8 research outputs found

    Localization of Copy-Move Forgery in speech signals through watermarking using DCT-QIM

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    Digital speech copyright protection and forgery identification are the prevalent issues in our advancing digital world. In speech forgery, voiced part of the speech signal is copied and pasted to a specific location which alters the meaning of the speech signal. Watermarking can be used to safe guard the copyrights of the owner. To detect copy-move forgeries a transform domain watermarking method is proposed. In the proposed method, watermarking is achieved through Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) rule. Hash bits are also inserted in watermarked voice segments to detect Copy-Move Forgery (CMF) in speech signals. Proposed method is evaluated on two databases and achieved good imperceptibility. It exhibits robustness in detecting the watermark and forgeries against signal processing attacks such as resample, low-pass filtering, jittering, compression and cropping. The proposed work contributes for forensics analysis in speech signals. This proposed work also compared with the some of the state-of-art methods


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    Di era globalisasi saat ini lebih mudah untuk mengakses informasi melalui berbagai media. Sehingga banyak ditemukan kasus pelanggaran hak cipta. Penelitian ini menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut yaitu dengan mengaplikasikan teknik watermarking. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perbaikan tingkat akurasi deteksi watermark dengan menggunakan ekstraksi fitur bentuk untuk mengekstrak informasi dari suatu audio sehingga hak cipta dari data digital dapat terlindungi dari pihak-pihak yang menyalahgunakannya. Metode yang digunakan pada Tugas Akhir ini yaitu Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), dan Quantization Index Modulation (QIM). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan kualitas watermark ketika dilakukan pengujian dengan menggunakan parameter SNR, ODG dan MOS. ODG bernilai -0.02, SNR bernilai 33.20 dB, untuk rata-rata MOS tertinggi bernilai 4.60 dan besar kapasitas (C)  bernilai 215.72 bps. Ketahanan watermark (BER) rata-rata terkecil bernilai 22% dan tingkat akurasi deteksi watermark (CDR) rata-rata tertinggi sebesar 71%

    Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering

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    The book consists of 24 chapters illustrating a wide range of areas where MATLAB tools are applied. These areas include mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological (molecular biology) and medical sciences, communication and control systems, digital signal, image and video processing, system modeling and simulation. Many interesting problems have been included throughout the book, and its contents will be beneficial for students and professionals in wide areas of interest

    Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection

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    This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of studies dealing with the hot topic of digital face manipulation such as DeepFakes, Face Morphing, or Reenactment. It combines the research fields of biometrics and media forensics including contributions from academia and industry. Appealing to a broad readership, introductory chapters provide a comprehensive overview of the topic, which address readers wishing to gain a brief overview of the state-of-the-art. Subsequent chapters, which delve deeper into various research challenges, are oriented towards advanced readers. Moreover, the book provides a good starting point for young researchers as well as a reference guide pointing at further literature. Hence, the primary readership is academic institutions and industry currently involved in digital face manipulation and detection. The book could easily be used as a recommended text for courses in image processing, machine learning, media forensics, biometrics, and the general security area

    Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection

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    This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of studies dealing with the hot topic of digital face manipulation such as DeepFakes, Face Morphing, or Reenactment. It combines the research fields of biometrics and media forensics including contributions from academia and industry. Appealing to a broad readership, introductory chapters provide a comprehensive overview of the topic, which address readers wishing to gain a brief overview of the state-of-the-art. Subsequent chapters, which delve deeper into various research challenges, are oriented towards advanced readers. Moreover, the book provides a good starting point for young researchers as well as a reference guide pointing at further literature. Hence, the primary readership is academic institutions and industry currently involved in digital face manipulation and detection. The book could easily be used as a recommended text for courses in image processing, machine learning, media forensics, biometrics, and the general security area