50 research outputs found

    How to empower GrĂŒnwald–Letnikov fractional difference equations with available initial condition?

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    In this paper, the initial condition independence property of GrĂŒnwald–Letnikov fractional difference is revealed for the first time. For example, the solution x(k) of equation aG∇kαx(k) = f(x(k)),  k > a + 1, cannot be calculated with initial condition x(a). First, the initial condition independence property is carefully investigated in both time domain and frequency domain. Afterwards, some possible schemes are formulated to make the considered system connect to initial condition. Armed with this information, the concerned property is examined on three modified GrĂŒnwald–Letnikov definitions. Finally, results from illustrative examples demonstrate that the developed schemes are sharp

    Monte Carlo method for fractional order differentiation

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    In this work the Monte Carlo method is introduced for numerical evaluation of fractional-order derivatives. A general framework for using this method is presented and illustrated by several examples. The proposed method can be used for numerical evaluation of the GrĂŒnwald-Letnikov fractional derivatives, the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives, and also of the Caputo fractional derivatives, when they are equivalent to the Riemann-Liouville derivatives. The proposed method can be enhanced using standard approaches for the classic Monte Carlo method, and it also allows easy parallelization, which means that it is of high potential for applications of the fractional calculus

    Fractional Calculus as Modelling Tool

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    Cancer is a complex disease, responsible for a significant portion of global deaths. The increasing prioritisation of know-why over know-how approaches in biological research has favoured the rising use of both white- and black-box mathematical techniques for cancer modelling, seeking to better grasp the multi-scale mechanistic workings of its complex phenomena (such as tumour-immune interactions, drug resistance, tumour growth and diffusion, etc.). In light of this wide-ranging use of mathematics in cancer modelling, the unique memory and non-local properties of Fractional Calculus (FC) have been sought after in the last decade to replace ordinary differentiation in the hypothesising of FC’s superior modelling of complex oncological phenomena, which has been shown to possess an accumulated knowledge of its past states. As such, this review aims to present a thorough and structured survey about the main guiding trends and modelling categories in cancer research, emphasising in the field of oncology FC’s increasing employment in mathematical modelling as a whole. The most pivotal research questions, challenges and future perspectives are also outlined.publishersversionpublishe

    Preconditioned fast solvers for large linear systems with specific sparse and/or Toeplitz-like structures and applications

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    In this thesis, the design of the preconditioners we propose starts from applications instead of treating the problem in a completely general way. The reason is that not all types of linear systems can be addressed with the same tools. In this sense, the techniques for designing efficient iterative solvers depends mostly on properties inherited from the continuous problem, that has originated the discretized sequence of matrices. Classical examples are locality, isotropy in the PDE context, whose discrete counterparts are sparsity and matrices constant along the diagonals, respectively. Therefore, it is often important to take into account the properties of the originating continuous model for obtaining better performances and for providing an accurate convergence analysis. We consider linear systems that arise in the solution of both linear and nonlinear partial differential equation of both integer and fractional type. For the latter case, an introduction to both the theory and the numerical treatment is given. All the algorithms and the strategies presented in this thesis are developed having in mind their parallel implementation. In particular, we consider the processor-co-processor framework, in which the main part of the computation is performed on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) accelerator. In Part I we introduce our proposal for sparse approximate inverse preconditioners for either the solution of time-dependent Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Chapter 3, and Fractional Differential Equations (FDEs), containing both classical and fractional terms, Chapter 5. More precisely, we propose a new technique for updating preconditioners for dealing with sequences of linear systems for PDEs and FDEs, that can be used also to compute matrix functions of large matrices via quadrature formula in Chapter 4 and for optimal control of FDEs in Chapter 6. At last, in Part II, we consider structured preconditioners for quasi-Toeplitz systems. The focus is towards the numerical treatment of discretized convection-diffusion equations in Chapter 7 and on the solution of FDEs with linear multistep formula in boundary value form in Chapter 8

    Preconditioned fast solvers for large linear systems with specific sparse and/or Toeplitz-like structures and applications

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    In this thesis, the design of the preconditioners we propose starts from applications instead of treating the problem in a completely general way. The reason is that not all types of linear systems can be addressed with the same tools. In this sense, the techniques for designing efficient iterative solvers depends mostly on properties inherited from the continuous problem, that has originated the discretized sequence of matrices. Classical examples are locality, isotropy in the PDE context, whose discrete counterparts are sparsity and matrices constant along the diagonals, respectively. Therefore, it is often important to take into account the properties of the originating continuous model for obtaining better performances and for providing an accurate convergence analysis. We consider linear systems that arise in the solution of both linear and nonlinear partial differential equation of both integer and fractional type. For the latter case, an introduction to both the theory and the numerical treatment is given. All the algorithms and the strategies presented in this thesis are developed having in mind their parallel implementation. In particular, we consider the processor-co-processor framework, in which the main part of the computation is performed on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) accelerator. In Part I we introduce our proposal for sparse approximate inverse preconditioners for either the solution of time-dependent Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Chapter 3, and Fractional Differential Equations (FDEs), containing both classical and fractional terms, Chapter 5. More precisely, we propose a new technique for updating preconditioners for dealing with sequences of linear systems for PDEs and FDEs, that can be used also to compute matrix functions of large matrices via quadrature formula in Chapter 4 and for optimal control of FDEs in Chapter 6. At last, in Part II, we consider structured preconditioners for quasi-Toeplitz systems. The focus is towards the numerical treatment of discretized convection-diffusion equations in Chapter 7 and on the solution of FDEs with linear multistep formula in boundary value form in Chapter 8

    Good (and Not So Good) practices in computational methods for fractional calculus

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    The solution of fractional-order differential problems requires in the majority of cases the use of some computational approach. In general, the numerical treatment of fractional differential equations is much more difficult than in the integer-order case, and very often non-specialist researchers are unaware of the specific difficulties. As a consequence, numerical methods are often applied in an incorrect way or unreliable methods are devised and proposed in the literature. In this paper we try to identify some common pitfalls in the use of numerical methods in fractional calculus, to explain their nature and to list some good practices that should be followed in order to obtain correct results

    Particle swarm optimization with fractional-order velocity

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    This paper proposes a novel method for controlling the convergence rate of a particle swarm optimization algorithm using fractional calculus (FC) concepts. The optimization is tested for several well-known functions and the relationship between the fractional order velocity and the convergence of the algorithm is observed. The FC demonstrates a potential for interpreting evolution of the algorithm and to control its convergence

    Applications of equivalent representations of fractional- and integer-order linear time-invariant systems

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    Nicht-ganzzahlige - fraktionale - Ableitungsoperatoren beschreiben Prozesse mit GedĂ€chtniseffekten, deshalb werden sie zur Modellierung verschiedenster PhĂ€nomene, z.B. viskoelastischen Verhaltens, genutzt. In der Regelungstechnik wird das Konzept vor allem wegen des erhöhten Freiheitsgrades im Frequenzbereich verwendet. Deshalb wurden in den vergangenen Dekaden neben einer Verallgemeinerung des PID-Reglers auch fortgeschrittenere Regelungskonzepte auf nicht-ganzzahlige Operatoren erweitert. Das GedĂ€chtnis der nicht-ganzzahligen Ableitung ist zwar essentiell fĂŒr die Modellbildung, hat jedoch Nachteile, wenn z.B. ZustĂ€nde geschĂ€tzt oder Regler implementiert werden mĂŒssen: Das GedĂ€chtnis fĂŒhrt zu einer langsamen, algebraischen Konvergenz der Transienten und da eine numerische Approximation ist speicherintensiv. Im Zentrum der Arbeit steht die Frage, mit welchen Maßnahmen sich das Konvergenzverhalten dieser nicht ganzzahligen Systeme beeinflussen lĂ€sst. Es wird vorgeschlagen, die Ordnung der nicht ganzzahligen Ableitung zu Ă€ndern. ZunĂ€chst werden Beobachter fĂŒr verschiedene Klassen linearer zeitinvarianter Systeme entworfen. Die Entwurfsmethodik basiert dabei auf einer assoziierten Systemdarstellung, welche einen Differenzialoperator mit höherer Ordnung verwendet. Basierend auf dieser Systembeschreibung können Beobachter entworfen werden, welche das GedĂ€chtnis besser mit einbeziehen und so schneller konvergieren. Anschließend werden ganzzahlige lineare zeitinvariante Systeme mit Hilfe nicht-ganzzahliger Operatoren dargestellt. Dies ermöglicht eine erhöhte Konvergenz im Zeitintervall direkt nach dem Anfangszeitpunkt auf Grund einer unbeschrĂ€nkten ersten Ableitung. Die periodische Löschung des so eingefĂŒhrten GedĂ€chtnisses wird erzielt, indem die nicht ganzzahlige Dynamik periodisch zurĂŒckgesetzt wird. Damit wird der algebraischen Konvergenz entgegen gewirkt und exponentielle StabilitĂ€t erzielt. Der Reset reduziert den Speicherbedarf und induziert eine unterlagerte zeitdiskrete Dynamik. Diese bestimmt die StabilitĂ€t des hybriden nicht-ganzzahligen Systems und kann genutzt werden um den Frequenzgang fĂŒr niedrige Frequenzen zu bestimmen. So lassen sich Beobachter und Regler fĂŒr ganzzahlige System entwerfen. Im Rahmen des Reglerentwurfs können durch den Resets das Verhalten fĂŒr niedrige und hohe Frequenzen in gewissen Grenzen getrennt voneinander entworfen werden.Non-integer, so-called fractional-order derivative operators allow to describe systems with infinite memory. Hence they are attractive to model various phenomena, e.g. viscoelastic deformation. In the field of control theory, both the higher degree of freedom in the frequency domain as well as the easy generalization of PID control have been the main motivation to extend various advanced control concepts to the fractional-order domain. The long term memory of these operators which helps to model real life phenomena, has, however, negative effects regarding the application as controllers or observers. Due to the infinite memory, the transients only decay algebraically and the implementation requires a lot of physical memory. The main focus of this thesis is the question of how to influence the convergence rates of these fractional-order systems by changing the type of convergence. The first part is concerned with the observer design for different classes of linear time-invariant fractional-order systems. We derive associated system representations with an increased order of differentiation. Based on these systems, the observers are designed to take the unknown memory into account and lead to higher convergence rates. The second part explores the representation of integer-order linear time-invariant systems in terms of fractional-order derivatives. The application of the fractional-order operator introduces an unbounded first-order derivative at the initial time. This accelerates the convergence for a short time interval. With periodic deletion of the memory - a reset of the fractional-order dynamics - the slow algebraic decay is avoided and exponential stability can be achieved despite the fractional-order terms. The periodic reset leads to a reduced implementation demand and also induces underlying discrete time dynamics which can be used to prove stability of the hybrid fractional-order system and to give an interpretation of the reset in the frequency domain for the low frequency signals. This concept of memory reset is applied to design an observer and improve fractional-order controllers for integer-order processes. For the controller design this gives us the possibility to design the high-frequency response independently from the behavior at lower frequencies within certain limits