20 research outputs found

    Filtrado adaptativo multicanal para control local de campo sonoro basado en algoritmos de proyección afín

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    Esta Tesis doctoral se ha centrado en el desarrollo e implementación de algoritmos eficientes multicanal, basados en el algoritmo de proyección afín, aplicados al control activo de ruido. Para abordar esta cuestión primeramente se han estudiado diferentes algoritmos eficientes de proyección afín que han sido analizados y validados mediante simulación, finalizando con la implementación, en un recinto, de un sistema real de control activo de ruido multicanal ejecutado en un DSP controlado por dichos algoritmos. En los últimos años, los algoritmos de proyección afín han sido propuestos como algoritmos de control en sistemas adaptativos, que pretenden mejorar la velocidad de convergencia de los algoritmos basados en el LMS, siendo una alternativa eficiente, robusta y estable frente a estos algoritmos, cuya limitación principal es, precisamente, la velocidad de convergencia. Los algoritmos de proyección afín pueden ser considerados como una extensión natural del algoritmo NLMS, ya que éste actualiza sus coeficientes basándose en un único vector de datos de la señal de entrada mientras que los algoritmos de proyección afín actualizan los coeficientes de los filtros adaptativos usando N vectores de datos de la señal de entrada (siendo N el orden de proyección). Se han dedicado muchos esfuerzos para tratar de optimizar la eficiencia computacional de estos algoritmos aplicados al problema de la cancelación de eco, surgiendo diferentes versiones eficientes del algoritmo de proyección afín. Sin embargo, al aplicarlo al control activo de ruido, es necesario reducir aún más la complejidad computacional, teniendo en cuenta que, por lo general, la eficiencia computacional se consigue a costa de la degradación de alguna otra característica del algoritmo (generalmente la velocidad de convergencia). En este trabajo se presentan algunas alternativas a versiones eficientes existentes, que no degradan significativamente las prestaciones de dicho algoritmo, y se analiza cómo reducir aúnFerrer Contreras, M. (2008). Filtrado adaptativo multicanal para control local de campo sonoro basado en algoritmos de proyección afín [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/3796Palanci

    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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    Temperature aware power optimization for multicore floating-point units

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    Proceedings of the second "international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST'14)

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    The implicit objective of the biennial "international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST) is to foster collaboration between international scientific teams by disseminating ideas through both specific oral/poster presentations and free discussions. For its second edition, the iTWIST workshop took place in the medieval and picturesque town of Namur in Belgium, from Wednesday August 27th till Friday August 29th, 2014. The workshop was conveniently located in "The Arsenal" building within walking distance of both hotels and town center. iTWIST'14 has gathered about 70 international participants and has featured 9 invited talks, 10 oral presentations, and 14 posters on the following themes, all related to the theory, application and generalization of the "sparsity paradigm": Sparsity-driven data sensing and processing; Union of low dimensional subspaces; Beyond linear and convex inverse problem; Matrix/manifold/graph sensing/processing; Blind inverse problems and dictionary learning; Sparsity and computational neuroscience; Information theory, geometry and randomness; Complexity/accuracy tradeoffs in numerical methods; Sparsity? What's next?; Sparse machine learning and inference.Comment: 69 pages, 24 extended abstracts, iTWIST'14 website: http://sites.google.com/site/itwist1

    Generalized linear-in-parameter models : theory and audio signal processing applications

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    This thesis presents a mathematically oriented perspective to some basic concepts of digital signal processing. A general framework for the development of alternative signal and system representations is attained by defining a generalized linear-in-parameter model (GLM) configuration. The GLM provides a direct view into the origins of many familiar methods in signal processing, implying a variety of generalizations, and it serves as a natural introduction to rational orthonormal model structures. In particular, the conventional division between finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filtering methods is reconsidered. The latter part of the thesis consists of audio oriented case studies, including loudspeaker equalization, musical instrument body modeling, and room response modeling. The proposed collection of IIR filter design techniques is submitted to challenging modeling tasks. The most important practical contribution of this thesis is the introduction of a procedure for the optimization of rational orthonormal filter structures, called the BU-method. More generally, the BU-method and its variants, including the (complex) warped extension, the (C)WBU-method, can be consider as entirely new IIR filter design strategies.reviewe

    On the modelization of optical devices: from dielectric cavities to radiating structures

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    Premièrement, nous allons explorer la modélisation des cavités diélectriques bidimensionnelles. Plus spécifiquement, nous allons développer différentes méthodes de modélisation valides pour des cavités diélectriques à géométrie et profil d’indice de réfraction arbitraires. Ce degré de liberté supplémentaire pourra être utilisé dans le design de microcavités pour des applications spécifiques. Un formalisme de diffusion permettra de définir les modes caractéristiques de ce type de structure et d’en calculer les résonances. Une analyse numérique des équations résultantes montrera que les méthodes intégrales sont possiblement meilleures que les méthodes différentielles. Deuxièmement, nous discuterons de la modélisation de structures radiatives. Nous utiliserons les méthodes développées dans la section précédente pour modéliser les propriétés lasers des microcavités bidimensionnelles prédites par la théorie SALT. Nous aborderons aussi la modélisation de fibres-antennes RF, plus particulièrement les câbles coaxiaux à perte radiative, dans le but d’intégrer des fonctionnalités radio dans un textile de manière transparente à l’utilisateur.In this essay, we will develop different modelization techniques valid for bidimensional dielectric cavities having arbitrary geometries and refractive index profiles and provide a way to accurately compute the resonances of such structures. The refractive index thus becomes an additional design variable for dielectric cavities. A numerical analysis of of the underlying equations of the theory will reveal that perhaps it is best to forego differential equations in favour of integral ones for the scattering problem. In the second part, we will discuss the modelization of radiating structures. Using the formalism developed in the previous section, we will study the lasing properties of bidimensional cavities using the newly developed self-consistent ab initio laser theory (SALT). We will also touch on the modelization of the class of antenna known as leaky coa

    Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the SMC2010 - 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21st - July 24th 2010

    Hardware-Conscious Wireless Communication System Design

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    The work at hand is a selection of topics in efficient wireless communication system design, with topics logically divided into two groups.One group can be described as hardware designs conscious of their possibilities and limitations. In other words, it is about hardware that chooses its configuration and properties depending on the performance that needs to be delivered and the influence of external factors, with the goal of keeping the energy consumption as low as possible. Design parameters that trade off power with complexity are identified for analog, mixed signal and digital circuits, and implications of these tradeoffs are analyzed in detail. An analog front end and an LDPC channel decoder that adapt their parameters to the environment (e.g. fluctuating power level due to fading) are proposed, and it is analyzed how much power/energy these environment-adaptive structures save compared to non-adaptive designs made for the worst-case scenario. Additionally, the impact of ADC bit resolution on the energy efficiency of a massive MIMO system is examined in detail, with the goal of finding bit resolutions that maximize the energy efficiency under various system setups.In another group of themes, one can recognize systems where the system architect was conscious of fundamental limitations stemming from hardware.Put in another way, in these designs there is no attempt of tweaking or tuning the hardware. On the contrary, system design is performed so as to work around an existing and unchangeable hardware limitation. As a workaround for the problematic centralized topology, a massive MIMO base station based on the daisy chain topology is proposed and a method for signal processing tailored to the daisy chain setup is designed. In another example, a large group of cooperating relays is split into several smaller groups, each cooperatively performing relaying independently of the others. As cooperation consumes resources (such as bandwidth), splitting the system into smaller, independent cooperative parts helps save resources and is again an example of a workaround for an inherent limitation.From the analyses performed in this thesis, promising observations about hardware consciousness can be made. Adapting the structure of a hardware block to the environment can bring massive savings in energy, and simple workarounds prove to perform almost as good as the inherently limited designs, but with the limitation being successfully bypassed. As a general observation, it can be concluded that hardware consciousness pays off

    Variational image fusion

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    The main goal of this work is the fusion of multiple images to a single composite that offers more information than the individual input images. We approach those fusion tasks within a variational framework. First, we present iterative schemes that are well-suited for such variational problems and related tasks. They lead to efficient algorithms that are simple to implement and well-parallelisable. Next, we design a general fusion technique that aims for an image with optimal local contrast. This is the key for a versatile method that performs well in many application areas such as multispectral imaging, decolourisation, and exposure fusion. To handle motion within an exposure set, we present the following two-step approach: First, we introduce the complete rank transform to design an optic flow approach that is robust against severe illumination changes. Second, we eliminate remaining misalignments by means of brightness transfer functions that relate the brightness values between frames. Additional knowledge about the exposure set enables us to propose the first fully coupled method that jointly computes an aligned high dynamic range image and dense displacement fields. Finally, we present a technique that infers depth information from differently focused images. In this context, we additionally introduce a novel second order regulariser that adapts to the image structure in an anisotropic way.Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Fusion mehrerer Bilder zu einem Einzelbild, das mehr Informationen bietet als die einzelnen Eingangsbilder. Wir verwirklichen diese Fusionsaufgaben in einem variationellen Rahmen. Zunächst präsentieren wir iterative Schemata, die sich gut für solche variationellen Probleme und verwandte Aufgaben eignen. Danach entwerfen wir eine Fusionstechnik, die ein Bild mit optimalem lokalen Kontrast anstrebt. Dies ist der Schlüssel für eine vielseitige Methode, die gute Ergebnisse für zahlreiche Anwendungsbereiche wie Multispektralaufnahmen, Bildentfärbung oder Belichtungsreihenfusion liefert. Um Bewegungen in einer Belichtungsreihe zu handhaben, präsentieren wir folgenden Zweischrittansatz: Zuerst stellen wir die komplette Rangtransformation vor, um eine optische Flussmethode zu entwerfen, die robust gegenüber starken Beleuchtungsänderungen ist. Dann eliminieren wir verbleibende Registrierungsfehler mit der Helligkeitstransferfunktion, welche die Helligkeitswerte zwischen Bildern in Beziehung setzt. Zusätzliches Wissen über die Belichtungsreihe ermöglicht uns, die erste vollständig gekoppelte Methode vorzustellen, die gemeinsam ein registriertes Hochkontrastbild sowie dichte Bewegungsfelder berechnet. Final präsentieren wir eine Technik, die von unterschiedlich fokussierten Bildern Tiefeninformation ableitet. In diesem Kontext stellen wir zusätzlich einen neuen Regularisierer zweiter Ordnung vor, der sich der Bildstruktur anisotrop anpasst