29 research outputs found

    Dual-Resolution Correspondence Networks

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    We tackle the problem of establishing dense pixel-wise correspondences between a pair of images. In this work, we introduce Dual-Resolution Correspondence Networks (DRC-Net), to obtain pixel-wise correspondences in a coarse-to-fine manner. DRC-Net extracts both coarse- and fine- resolution feature maps. The coarse maps are used to produce a full but coarse 4D correlation tensor, which is then refined by a learnable neighbourhood consensus module. The fine-resolution feature maps are used to obtain the final dense correspondences guided by the refined coarse 4D correlation tensor. The selected coarse-resolution matching scores allow the fine-resolution features to focus only on a limited number of possible matches with high confidence. In this way, DRC-Net dramatically increases matching reliability and localisation accuracy, while avoiding to apply the expensive 4D convolution kernels on fine-resolution feature maps. We comprehensively evaluate our method on large-scale public benchmarks including HPatches, InLoc, and Aachen Day-Night. It achieves the state-of-the-art results on all of them

    3DG-STFM: 3D Geometric Guided Student-Teacher Feature Matching

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    We tackle the essential task of finding dense visual correspondences between a pair of images. This is a challenging problem due to various factors such as poor texture, repetitive patterns, illumination variation, and motion blur in practical scenarios. In contrast to methods that use dense correspondence ground-truths as direct supervision for local feature matching training, we train 3DG-STFM: a multi-modal matching model (Teacher) to enforce the depth consistency under 3D dense correspondence supervision and transfer the knowledge to 2D unimodal matching model (Student). Both teacher and student models consist of two transformer-based matching modules that obtain dense correspondences in a coarse-to-fine manner. The teacher model guides the student model to learn RGB-induced depth information for the matching purpose on both coarse and fine branches. We also evaluate 3DG-STFM on a model compression task. To the best of our knowledge, 3DG-STFM is the first student-teacher learning method for the local feature matching task. The experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on indoor and outdoor camera pose estimations, and homography estimation problems. Code is available at: https://github.com/Ryan-prime/3DG-STFM

    Cost Aggregation with 4D Convolutional Swin Transformer for Few-Shot Segmentation

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    This paper presents a novel cost aggregation network, called Volumetric Aggregation with Transformers (VAT), for few-shot segmentation. The use of transformers can benefit correlation map aggregation through self-attention over a global receptive field. However, the tokenization of a correlation map for transformer processing can be detrimental, because the discontinuity at token boundaries reduces the local context available near the token edges and decreases inductive bias. To address this problem, we propose a 4D Convolutional Swin Transformer, where a high-dimensional Swin Transformer is preceded by a series of small-kernel convolutions that impart local context to all pixels and introduce convolutional inductive bias. We additionally boost aggregation performance by applying transformers within a pyramidal structure, where aggregation at a coarser level guides aggregation at a finer level. Noise in the transformer output is then filtered in the subsequent decoder with the help of the query's appearance embedding. With this model, a new state-of-the-art is set for all the standard benchmarks in few-shot segmentation. It is shown that VAT attains state-of-the-art performance for semantic correspondence as well, where cost aggregation also plays a central role.Comment: Code and trained models are available at https://seokju-cho.github.io/VAT/ . This is ECCV'22 camera-ready version, which is revised from arXiv:2112.1168

    Learning Probabilistic Coordinate Fields for Robust Correspondences

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    We introduce Probabilistic Coordinate Fields (PCFs), a novel geometric-invariant coordinate representation for image correspondence problems. In contrast to standard Cartesian coordinates, PCFs encode coordinates in correspondence-specific barycentric coordinate systems (BCS) with affine invariance. To know \textit{when and where to trust} the encoded coordinates, we implement PCFs in a probabilistic network termed PCF-Net, which parameterizes the distribution of coordinate fields as Gaussian mixture models. By jointly optimizing coordinate fields and their confidence conditioned on dense flows, PCF-Net can work with various feature descriptors when quantifying the reliability of PCFs by confidence maps. An interesting observation of this work is that the learned confidence map converges to geometrically coherent and semantically consistent regions, which facilitates robust coordinate representation. By delivering the confident coordinates to keypoint/feature descriptors, we show that PCF-Net can be used as a plug-in to existing correspondence-dependent approaches. Extensive experiments on both indoor and outdoor datasets suggest that accurate geometric invariant coordinates help to achieve the state of the art in several correspondence problems, such as sparse feature matching, dense image registration, camera pose estimation, and consistency filtering. Further, the interpretable confidence map predicted by PCF-Net can also be leveraged to other novel applications from texture transfer to multi-homography classification.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    AiATrack: Attention in Attention for Transformer Visual Tracking

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    Transformer trackers have achieved impressive advancements recently, where the attention mechanism plays an important role. However, the independent correlation computation in the attention mechanism could result in noisy and ambiguous attention weights, which inhibits further performance improvement. To address this issue, we propose an attention in attention (AiA) module, which enhances appropriate correlations and suppresses erroneous ones by seeking consensus among all correlation vectors. Our AiA module can be readily applied to both self-attention blocks and cross-attention blocks to facilitate feature aggregation and information propagation for visual tracking. Moreover, we propose a streamlined Transformer tracking framework, dubbed AiATrack, by introducing efficient feature reuse and target-background embeddings to make full use of temporal references. Experiments show that our tracker achieves state-of-the-art performance on six tracking benchmarks while running at a real-time speed.Comment: Accepted by ECCV 2022. Code and models are publicly available at https://github.com/Little-Podi/AiATrac