932 research outputs found

    LogBase: A Scalable Log-structured Database System in the Cloud

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    Numerous applications such as financial transactions (e.g., stock trading) are write-heavy in nature. The shift from reads to writes in web applications has also been accelerating in recent years. Write-ahead-logging is a common approach for providing recovery capability while improving performance in most storage systems. However, the separation of log and application data incurs write overheads observed in write-heavy environments and hence adversely affects the write throughput and recovery time in the system. In this paper, we introduce LogBase - a scalable log-structured database system that adopts log-only storage for removing the write bottleneck and supporting fast system recovery. LogBase is designed to be dynamically deployed on commodity clusters to take advantage of elastic scaling property of cloud environments. LogBase provides in-memory multiversion indexes for supporting efficient access to data maintained in the log. LogBase also supports transactions that bundle read and write operations spanning across multiple records. We implemented the proposed system and compared it with HBase and a disk-based log-structured record-oriented system modeled after RAMCloud. The experimental results show that LogBase is able to provide sustained write throughput, efficient data access out of the cache, and effective system recovery.Comment: VLDB201

    Which NoSQL Database? A Performance Overview

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    NoSQL data stores are widely used to store and retrieve possibly large amounts of data, typically in a key-value format. There are many NoSQL types with different performances, and thus it is important to compare them in terms of performance and verify how the performance is related to the database type. In this paper, we evaluate five most popular NoSQL databases: Cassandra, HBase, MongoDB, OrientDB and Redis. We compare those databases in terms of query performance, based on reads and updates, taking into consideration the typical workloads, as represented by the Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark. This comparison allows users to choose the most appropriate database according to the specific mechanisms and application needs

    In-Memory Databases

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá databázami pracujúcimi v pamäti a tiež konceptmi, ktoré boli vyvinuté na vytvorenie takýchto systémov, pretože dáta sú v týchto databázach uložené v hlavnej pamäti, ktorá je schopná spracovať data niekoľkokrát rýchlejšie, ale je to súčasne nestabilné pamäťové medium. Na podloženie týchto konceptov je v práci zhrnutý vývoj databázových systémov od počiatku ich vývoja až do súčasnosti. Prvými databázovými typmi boli hierarchické a sieťové databázy, ktoré boli už v 70. rokoch 20. storočia nahradené prvými relačnými databázami ktorých vývoj trvá až do dnes a v súčastnosti sú zastúpené hlavne OLTP a OLAP systémami. Ďalej sú spomenuté objektové, objektovo-relačné a NoSQL databázy a spomenuté je tiež rozširovanie Big Dát a možnosti ich spracovania. Pre porozumenie uloženia dát v hlavnej pamäti je predstavená pamäťová hierarchia od registrov procesoru, cez cache a hlavnú pamäť až po pevné disky spolu s informáciami o latencii a stabilite týchto pamäťových médií. Ďalej sú spomenuté možnosti usporiadania dát v pamäti a je vysvetlené riadkové a stĺpcové usporiadanie dát spolu s možnosťami ich využitia pre čo najvyšší výkon pri spracovaní dát. V tejto sekcii sú spomenuté aj kompresné techniky, ktoré slúžia na čo najúspornejšie využitie priestoru hlavnej pamäti. V nasledujúcej sekcii sú uvedené postupy, ktoré zabezpečujú, že zmeny v týchto databázach sú persistentné aj napriek tomu, že databáza beží na nestabilnom pamäťovom médiu. Popri tradičných technikách zabezpečujúcich trvanlivosť zmien je predstavený koncept diferenciálnej vyrovnávacej pamäte do ktorej sa ukladajú všetky zmeny v a taktiež je popísaný proces spájania dát z tejto vyrovnávacej pamäti a dát z hlavného úložiska. V ďalšej sekcii práce je prehľad existujúcich databáz, ktoré pracujú v pamäti ako SAP HANA, Times Ten od Oracle ale aj hybridných systémov, ktoré pracujú primárne na disku, ale sú schopné pracovať aj v pamäti. Jedným z takýchto systémov je SQLite. Táto sekcia porovnáva jednotlivé systémy, hodnotí nakoľko využívajú koncepty predstavené v predchádzajúcich kapitolách, a na jej konci je tabuľka kde sú prehľadne zobrazené informácie o týchto systémoch. Ďalšie časti práce sa týkajú už samotného testovania výkonnosti týchto databáz. Zo začiatku sú popísané testovacie dáta pochádzajúce z DBLP databázy a spôsob ich získania a transformácie do použiteľnej formy pre testovanie. Ďalej je popísaná metodika testovania, ktorá sa deli na dve časti. Prvá časť porovnáva výkon databázy pracujúcej v disku s databázou pracujúcou v pamäti. Pre tento účel bola využitá databáza SQLite a možnosť spustenia databázy v pamäti. Druhá časť testovania sa zaoberá porovnaním výkonu riadkového a stĺpcového usporiadania dát v databáze pracujúcej v pamäti. Na tento účel bola využitá databáza SAP HANA, ktorá umožňuje ukladať dáta v oboch usporiadaniach. Výsledkom práce je analýza výsledkov, ktoré boli získané pomocou týchto testov.This bachelor thesis deals with in-memory databases and concepts that were developed to create such systems. To lay the base ground for in-memory concepts, the thesis summarizes the development of the most used database systems. The data layouts like the column and the row layout are introduced together with the compression and storage techniques used to maintain persistence of the in-memory databases. The other parts contain the overview of the existing in-memory database systems and describe the benchmarks used to test the performance of the in-memory databases. At the end, the thesis analyses the results of benchmarks.

    Evaluating Riak Key Value Cluster for Big Data

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    NoSQL database has become an important alternative to traditional relational databases. Those databases are prepared by the management of large, continuously and variably changing data sets. They are widely used in cloud databases and distributed systems. With NoSQL databases, static schemes and many other restrictions are avoided. In the era of big data, such databases provide scalable high availability solutions. Their key-value feature allows fast retrieval of data and the ability to store a lot of it. There are many kinds of NoSQL databases with various performances. Therefore, comparing those different types of databases in terms of performance and verifying the relationship between performance and database type has become very important. In this paper, we test and evaluate the Riak key-value database for big data clusters using benchmark tools, where huge amounts of data are stored and retrieved in different sizes in a distributed database environment. Execution times of the NoSQL database over different types of workloads and different sizes of data are compared. The results show that the Riak key-value is stable in execution time for both small and large amounts of data, and the throughput performance increases as the number of threads increases

    A Comparative Analysis of ASCII and XML Logging Systems

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    This research compares XML and ASCII based event logging systems in terms of their storage and processing efficiency. XML has been an emerging technology, even for security. Therefore, it is researched as a logging system with the mitigation of its verbosity. Each system consists of source content, the network transmission, database storage, and querying which are all studied as individual parts. The ASCII logging system consists of the text file as source, FTP as transport, and a relational database system for storage and querying. The XML system has the XML files and XML files in binary form using Efficient XML Interchange encoding, FTP as transport using both XML and binary XML, and an XML database for storage and querying. Further comparisons are made between the XML itself and binary XML, as well as binary XML to ASCII text when comparing file sizes and transmission efficiency. XML itself is a poor choice for hard drive and network transport time compared to ASCII. However, in a binary form, it uses less hard drive space and network resources. Because no XML databases support a binary XML, it is loaded without any optimization. The ASCII loads into the relational database with less time than XML into its database. However, querying each database, neither outperforms the other as one query results in shorter time for one, and another query results in a shorter time for the other. Therefore, XML and/or its binary form, is a viable candidate for use as a comprehensive logging system

    Letter from the Special Issue Editor

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    Editorial work for DEBULL on a special issue on data management on Storage Class Memory (SCM) technologies

    Efficient Transaction Processing in SAP HANA Database: The End of a Column Store Myth

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    The SAP HANA database is the core of SAP's new data management platform. The overall goal of the SAP HANA database is to provide a generic but powerful system for different query scenarios, both transactional and analytical, on the same data representation within a highly scalable execution environment. Within this paper, we highlight the main features that differentiate the SAP HANA database from classical relational database engines. Therefore, we outline the general architecture and design criteria of the SAP HANA in a first step. In a second step, we challenge the common belief that column store data structures are only superior in analytical workloads and not well suited for transactional workloads. We outline the concept of record life cycle management to use different storage formats for the different stages of a record. We not only discuss the general concept but also dive into some of the details of how to efficiently propagate records through their life cycle and moving database entries from write-optimized to read-optimized storage formats. In summary, the paper aims at illustrating how the SAP HANA database is able to efficiently work in analytical as well as transactional workload environments

    SAP HANA Platform

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    Tato práce pojednává o databázi pracující v paměti nazývané SAP HANA. Detailně popisuje architekturu a nové technologie, které tato databáze využívá. V další části se zabývá porovnáním rychlosti provedení vkládání a vybírání záznamů z databáze se stávající používanou relační databází MaxDB. Pro účely tohoto testování jsem vytvořil jednoduchou aplikaci v jazyce ABAP, která umožňuje testy provádět a zobrazuje jejich výsledky. Ty jsou shrnuty v poslední kapitole a ukazují SAP HANA jako jednoznačně rychlejší ve vybírání dat, avšak srovnatelnou, či pomalejší při vkládání dat do databáze. Přínos mé práce vidím v shrnutí podstatných změn, které s sebou data uložená v paměti přináší a názorné srovnání rychlosti provedení základních typů dotazů.This thesis discusses the in-memory database called SAP HANA. It describes in detail the architecture and new technologies used in this type of database. The next section presents a comparison of speed of the inserting and selecting data from the database with existing relational database MaxDB. For the purposes of this testing I created a simple application in ABAP language, which allows user to perform and display their results. These are summarized in the last chapter and demonstrate SAP HANA as clearly faster during selection of data, but comparable, or slower when inserting data into the database. I see contribution of my work in the summary of significant changes that come with data stored in the main memory and brings comparison of speed of basic types of queries.

    Growth of relational model: Interdependence and complementary to big data

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    A database management system is a constant application of science that provides a platform for the creation, movement, and use of voluminous data. The area has witnessed a series of developments and technological advancements from its conventional structured database to the recent buzzword, bigdata. This paper aims to provide a complete model of a relational database that is still being widely used because of its well known ACID properties namely, atomicity, consistency, integrity and durability. Specifically, the objective of this paper is to highlight the adoption of relational model approaches by bigdata techniques. Towards addressing the reason for this in corporation, this paper qualitatively studied the advancements done over a while on the relational data model. First, the variations in the data storage layout are illustrated based on the needs of the application. Second, quick data retrieval techniques like indexing, query processing and concurrency control methods are revealed. The paper provides vital insights to appraise the efficiency of the structured database in the unstructured environment, particularly when both consistency and scalability become an issue in the working of the hybrid transactional and analytical database management system