561 research outputs found

    Gunrock: GPU Graph Analytics

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    For large-scale graph analytics on the GPU, the irregularity of data access and control flow, and the complexity of programming GPUs, have presented two significant challenges to developing a programmable high-performance graph library. "Gunrock", our graph-processing system designed specifically for the GPU, uses a high-level, bulk-synchronous, data-centric abstraction focused on operations on a vertex or edge frontier. Gunrock achieves a balance between performance and expressiveness by coupling high performance GPU computing primitives and optimization strategies with a high-level programming model that allows programmers to quickly develop new graph primitives with small code size and minimal GPU programming knowledge. We characterize the performance of various optimization strategies and evaluate Gunrock's overall performance on different GPU architectures on a wide range of graph primitives that span from traversal-based algorithms and ranking algorithms, to triangle counting and bipartite-graph-based algorithms. The results show that on a single GPU, Gunrock has on average at least an order of magnitude speedup over Boost and PowerGraph, comparable performance to the fastest GPU hardwired primitives and CPU shared-memory graph libraries such as Ligra and Galois, and better performance than any other GPU high-level graph library.Comment: 52 pages, invited paper to ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC), an extended version of PPoPP'16 paper "Gunrock: A High-Performance Graph Processing Library on the GPU

    Principal Patterns on Graphs: Discovering Coherent Structures in Datasets

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    Graphs are now ubiquitous in almost every field of research. Recently, new research areas devoted to the analysis of graphs and data associated to their vertices have emerged. Focusing on dynamical processes, we propose a fast, robust and scalable framework for retrieving and analyzing recurring patterns of activity on graphs. Our method relies on a novel type of multilayer graph that encodes the spreading or propagation of events between successive time steps. We demonstrate the versatility of our method by applying it on three different real-world examples. Firstly, we study how rumor spreads on a social network. Secondly, we reveal congestion patterns of pedestrians in a train station. Finally, we show how patterns of audio playlists can be used in a recommender system. In each example, relevant information previously hidden in the data is extracted in a very efficient manner, emphasizing the scalability of our method. With a parallel implementation scaling linearly with the size of the dataset, our framework easily handles millions of nodes on a single commodity server

    Parallel Adaptive Algorithms for Sampling Large Scale Networks

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    The study of real-world systems, represented as networks, has important application in many disciplines including social sciences [1], bioinformatics [2] and software engineering [3]. These networks are extremely large, and analyzing them is very expensive. Our research work involves developing parallel graph sampling methods for efficient analysis of gene correlation networks. Our sampling algorithms maintain important structural and informational properties of large unstructured networks. We focus on preserving the relative importance, based on combinatorial metrics, rather than the exact measures. We use a special subgraph technique, based on finding triangles called maximal chordal subgraphs, which maintains the highly connected portions of the network while increasing the distance between less connected regions. Our results show that even with significant reduction of the network we can obtain reliable subgraphs which conserve most of the relevant combinatorial and functional properties. Additionally, sampling reveals new functional properties which were previously undiscovered in the original system

    Convicted by memory: Automatically recovering spatial-temporal evidence from memory images

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    Memory forensics can reveal “up to the minute” evidence of a device’s usage, often without requiring a suspect’s password to unlock the device, and it is oblivious to any persistent storage encryption schemes, e.g., whole disk encryption. Prior to my work, researchers and investigators alike considered data-structure recovery the ultimate goal of memory image forensics. This, however, was far from sufficient, as investigators were still largely unable to understand the content of the recovered evidence, and hence efficiently locating and accurately analyzing such evidence locked in memory images remained an open research challenge. In this dissertation, I propose breaking from traditional data-recovery-oriented forensics, and instead I present a memory forensics framework which leverages program analysis to automatically recover spatial-temporal evidence from memory images by understanding the programs that generated it. This framework consists of four techniques, each of which builds upon the discoveries of the previous, that represent this new paradigm of program-analysis-driven memory forensics. First, I present DSCRETE, a technique which reuses a program’s own interpretation and rendering logic to recover and present in-memory data structure contents. Following that, VCR developed vendor-generic data structure identification for the recovery of in-memory photographic evidence produced by an Android device’s cameras. GUITAR then realized an app-independent technique which automatically reassembles and redraws an app’s GUI from the multitude of GUI data elements found in a smartphone’s memory image. Finally, different from any traditional memory forensics technique, RetroScope introduced the vision of spatial-temporal memory forensics by retargeting an Android app’s execution to recover sequences of previous GUI screens, in their original temporal order, from a memory image. This framework, and the new program analysis techniques which enable it, have introduced encryption-oblivious forensics capabilities far exceeding traditional data-structure recovery

    ProvMark:A Provenance Expressiveness Benchmarking System

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    System level provenance is of widespread interest for applications such as security enforcement and information protection. However, testing the correctness or completeness of provenance capture tools is challenging and currently done manually. In some cases there is not even a clear consensus about what behavior is correct. We present an automated tool, ProvMark, that uses an existing provenance system as a black box and reliably identifies the provenance graph structure recorded for a given activity, by a reduction to subgraph isomorphism problems handled by an external solver. ProvMark is a beginning step in the much needed area of testing and comparing the expressiveness of provenance systems. We demonstrate ProvMark's usefuless in comparing three capture systems with different architectures and distinct design philosophies.Comment: To appear, Middleware 201
