmetry of the silicon lattice. In this context, strained silicon emerged more than a decade ago as a revolutionary solution for breaking that centrosymmetry and, thus, allowing Pockels effect in the silicon material itself. However, despite the encouraging results from initial findings, following studies questioned the origin of the measured electro-optic response. In fact, the presence of several limiting factors was also later highlighted and a rather low strain induced χ(2) in the range of several pm/V was more recently estimated. The work developed on this thesis aims at contributing to push forward the strained silicon field by investigating and tackling such limiting factors to enable an efficient Pockels effect. Furthermore, the trapping properties observed in strained silicon structures have been exploited to develop a non-volatile photonic device.Olivares Sánchez-Mellado, I. (2021). Development of Photonic Devices Based on the Strained Silicon Technology [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/167055TESI

    Active and Passive Plasmonic Devices for Optical Communications

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    In this book, novel plasmonic devices are designed and demonstrated. In particular, an ultra-compact phase modulator is reported by exploiting plasmonics and Pockels effect in electro-optic organic materials. An absorption modulator with a length of few micrometers is designed and demonstrated. To efficiently interface plasmonics with low loss silicon photonics, novel photonic-to-plasmonic mode converters were developed. Finally, a new ultra-compact polarization beam splitter (PBS) is presented

    Development of high-performance, cost-effective quantum dot lasers for data-centre and Si photonics applications

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    Photonic technologies have been considered new methods to achieve high bandwidth data communication and transmission. Si-photonics was proposed to address the discrepancy between bulky photonic devices and advanced electronics and create high-density integrated photonics. One of the challenges is integrating all the components necessary for full-functionality photonic integrated circuits (PIC). Great efforts have been devoted to overcoming the inherent limitations of Group-IV materials to provide sufficient gain, efficient modulation and sensitive detections. Making Si the host material for efficient light emission poses the most stringent requirements and is the primary missing component in the Si-photonics platform. Incorporating III-V materials with the Si photonics platform and quantum dot (QD) structure is a promising solution to the problem of a fully-integrated and high-functioning PIC. High-performance QD lasers on III-V substrate or epitaxially on silicon have been developed in the last few decades with low threshold current density, low-temperature sensitivity, great reliability and large injection efficiency. Moreover, from the dynamic aspect, the intrinsic frequency of direct modulated laser and noise intensity is important for its applications in a data centre. QD is considered an alternative to quantum wells (QWs); however, the demonstrated QD laser has not fulfilled initial expectations, mainly due to its high gain compression and low differential gain. Another feature that needs to be noticed is feedback sensitivity, as the properties of semiconductor lasers are greatly degraded by reflection from external reflectors, such as the fibre connects and facets of integrated devices. QD devices are predicted to have stronger feedback resistance due to their large damping and small linewidth enhancement factor (LEF). These properties have attracted much research, and high-performance QD devices have been developed. In this thesis, we comprehensively investigated QD laser performance and applied our QD laser in the optical module instead of the commercial QW distributed feedback (DFB) laser. The background of Si photonics, the development of QD devices, and the fundamentals of QD lasers are presented in Chapter 1. The basic static and dynamic performances are demonstrated in Chapters 2 and 3. The GaAs-based QD laser provides a low threshold, high-temperature stability, and low noise operation with a limited small signal bandwidth. Chapter 4 provides a comprehensive study of the feedback resistance of the QD laser. The onset of coherence collapse is determined as -14 dB, verified by the static optical and electrical spectra and small signal response. Based on previous measurements, the QD laser is proven to be a high-performance, low-cost candidate for the Si-photonics module. In Chapter 5, the QD laser is used in practical applications, including a large signal transmission system with and without feedback and a commercial optical module. Although the intrinsic bandwidth of the QD laser is limited to around 5GHz due to the large damping and unoptimised capacitance, 30 Gbps data transmission has been demonstrated by a directly modulated QD laser. Large, high-speed signal modulation is achieved due to its high gain compression factor. Regarding the laser with intentional feedback, there is little degradation in the eye diagram under the whole feedback level up to -8dB. We also replaced the commercial QW DFB laser in 100G data-centre reach (DR)-1 optical module with our QD Fabry Perot (FP) laser without an isolator which gives a clear eye diagram under 53 Gbps 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) with an extinction ratio (ER) of 4.7 dB. In conclusion, this thesis verifies the feasibility of adopting the QD laser as a light source for the Si-photonics module. The QD laser is selected over other lasers because of its low threshold, high-temperature stability and maximum operating temperature, and strong tolerance to unintentional feedback. This is the first project to measure critical feedback levels with different characteristics and to theoretically analyse the inconsistent value. More importantly, this thesis’ most original contribution is investigating the commercial applications of QD lasers in a Si-photonics module in an isolator-free state. In summary, the QD laser has been proven to be a feasible solution for the next-generation optical system
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