70 research outputs found

    Tietojenkäsittelytieteen päivät 2010

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    Efficient Algorithms for Finite Fields, with Applications in Elliptic Curve Cryptography

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    This thesis introduces a new tower field representation, optimal tower fields (OTFs), that facilitates efficient finite field operations. The recursive direct inversion method presented for OTFs has significantly lower complexity than the known best method for inversion in optimal extension fields (OEFs), i.e., Itoh-Tsujii\u27s inversion technique. The complexity of OTF inversion algorithm is shown to be O(m^2), significantly better than that of the Itoh-Tsujii algorithm, i.e. O(m^2(log_2 m)). This complexity is further improved to O(m^(log_2 3)) by utilizing the Karatsuba-Ofman algorithm. In addition, it is shown that OTFs are in fact a special class of OEFs and OTF elements may be converted to OEF representation via a simple permutation of the coefficients. Hence, OTF operations may be utilized to achieve the OEF arithmetic operations whenever a corresponding OTF representation exists. While the original OTF multiplication and squaring operations require slightly more additions than their OEF counterparts, due to the free conversion, both OTF operations may be achieved with the complexity of OEF operations. Furthermore, efficient finite field algorithms are introduced which significantly improve OTF multiplication and squaring operations. The OTF inversion algorithm was implemented on the ARM family of processors for a medium and a large sized field whose elements can be represented with 192 and 320 bits, respectively. In the implementation, the new OTF inversion algorithm ran at least six to eight times faster than the known best method for inversion in OEFs, i.e., Itoh-Tsujii inversion technique. According to the implementation results obtained, it is indicated that using the OTF inversion method an elliptic curve scalar point multiplication operation can be performed at least two to three times faster than the known best implementation for the selected fields

    Efficient Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography on FPGAs

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    This work presents the design strategies of an FPGA-based elliptic curve co-processor. Elliptic curve cryptography is an important topic in cryptography due to its relatively short key length and higher efficiency as compared to other well-known public key crypto-systems like RSA. The most important contributions of this work are: - Analyzing how different representations of finite fields and points on elliptic curves effect the performance of an elliptic curve co-processor and implementing a high performance co-processor. - Proposing a novel dynamic programming approach to find the optimum combination of different recursive polynomial multiplication methods. Here optimum means the method which has the smallest number of bit operations. - Designing a new normal-basis multiplier which is based on polynomial multipliers. The most important part of this multiplier is a circuit of size O(nlogn)O(n \log n) for changing the representation between polynomial and normal basis

    Selecting Elliptic Curves for Cryptography: An Efficiency and Security Analysis

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    We select a set of elliptic curves for cryptography and analyze our selection from a performance and security perspective. This analysis complements recent curve proposals that suggest (twisted) Edwards curves by also considering the Weierstrass model. Working with both Montgomery-friendly and pseudo-Mersenne primes allows us to consider more possibilities which help to improve the overall efficiency of base field arithmetic. Our Weierstrass curves are backwards compatible with current implementations of prime order NIST curves, while providing improved efficiency and stronger security properties. We choose algorithms and explicit formulas to demonstrate that our curves support constant-time, exception-free scalar multiplications, thereby offering high practical security in cryptographic applications. Our implementation shows that variable-base scalar multiplication on the new Weierstrass curves at the 128-bit security level is about 1.4 times faster than the recent implementation record on the corresponding NIST curve. For practitioners who are willing to use a different curve model and sacrifice a few bits of security, we present a collection of twisted Edwards curves with particularly efficient arithmetic that are up to 1.42, 1.26 and 1.24 times faster than the new Weierstrass curves at the 128-, 192- and 256-bit security levels, respectively. Finally, we discuss how these curves behave in a real-world protocol by considering different scalar multiplication scenarios in the transport layer security (TLS) protocol. The proposed curves and the results of the analysis are intended to contribute to the recent efforts towards recommending new elliptic curves for Internet standards

    Implementação eficiente em software de criptossistemas de curvas elipticas

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    Orientador: Ricardo DahabTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A criptografia de chave-pública é, reconhecidamente, uma ferramenta muito útil para prover requisitos de segurança tais como confidencialidade, integridade, autenticidade e não-repudio, parte integrante das comunicações. A principal vantagem dos criptossistemas de curvas elípticas (CCE) em relação a outras tecnologias de chave-pública concorrentes tais como RSA e DSA, é que parâmetros significativamente menores podem ser usados nos CCE com o mesmo nível de segurança. Essa vantagem é especialmente importante em aplicações em ambientes computacionais limitados como cartões inteligentes, telefones celulares, computadores de bolso e pagers. De um ponto de vista prático, a implementação dos CCE apresenta vários desafios. Uma aplicação baseada nos CCE precisa que várias escolhas sejam feitas tais como o nível de segurança, algoritmos para implementar a aritmética no corpo finito subjacente, algoritmos para implementar a aritmética na curva elíptica, protocolos de curvas elípticas e a plataforma computacional. Essas escolhas podem ter um grande impacto no desempenho da aplicação resultante. Esta dissertação trata do desenvolvimento de algoritmos eficientes para implementação em software de criptossistemas de curvas elípticas sobre o corpo finito F2m. Neste contexto, foram desenvolvidos métodos eficientes para implementar a aritmética no corpo finito F2m, e para calcular múltiplos de um ponto elíptico, a operação fundamental da criptografia pública baseada em curvas elípticas. Nesta dissertação também foi abordado o problema da implementação eficiente em software dos algoritmos propostos, em diferentes plataformas computacionais tais como PCs, estações de trabalho, e em dispositivos limitados como o pager da RIM.Abstract: It is widely recognized that public-key cryptography is an important tool for providing security services such as confidentiality, data integrity, authentication and non-repudiation, which are requirements present in almost all communications. The main advantage of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) over competing public-key technologies such as RSA and DSA is that significantly smaller parameters can be used in ECC, but with equivalent levels of security. This advantage is especially important for applications on constrained environments such as smart cards, cell phones, personal device assistants, and pagers. From a practical point of view, the implementation of ECC presents various challenges. An ECC-based application requires that several choices be made including the security level, algorithms for implementing the finite field arithmetic, algorithms for implementing the elliptic group operation, elliptic curve protocols, and the computer platform. These choices may have a significant impact on the performance of the resulting application. This dissertation focuses on developing efficient algorithms for software implementation of ECC over F2m. In this framework, we study different ways of efficiently implementing arithmetic in F2¿, and computing an elliptic scalar multiplication, the central operation of public-key cryptography based on elliptic curves. We also concentrate on the software implementation of these algorithms for different platforms including PCs, workstations, and constrained devices such as the RIM interactive pager. This dissertation is a collection of five papers written in English, with an introduction and conclusions written in Portuguese.DoutoradoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Reconfigurable elliptic curve cryptography

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (ECC) have been proposed as an alternative to other established public key cryptosystems such as RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman). ECC provide more security per bit than other known public key schemes based on the discrete logarithm problem. Smaller key sizes result in faster computations, lower power consumption and memory and bandwidth savings, thus making ECC a fast, flexible and cost-effective solution for providing security in constrained environments. Implementing ECC on reconfigurable platform combines the speed, security and concurrency of hardware along with the flexibility of the software approach. This work proposes a generic architecture for elliptic curve cryptosystem on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) that performs an elliptic curve scalar multiplication in 1.16milliseconds for GF (2163), which is considerably faster than most other documented implementations. One of the benefits of the proposed processor architecture is that it is easily reprogrammable to use different algorithms and is adaptable to any field order. Also through reconfiguration the arithmetic unit can be optimized for different area/speed requirements. The mathematics involved uses binary extension field of the form GF (2n) as the underlying field and polynomial basis for the representation of the elements in the field. A significant gain in performance is obtained by using projective coordinates for the points on the curve during the computation process

    Pairing computation on hyperelliptic curves of genus 2

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    Bilinear pairings have been recently used to construct cryptographic schemes with new and novel properties, the most celebrated example being the Identity Based Encryption scheme of Boneh and Franklin. As pairing computation is generally the most computationally intensive part of any painng-based cryptosystem, it is essential to investigate new ways in which to compute pairings efficiently. The vast majority of the literature on pairing computation focuscs solely on using elliptic curves. In this thesis we investigate pairing computation on supersingular hyperelliptic curves of genus 2 Our aim is to provide a practical alternative to using elliptic curves for pairing based cryptography. Specifically, we illustrate how to implement pairings efficiently using genus 2 curves, and how to attain performance comparable to using elliptic curves. We show that pairing computation on genus 2 curves over F2m can outperform elliptic curves by using a new variant of the Tate pairing, called the r¡j pairing, to compute the fastest pairing implementation in the literature to date We also show for the first time how the final exponentiation required to compute the Tate pairing can be avoided for certain hyperelliptic curves. We investigate pairing computation using genus 2 curves over large prime fields, and detail various techniques that lead to an efficient implementation, thus showing that these curves are a viable candidate for practical use

    Implementação eficiente da Curve25519 para microcontroladores ARM

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    Orientador: Diego de Freitas AranhaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Com o advento da computação ubíqua, o fenômeno da Internet das Coisas (de Internet of Things) fará que com inúmeros dispositivos conectem-se um com os outros, enquanto trocam dados muitas vezes sensíveis pela sua natureza. Danos irreparáveis podem ser causados caso o sigilo destes seja quebrado. Isso causa preocupações acerca da segurança da comunicação e dos próprios dispositivos, que geralmente têm carência de mecanismos de proteção contra interferências físicas e pouca ou nenhuma medida de segurança. Enquanto desenvolver criptografia segura e eficiente como um meio de prover segurança à informação não é inédito, esse novo ambiente, com uma grande superfície de ataque, tem imposto novos desafios para a engenharia criptográfica. Uma abordagem segura para resolver este problema é utilizar blocos bem conhecidos e profundamente analisados, tal como o protocolo Segurança da Camada de Transporte (de Transport Layer Security, TLS). Na última versão desse padrão, as opções para Criptografia de Curvas Elípticas (de Elliptic Curve Cryptography - ECC) são expandidas para além de parâmetros estabelecidos por governos, tal como a proposta Curve25519 e protocolos criptográficos relacionados. Esse trabalho pesquisa implementações seguras e eficientes de Curve25519 para construir um esquema de troca de chaves em um microcontrolador ARM Cortex-M4, além do esquema de assinatura digital Ed25519 e a proposta de esquema de assinaturas digitais qDSA. Como resultado, operações de desempenho crítico, tal como o multiplicador de 256 bits, foram otimizadas; em particular, aceleração de 50% foi alcançada, impactando o desempenho de protocolos em alto nívelAbstract: With the advent of ubiquitous computing, the Internet of Things will undertake numerous devices connected to each other, while exchanging data often sensitive by nature. Breaching the secrecy of this data may cause irreparable damage. This raises concerns about the security of their communication and the devices themselves, which usually lack tamper resistance mechanisms or physical protection and even low to no security mesures. While developing efficient and secure cryptography as a mean to provide information security services is not a new problem, this new environment, with a wide attack surface, imposes new challenges to cryptographic engineering. A safe approach to solve this problem is reusing well-known and thoroughly analyzed blocks, such as the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. In the last version of this standard, Elliptic Curve Cryptography options were expanded beyond government-backed parameters, such as the Curve25519 proposal and related cryptographic protocols. This work investigates efficient and secure implementations of Curve25519 to build a key exchange protocol on an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller, along the related signature scheme Ed25519 and a digital signature scheme proposal called qDSA. As result, performance-critical operations, such as a 256-bit multiplier, are greatly optimized; in this particular case, a 50% speedup is achieved, impacting the performance of higher-level protocolsMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPESFuncam

    High-Speed Elliptic Curve and Pairing-Based Cryptography

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), independently proposed by Miller [Mil86] and Koblitz [Kob87] in mid 80’s, is finding momentum to consolidate its status as the public-key system of choice in a wide range of applications and to further expand this position to settings traditionally occupied by RSA and DL-based systems. The non-existence of known subexponential attacks on this cryptosystem directly translates to shorter keylengths for a given security level and, consequently, has led to implementations with better bandwidth usage, reduced power and memory requirements, and higher speeds. Moreover, the dramatic entry of pairing-based cryptosystems defined on elliptic curves at the beginning of the new millennium has opened the possibility of a plethora of innovative applications, solving in some cases longstanding problems in cryptography. Nevertheless, public-key cryptography (PKC) is still relatively expensive in comparison with its symmetric-key counterpart and it remains an open challenge to reduce further the computing cost of the most time-consuming PKC primitives to guarantee their adoption for secure communication in commercial and Internet-based applications. The latter is especially true for pairing computations. Thus, it is of paramount importance to research methods which permit the efficient realization of Elliptic Curve and Pairing-based Cryptography on the several new platforms and applications. This thesis deals with efficient methods and explicit formulas for computing elliptic curve scalar multiplication and pairings over fields of large prime characteristic with the objective of enabling the realization of software implementations at very high speeds. To achieve this main goal in the case of elliptic curves, we accomplish the following tasks: identify the elliptic curve settings with the fastest arithmetic; accelerate the precomputation stage in the scalar multiplication; study number representations and scalar multiplication algorithms for speeding up the evaluation stage; identify most efficient field arithmetic algorithms and optimize them; analyze the architecture of the targeted platforms for maximizing the performance of ECC operations; identify most efficient coordinate systems and optimize explicit formulas; and realize implementations on x86-64 processors with an optimal algorithmic selection among all studied cases. In the case of pairings, the following tasks are accomplished: accelerate tower and curve arithmetic; identify most efficient tower and field arithmetic algorithms and optimize them; identify the curve setting with the fastest arithmetic and optimize it; identify state-of-the-art techniques for the Miller loop and final exponentiation; and realize an implementation on x86-64 processors with optimal algorithmic selection. The most outstanding contributions that have been achieved with the methodologies above in this thesis can be summarized as follows: • Two novel precomputation schemes are introduced and shown to achieve the lowest costs in the literature for different curve forms and scalar multiplication primitives. The detailed cost formulas of the schemes are derived for most relevant scenarios. • A new methodology based on the operation cost per bit to devise highly optimized and compact multibase algorithms is proposed. Derived multibase chains using bases {2,3} and {2,3,5} are shown to achieve the lowest theoretical costs for scalar multiplication on certain curve forms and for scenarios with and without precomputations. In addition, the zero and nonzero density formulas of the original (width-w) multibase NAF method are derived by using Markov chains. The application of “fractional” windows to the multibase method is described together with the derivation of the corresponding density formulas. • Incomplete reduction and branchless arithmetic techniques are optimally combined for devising high-performance field arithmetic. Efficient algorithms for “small” modular operations using suitably chosen pseudo-Mersenne primes are carefully analyzed and optimized for incomplete reduction. • Data dependencies between contiguous field operations are discovered to be a source of performance degradation on x86-64 processors. Three techniques for reducing the number of potential pipeline stalls due to these dependencies are proposed: field arithmetic scheduling, merging of point operations and merging of field operations. • Explicit formulas for two relevant cases, namely Weierstrass and Twisted Edwards curves over and , are carefully optimized employing incomplete reduction, minimal number of operations and reduced number of data dependencies between contiguous field operations. • Best algorithms for the field, point and scalar arithmetic, studied or proposed in this thesis, are brought together to realize four high-speed implementations on x86-64 processors at the 128-bit security level. Presented results set new speed records for elliptic curve scalar multiplication and introduce up to 34% of cost reduction in comparison with the best previous results in the literature. • A generalized lazy reduction technique that enables the elimination of up to 32% of modular reductions in the pairing computation is proposed. Further, a methodology that keeps intermediate results under Montgomery reduction boundaries maximizing operations without carry checks is introduced. Optimized formulas for the popular tower are explicitly stated and a detailed operation count that permits to determine the theoretical cost improvement attainable with the proposed method is carried out for the case of an optimal ate pairing on a Barreto-Naehrig (BN) curve at the 128-bit security level. • Best algorithms for the different stages of the pairing computation, including the proposed techniques and optimizations, are brought together to realize a high-speed implementation at the 128-bit security level. Presented results on x86-64 processors set new speed records for pairings, introducing up to 34% of cost reduction in comparison with the best published result. From a general viewpoint, the proposed methods and optimized formulas have a practical impact in the performance of cryptographic protocols based on elliptic curves and pairings in a wide range of applications. In particular, the introduced implementations represent a direct and significant improvement that may be exploited in performance-dominated applications such as high-demand Web servers in which millions of secure transactions need to be generated

    On multi-exponentiation in cryptography

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    We describe and analyze new combinations of multi-exponentiation algorithms with representations of the exponents. We deal mainly but not exclusively with the case where the inversion of group elements is fast: These methods are most attractive with exponents in the range from 80 to 256 bits, and can also be used for computing single exponentiations in groups which admit an automorphism satisfying a monic equation of small degree over the integers. The choice of suitable exponent representations allows us to match or improve the running time of the best multi-exponentiation techniques in the aforementioned range, while keeping the memory requirements as small as possible. Hence some of the methods presented here are particularly attractive for deployment in memory constrained environments such as smart cards. By construction, such methods provide good resistance against side channel attacks. We also describe some applications of these algorithms