911 research outputs found

    Fast Power and Energy Efficiency Analysis of FPGA-based Wireless Base-band Processing

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    Nowadays, demands for high performance keep on increasing in the wireless communication domain. This leads to a consistent rise of the complexity and designing such systems has become a challenging task. In this context, energy efficiency is considered as a key topic, especially for embedded systems in which design space is often very constrained. In this paper, a fast and accurate power estimation approach for FPGA-based hardware systems is applied to a typical wireless communication system. It aims at providing power estimates of complete systems prior to their implementations. This is made possible by using a dedicated library of high-level models that are representative of hardware IPs. Based on high-level simulations, design space exploration is made a lot faster and easier. The definition of a scenario and the monitoring of IP's time-activities facilitate the comparison of several domain-specific systems. The proposed approach and its benefits are demonstrated through a typical use case in the wireless communication domain.Comment: Presented at HIP3ES, 201

    Fast, Accurate and Detailed NoC Simulations

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    Network-on-Chip (NoC) architectures have a wide variety of parameters that can be adapted to the designer's requirements. Fast exploration of this parameter space is only possible at a high-level and several methods have been proposed. Cycle and bit accurate simulation is necessary when the actual router's RTL description needs to be evaluated and verified. However, extensive simulation of the NoC architecture with cycle and bit accuracy is prohibitively time consuming. In this paper we describe a simulation method to simulate large parallel homogeneous and heterogeneous network-on-chips on a single FPGA. The method is especially suitable for parallel systems where lengthy cycle and bit accurate simulations are required. As a case study, we use a NoC that was modelled and simulated in SystemC. We simulate the same NoC on the described FPGA simulator. This enables us to observe the NoC behavior under a large variety of traffic patterns. Compared with the SystemC simulation we achieved a speed-up of 80-300, without compromising the cycle and bit level accuracy

    Standart-konformes Snapshotting fĂŒr SystemC Virtuelle Plattformen

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    The steady increase in complexity of high-end embedded systems goes along with an increasingly complex design process. We are currently still in a transition phase from Hardware-Description Language (HDL) based design towards virtual-platform-based design of embedded systems. As design complexity rises faster than developer productivity a gap forms. Restoring productivity while at the same time managing increased design complexity can also be achieved through focussing on the development of new tools and design methodologies. In most application areas, high-level modelling languages such as SystemC are used in early design phases. In modern software development Continuous Integration (CI) is used to automatically test if a submitted piece of code breaks functionality. Application of the CI concept to embedded system design and testing requires fast build and test execution times from the virtual platform framework. For this use case the ability to save a specific state of a virtual platform becomes necessary. The saving and restoring of specific states of a simulation requires the ability to serialize all data structures within the simulation models. Improving the frameworks and establishing better methods will only help to narrow the design gap, if these changes are introduced with the needs of the engineers and developers in mind. Ultimately, it is their productivity that shall be improved. The ability to save the state of a virtual platform enables developers to run longer test campaigns that can even contain randomized test stimuli. If the saved states are modifiable the developers can inject faulty states into the simulation models. This work contributes an extension to the SoCRocket virtual platform framework to enable snapshotting. The snapshotting extension can be considered a reference implementation as the utilization of current SystemC/TLM standards makes it compatible to other frameworkds. Furthermore, integrating the UVM SystemC library into the framework enables test driven development and fast validation of SystemC/TLM models using snapshots. These extensions narrow the design gap by supporting designers, testers and developers to work more efficiently.Die stetige Steigerung der KomplexitĂ€t eingebetteter Systeme geht einher mit einer ebenso steigenden KomplexitĂ€t des Entwurfsprozesses. Wir befinden uns momentan in der Übergangsphase vom Entwurf von eingebetteten Systemen basierend auf Hardware-Beschreibungssprachen hin zum Entwurf ebendieser basierend auf virtuellen Plattformen. Da die EntwurfskomplexitĂ€t rasanter steigt als die ProduktivitĂ€t der Entwickler, entsteht eine Kluft. Die ProduktivitĂ€t wiederherzustellen und gleichzeitig die gesteigerte EntwurfskomplexitĂ€t zu bewĂ€ltigen, kann auch erreicht werden, indem der Fokus auf die Entwicklung neuer Werkzeuge und Entwurfsmethoden gelegt wird. In den meisten Anwendungsgebieten werden Modellierungssprachen auf hoher Ebene, wie zum Beispiel SystemC, in den frĂŒhen Entwurfsphasen benutzt. In der modernen Software-Entwicklung wird Continuous Integration (CI) benutzt um automatisiert zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen, ob eine eingespielte Änderung am Quelltext bestehende FunktionalitĂ€ten beeintrĂ€chtigt. Die Anwendung des CI-Konzepts auf den Entwurf und das Testen von eingebetteten Systemen fordert schnelle Bau- und Test-AusfĂŒhrungszeiten von dem genutzten Framework fĂŒr virtuelle Plattformen. FĂŒr diesen Anwendungsfall wird auch die FĂ€higkeit, einen bestimmten Zustand der virtuellen Plattform zu speichern, erforderlich. Das Speichern und Wiederherstellen der ZustĂ€nde einer Simulation erfordert die Serialisierung aller Datenstrukturen, die sich in den Simulationsmodellen befinden. Das Verbessern von Frameworks und Etablieren besserer Methodiken hilft nur die Entwurfs-Kluft zu verringern, wenn diese Änderungen mit BerĂŒcksichtigung der BedĂŒrfnisse der Entwickler und Ingenieure eingefĂŒhrt werden. Letztendlich ist es ihre ProduktivitĂ€t, die gesteigert werden soll. Die FĂ€higkeit den Zustand einer virtuellen Plattform zu speichern, ermöglicht es den Entwicklern, lĂ€ngere Testkampagnen laufen zu lassen, die auch zufĂ€llig erzeugte Teststimuli beinhalten können oder, falls die gespeicherten ZustĂ€nde modifizierbar sind, fehlerbehaftete ZustĂ€nde in die Simulationsmodelle zu injizieren. Mein mit dieser Arbeit geleisteter Beitrag beinhaltet die Erweiterung des SoCRocket Frameworks um Checkpointing FunktionalitĂ€t im Sinne einer Referenzimplementierung. Weiterhin ermöglicht die Integration der UVM SystemC Bibliothek in das Framework die Umsetzung der testgetriebenen Entwicklung und schnelle Validierung von SystemC/TLM Modellen mit Hilfe von Snapshots

    A Cross-level Verification Methodology for Digital IPs Augmented with Embedded Timing Monitors

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    Smart systems are characterized by the integration in a single device of multi-domain subsystems of different technological domains, namely, analog, digital, discrete and power devices, MEMS, and power sources. Such challenges, emerging from the heterogeneous nature of the whole system, combined with the traditional challenges of digital design, directly impact on performance and on propagation delay of digital components. This article proposes a design approach to enhance the RTL model of a given digital component for the integration in smart systems with the automatic insertion of delay sensors, which can detect and correct timing failures. The article then proposes a methodology to verify such added features at system level. The augmented model is abstracted to SystemC TLM, which is automatically injected with mutants (i.e., code mutations) to emulate delays and timing failures. The resulting TLM model is finally simulated to identify timing failures and to verify the correctness of the inserted delay monitors. Experimental results demonstrate the applicability of the proposed design and verification methodology, thanks to an efficient sensor-aware abstraction methodology, by applying the flow to three complex case studies
